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Letters to the Editor Issue 163

by Letters(more info)

listed in letters to the editor, originally published in issue 163 - October 2009

Raise Your Voice Against Attacks on Homeopathy

Homeopathy has suffered a very serious attack. A UK based group (VoYS) from Sense About Science, dedicated to eliminating homeopathy, recently sent a letter to the World Health Organization asking WHO to condemn homeopathy in developing countries, especially in the areas of influenza, childhood diarrhoea, malaria and AIDS. WHO replied last week with statements from various Departmental Heads saying that they do not have any indication of effectiveness of homeopathy in any of these areas. But it did not say that the medicines are ineffective in these conditions. Above all, there was no official circular from WHO.

VoYS has twisted this response and circulated the response of WHO to the media and have amplified the letter as if it is a public announcement from WHO, which it is not. Additionally, VoYS has stated on its website that it will be contacting the Health Ministries of all countries in the world to let them know about the WHO response and press them to condemn homeopathy in their country.

The BBC online then spread this false item, as WHO Warns Against Homeopathy Use. They have since apologized and admitted that it was hasty and mistaken in posting the article as an official statement, without checking the facts and without balancing the article with input from official homeopathy organizations, and have changed the headline. But the original BBC version has been picked up by newspapers worldwide and every day more and more online sites and blogs are copying the article.  If we let this go it will be too late, people will believe this dirty trick campaign.

We Are Asking You To Do Two Actions Immediately

Protest To The BBC And Newspapers Spreading This Article

1.  Please send emails or letters to the BBC complaint department  and to other newspapers publishing the statement.  Tell them that this headline is false and BBC has since changed the article.

BBC Response to Complaint

Many thanks for your e-mail. We have since updated this report and it now includes two comments putting the case for homeopathy – one referring to treatment for diarrhoea – although we accept that it would have been desirable to have had these in the article earlier.

It became clear from correspondence that some readers found the original headline – WHO warns against homeopathy use – ambiguous, and this has been altered to reflect the fact that people are being urged not to rely on homeopathy.

Best wishes,
BBC News website

Please Protest to World Health Organization (WHO)

Please Read and adapt the following letters sent by Homeopathy Lives! to WHO.
Please take action now and stand up for Homeopathy

World Health Organization Contacts

Director General Dr. Margaret Chan  Media Officer Fadela Chaib
Mr A. Etukudo, Division of AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria at the World Health Organisation's regional office in Congo, Africa
Dr Elisabeth Mason,  Director Department of Child & Adolescent Health Development
Dr Mukund Uplekar, TB Strategy and Health Systems,
Dr Sergio Spinaci, Associate Director, Global Malaria Programme
Dr Mario Raviglione, Director, Stop TB Department Press Contact Glenn Thomas
Dr Teguest Guerma, Director Ad Interim, HIV/AIDS Department,  Press contact  Valeri Abramov

Please write to all of the following:

Media Who Published Original BBC Article
BBC online Homeopathy not a cure, says WHO
BMJ WHO warns against using homoeopathy to treat serious diseases
The Independent Steve Connor: Lack of waves causes ripples of excitement
Kaiser Family Foundation WHO Recommends Against Using Homeopathic Treatments For HIV, TB, Malaria, Influenza, Infant Diarrhea
USA Today WHO warns against homeopathy treatments
Rocket News WHO warns against homeopathy use
Digital Journal Medics Condemn Homeopathic Treatments
Newser WHO Sounds Alarm on Homeopathy
World News Network WHO warns against homeopathy use
Drugs and Diseases Homeopathy not a cure, says WHO
NetDoctor Homeopathy Not a Cure for disease
The Millenium Project WHO does not recommend the use of homeopathy for HIV, malaria, TB, influenza and infant diarrhoea Homeopathy not recommended by WHO Homeopathy: No Science, No Proof, No Cure
Ghana Broadcasting Corporation WHO warns against homeopathy use
Kenya Broadcasting Corporation WHO warns against homeopathy use
El Pais, Spain La OMS desaconseja el uso de la homeopatia para el tratamiento del sida o la malaria WHO waarschuwt voor homeopathie
Eesti Paevaleht, Estonia WHO hoiatab HIVi ja malaaria homoopaatilise ravi eest
Helsingin Sanomat, Finland WHO varoittaa homeopaattisista hoidoista
Corriere della Sera, Italy Oms: preoccupazione per la diffusione della homeopatia nel terzo mondo
Delfi, Lithuania Pasauline sveikatos organizacija ispeja del homeopatijos naudojimo
Polskie Radio, Poland WHO ostrzega przed homeopatia
Journal of Turkish Weekly WHO warns against homeopathy use
The Times of India Homeopathy doesn't help in HIV, TB, malaria
Thaindian News, Thailand People with HIV, TB, malaria should not rely on homeopathy, says WHO
The News, Pakistan WHO warns against homeopathy treatments, Brazil OMS alerta para risco de homeopatia contra Aids e malaria
Excelsior, Mexico Desaconseja OMS homeopatia para sida, tuberculosis o malaria
Radio Netherlands Worldwide Sceptics want homeopathy banned in Africa, RADIO INTERVIEW


