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Short Features and Brief Takes Issue 231

by Cherry Coad Aldridge(more info)

listed in product news, originally published in issue 231 - July 2016

UK Visit: His Holiness Dragmar Khentrul Rinpoche - 15-31 July 2016

We are very happy to welcome His Holiness Dragmar Khentrul Rinpoche, for the first time ever in the UK. Head of the Wangchen monastery of the Nyingma tradition, He is considered to be one of the top teachers of Tibetan Yoga, capable of transmitting the deepest and best kept secrets of this ancient discipline.  He will be sharing his wisdom and guide us through meditative and cognitive practices that will promote our spiritual development. Tibetan Yoga is an advanced wellness system that positively impacts our physical, emotional and spiritual bodies, as proven by Harvard academics. This will be a unique opportunity to experience this ancient practice directly from one of the most respected teachers world-wide.

UK Visit Rinpoche

More information can be found at

  • He will be in England from 18-31 July 18th running 5 different events which can be taken individually or as a course. All proceeds of courses will be returned to the Tibetan cause. Events can be booked individually or as a complete course of 5.
  • Energy exchange for complete course ( 5 events) is £360
  • Payments can be made via the "Donate" button at the bottom of the page:

Please state venue(s) and name as reference and choose:

  • £111 for 2 day course
  • £222 for 3 day course
  • £360 for all 5 events


  • An Introduction to Buddhism 2 day workshop:  Tuesday – Wednesday 19-20 July 10-5pm Energy exchange £111; Venue: TBC Havant, Hants  PO9 3JN  
  • FREE Group Meditation at Woodhenge (connects to Sirius star system) Thursday 21st July.  All welcome.  Empowerment, Group Meditation  1-3pm   FREE  (cash darshan/donations appreciated)  Venue:  Durrington Walls , Woodhenge. Wiltshire, SP4 7AR
  • Dzambhalas  (2 day course) Saturday 23rd & Sunday 24th July 10am-5pm  Energy exchange £111 Venue: Chesham Town Hall, Bucks. HP5 1DS
  • Tummo   (3 day course)     Tuesday 26th - Thursday 28th July  10am-5pm  Energy exchange £222  Venue: TBC Havant, Hants  PO9 3JN 
  • 21 Taras  (2 day course)  Saturday 30th & Sunday 31st July 10am-5pm   Energy exchange £111   Venue: Wickham Community Centre, Southampton Hants.   PO17 5AL

Further Information

Please contact Sarah Williams on Tel: 02392 453204/07710 994432;

Facebook event page :


Craniosacral Therapy Around Death and Dying “The CADD Class, A Class About Life"

Instructor, international lecturer, author and CST practitioner Don Ash PT CSTA-CP of the CST Alliance

The Craniosacral Therapy Alliance is proud and honored to offer the CADD Class (Craniosacral Therapy Around Death and Dying) twice this year:

30 July-2 August 2016: Isle of Shoals, Rye, New Hampshire, USA

3-6 November 2016: Moggerhanger Park, Bedfordshire, UK

Craniosacral Therapy Around Death and Dying “The CADD Class, A Class About Life"
Don Ash demonstrates CST technique in his recent BE1 class held in Dover,
New Hampshire

This is an opportunity to move your CST practice forward in new and exciting directions:

Witness the deepest forms of craniosacral rhythm;

Learn about your innermost feelings around loss;

Understand pain, suffering and find compassionate ways to be of service;

Find pathways to hope and recovery for those in distress and grief;

Cope with the fractious worldview and the politics of change;

Hold Space for those actively dropping their bodies;

Give yourself four days of body awareness and self-reflection;

Gather around those using CST to make the world a touch better and; 

Learn not to take life quite so seriously.


"And the day came when the desire to remain the same became more painful than the risk to evolve."


This four-day class will change the way you look at life, treat others and live the rest of your days. It is an SER-level class for CST practitioners to learn how to support patients as they navigate life's losses, including the biological process of loss and death. Visit our website to see photos from this class taught at the Dechen Shying Centre in West Cork, Ireland in 2015 along with additional student feedback.   

Feedback From Students
“I came with an open mind and left with an open heart.”
“This will change the rest of my journey.”

US Registration Fee: $598. 

UK Registration Fee: 418 BP


Canada CEUs: Approved for 24 primary credits, Massage Therapist Association of Alberta

Ireland: IACST Irish Assn. of Craniosacral Therapists 24 CEUs

Prerequisite: SE1 (somato-emotional processing work, level 1) or equivalent training

We welcome all CST students of all levels from any program to join our curriculum, including Biodynamics trained. Join us and take yourself and your CST skills to the next level!

See our complete curriculum of beginning through advanced CST training as well as other courses at

Further Information

For more information about this class or to register phone Jill at the CST Alliance (in the US) on Tel: +1 603-948-2820 or Suzanne (in the UK) Tel: +44 (0)7802 864275;


Mind Body Diabetes - Type 1 and Type 2 - A positive, powerful, and prove solution to stop diabetes once and for all.

by Emma Mardlin PhD

Published by Findhorn Press. Distributed by Deep Books. 2016. Paperback. £12.99. ISBN 978-1-84409-687-9.

"Mind Body Diabetes brilliantly demonstrates how harnessing your Mind-Body Connection in addition to the traditional treatment approaches is a key powerful tool in achieving your health goals.”

Dr Sarah Brewer, Licensed Doctor, Medical Nutritionist, Award-Winning Health Writer  Author

Diabetes is regularly in the headline news - and it’s not surprising, since it is now recognized as the world’s fastest growing chronic condition. As many as 1 in 11 adults are reported as having diabetes and another 1 in 2 are said to be undiagnosed. Emma Mardlin PhD, a professional in mind body medicine and the author of Mind Body Diabetes is one of those adults - with two decades of personal experience of living with Type 1 diabetes.

