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Holding a Paradise Party

by Michael Levy(more info)

listed in personal growth, originally published in issue 196 - July 2012

Do you think it is about time you held a paradise party? Pardon, what is that you ask, what is a paradise party? Well, a paradise party is a celebration where you invite all your nearest and dearest to celebrate life in love and joy.

Party in Paradise

I am not speaking about all your acquaintances, relatives and friends. I propose you invite your real closest nearest and dearest. All your body cells, molecules, atoms and particles... Don’t you think they deserve a treat with all the punishment you have been directing their way all these years?

  • All the stress, anger, fear, junk food, medications with damaging side effects;
  • All the self-inflicted, polluted thoughts you have allowed to congest your brain;
  • All the junk, cigarette smoke, alcohol contamination;
  • All the negative people who try to wind you up ? Especially all the close friends and relatives who can exert the most influence on your psyche;

Yes, ask yourself, is it about time you held a paradise party?

You start by taking a good look at the way you are thinking. Are you expressing opinionated perceptions or are you living observational truths? If you have mastered the past, unfavourable mind-conditioned stage in your life, and now negativity bounces off you like water off a ducks back, you are ready for the next stage of development.

If you are speaking authentic truths, most close-minded people will run away from you. That is a useful way to set the scene for the paradise party to begin, for it will not start without a few nips and tucks on whom and what you think you currently know.

There are only a few people on earth at this moment in time that knows how to hold their own paradise party. So now you want to know, do you hold your paradise party?

  • Your body weight should match your frame, so you are the correct weight for your build. There is no need to go on a fad diet. Just listen to your body and feed it the healthy wholesome foods and nourishment it requires, no more, no less;
  • Do not drink alcoholic drinks or sodas;
  • Have a smile on your face and spread love and joy to everyone you meet and greet;
  • Make enough money for your requirements by giving your best efforts in every endeavour;
  • Become independent of other people’s opinions;
  • Treat everyone with the same respect no matter whether the other person is insulting or applauding you;
  • Understand a mythical fabricated God, with human traits, conditions many fears. A truer God projects love and joy, not fear and jealousy;
  • The free spirit within you is an essence of intelligent energy that lifts you to higher dimensions of thought, free from prejudice and narrow-minded bigotry.

Not too many people live inside their real comfort zone.  Most people you meet are conditioned with a negative slant on life through their past education and upbringing. You should understand they do not know how to change their emotional equilibrium scales and believe they are living as they choose to live. The fact they are destroying their immune system and mental balance, does not seem to matter one iota. Observe them with an objective detachment and learn from their self-destructive approach.

By not making any demands from negative minded people to accept your free mindedness, no matter who they are, you will automatically receive the inner psychological tools to help compose your mental paradise party and allow it to be celebrated with glee. ... Remember, you are your own, one and only, guest at your mind’s paradise party. You live within an authentic world of your own choices, inside the recess of your mind, for the rest of your lifetime on earth.

If you are in a situation where you are being bullied, you tactfully tell people that your joy-filled mind will not tolerate their insults. Your frankness and honesty will turn many close-minded people away, running with their unsavoury tail between their legs. They will look for some other weak character to pick on ... Someone else who is more receptive to the emotional negativity? Someone who will soak up like a sponge all their erroneous nonsense, but it will not be you anymore!

If you do not depend on anyone else for a living and can stay independent from human opinion, good, bad, or indifferent, you will become excellent in hosting your own paradise party. Your immune system and psyche will love and thrive on it.

If friends and relations try to make you feel guilty, it does not mean you try to apologize for anything you did with good intent. You do not have to make any special requests from them so that they speak to you. However, you can keep in contact, speaking to them on occasions where you meet up, transmitting love and joy to them all the time you chat.

One day, someone who is now negative-minded may follow your example, thank you and hold their own paradise party in synchronicity with yours ... if they don't, well, just enjoy the paradise party you are holding and expect nothing in return.

Maybe the time has yet to come before everyone else follows your paradigm. One fine day the time will come for everyone to hold a paradise party. However, that will happen if it is meant to be, at the appropriate time and place. In-between time, enjoy the pure paradise of knowing you have the intelligent universal energy, fed from up high, that will make your party swing eternally with divine bliss? Enjoy!


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About Michael Levy

Michael Levy is an international talk show host, philosopher, poet and author of 17 inspirational books which have never been marketed, for Levy feels authentic works will eventually find their place in humanity by word of mouth. His lack of education makes his philosophy unique in a modern world, where everything is analyzed and sophisticated by experts until all true meaning drains away. His works do not follow any past or present philosophers. Michael’s recent books  include That's Rich: Connect the Dots, also Well Well Well: Eat Well, Think Well, Live Well which is on healthy eating, meaningful thinking and authentic living. Michael's poetry and essays enhance many web sites, newspapers, journals and magazines throughout the world. He is a prominent speaker on health and wellness maintenance, stress eradication, wealth creation and development, authentic happiness and inspirational poetry. Why not visit Michael's new website with 5 new Blogs and lots of inspiration insights:

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