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The Vanishing Wizard

by Mike Webster (Deceased)(more info)

listed in personal growth, originally published in issue 172 - July 2010

Depending on your point of view, one of the greatest mysteries of life is what happens to the individual, the identifiable 'I' when we are on the point of death.

Over a period of six years, I and my colleagues have had a number of invited, privileged opportunities to experience the changing qualities of the energy field as a person moved through serious illness towards death. Prior to death we all had the same experience with each person, to the point that we knew when the person was about to die.

That is, until we met the vanishing Wizard.

Like the evidence of a stone dropped in the centre of a still lake, each of us creates energetic ripples that are instantly detectable everywhere. Some of these ripples are as a result of what we think and feel, and others are what we are.

Each place or living thing is set of frequencies, rather like a piece of music. Although the music is constantly changing, we can identify the composer of this piece of music, which is our own unique identity. We call this constant unique identity 'The Fingerprint'.

To illustrate this, you may recognize a piece of music by Beethoven, even though you may not have heard the piece before by recognizing the style of Beethoven; and so it is with ourselves, and how others can identify us, anywhere, even though we are constantly changing.

Several years ago I received a phone call from a colleague called Vikki who lives in Africa, asking if I could help with the wife of a friend who was going through a particularly bad time with cancer. I was given the name 'Cheryl' and where she was living, which was on a different continent, half way across the world from the UK, several thousand miles away from both Vikki and me.

From our different locations, we remained in close contact with both Cheryl and her husband, identifying and making changes as required in her energetic field on an almost daily basis, and feeding back what we found. Rolf confirmed the accuracy of our findings and that our work was having a noticeable effect, much to the disbelief of both Rolf and the Doctors, who noted an unexpected improvement in Cheryl's condition, in both body and mind.

Cheryl's condition stabilized for a time and then we, (Vikki, Stella, my wife and I) became aware of a change in Cheryl's feelings and moods.

In mid October I contacted Vikki as I was concerned that I had suddenly not been able to 'locate' Cheryl; it was as though she had energetically disappeared, Vikki was having the same experience, and it looked to us that we were no longer needed - a door had closed, and that Cheryl was making decisions with regard to her life - our work was done. Cheryl, it seems had made a decision, and died shortly after.

Since that time we, (the Waveform team) have had many long distance clients and noted that when the fingerprint was no longer identifiable, the client had at most only hours to live.

In one case I phoned the lady I was treating as her fingerprint had disappeared, to be informed by her daughter that she was in her last hours and had her family around her bedside. She died within the hour.
I and the team have experienced the same phenomenon many times now. So, what happens to the energetic part of the person that is uniquely 'them'? Does it disappear, change into something that we do not recognize, merge with the universal mind? It seems to us that each person, on at least a subconscious level has made a decision to move on, and this decision changes that which we have previously been able to identify. But what form this change takes we had yet to identify.

Enter the Wizard

We had known about JB since the very start of Waveform in 1996. He was described as a man with amazing energetic powers and abilities. A veritable Wizard, if any one deserved to be called that.

He trained very few students, and he chose only those he considered to be ready and rejected those he considered had more work to do on themselves.

Our problem was that JB seemed to have disappeared off the map; no one knew where he was living (that is if he was still alive), or even if he still taught his skills. All attempts to find the Wizard failed, and as the years passed, thoughts of the Wizard let alone the desire to learn from him, became less and less important.

Six years later, one of the original group of three students of Waveform (who we will call 'E') was treating a Chinese lady, who said that her teacher wanted to meet the person who such a good healer and helping his student. To the astonishment of the Chinese lady, the 'healer' said without hesitation 'Is his name JB?' The Wizard had been found.

The Wizard was alive and still teaching, and for a time the healer became his student and remained a lifelong friend.

I had moved on since the early days of Waveform - Waveform had moved on and developed to a degree that could not have been even imagined in 1996; however I enquired through 'E' if it would be possible to meet the Wizard.

The message was passed on, but with no feedback I decided that the meeting wasn't meant to happen. Years passed.

One evening I received a call from a Chinese lady 'K' who enquired as to why I wanted to meet the Wizard? I replied that I had heard about him many years ago - however, I was just interested in meeting a man I had heard about who was almost a legend. I required nothing from him.

'K's next phone call confirmed that the Wizard wanted to meet me and Stella, and a date was arranged for him and 'K' to come to our home.

The Wizard was a tall man, with an easy sense of humour and a ready laugh. His age was hard to tell, but he was at least in his 70s. In contrast, K was petite, less than 5 ft in height, and she was his senior pupil, his right hand, and had trained with him for a great many years.

What took place during the three and a half hours the Wizard and his apprentice were with us is not the subject of this article; however, what happened after the meeting is what this article is about.

Before the Wizard and K left there was a brief time when he was engaged in conversation with Stella who had made such a great impression on him. K told me, if there was something I wanted from the Wizard, to ask him.
 I replied that there wasn't anything that I wanted from him, but that I had enjoyed the meeting very much and hoped that we may all meet again. Perhaps, if there was a reason why we had met it may come out then.