Cover Mind Body Diabetes

Emma’s story is a remarkable one, after many years of challenges (including coma due to severe hypoglycaemia, being told she was going blind and severe gluten intolerance) she has turned her life around and achieved 5.8% HbA1C on minimal insulin - putting her in the ‘normal’ non-diabetic range.

What does that mean? HbA1c refers to glycated haemoglobin. By measuring HbA1c, clinicians are able to get an overall picture of what our average blood sugar levels have been over a period of weeks/months. For people with diabetes this is important as the higher the HbA1c, the greater the risk of developing diabetes-related complications. A pre-diabetes measurement would be between 6.0%- 6.4%. Diabetic would be 6.5% and over. Normal is below 6%

Emma’s pioneering book sheds a new light on this condition by sharing new, fresh, and exciting information on how to significantly improve the condition - and even how to reverse it completely. Packed with practical information, it guides the reader on a journey to live life to the max and stop diabetes emotionally and physically.

Written in an easy-to-follow step-by-step format, Mind Body Diabetes integrates humour with its down to earth personal experiences and research.  A must for anyone with diabetes - and a great resource for health professionals.

About the Author

Emma Mardlin PhD has over 20 years’ personal experience of T1 diabetes. A professional in mind body medicine, Emma is a trained psychotherapist and partner in The Pinnacle Practice in London and Nottingham where she works as a clinician, writer and trainer in the UK and abroad.

Further Information

Available from Amazon and all good retailers.


Noma -  Wegamed Diagnostic and Therapy Devices and Pascoe Complex Homeoeopathics

Noma (Complex Homoeopathy) Limited, UK agent for VEGA testing equipment, also provides VEGA training. Noma also supplies the Pascoe range of complex homoeopathics and other complementary preparations to qualified practitioners and is a professional supplier of disposable metal acupuncture needles/accessories.

Noma -  Wegamed Diagnostic and Therapy Devices and Pascoe Complex Homeoeopathics

  • The Wegamed (formerly Vega) Test Method

Noma's Wegamed (VEGA) range comprises a number of diagnostic and therapy units, an oscillation therapy unit, a metabolism test and therapy unit and an original matrix-regeneration-therapy unit.

This is one of the systems capable of use within the field of Bio-electronic Regulatory Medicine (BER Medicine). It originated from electro-acupuncture according to Voll (EAV), based on measuring evoked electrical conductivity of an electrode which passes 0.87 volts in a positive polarity, direct current, into specific acupuncture points. The Wegamed (VEGA) test device can be used for food testing whereby at least 50 foods can be tested at each consultation, using the same measurement procedure as for diagnosis and medicine testing. Further Information from

  • Herbals, Homoeopathics and Supplements

Pascoe and Kern Pharma are the two major ranges available via Noma. The extensive ranges of remedies are licensed and registered in their country of origin. More information Pascoe's web site at

  • Acupuncture Products

Noma is also a major UK supplier of acupuncture products ranging from HWATO and CLOUD & DRAGON disposable metal needles imported from the Far East to auricular equipment, Moxa, lasers, acupuncture units, models and charts.

With over 21 years of experience in complementary medicine, Noma's service and competitive pricing structure are both paramount to its continued growth, and reputation as a friendly, approachable company priding itself on its professional attitude and speed of delivery.

Further Information

Please contact Noma (Complex Homoeopathy) Limited on Tel: 023 80770513; Fax: 023 80702459;


Heavy Metal Detox with ACZ Nano

Heavy metals are some of the most potent toxins on the planet and the need for our bodies to be detoxed from these harmful metals is more important than ever. The ACZ Nano formula was born out of the need for highly effective detoxification agent to meet a demanding list of criteria. These are:

  • Oral administration
  • Rapid absorption into the bloodstream
  • Selectively binds toxic heavy metals and free radicals of all types, such as Mercury and Lead
  • Irreversibly binds toxic heavy metals and free radicals of all types
  • Does not bind nutrient metals such as Calcium, Magnesium, etc.
  • Immediate, profound benefit
  • Safe for long term use
  • Backed by independent research

Heavy Metal Detox with ACZ Nano

ACZ Nano is a natural volcanic ash that mechanically binds the metals into its cage like structure. It has been cleaned with a proprietary process 4 times to remove any contamination and independent testing shows it to have below detectable levels any contamination. It has also been pretreated with calcium, magnesium and potassium and will give these important nutrients to the body as part of the detox process. ACZ Nano is the only Zeolite on the market with over 20 independent post provocation studies to prove how effective the ACZ Nano is in increase urinary excretion of heavy metals. In one of the studies the patient saw an immediate 1000-fold increase in excretion in Mercury over 12hrs of taking the spray. There is a problem with agents like DMPS, EDTA, Chlorella and Cilantro in that some of the toxins that are mobilized will then migrate to other parts of the body, which is especially bad news if they migrate and re-deposit to the brain. So one of the big advantages of ACZ Nano over these other chelating agents is that because the toxins are tightly bound to the zeolite cage none of the metals can be deposited in to other parts of the body. ACZ Nano is easy to take, with no taste, just spray a few times into your mouth and hold for 1 minute, it will be quickly absorbed through the oral tissues and get to work reducing the body of its toxic burden.

Results RNA ACS 200 Advanced Cellular Silver

The ACS200 is another outstanding product backed by decades of research and over 19 patents. In independent tests the ACS200 has been proven to be several thousand times more effective at killing pathogens than any other colloidal silver on the market.

Results RNA ACG Glutathione

In tests the ACG Glutathione produced a 12% increase in intracellular Glutathione levels in 7hrs proving the ACG to be an extremely effective way of supplementing this important anti-oxidant.

