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About Michael Levy
![Michael Levy [Image: Michael Levy]](/img/original/AuthorAvatar/276.4a3837c422a87f21f2692dc0ddab3cd3.jpg)
Michael Levy is an international talk show host, philosopher, poet and author of 17 inspirational books which have never been marketed, for Levy feels authentic works will eventually find their place in humanity by word of mouth. His lack of education makes his philosophy unique in a modern world, where everything is analyzed and sophisticated by experts until all true meaning drains away. His works do not follow any past or present philosophers. Michael’s recent books include That's Rich: Connect the Dots, also Well Well Well: Eat Well, Think Well, Live Well – which is on healthy eating, meaningful thinking and authentic living. Michael's poetry and essays enhance many web sites, newspapers, journals and magazines throughout the world. He is a prominent speaker on health and wellness maintenance, stress eradication, wealth creation and development, authentic happiness and inspirational poetry. Why not visit Michael's new website with 5 new Blogs and lots of inspiration insights: www.pointoflife.com/
Articles by Michael Levy
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In this issue Michael Levy looks at the concept of joy and how many of us are trying to find it in the wrong places. He points out that though people have more spiritual and medical...
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This column focuses on the deeper significance of an old folklore on the search for enlightenment and our ego-master who holds many negative emotions in its memory banks and sends u...
Listed in depression
In this column which focuses on depression caused by fatigue, the author discloses that latest US statistics declare one in ten teenagers suffer from major depressions and that many...
Listed in personal growth
Using the metaphor of a committee trying to decide on a rule for when a golf course should close, the author draws our attention to the value of attuning ourselves to the messages f...
Listed in personal growth
The author takes an unconventional approach in this column to explain personal well-being and the power of true self-esteem, by focusing on the heroes in the movies Scent of a Woman...
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This column looks into positive and negative thoughts and the need to empty the mind of all thoughts for clearer thinking.
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According to the author the source of intelligence that requests mankind to proceed on a paradise journey of a lifetime is not written up in any textbook or holy books. The truth ca...
It Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time
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In this column the author focuses on how all our inner knowingness gets influenced by external suggestions, as well as our ego. He also looks at how we can achieve a more authentic ...
Listed in personal growth
According to Michael Levy, the human brain has sophisticated itself far away from authentic happiness and contentment. If we recognize that we are just passing through, it gives us ...
Past, Present and Future Dangers From Self Delusions
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This article expresses most strongly the importance of being true to oneself, and the dangers for both self and society of trusting the intellectual processes of the brain, and all ...
The Quest for Paradise on Earth
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This article consists of two allegorical tales. One is of a knights quest for entry into Paradise, and the necessary advice from a little boy eating a peanut and banana sandwich. Th...
Why Dreadful Things Take Place in Nice Peoples Lives
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This brief article is a mythical allegory about universal truths from a particular perspective, with resonances with the Old Testament concept that it is the pursuit of knowledge ou...
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The article begins with the Jewish blessing
Flying Post-Haste into Human Destruction
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Every living 'thing' accesses intelligence from a universal energy field. This is known as a unified energy source. However, each life force possesses a unique identity, formed and ...
Live an Interesting Life? A Blessing or a Curse?
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An old curse originated in ancient China. It is "Have an Interesting Life". You may think that is a strange curse, for don't we all want to find life interesting?
Listed in personal growth
With so many financial scandals effecting peoples health is may be time for us to put things in prospective before our health suffers.
Listed in personal growth
Do you think it is about time you held a paradise party? Pardon, what is that you ask, what is a paradise party? Well, a paradise party is a celebration where you invite all your ne...
Listed in stress
Not so long ago I had the delight to be in the company of a world famous concert musician. He was in my home enjoying a healthy breakfast my wife had prepared. We talked about some ...
A Trophy For Life: How Champions Evolve or Fade Away
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Tiger Woods was interviewed on TV a few years ago when he was in his prime. He was asked, "What is your game plan to win the Open major tournament." He replied. "I will listen to wh...
Human Beings in the Mirror of the Universe
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Both soul and ego live side-by-side in one body, encompass spirit and will lead to an ultimate destination. When used separately one will bring suffering and the other joy. When liv...
