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The Prevalence of Aluminium in 21st Century Life – and the Role of Silicic Acid-Rich Water in Combatting It

by Peter Smith(more info)

listed in environmental, originally published in issue 270 - May 2021


Background and Introduction

Peter Smith FSHom trained at the College of Homeopathy from 1981 to 1984. In practice in Cornwall since then, in September 1988 he became involved in the notorious Camelford (Lowermoor) Water Poisoning in North Cornwall in and around Camelford in July 1988, then in the hands of the Government-run South West Water Authority. Forming the NCHP (North Cornwall Homeopathic Project) he worked pro bono until his work was finally funded - in a completely blinded fashion to protect client confidentiality – after an approach to South West Water plc, the new company formed after privatisation. (SWW had offered help to the NHS and his clients felt the NCHP’s work also merited support.) Eventually, from 1988 – 1994 the NCHP worked with 1% of the 20,000 people exposed to the water, when SWW withdrew funding following the legal case that ensued. Becoming overwhelmed by the numbers coming forward, he was latterly helped by his gifted mentor the late Robert Davidson for 2 years, who came to Cornwall monthly. The NCHP also worked closely with Doreen Skudder, founder of the Lowermoor Support Group throughout, with whose tireless help much essential epidemiological data-gathering was carried out.

Book Figure 4

The schematic identifies the main factors, from uptake to excretion,
involved with human exposure to aluminium. From “Imagine you are an Aluminum Atom”.
© C. Exley. Skyhorse Publishing. 2020.

Precautionary Lifestyle Advice For Practitioners – and Their Clients – To Consider

Ground-breaking UK scientific research could enable practitioners to provide precautionary lifestyle advice that simply involves regularly drinking a unique mineral water. For the major discovery[1] shows that drinking a litre per day of mineral water, naturally rich in silicic acid, safely removes immuno-suppressant and neurotoxic aluminium through urine [2].

This precautionary advice has emerged in the wake of lifetime’s research led by the world authority on aluminium, Professor Christopher Exley and his team of scientists at Keele University. Quoting the Professor:

“What we have discovered is that regular drinking of silicon-rich mineral waters helps the body to remove aluminium via the urine.”

His team’s research shows that this modern metal, and its salt form alum, is neurotoxic – and ubiquitous as an additive in many foods, bakery, infant formula milk power, cosmetics (under arm anti-perspirants in particular), medications, in tap water, and is even in polluted air we breathe in our busy town and city streets. Aluminium is used frequently as an additive due to the discovery years ago that alum salt is a useful agent or adjuvant.  Other research has found aluminium to be an immuno-suppressant.[3]

As a result, scientific studies assert that our bodies are unwittingly absorbing immuno-suppressant aluminium in our daily lives, adding to a neurotoxic body burden of a modern metal that nature has never adapted us to deal with – and with potentially disturbing consequences.

Model of Silicic Acid

A model of silicic acid, the biologically available form of silicon. A central silicon atom is surrounded by four hydroxyl groups, giving am overall molecular charge of zero. (Courtesy of X.Lopez.  Taken from “imagine you are an Aluminum Atom”. © C. Exley)


New Initiative for Practitioners

Now a new initiative, entirely separate from Professor Exley’s research, is being proposed to monitor and measure the effects of silica-rich water on MS patients. At the same time, a wider programme providing free and specially discounted bottled silica-rich water for others with neurological disorders, is being opened-up for practitioners throughout Britain to consider adopting.

This initiative is the brainchild of a Fellow of the Society of Homeopaths, Peter Smith, from Cornwall, whose 37 years of practice has closely engaged with patients affected by aluminium. He associated with Professor Exley in investigating the July 1988 accidental dumping of aluminium salts into the already-treated water in a waterworks near Camelford in N. Cornwall, and the subsequent after-effects of the toxic cocktail in the tap water on the 10,000 local population and 10,000 holidaymakers visiting from all over the world. (See Project 2, below in ‘Future Independent Research’.)