Further Information

The Results RNA range is available from for further information email


EMF Pollution Healing With Scalar Wave Technology from QuWave

EMF pollution is a widely-known health hazard. In the modern age we're surrounded by cell phones, electronic equipment, appliances, microwaves, and power lines. And along with today's technology come side effects. The conveniences that we've come to depend on generate electromagnetic frequencies (EMF) that are dangerous to our health. Some symptoms of EMF pollution include chronic headache, lack of energy, trouble falling and staying asleep, feeling worn down, anxiety, malaise, and difficulty concentrating. Most people who are affected by EMF pollution don't even realize the cause. EMF is an insidious creature indeed.

EMF Pollution Healing With Scalar Wave Technology from QuWave

Since 2004, QuWave has been a leader in the energy medicine field, manufacturing products that combat the harmful effects of EMF pollution. Using combinations of Scalar Waves, Solfeggio Frequencies, Schumann Resonance, and Chi Orgone energies, QuWave's products neutralize negative energies and turn them into positive, healing vibrations.

Though QuWave offers several lines of products intended for various results, the Harmonizer was created specifically to combat EMF pollution. The Harmonizer emits high frequency Scalar Waves along with the Schumann resonance. The combination of these frequencies provides a soothing, grounding effect.

Just as EMF pollution is cumulative, healing through energy frequencies is a gradual process. Most users start to feel the positive effects after two days up to about two weeks. Headaches start to disappear, sleep becomes easier and deeper, and an overall feeling of well-being show that healing is taking place.

In addition to combating EMF pollution symptoms, the Harmonizer and QuWave products promote a healthy and balanced lifestyle:

  • The Divine focuses on the third eye and crown chakras for spiritual awakening
  • The Dreamer promotes deep, restful sleep
  • The Energizer transmits quantum energy to your water, food, vitamins, even jewelry
  • The Amore improves intimacy, relationships, and feelings of real love
  • The Defender works against electronic harassment, mind control, and psychic attacks

Even though we're under constant assault from the electromagnetic frequencies that surround us, we can fight back. We don't have to remain victims of EMF pollution. Choose health and happiness instead!

Further Information

Please contact QuWave on Tel: +1 818-478-9283;


Rayonex - Action 3 Zero

In 2013 Rayonex Germany reached their 30th anniversary and is now the largest and most successful biomedical company in Germany, Europe too for that matter! More importantly Rayonex pursue a philosophy of education and a cause oriented approach to therapy that does not necessarily place treatment first. Sometimes merely lifting and removing negative influences to health is sufficient for a person to return to a balanced and healthy situation.

Rayonex - Action 3 Zero

To mark the 30th anniversary Rayonex launched Action 3 Zero. What is it? Action 3 Zero is an opportunity to receive free education in energetic medicine with a particular focus on bioresonance according to Paul Schmidt. In addition the students are provided with a loan bioresonance machine completely free of charge for a full month!*

Now in 2016 Rayonex UK are delighted to bring this unique offer to Britain. It works this way, groups of 3 interested people are invited to our facility in Wales and receive a full day of intensive education in the concept and application of bioresonance. For those wishing to travel and stay over the night before the training Hotel accommodation is also provided without charge. Therefore Action 3 Zero is unique; it presents an unparalleled opportunity for 3 people to experience all that bioresonance can offer at Zero costs.

The fundaments of energy medicine will be discussed; for example the tests commonly used in hospitals to determine life or death are energetic in nature - EEG and ECG. If no heart or brain energies are detected life is not present. The mechanism by which sun tanning occurs in the skin is also energetic as the use of tanning lamps conclusively proves.

Students will also learn that although infectious disease has always been part of world history, the modern world presents new challenges to health; you may have heard the phrase ‘diseases of civilization’. Information will be presented to outline steps to avoid if possible and protect if necessary against geopathic stress, electro-smog - both the low frequency fields that have been part of our lives for over 100 years and the newer high frequency field that are now ubiquitous.

Bioresonance analysis will be demonstrated showing how to identify energetic deficits relating specific organs, systems and mechanisms in the body. The growing scourge of food intolerances and allergies will be discussed as will the testing of substances such as foods or body care products etc for the presence of toxins.

Please contact us to book you place on an Action 3 Zero group.

* Shipping and return costs for the loan device are chargeable.

Further Information

For further information and to book, please contact Rayonex UK Ltd on Tel: 01559 363711;


Sheik Imam BestHealer and the Imam Jaiteh Charitable Foundation

Sheik Imam, leading African healer and advisor with 25 years’ experience, has dedicated his life to solving problems and advising clients from around the world. Sheik Imam has helped people in all manner of human difficulties in life restore their happiness offering guidance for problems needing to be solved both spiritually and in general life. Consultations are carried out in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere; Sheik Imam is fluent in English, Spanish, Arabic and French. Sheik Imam is well known throughout Africa for his good work and advice.

Sheik Imam Best Healer

Sheik Imam’s father Imam Basaikou was born into a family with a reputation for helping people, guiding and solving people's problems for relationship, love and guidance. His grandfather is Sheikh Ahmad Bamba; his great grandfather Sheik Abdulqadir Jelani. Sheik Imam’s knowledge, skills and expertise were passed on to him by his father - a great international healer, medium and spiritualist. As tradition has it, he was taught by his father and his father was taught from his great father, who was born with this knowledge; from there the power have been spread to all of the family 100 years ago.

About Imam Jaiteh Charitable Foundation

The Imam Jaiteh Charitable Foundation Charity Registrations Number 58/2013 is registered in the Capital of The Gambia West Africa. The non-profit making charitable foundation, based in Jarumeh Koto Village, supports an integrated development programme in The Gambia. It helps the village of  Jarumeh and satellite villages in their health care programme, sending doctors, nurses and eyes specialist every two months to provide free health care support. Additionally  the charity provides six class rooms to provide help and good care of poor students. Additionally, the Charity helps to provide clean water  for the villages. The Chairman & Founder of the charity is Mr Imam B Jaiteh - an Imam, who is based in the UK

Further Information

To help or for further information please contact Mr Imam B Jaiteh on Tel: 07985691335;


Homoeotherapy for Modern Practices - New Vistas

Homoeotherapy is an innovative and resourceful tool for any 21st Century CAM Provider.  Integrating homoeopathic principles with detoxification and both organ and nutritional support allows the practitioner stimulate, balance and restore cellular integrity and the body’s vital force.

