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Articles: personal growth
Below are the articles associated with this topic. Click on a title to read one.
by Michael Levy
The article begins with the Jewish blessing
A Trophy For Life: How Champions Evolve or Fade Away
by Michael Levy
Tiger Woods was interviewed on TV a few years ago when he was in his prime. He was asked, "What is your game plan to win the Open major tournament." He replied. "I will listen to wh...
by Michael Levy
The author takes an unconventional approach in this column to explain personal well-being and the power of true self-esteem, by focusing on the heroes in the movies Scent of a Woma...
by Michael Levy
This column looks into positive and negative thoughts and the need to empty the mind of all thoughts for clearer thinking.
by Michael Levy
How many clowns do you know? Come on, don't be modest, how many clowns do you meet and greet every day of your life. I’ll give you a clue, only half of them are outside your own mi...
Developing Healthy Resilience in Young People
by Vicki McKenna
Children and young people today have to cope with a great deal of pressure in their lives –particularly at school and in further education. They are pressured to achieve specific ac...
Do You Recognize Your Own Success?
by Vera Peiffer
Using the example of a hypnotherapy client who had a fear of eating in public, Vera Peiffer illustrates how often we fail to recognize the progress we are making towards our goals,...
Eating as an Opportunity For Personal Growth
by Deanna Minich
Each time she gets caught or snagged on a new nutritional topic, Deanna Minich has a cathartic experience of personal growth. Each discovery serves as an anchor for her, a deepening...
Enlightenment? - Not Just Now Thank You!
by Mike Webster (Deceased)
This article describes the author’s experience of having known he could step into enlightenment, and making the decision not to.
by Michael Levy
Everything relates to nothing - Nothing is relative to everything. When you live as nothing you have no-thing to lose and can turn into any-thing you wish.
Financial Heath - Self Fulfilling Prophecies of Greed, Fear and Doom
by Michael Levy
With the stock market trading at all-time highs and bonds at all-time lows, we would do well to look back 8 years at the housing crises to envisage what might come next when the st...
by Michael Levy
Many folks fish with a big hook of memories that have a reference point not of their choosing. Before they could assemble their fishing tackle of thoughts, a whole bunch of people c...
Flying Post-Haste into Human Destruction
by Michael Levy
Every living 'thing' accesses intelligence from a universal energy field. This is known as a unified energy source. However, each life force possesses a unique identity, formed and ...
by Michael Levy
Is life one big gamble, a game of chance? Do we really possess freewill? These are two questions that require an authentic answer; are they connected in any form or manner? The envi...
by Mike Webster (Deceased)
Reading this article, one is reminded of a familiar quotation: ‘Injustice wins when good people do nothing’.
by Michael Levy
Do you think it is about time you held a paradise party? Pardon, what is that you ask, what is a paradise party? Well, a paradise party is a celebration where you invite all your ne...
by Michael Levy
A couple of weeks ago I was performing one of my daily exercises swimming laps when I observed a women, in her early seventies, enter the pool and securely grasp hold of the side. ...
by John Montana
Hope by definition is an optimistic attitude of mind based on an expectation of positive outcomes related to events and circumstances in one's life or the world at large.
How to Discover your Greatest Self and Get the Relationship you Desire
by Gina Pickersgill
The idea of discovering yourself is a bit bizarre, but if you think about it, it would make sense to know yourself really well when in the pursuit of a new relationship. This is be...
Human Beings in the Mirror of the Universe
by Michael Levy
Both soul and ego live side-by-side in one body, encompass spirit and will lead to an ultimate destination. When used separately one will bring suffering and the other joy. When liv...