In the interim, Smith had been working alongside others helping people with MS and Parkinsonism when he happened to learn from Chris Exley of his success with lowering the body-burden of aluminium in those with MS using the silica-rich water. Neither knew of the other’s interest in MS.

He realized that Exley’s work – though demonstrably and incontrovertibly effective in this – had been cut short before being able to evaluate any potential longer-term benefits of drinking the water could be either proved or disproved, as it had been impossible to extend Exley’s Pilot Study. (See Project 1 in ‘Future Independent Research’ below.)

Discussing the desirability of doing this with Chris, Peter Smith went on to enlist the support of – the UK suppliers of the water used exclusively in Exley’s Pilot Study. This small privately-owned limited company – a certified Not-for-Profit Social Enterprise for Good, was set up 5 years ago by retired journalist Rex Garratt and partner Wendy Latham, from Cheshire, who were inspired by the research work of Professor Christopher Exley and his team of scientists at Keele University in the adjacent county of Staffordshire.

Professor Exley began his research into the link between aluminium and silicic acid over 40 years ago when studying at university in Scotland, where he came across farmed salmon dying from acid rainfall. He went on to carry out clinical trials with his team at Keele University, which showed that drinking a litre a day of mineral water with a silica content of over 32ml/L helped remove aluminium from the body through urine.

He used in his research thousands of bottles of silica-rich mineral water with content of 55mg/L called Spritzer, sourced from an artesian well 400 ft. beneath protected rainforest in Malaysia. It was provided between 2009 and 2016 free of charge by Spritzer, the owners of the water well and producers of the best-selling bottled water in Malaysia.

Silica water of this richness (55.2mg/L), which takes over 15 years seeping through rock strata in Malaysia to naturally absorb soluble silica content, is found nowhere naturally in Britain, and is only sourced in volcanic or relatively young geological locations.

Book Figure 7 Brain tissue with Alzheimers

Fluorescence microscopy showing the coloration of aluminium (orange) and amyloid-b (green)
in a senile plaque in brain tissue in Alzheimer’s disease.
From “Imagine you are an Aluminum Atom”. © C. Exley. Skyhorse Publishing. 2020.

In 2012, Professor Exley and his research team at Keele released ground-breaking research work from clinical trials, which showed the affect drinking Spritzer had on patients with Alzheimer’s. Hearing that this ground-breaking discovery was being starved of funds for further research, and knowing friends and family touched by Alzheimer’s and autism, Rex Garratt met up with the Professor at Keele. As a result of this meeting, this veteran journalist independently decided to set up to make Spritzer silica-rich water from Malaysia available in Britain, so that those impacted by neurological disorders here could try it - using the Professor’s protocol of drinking 1 litre a day.

The following year 2017, Acilis by Spritzer was made available in Britain for the first time by - under the export tradename of ACILIS by Spritzer – ACILIS being simply ‘silica’ spelt backwards! Since this time its popularity has grown, and as part of their pledge as a certified Social Enterprise for Good, has donated free bottles of Acilis silica-rich water as well as discounts to hundreds of families impacted by Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, MS, epilepsy and autism across the UK.[4].

“Since then many families impacted by neurological disorders have shared how silicawater has made a difference to their lives,[5]” said Rex. “We have pledged to donate a portion of any eventual profit towards further research into the effects of silica rich water. And we intend to keep down the price of Acilis as low as possible (from 62p a bottle)to keep it affordable for families who rely it.”

Now as an extension of this social enterprise ethic and in liaison with Peter Smith, is offering positive health practitioners in all fields a special discount that will give their clients the chance to obtain Acilis at a significantly reduced price[6] – as well as the opportunity to nominate clients who warrant free samples.

“This is all aimed at creating greater awareness among practitioners regarding this important scientific discovery about silica-rich water,” said Peter Smith.