Homeopathy Health Wellness

Homoeopathy is gaining popularity throughout Europe as a gentle and complementary approach to wellness. Over the years, the art of homoeopathy has evolved to coincide with the modern state of unrest and chronic conditions CAM Providers are faced with on an on-going, daily basis. The body’s capacity to heal is struggling with an overloaded toxic environment, depleted nutritional resources and a stressed society which is switched on 24/7. Homoeotherapy looks at the multi-dimensional relationship of the mind/body/spirit and how the teachings of homoeopathy can be applied throughout the different modalities of Complementary and Alternative therapies today. 

For CAM Professionals

New Vistas is a premier homoeopathic supplier. Having worked alongside healthcare professionals for over 25 years, New Vistas are tuned in to the needs of both practitioners and clients. Their product ranges reflect society’s need for detoxification and nutritional enhancement. Working with a variety of therapeutic schools, it is important to supply healthcare professionals -  doctors, homoeopaths, kinesiologists, naturopaths, bio energy therapists - with an approved and reliable system of healthcare. New Vistas facilitate homoeopathic restoration for both acute and chronic conditions. Based on clinical experiences, New Vistas Combination Homoeopathics offer reliable therapeutic values and are used internationally as part of a modern toolbox for healthcare professionals.

Continuing Professional Development - CPD - Training

Education and communication are key factors which help develop and enhance integrated medicine practices. The objective is to provide satisfactory patient and client outcomes. Having supported CAM Providers for over two decades, New Vistas know the importance of efficient customer care and reliability. They support CAM Providers in the development of their practices, a factor which  recognized through the growth and success of the complementary sector. Regular training opportunities are available throughout Ireland and the UK. On-going support is provided and the range is always adapting to the market needs of the end-user.

Working in tandem with practitioners, New Vistas’ philosophy of healthy living looks at toxicology, nutritional values, stress, mitochondrial health, immune responses and the psychological well-being of each individual. Validated through regular healthcare professional use, the New Vistas system of healing restores, protects and maintains wellness.  If you would like to learn more about how Homoeotherapy can contribute to your growing practice, please contact a member of the New Vistas Customer Care Team.

Further Information

For more information please contact New Vistas on Tel: +353 61 33 44 55 or UK +44 1244 560 345;


Wake Up to the Health Benefits of Soemac

Introducing SoeMac, a non-invasive, alternative Oxygen Therapy treatment that is helping people with a wide range of sleep, low energy and health problems. It is a completely natural device that works by drawing air inside and producing a bio-usable form of energised oxygen, known as Singlet Oxygen or SOE. Feeling tired and lethargic is a sign that oxygen levels are being compromised, which can lead to a weaker immune system and faster ageing. SoeMac is a clever little device that can be used at home to give your body an extra energy boost leaving you feeling energized and revived.

Wake Up to the Health Benefits of Soemac

So how does it work? SOE is an alternative therapy, which has been shown to relax the lungs and the cardio-vascular system and improve the body’s utilization of oxygen by changing it into a more energized form, which is more readily usable by the body.

At the cellular level the body then uses this extra energy to more effectively do its jobs, and produce more ATP, Adenosine Tri-Phosphate, the body’s energy currency.

Used at night, when at rest, the body is more able to use this oxygen energy to carry out important repair work, including detoxification and rejuvenation. This can result in deeper sleep, reduced feelings of fatigue and increased concentration levels throughout the day.

SoeMac has many important benefits. It is completely safe, there are no side effects and it is suitable for all ages, from birth onwards. It is a completely natural therapy and is easy and comfortable to use. Simply plug it in by the side of the bed and breathe in the natural oxygen therapy.

SoeMac is helping people living with four key conditions:

Sleep Disorders - Using SoeMac may help people to experience better sleep and have more energy during the day. People often find that when using SoeMac their quality of sleep improves and they sleep more soundly and for longer periods of time. It’s also common to feel more refreshed on waking and more energised for the day ahead.

Energy - SoeMac is helping people with a wide range of conditions characterised by ongoing fatigue as well as those who experience low energy on a day-to-day basis. The most common low energy conditions are Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Myalgic Encephalomyelitis as well as Fibromyalgia.

Breathing disorders – SoeMac is helping people living with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disorder, Emphysema and Asthma because it works by clearing the lungs of mucus, allowing more oxygen to flow into the body.

Autism - sufferers of autism, especially children, are prone to a poor night’s sleep, which often impacts on other family members and a vicious circle of sleep deprivation ensues. Sleep is often disrupted during the times of deep sleep and without this, the behavioural symptoms of children with autism can be exacerbated.

Further Information

SoeMac can be purchased at and comes with a 30-day money back guarantee.


Don’t Just Sit There! Transitioning to a Standing and Dynamic Workstation for Whole-Body Health

by Katy Bowman

Published by Propriometrics Press-Lotus Publishing. 2015. Paperback. £12.99/$9.39. ISBN: 978 1 905367 65 8.

In this new book Katy Bowman, bestselling author of Move Your DNA, poses the question - If sitting is indeed the new smoking, we should definitely quit. But is sitting really the problem, or is something else going on? Is getting better as simple as kicking over your chair and standing all day - in front of the same computer, under the same fluorescent lighting - or is there something more to be learned from the data about how people (and their bodies) work best?

