About Gwyneth Pick
Gwyneth Pick has worked as an alternative health therapist for the past seven years with aromatherapy, reflexology and as a reiki master. She has always been fascinated by colour but did not understand its effects fully until after going through a divorce, when she realised that she craved the colour green. She wanted to wear green, be surrounded by green, and found peace and tranquillity in the green of the countryside. She realised that green was having a healing effect on her life. Since then she has been through several colour phases and it has been these experiences that have led to the creation of Colour Therapy Bath Foam. Sidebar intro Over the last twenty years, the subject of Aromatherapy has been much talked about and is fairly well understood by most people. The shop shelves are well stocked with 'aromatherapy' products of one kind or another. Colour Therapy, however, has perhaps only more recently been brought to the attention of those interested in so called 'alternative therapies.' I would like to explain a little of how these two ancient healing methods can be used together and how they complement each other.
Articles by Gwyneth Pick
Colour Integrated with Aromatherapy
Listed in light and colour
Over the last twenty years, the subject of Aromatherapy has been much talked about and is fairly well understood by most people. The shop shelves are well stocked with aromatherapy ...
Book reviews by Gwyneth Pick