What’s more, the properties of silica-rich water are not simply that of eliminating aluminium. By uniquely passing through the gut and into the bloodstream - removing the toxic burden of aluminium - the water benefits the body by freeing up previously ‘trapped’ or blocked energy used to fire-fight the toxicity. Furthermore, with aluminium being a known immuno-suppressant, removing its body burden helps boost resistance to infections.[7]Something highly relevant in current times!

A further advantage is the long-accepted rejuvenating power of silica in naturally boosting body collagen for improved tissue connectivity.[8] This means softer skin, stronger hair and nails, supple joints and stronger bones.[9] Recent research also shows its effect on the heart.[10]

Future Independent Research


N.B. These two studies are being proposed by Peter Smith, independently of both Exley and They are both pro bono, not-for-profit endeavours which Smith is organising with a colleague.

Project 1: Independent Longitudinal MS Pilot Study to extend Exley’s Research and Smith have already been discussing the launching of a longitudinal study for 3 years. Unsurprisingly, this has met with not a little resistance.

(Chris Exley tells that when as a young researcher he began his career, there existed 27 independent Aluminium Research groups in the UK, now there is just one - Exley’s. Vested interests do not encourage scientists to further explore this topic by withholding funding. The phrase ‘unpalatable truths’ comes to mind.)

In line with its avowed Social Enterprise structure,[11] Silicawaters have already donated 30 lots of Acilis water for 6 months to enable us to recruit people to extend Chris Exley’s study. Practitioners with clients diagnosed with SPMS* (Secondary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis) are encouraged to come forward with a view to joining the Pilot Study. *(SPMS is not the most common form of MS and there is a strong case to be made for a parallel Pilot Study on the more common form of MS, but one step at a time.)

Because Exley’s study was only 24 weeks in total – 12 weeks before starting the water (to establish a baseline) and then 12 weeks of drinking 1 litre of water (what Exley referred to as the ‘treatment period’, using specific scientific parlance) intensely – it was insufficient time to see whether benefits could or could not be reliably reported.

There were no relapses during the time of the study.

However, it is our hope that by doubling the length of time of the water intake that it might begin to demonstrate more significant outcomes and benefits … or not.

What we no longer have to prove – or expensively test under strict laboratory conditions, as this has already been proven – is that the body burden of aluminium can be lowered.  Not being hidebound by the conditions imposed on Exley, whilst we will necessarily be meticulously following the identical evaluation of clients, we will add a further level of MYMOPS [Measure Yourself Medical Outcome Profile][12] so that those taking part in the study will be able to evaluate their own progress on an ongoing monthly basis.

IF it emerges that those drinking the water over an extended period demonstrate signs of increased benefit, it will clearly make the case for further research.

Why Longitudinal?

By making it a longitudinal study it means that:

  • People can join the study at different times, being evaluated monthly
  • It enables the study to be extended indefinitely
  • Any number of people can gradually join – improving the statistical significance
  • The MYMOPS alone will create enough evidence base to allow the data to be analysed and turned from ‘anecdotal’ into ‘proper science’. It is crucial that the ‘imponderables’ of participants’ wellbeing and - dare I say - happiness finally achieve a more respectable and respected place at the table of narrow ‘measurable and quantifiable Science’

Currently, as we know, there are no pharmaceutical treatments for MS. Our planned Pilot Study will be available soon and it will duplicate the methodology of Exley and his team.

To repeat: this entire project is a pro bono, not-for-profit endeavour which Smith is organising with a colleague, independently of Silicawaters.

Project 2: Independent Lowermoor Study

Smith began working with the first of 200 people in September 1988, two months after the July poisoning, forming the North Cornwall Homeopathic Project (NCHP) soon after.

It fell to local GP Richard Newman, and local resident Douglas Cross an independent scientist – and the NCHP – to gather what epidemiological data there existed. The population relied on two scientists in particular - Prof Neil Ward at Surrey University and Prof Chris Exley at Keele University - to carry out examinations that the government was unwilling to do.