Don’t Just Sit There! Transitioning to a Standing and Dynamic Workstation for Whole-Body Health

Whilst sitting is not the new smoking, there is no doubt that the repetitive use of a single position is causing us to become ill in a variety of ways. Muscles will adapt to a repetitive positioning, changing their cellular makeup and lessening their range of motion. Don’t Just Sit There provides ideas and tips that help people who work 9-to-5 to have a healthier working environment. Many people know that sitting is not the best for their body; however, what they don’t know is that simply standing is not going to improve their health either.

Research shows that sitting is not necessarily what affects human’s body; it is the repetitive position that is changing our muscle tone, which eventually will have an adverse effect on our body, leading to biomechanical dysfunction. Katy Bowman offers a comprehensive understanding of how best to sit and stand, incorporating her theories and research with a series of exercises and workouts.

Don’t Just Sit There presents

  • How conventional office arrangements are capping our level of health and why this can’t be offset with a daily bout of exercise;
  • That sitting and screen-time are two different variables and should be treated as such;
  • Corrective exercises to sit, stand, and move better without leaving your office;
  • How to boost your creativity and energy levels at the office.

About the Author

Katy Bowan is a biomechanist by training and a problem solver at heart. The founder of Nutritious Movement, Katy also has her own podcast, Katy Says. Often a source of national health publications, Katy helps numerous patients to reduce their chronic pains. Besides these achievements, Katy is also a bestselling author of multiple books including Whole Body Barefoot (2015), Move Your DNA (2014), Alignment Matters (2013), and Every Woman’s Guide to Foot Pain Relief (2011).

Further Information

Available from Amazon and all good bookstores.


Camexpo 2016 launches its new Taster Workshop Line-Up

UK’s leading natural health and wellbeing show shortlisted for Best Trade Show award

CAMEXPO - the UK’s largest professional event for the natural and complementary healthcare community, takes place on 24-25 September 2016 at London’s Olympia.

Camexpo 2016

Tailored specifically to equip complementary practitioners, therapists and healthcare professionals with practical demos of the latest research and techniques, the 48-strong workshop line-up covers a comprehensive range of modalities.  Topics include everything from sports massage to myofascial techniques, fertility reflexology, aromatherapy blending, rebozo for bodyworkers, breathing exercises, and craniosacral therapy, plus introductions to Tibetan medicine, hypnotherapy, kinesiology, sophrology, and more.

New for 2016, CPD points are available on all workshops and seminars at the show.

Expert trainers include Leon Chaitow, James Earls, Amy Taylor, Cameron Reid, Florence Parot, Julia Wood, Stephanie King, Lisa Barber, Paul Lewis, Mikael Dahlström, Denise Tiran, Dr Kate Beaven-Marks, Dr. Bettina Karsten, and Clare Blake, plus previous camexpo Outstanding Achievement Award winners Ruth Duncan, Meghan Mari and Rachel Fairweather. 

CAMEXPO has also announced the names of some of its seminar speakers for 2016.  Dr Marilyn Glenville, Dr Sarah Brewer, Leon Chaitow, and Professor Robert Thomas, will be appearing in the popular 500-seat Keynote Theatre. While BANT chairman Miguel Toribio-Mateas, Dr Robert Verkerk, Antony Haynes, and Tam Fry, spokesperson for the National Obesity Forum, head up the Nutrition Theatre line-up.

Bionutri, Nature’s Plus, A Vogel (Bioforce), Rio Trading Company Health, Pukka Herbs, Wiley’s Finest, Vega Nutritional, Biodane, Cell Nutrition, Renew Life, Ovio Wellness, Optibac, Bio-Kult, Cytoplan, Wild Nutrition, Biopathica, Abundance & Health, Yogi Tea, The Natural Health Practice, The Really Healthy Company, The Bite Outlet, Hifas da Terra, Biomedica, Lepicol, G&G Vitamins, Sun Chlorella, Pukka Herbs, The Natural Health Practice, Rio Trading, Weleda, and Green People are just some of the exhibitors that are already booked for 2016.

Further Information

CAMEXPO returns to Olympia, London, on 24-25 September 2016. To register for a £7.50 early bird entry ticket, and to book workshops, please visit and use priority code CAMX524 (code valid until 1 July, workshops cost £19.50 per session).


VonnyBee Bee Pollen - Hayfever Fixer

Every year, millions of summers are ruined by the dreaded hay fever season. “Hay fever is an allergy to grass and tree pollen. The natural relief for it is found in flower pollen, which bees collect and take to their hives” says beekeeper, Yvonne Matthews.

Yvonne is an apiculturist and apitherapist from Childwall, Liverpool who fell in love with bees 10 years ago. Her company, Vonnybee, is an all-natural company that manufactures health and well-being products produced by bees; this includes raw honey, propolis, butter balms, and bee pollen.

VonnyBee Bee Pollen - Hayfever Fixer

Over the 10 years, she has continually found ways in which the flying insects benefit us. In particular, one substance hay fever sufferers can’t get enough of is the Vonnybee Bee Pollen.

Bee Pollen (Hay fever antidote)

For many years, sufferers of hay fever have moved towards more natural ways of alleviating symptoms.

“Within 10 minutes of taking a teaspoon of bee pollen, new customers are always amazed at how fast the itching and sneezing has stopped”, says Yvonne. “I offer a money-back guarantee, but people never give it back. Instead, a month or two down the line, they’re asking for a new pot because of how effective it is”.

Bee pollen (Superfood)

Not only is it used for hay fever suffers; celebrities such as Victoria Beckham take bee pollen daily for the many nutrients and vitamins is contains.

“Though it is used for hay fever, bee pollen is also good for health and wellbeing as it is the most nutritionally valued superfood in the world. It contains nearly every nutrient the body needs to function”, Yvonne explains.

“I didn’t realize how good bee pollen was for me until the jar ran out and my arthritis came back. A teaspoon a day is all I need to give my body the nutrients it needs” – a Vonnybee customer.

