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Flying Post-Haste into Human Destruction

by Michael Levy(more info)

listed in personal growth, originally published in issue 186 - September 2011

The more we study nature and all the magnificent variety of creatures it assembles, the more we can understand and appreciate how our minds and bodies function. The more we comprehend the character our world has been moulded by human ignorance, the more we can observe where we are heading as a species. It appears as though humanity is flying post-haste into a force field of self- destruction.

Michael Levy article

One of the most fascinating creatures that exist on earth are a group of birds that have similarities to the actions of humans in a most definite way. The species are called 'Bower birds'. The male Bower bird is a skilled artist and creator of elaborate designs. Scientists have been studying these birds for a long time with great interest. They were featured on a nature program on PBS that caught my attention and fascinated my curiosity. It was narrated by Sir David Attenborough who is a genius in the study of nature. The whole point of the Bower bird's exotic behaviour is to attract a female for mating.
Unlike peacocks and many other birds that show off their plumage, this bird needs to construct a Bower of intricate design on the floor of the forest from leaves, moss and twigs. It then bedecks the bower with showy trinkets such as stones, beetle shells, feathers, berries, flowers and all fashions of decorative 'ornaments'. Many times it will also construct a canopy for the female bird to walk through, which resembles a canopy that can be found at a Jewish wedding. It is decorated with all kinds of objects the bird can pick up from its surroundings. It also steals objects from neighbouring male Bower birds and will furthermore attempt to destroy the other bird's bower. This has two purposes. It lessens the other bird's chances to attract a mate and it enhances its own Bower. (Does this sound familiar to human behaviour?)
Eventually a female will show up to check out the quality of the bower. It is then the male goes into a ritual of struts and song. The plainer the bird, the more elaborate the Bower, but the more colourful the bird's plumage, the less creative are their Bowers. The whole object of the male Bower's life is to woo a mate by creative construction that can only come from an intelligence source far greater than the little pea brain the little bird possesses. Despite being surrounded by the beauty of nature that most other birds enjoy, The Bower bird's sole interest is his small area of self-made creation. (Does this sound familiar to the close mindedness of most partitions and divisions in society?)

The similarities to human behaviour cannot be denied. Most intellectual people seem to believe human beings are somehow or other a special one-off breed, which is aloof from other species;  nothing could be further from the truth. The cost of this ignorance is confirmed in all areas of human existence.
Every living 'thing' accesses intelligence from a universal energy field. This is known as a unified energy source. However, each life force possesses a unique identity, formed and evolved by their own surroundings and needs for survival. Many species evolved in a manner that seemed quite normal for them, but it was not as nature intended, it was not natural and their normal behaviour designated them to extinction well before the natural life plan was enacted.
In the development of all species there are two paths to follow. One path is enhanced by an awareness of universal laws that continues to blossom and savours the delightful treasures of existence. The other is a narrow-minded avenue of survival that does not always follow universal laws and tries to reformulate the master blueprints of nature. They do appear to get away with it for quite a while, but eventually they go so far removed from the grand architect's plans that their foundations crumble. The results are after many generations of mayhem the species becomes extinct too soon.

Michael Levy article

The Bower bird's attachment to objects could become so acute that the female may evolve to the state of mind that no Bower is good enough for her. Therefore she will cease to mate with the male and the species will become extinct.(Not tonight dear, I have a headache) This may also happen if the males become too aggressive in building their Bowers and start to not only steal from other males, but attack and kill them (Does this sound familiar?)
Humans have evolved into a sophisticated species that contain both positive and negative intellectual thoughts, but it is the negative aspects of life that holds court with in the psyche. It seems the modern day mortal is dying far too soon because of stress related dis-ease. Cancer, heart disease, diabetes and a host of other ailments all come from attachments to an inauthentic actuality. The medical profession is trying to patch up our frail systems with medications and surgery. The medical patchwork quilt treats the effects of our addictions, but can do nothing to stop our relentless evolving into a self destructive mode of living.
The Bible is a good place to find the cause of our self destructive path. It all started when Adam took a bite out of the apple from the Tree of Knowledge. This is symbolic because the human intellect established identification with the 'things' it could create, instead of remaining connected with the genuine source of creation. Humanity was in big trouble and the reference point of thought became the artificial world of attachment to materialism. Humans beings began to evolve in a normal man-made manner that the intellect approved, but ceased to exist in a natural manner that the creator approved.
The continuation of egotistical thinking over a 30,000 year period has given humans a DNA and genes that are programmed in a way that will lead to mortal destruction. Unless we can change the pattern of misguided thinking by reconstructing our thought process and patterns, we are condemned into the self-disintegration of humanity. The hi-tech revolution with all its weaponry, along with the sham world of egoistical thinking, will become morality's demise. We are children playing with mis-matches of beliefs that will explode the hell fires of annihilation.
We are akin to the bower birds, but alas we have 'progressed' down a slippery slope of the human intellect and the grip is far too tight to be release. It is a bull dog grip that is locked into a mode of living that cannot contain its power for greed and its entrapment in fear. Humans have built a bower that is sinking into the bowels of the earth... In other worlds...Humanity is being flushed down the Toilet by mis-conditioned thinking!!
There is only one true high-way out of the dark shadows of the egotism. But there are many paths to sink humanity further into the mire. Unfortunately there are only but a handful of humans who know the way towards the light, bright, Joy-filled life, but they are ridiculed by society in general. They are also ignored by science and religion, for each sector believes it must maintain its own power base, or it will disappear. Most organizations are being paid large amounts of money from divided segments of the community who live in ignorance of authentic meaning. The chances of them accepting a higher reality of living is not an option they will readily consider. Dogmas and doctrines still hold the power to suppress authentic meaning.
We are all living in the Garden of Eden right now. We live in utopia, paradise, heaven on earth. People who cannot see that only add to the self destruction of Humanity. Will the Bower bird survive its attachment to ornaments and trimmings rather than nature? Will humans survive their attachments to the catastrophic forces of negative emotion?
At this moment in time it looks unlikely humanity can stop itself from a major calamity within a very short time span. Unless the few humans that live an authentic natural lifestyle are acknowledged and their philosophy respected, 'normality' will sentence the lambs to the slaughter.
Ask yourself...Is it time to start to live a life of J-O-Y every second the clock ticks...Just - Obey - Yourself...Your true self...Not the intellectual that holds the matches to light the fires of devastation.

The Ego that holds the chain of command will be the power that flushes humanity back into the Bowels of the earth.
Well, let's at least look at the good side of human extinction... It will allow the Bower birds to pick up all the ornamental human remains and make a beautiful, exquisite Bower.
The true beholder exists in the eye of beauty.


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About Michael Levy

Michael Levy is an international talk show host, philosopher, poet and author of 17 inspirational books which have never been marketed, for Levy feels authentic works will eventually find their place in humanity by word of mouth. His lack of education makes his philosophy unique in a modern world, where everything is analyzed and sophisticated by experts until all true meaning drains away. His works do not follow any past or present philosophers. Michael’s recent books  include That's Rich: Connect the Dots, also Well Well Well: Eat Well, Think Well, Live Well which is on healthy eating, meaningful thinking and authentic living. Michael's poetry and essays enhance many web sites, newspapers, journals and magazines throughout the world. He is a prominent speaker on health and wellness maintenance, stress eradication, wealth creation and development, authentic happiness and inspirational poetry. Why not visit Michael's new website with 5 new Blogs and lots of inspiration insights:

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