Homoeopathy Lives! and Dr. Manish Bhatia  ""

Federal Regulatory Harassment is Destroying Canada: Stop our dietary food supplements from being regulated as drugs

From: David Rowland
Sent: Thursday, September 10, 2009 3:17 PM
To: McCoy, Elaine; Murray, Lowell
Subject: C-6 Violates Our Rights
Senators: It's Your Duty to Kill C-6
Dear Senators:
This is an unprecedented occasion. You are being asked to ratify a bill that violates our charter rights as Canadians.  Don't do it.  Bill C-6 is so seriously flawed as to bring into question the integrity of everyone who votes for it.
Under the guise of protecting consumer safety, Health Canada is counting on you to expand its powers beyond all reasonable bounds – and in flagrant defiance of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Canadian Bill of Rights, and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms (sections of which are summarized below).  You don't have the mandate to oblige Health Canada. It is your duty to uphold our charter rights, not violate them.
Health Canada wishes to become a power unto itself, responsible to no one. Legally, you cannot give them that power. It isn't yours to give.
The following features are included in Bill C-6:
Scientific Ignorance. In the total absence of scientific evidence of harm caused by a particular product, Health Canada intends to take action against the vendors of that product simply because they believe that it may have an adverse effect on a person's health.  [Preamble; 2]
Allegiance to Foreign Governments. Health Canada intends to ignore Canadian sovereignty.  [2(e)(f); 14(1)(d)(i)] 
Disclosure of Confidential Information. The Health Minister intends to disclose personal and confidential business information to third parties without the consent of the person to whom the information relates and without notifying that person.  [15; 16]
Unreasonable Search and Seizure.  Inspectors may enter any premises where they believe there are products relating to the Act.  They may examine anything and seize anything they deem relevant.  [20(2)]
Trespassing.  Inspectors may enter on or pass through or over private property, without being liable for so doing.  [20(4)]  
Use of Force. Inspectors may be accompanied by peace officers authorized to use force.  [21(3)]
Confiscation. Goods seized may never be returned to their owner. Anything seized may become forfeited to Her Majesty in right of Canada (i.e., the Health Ministry)  [25; 26; 27; 61]
Lack of Training. The Minister may designate any person she wishes to be enforcers of the Act, regardless of their qualifications, training, or experience.  [28; 33]
Unlimited Powers. Inspectors may take any measures they consider necessary to remedy non-compliance with the Act, including putting the person out of business.  [31(2)]
Excessive Penalties. Anyone who contravenes a provision of the Act may be fined up to $5,000,000 and imprisoned for up to five years.  [38(1)(3)].
Presumed Guilty. Anyone whom is believed to have contravened sections of the Act is deemed guilty of an offence even if their products are totally safe. Anyone who pays a fine is deemed to have committed the violation in respect of which the amount is paid.  [38(1); 50(1)(a)]
No Defence. Those named in a notice of violation are not allowed to defend themselves by truthfully claiming that they exercised due diligence to prevent the violation. Innocence and truth are irrelevant.  [56(1)]
Bypassing Parliament. Health Canada intends to expand the powers of C-6 even further by issuing Orders in Council which will not be subject to parliamentary debate.  [36]

Senators: do your duty

All of the above provisions are travesties of our legal system and flagrantly violate the charter rights of every Canadian.  Stop Health Canada from becoming a government unto itself.  You are our last hope.
David W Rowland BCom MBA PhD
Tel: 001 506 277-1128  


Canadian Coalition for Health Freedom
Phone:  001 613 771-1797; Fax: 001 613 771-1435;  


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