Further Information

Vonnybee is an award winner company that focuses on producing 100% natural bee products for health, vitality and well being. All products are created using the Rudolf Steiner biodynamic method of beekeeping and stay free from any harmful chemicals.

Vonnybee products are found in independent stores around the country, including veterinary practices and online at  Please contact Vonnybee on Tel: 07746 668258;


#NaturalCycles - App to help fight Zika to donate 1 million free subscriptions

Natural Cycles ( ), the natural family planning app which has shown to be similar to the contraceptive pill at preventing pregnancies*, has announced plans to help fight the Zika virus by donating 1 million free subscriptions of its service (the equivalent of over 25m dollars) to help women in Brazil temporarily postpone pregnancy until the virus is deemed to be under control.

#NaturalCycles - App to help fight Zika to donate 1 million free subscriptions

The World Health Organisation (WHO) has declared Zika a global public health emergency and some doctors are advising women in affected countries to delay getting pregnant. The virus is spread to people primarily through the bite of an infected mosquito and is suspected of leading to thousands of babies being born with underdeveloped brains.

Natural Cycles co-founder Dr Raoul Scherwitzl said: “Access to contraception is often limited in many of the countries hit by Zika due to moral and social reasons. Those do not apply to the Natural Cycles app as we do not interfere with a woman’s body in any way – our app simply helps to educate women and their partner about her fertility. The data collected by the app to postpone pregnancies during this time can then be used to find the most fertile days in order to accelerate pregnancies once Zika is deemed to be under control.”

The Natural Cycles app works by identifying a woman’s ovulation and fertile window by tracking her period and temperature. Women are required to record the temperature under their tongue in the morning before getting up and enter it into the app. The app then determines whether you are fertile on that day; if it is green, you are not fertile and the risk of pregnancy is very low. If it is red, then you are considered fertile which means you should avoid unprotected sex. Similarly, this information can also be used to plan a pregnancy.

A recent clinical study analysing how effective the Natural Cycles app was at preventing pregnancies among over 4,000 women found it to be comparable to the contraceptive pill. The study was carried out at the Karolinska Institute, Sweden, and was published in the European Journal of Contraception and Reproductive Healthcare*.

About Natural Cycles                                                                                       

Natural Cycles is the safe, healthy and easy-to-use fertility app for women based on their body temperature, which is used to prevent, plan and monitor pregnancies. The app was founded by husband and wife team, Dr Elina Berglund and Dr Raoul Scherwitzl. With PhDs in physics, they applied their mathematical techniques to develop the Natural Cycles algorithm. Elina was a researcher at CERN and one of the physicists that discovered the Higgs Boson which led to the Nobel Prize in 2013. The Natural Cycles app mission is to educate and empower women to take control of their fertility and future, championing a vision where every pregnancy is wanted. Beyond the app offering, Natural Cycles advances scientific research in the field of contraception and fertility.


*Results of the clinical study demonstrating the effectiveness of Natural Cycles as a natural birth control has recently been published in the peer-reviewed European Journal of Contraception & Reproductive Health Care 

Further Information

1 million subscriptions of the Natural Cycles app are being offered free to women in Brazil for 6 months from 5 May 2016, or until Zika is deemed to be under control. Visit  or the App Store to download the app.


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About Cherry Coad Aldridge



    Brief Takes


    Brighton Yoga Festival

    Brighton Yoga Festival, now in its third year, moves to Brighton Dome Corn Exchange in the city centre this summer as a newly registered charity. After two years at St George’s Church in Kemptown, the festival is an entirely free day of Yoga for everyone and is taking over the Dome Complex on 23 July 2016.


    Further information:


    Can Meditation Slow Down the Effects of Ageing

    A research team led by Nobel Prize winning Biochemist Elizabeth Blackburn, has found that meditation can increase levels of an important enzyme called telomerase. A low level of telomerase can cause cells to malfunction and lose their ability to divide. This has been discovered to be a significant factor in the ageing process. A Meditation Machine offers a modern, faster approach to meditation. With only 15-20 minutes using the Meditation Machine you may achieve the same deep, mental state as a Zen monk on your first session.


    Further information Tel: 020-8371 0436;


    CAMEXPO 2016

    CAMEXPO takes place this year at the Olympia, London on 24-25 September 2016. This is the UK’s biggest event for CAM Clinics, Practitioners and Therapists. CAMEXPO is your best opportunity to sell to the UK’s fast-growing natural health and beauty sector. From Practitioners and Therapists, Clinics and Therapy Centres, to Spas and Health Stores, you will meet thousands of potential customers looking to buy products, services and training.


    Further information Tel: 01273 645 119


    The Cleanest Protein Bars Around

    The Primal Pantry, the brand that brought you the UK’s cleanest snack bars are releasing a new range of completely natural protein bars. The Primal Pantry only uses a few high quality natural cold pressed ingredients with no added preservatives, flavourings or colourants. Containing British hemp powder to aid recovery and growth, dates and coconut nectar, for sustained energy release, nuts and seeds (essential omega fatty acids).


    Further information Tel: 01628 947440;


    Live Well Live Long

    Live Well Live Long: Teachings from the Chinese Nourishment of Life Tradition by Peter Deadman is the first meticulously sourced and referenced book in the English language to explore the wisdom of the Chinese preventive health tradition. It discusses what determines our health and longevity and why we get ill and offers guidance on care of the mind and emotions, diet, exercise, sleep, sexual life, pregnancy, childbirth, care of babies and children and healthy ageing.


    Further information:


    University of Chester Looks at Psychological Well-Being in Cancer Patients

    Research at the University of Chester promotes the importance of looking after the psychological well-being of cancer patients. The evidence for the effectiveness of psychological interventions in reducing distress in cancer patients is currently unclear. Limited research has been carried out on newer types of psychological therapies (particularly Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)) in helping to support the needs of cancer survivors. The paper is published in the June volume of Supportive Care in Cancer.