Listed in personal growth
Everything relates to nothing - Nothing is relative to everything. When you live as nothing you have no-thing to lose and can turn into any-thing you wish.
Ten Alchemy Tidings for Authentic Living
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The pressures of living in the twenty-first century have greatly expanded. In fact, as each year passes by, more and more stress and tensions appears to build up in the majority of ...
Important Questions / Meaningful Answers From a Professional Optimist
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In a world that seems so full of despair, or as the Buddhist puts it, when all life is suffering, is it possible to maintain a healthy and Optimistic world view?
Listed in personal growth
The art of good writing comes from the artist within. All humans have the ability to become great authors, poets, artists and musicians, etc., so why do most folks find it such a di...
Listed in personal growth
In a small chocolate box cabin, on the edge of an obscure forest dwells a wizard with an incredible secret power. One day, he was meandering along a winding path deep in the forest ...
Listed in personal growth
Neil Armstrong walked on the moon and declared: “One small step for man, one giant leap for humankind.” The first human footprint imprinted on the moon and will forever be a monumen...
Listed in personal growth
A couple of weeks ago I was performing one of my daily exercises swimming laps when I observed a women, in her early seventies, enter the pool and securely grasp hold of the side. ...
Financial Heath - Self Fulfilling Prophecies of Greed, Fear and Doom
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With the stock market trading at all-time highs and bonds at all-time lows, we would do well to look back 8 years at the housing crises to envisage what might come next when the st...
With Birth Carpe Diem - Seize the Day
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Children do not think about time in the same way as older folks. They are too busy playing games and chatting with their friends. They grow into adults who gain responsibilities and...
Wealth Creation For The Better Good - The Significance of Money - Is Money a Curse or a Blessing?
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I doubt if anyone who would dispute the fact that money is the most important commodity in any person’s life. It is right up there with gravity, light and water as necessities for s...
Listed in personal growth
Is life one big gamble, a game of chance? Do we really possess freewill? These are two questions that require an authentic answer; are they connected in any form or manner? The envi...
Listed in personal growth
How many clowns do you know? Come on, don't be modest, how many clowns do you meet and greet every day of your life. I’ll give you a clue, only half of them are outside your own mi...
Normal Ignorance and Natural Truth
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For the past few million years human beings evolved into the species that exists today. What we observe is six billion people on a planet who all believe they live a normal life in ...
Listed in psychospiritual
The word ‘WAR’ seems to frighten a lot of folks. I must admit that those that wage war needs to understand that there are no winners, just some lose less. Does that mean we do not h...
Listed in personal growth
Many folks fish with a big hook of memories that have a reference point not of their choosing. Before they could assemble their fishing tackle of thoughts, a whole bunch of people c...
The Man in the Middle of the Room
Listed in psychospiritual
A man is sat in the middle of a large empty room. This is his home and he eats, sleeps and thinks his thoughts on the chair in the middle of the room. There is a large brown door to...
Listed in personal growth
I remember a story I was told when I was knee-high to a grasshopper ... A man is searching for a valuable coin he dropped in the street.
Listed in psychospiritual
Science has yet to define the meaning of wisdom in scientific terminology. I guess they require some type of clever or mathematical proof wisdom exists? Perhaps clever humans may no...
Listed in psychospiritual
Walk into any regular supermarkets and read the ingredients in all the nicely packaged foods they sell. Most will contain toxic substances, whether it is colorants, trans-fats, pres...
Listed in psychospiritual
Am I lost or just misplaced asks an orphan drifting on the gusts of time, humanity claims they would like to adopt me but, never do they embrace me for what I am, they just try walt...
It Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time
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Wherever we turn today, we find a financial guru, spiritual teacher, inspirational life coach, religious leader, scientific author, media expert or academic professor, etc., who is ...
Reflection from the Soul... Only A Visitor
Listed in personal growth
Let me ask you a question ... If you go on vacation to a small exotic island, reclining in a deck chair, on a crystalline white beach, would you be feeling contended and happy. Sill...
Do You Know if You Have Sold Your Soul?
Listed in psychospiritual
A question that may seem strange is; do you know if you have sold your soul? Chances are you were not aware it was for sale. In fact, many people will question if they have a soul. ...
Book reviews by Michael Levy
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