As he was leaving our home, I caught the Wizard as he stumbled down the step. Only later was I told that he had been feeling ill that day; he had also felt dizzy and had a fall, but had been determined to come and meet us. Less than three weeks after our meeting with the Wizard, we heard from K that he was seriously ill in hospital. (We heard later that cancer had spread throughout his body) could our team provide distant healing?

We put out an 'alert' to our team who used me as a 'beacon' to locate the Wizard's 'fingerprint', and over the weeks that followed we monitored his energetic and emotional state, creating change where it was indicated and advising K of our findings.

We were advised by K that the Wizard was aware of us 'visiting' and, whilst he was grateful for our help, he hadn't anticipated the degree of access we had obtained to his energetic field and also his emotions. It appears that he was a bit put out by this and during one 'visit' by a team member, the Wizard apparently said "Thanks, now clear off"!

This raised a smile, not only for us but also for K when we fed the information back to her. This, we were told was certainly the Wizard's way of responding.

Then what we had been dreading actually happened. I lost the Wizard's fingerprint, and so had two other members of the team, and we feared the worst. Joe in Switzerland then reported that he could still locate him, and we homed in on Joe as a beacon and, sure enough, there was the Wizard, still alive. This was confirmed by K who laughed when we told her that he had led us a 'merry dance', but we had located him again.

Yes the Wizard still wanted us to continue to 'visit' and create changes as required, but that did not stop him from giving us the slip two more times. One of us however, always had a means of recognizing where he was and we all zoomed in on the new beacon.

Was this a test of some kind?

Six weeks from first being informed that the wizard was ill, we were told by K that he passed away in the early hours of the morning.

His loss to those who loved him and were devoted pupils is difficult to assess, but we were aware that K, who was our only link with the Wizard, was devastated. The Wizard had told her that his teaching was now in her hands, and she was to get on with it.

Our brief association with the Wizard had been nothing less than a steep learning curve. How had he managed to change his fingerprint so we were, at least temporarily, unable to find him?

We were also now going to have to rethink what happens when the fingerprint disappears, as death, or impending death, is now not necessarily going to be what follows.

What was fascinating was that, no matter how the Wizard changed his unique individual energetic pattern, he could be found, something of 'him' remained that was not obvious, but certainly identifiable.

If this was the case, then it pointed to the possibility that after death, the fingerprint may still be there, just not in a form that we can readily recognize.

Thanks to the flexibility of the 'search mode' of some members of the team, the Wizard was found through something that was still recognizable; for one of us at least his energetic connection was still there. As the initial 'beacon' for our team to home in on, I had retained that connection with the wizard which Joe could sense, but of which I was totally unaware.

It appears that whilst we all recognized a particular energetic pattern which related to each individual, there were aspects of this that we were particularly drawn to ourselves as individuals.
Three people looking at a picture by the French artist Cezanne all recognize the style of the painting and know it to be Cezanne. As well as the overall style, one person notes in particular the type of colours the painter uses, another notices the way that the paint is applied, and the last one, the way that light is used to create atmosphere. Each aspect is an individual quality of the overall painting, making a unique picture that can only be a Cezanne. It is knowledge of these and other unique qualities of a painter that enable art experts to discover forgeries.

For our team, although all of us had identified the whole (energetic) picture, some members like Joe have also recognized a unique quality that leads us to find the other aspects that have in some way (been) changed.

Our experience until now was that a vanishing fingerprint meant death.

The Wizard had proved that the fingerprint could be made undetectable in life that is, unless individual qualities of the fingerprint were known and could be identified.

In the process of dying when all is a state of change, does at least one unique aspect of the fingerprint remain identifiable when the shift takes place between dimensions?

If we find that unique 'ripple' that remains, we have found the source of the transmission and have made the transition to another dimension. We do not know the nature of what we may find there, but we are prepared to make the journey.


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About Mike Webster (Deceased)

Mike Webster – 1943 -2016 – passed away from cancer on January 24th 2016Mike had been involved in Complementary medicine for approximately 30 years, and was one of the most experienced Shiatsu teachers, practitioners, and practitioner assessors in the UK. He was a Certificated NLP Master Practitioner and the founder of Waveform Energetics, one of the worlds most advanced energy awareness, training and research organizations, with graduates and students from all walks of life in 10 different countries. Mike was also an operational Remote Viewer and RV Teacher.

In the early 1980s whilst farming on a small island in the Orkneys, Mike became apprenticed to a unique spiritual training group. The training he received completely changed the course of his life. Nine years after his return to Scotland Mike had a profound realization which became known as Waveform which he now teaches. Mike was a columnist for a Complementary Health Magazine and published articles on Shiatsu, health, energy, and the path of spirituality in a number of periodicals.

He was the author of A Simple Guide to Voyaging the Energetic Universe available from or directly Mike and his wife Stella lived beside Loch Lomond in Scotland and provided Waveform and Remote Viewing workshops which held annually in the UK . They can be contacted via


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