    Further information:


    Ten Ways to be a Healer and Still Support Yourself Financially

    AJ Pengelly offers advice to people running or wanting to run a healing business. Anne Jones aka AJ Pengelly is author of Master of the Keys has been working and earning a living as a spiritual healer and teacher for over twenty years. She gives ten ways to be a healer and still support yourself financially.


    Further Information:


    Evolve Predicts Loss of Billions Due to Rebate Errors

    A particular challenge which face many companies within the Pharmaceutical Industry, is managing rebates, not just suppliers, but buyers as well. e-Bate was developed from the knowledge of Evolve Managing Director, Leanne Bonner-Cooke. Its ability to deliver clear calculations and real-time information has been designed to work with existing ERP and IT systems which Pharmaceutical Companies may already have in place; it is also designed to be fully scalable.


    Further information: 


    School of Bodywork - CPD Opportunites

    The School of Bodywork is running two courses in June. What is Rebounding? A technique whereby the Therapist rocks, or pulses the body; every body has its own rhythm. Rebounding can be integral into any bodywork treatment.  Abdominal Scarring: learn in-depth techniques to treat the collagenous component of scar tissue. Specific techniques for adhesions and scarring to include: caesarean section, hysterectomy, appendicitis and heart surgery.


    Further information Tel: 07711 656011;


    Paleo for ‘The People’

    With the popularity for the Paleo diet showing no signs of waning, it is no surprise that Rebecca Field’s new book Paleo: 12 Weeks to Change Your Life which aims to make the Paleo diet accessible to everyone, has jumped straight to the number one slot on Amazon. Well researched and simple to follow, the book dispels the myth that to benefit from the Paleo diet, you have to eat plats full of raw meat and instead, guides the reader step-by-step through the principals and reasoning behind the Paleo lifestyle.


    Further information: Amazon


    101 Chillies to Try Before You Die

    Octopus Publishing Group has announced the publication of 101 Chillies to Try Before You Die on 2 June 2016. David Floyd brings together over 20 years of research in this indispensable guide. Readers are advised on anything from growing information, to usage and individual Scoville Scale rating. Not just concerned with the hottest of the hot,101 Chillies Before You Die takes you from sweet through to super-hot.


    Further information: Amazon,uk   

    FYI: I would love a copy of this book if they send you more than one. Love chillies&hellip


    New Global Brand Logo for Kaneka Ubiquinol™

    At this year’s Vitafoods, Kaneka Pharma Europe unveiled a globally unified logo for its worldwide registered and patented ingredient Kaneka Ubiquinol™. Used as a nutritional supplement, the directly active form of coenzyme Q10 is crucial for  energy production in the human body, as well as being a powerful antioxidant. Kaneka is introducing its new brand logo in response to the growing popularity of the ingredient, increasingly being imitated.


    Further information Tel: +32 2 663 03 48


    Top Tips for Workload Stress

    Rescue® have teamed up with Neil Shah, Chief-Destressor at the Stress Management Society, who has put together some time management tips to help ensure our workloads don’t overload us. Tips such as exercise, delegate, take regular breaks, put a ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign on your desk, make a task list for the day, energy management and if you are having one of those days, stop and take some RESCUE, a specially blended combination of five Bach™ Original Flower Essences.


    Further information: RESCUE™ is available from Boots, Holland & Barrett, Pharmacies and Health Food Stores and online at


    Team Spirit Key to Engaging Older Men in Weight-Loss Programme

    The success of weight management programmes for older men, held in sport settings, lies in promoting inclusivity, humour and social support above competitive elements, new research from Leeds Becket  University shows. The study was led by Lorena Lozano-Sufrategui, Senior Lecturer in the School of Sport at Leeds Becket and published in the latest edition of Sport in Society Journal.


    Further information Tel:  0113 812 3022;


    Children’s Tooth Decay On The Decline

    Figures from Public Health England show that less than a quarter of five year olds in England suffer from tooth decay. Overall, children’s dental health was found to be continuously improving, however there are major regional disparities, with the North West having the highest rate of tooth decay. Findings correlate with a study conducted by mydentist, which highlighted a decline in tooth decay and a higher number of parents taking responsibility for their children’s dental care.


    Further information Tel: 01204 977 001; 


    Email-Based Exercises Improve Mental Health Long-Term

    Public health interventions conducted via email could improve mental health in an easily accessible and cost-effective way, according to a study published in the open access journal BMC Psychology. Researchers at the National Institute for Health and Welfare, Finland and Duodecim Medical Publications recruited 73,054 participants by aid of a Finnish reality TV program to explore the feasibility of internet-based interventions for improving well-being in the general population , as well as their short- and long-term effects.


    Further information Tel: 020-3192 2744;


    AICR Research Conference

    The American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR) is holding the 25th Research Conference on 14-16 November 2016 at the Marriott Bethesda North Hotel and conference Center, North Bethesda, MD. Session topics include: Energy Balance, Obesity and Physical Activity; Dietary Supplements and Cancer Risk; Dietary Modulation of the Microbiome and Cancer Risk; Nutrition, Physical Activity and Cancer Survivorship; Mechanisms and Biomarkers in the –omics Era; Social Barriers, Nutritional Modulation of Anti-Cancer Immune Therapy.


    Further information:


    Little Book of Life Skills

    Life skills are the abilities for adaptive and positive behaviour which enable individuals to deal effectively with the demands and challenges of everyday health. The Little Book of Life Skills can be downloaded for free or as a hard copy.


    Further information:


    Getty Muddy for Charity and Support Respond

    Respond works with very vulnerable people with learning disabilities or autism who have been abused and is holding a fundraiser on 25 June. The Respond Ultimate Mud Challenge is a 5 mile, 40 obstacle course for people aged 16-65. It promises to be a great family day out with activities for children, food and refreshment stalls at Assault Course Events, St Albans.


    Further information:


    Agile Leadership - Bite Sized Workshop

    This workshop is an ideal catalyst to support the 70/20/10 approach with access to post learning support materials included. We are living in a world that is filled with volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity. Learning to manage and lead others through uncertain and disruptive times can be stressful. The Learning Architect has developed a half-day workshop aimed to distil complexity.


    Further information: 


    World of Learning Conference and Exhibition

    The World of Learning exhibition will take place on 19-20 October 2016 at the NEC, Birmingham. This is a free event offers the unique opportunity to see and sample the latest L&D developments; hear from leading industry thinkers and meet face-to-face with experts.


    Further Information:


    The Many Summer Health Benefits of the Humble Garlic

    Garlic naturally contains a compound called allicin, thought to be highly antibacterial and antiviral; it also contains vitamin B6, vitamin C, selenium and manganese, all essential elements. Veganicity Premier Garlic is an odourless supplement if you are concerned about the smell. Garlic helps deter bugs; one of the quickest ways of getting garlic into your system is by rubbing cloves into the soles of your feet.


    Further information:  and all good independent health shops.


    Leading Spa Launches Mindfulness Programme

    An award-winning North East Spa is giving visitors peace of mind after launching a programme of mindfulness events. The Spa at Ramside, at Ramside Hall Hotel near Durham, is offering a range of workshops, private healing sessions and a two day retreat during June, aimed at helping people relax and find ways of dealing with everyday stresses. On 23 June, Felix Lopez will be hosting a one day mindfulness workshop, a two0night retreat runs from 23-26 June and a Silent Night Evening Workshop is on 24 June.


    Further information:


    Interprofessional. Clinically Focussed. Transformational

    Join the next Academy of Integrative Health and Medicine (AIHM) Fellowship class. Applications are being accepted now for class, starting 21 August 2016. Scholarships are available.


    Further information Tel: (218) 525-5651 x1000;


    Do Probiotics Have An Effect On Healthy Adults?

    There is little evidence to support any consistent effect of probiotics on the gut microbiota of health individuals, according to a systematic review published in the open access journal Genome Medicine. The World Health Organisation defines probiotics as live microorganisms which confer a health benefit to the host if administered in adequate amounts and probiotics products are often marketed toward the general population, however evidence for their effects on bacteria living in the guts of healthy adults remains elusive.


    Further information Tel: 020-3192 2744;


    American Cancer Society Study Links Radon Exposure to Cancer

    A new report finds a statistically-significant, positive association between high levels of residential radon and the risk of hematologic (blood) cancer in women. The study is the first prospective, population-based study of residential radon exposure and hematologic cancer risk, leading the authors to caution that it requires replication to better understand the association and whether it truly differs by sex.


    Further information:


    How to UnBreak Your Health

    How to UnBreak Your Health by Alan E Smith, now in its second edition. It contains over 300 different listings covering therapies of the body, mind and spirit/energy. There are also may podcasts to bring information to people.


    Further information Tel: +1 972 740 8636;


    APOPS 2016 Women’s Pelvic Health Congress

    Spend two days with leaders in women’s health screening as they address today’s most pressing diagnostic challenges. You will go home with new strategies and techniques to evolve pelvic health screening, diagnostic and referral best practices for pelvic organ prolapsed, incontinence, overactive bladder, chronic constipation, the standing screen, hysterectomy, menopause, pessaries, imaging, hormone therapy, misconceptions and more. Manchester UK, 18-19 July and Milwaukee, WI 18-19 August.


    Further information: http://youtube/wQv_Inwia7o 


    Fuel Your Summer Goals

    Purition offer an innovative new range of wholefood shake mixes which can be added to milk, nut milk or yoghurt to create nutritional breakfast smoothies or post-exercise recovery shakes, which make getting into shape that much easier and tastier.


    Further information:


    Yoga As A Science

    Events in 2016 with Kula Yoga include Yoga level 1 at Kula, Mondays until the end of June. 5 July to August Yoga on the Cranberry Lake, NJ Clubhouse deck every Monday and Wednesday 0-10. 7-10 July, Performing Arts Medicine Conference, NYC. 17 September-11 December, Colorado 200hr Yoga Teaching Training, 1-22 November Rancho Margot 200 hr Yoga Teacher Training - a three week immersion at the best of Costa Rica’s sustainable eco-lodges.


    Further information:


    Judy Hall’s Complete Crystal Workshop

    As more and more people turn towards holistic alternatives for healing, crystals have been increasingly popularised by celebrities such as Anglina Jolie, Oprah and the Beckhams. Throughout the book, you will find symbols to guide you into the next stage of your crystal exploration. Judy was voted the 2014 Kindred Spirit MBS personality of the year and is listed in the 2015 Watkins review of the 100 most spiritually influential authors.


    Further information: 020-3122 7110;


    Reflexology and Body Massage Most Popular Complementary Therapies

    A survey conducted by Professional Association the FHT, has found that Reflexology and Body Massage are the two most popular complementary therapies demonstrated by clients with aromatherapy coming in third. In their annual member survey, the FHT asked its members to rank their treatments in order of popularity, with 51% of therapists listing Reflexology in first place and 48% and 36% ranking Body Massage and Aromatherapy respectively in the top three.


    Further information:


    Breast Cancer Spread Earlier Diagnosis New Blood Test

    UK Scientists from the University of Westminster have confirmed that a new blood test can detect if breast cancer has spread to other parts of the body in research funded by the charity Against Breast Cancer. Results published in the British Journal of Cancer showed that the test distinguished between patients with secondary breast cancer and those who remained disease free for five years after a breast cancer diagnosis.


    Further information:  

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