The unpalatable and truly shameful truth is that population of those exposed (50% of them visitors and 50% of them holidaymakers from all over the world) has been essentially abandoned following the flawed Department of Health ‘Inquiry’ which was actually anything but … it was a risk analysis,[13] if anything. To this day residents refer to it as ‘the cover-up’.

Before we came to understand during our work in Camelford and North Cornwall that certain people had greater trouble excreting aluminium, they had been erroneously referred to as ‘super-absorbers’.


We soon discovered that if people in N Cornwall completely stopped drinking South West Water’s tap water, their symptoms abated to a degree. (Remember, they were still bathing and showering in tap water, which was unavoidable.)

We discovered that water with a high calcium level, was tolerated best of all by those affected. When, however, either they themselves accidentally filled a kettle from the tap – or a visitor did the same and they did not know – their poisoning symptoms came back with a bang, taking several days to recover.

They were highly ‘sensitized’ to the water. When Exley’s work came out on the MS study, some of our people tried drinking a water containing higher than usual silica content (different to the one use by Exley in his work) and, as people do, thought that taking more must be much better.  They had not taken into account their sensitivity and possibly an incredibly high body-burden of aluminium, so it is expected that Lowermoor clients will need to introduce the water in a very slow and more gradual way.

However, the data will be gathered along the same lines as Exley’s study but will rely entirely on MYMOPS. After all, this will be an exercise in exploring potential changes in day-to-day wellbeing, self-reported and backed up by any validating and supporting reports from their GP’s, ideally.

It is to be hoped that there is potential to gently improve and benefit the lives of those exposed even at this late stage.

We already have a database program ready to gather information.

Practitioners with clients exposed to the 1988 Lowermoor Water Poisoning are encouraged to come forward with a view to joining the Pilot Study. Smith’s NCHP (North Cornwall Homeopathic Project) only ever reached 1% of those affected or exposed, so there are around 19,800 people that he has never met.


Funding to research the role of aluminium is rare enough as it is.  In the case of the 1988 Lowermoor Water Poisoning – and given the fact that the ‘Inquiry’ has done nothing whatsoever that we have heard about to show any interest in those affected since publishing its ‘risk assessment’ in 2012 – in light of Exley’s work it again falls on us to do what we can to help.

We hope that this endeavour to reach out to you CAM practitioners in the UK will result in us being able to take these 2 projects forward. If you would like to receive more information, if you have clients with SPMS [Secondary progressive MS] who might be interested to take part in either the Longitudinal Study or know people exposed in the 1988 Lowermoor Poisoning, please contact the author directly:

Practitioners interested in obtaining free samples and discounts for their clients should email or click:  or call Freephone 0800 043 1707.

Imagine You Are An Aluminum Atom.


Personal Statement by Peter Smith

“Since approaching Silicawaters, I have worked over 3 years to bring the Longitudinal MS Study into existence in a pro bono capacity as it would be a travesty not to and because I am passionate about not only the topic of MS but have a far longer interest in the Lowermoor Poisoning.

“More recently, it seemed obvious that this knowledge about the potential role that Silica has to play in a society plagued with Alzheimer’s, MS, Autism and Parkinsonism and the simple financial ramifications that they hold for Society as a whole – not to mention the suffering – should and MUST be spread more widely though my more open-minded, professional non-conventional medical colleagues.

“We cannot wait for Science and Medicine to convince everyone that what has been seen up to now as an ‘inconvenient truth’ is in fact based in scientific reality. Every month that the precautionary principle is ignored, more and more people could be sliding into decline …. which might at least be slowed, if not halted or – dare one hope – actually reversed?

“Unless we try, we will never know."

Prof Exley’s book “Imagine You Are An Aluminium Atom” was released in the UK on 20th January 2021.[14]

Avoiding any possible Conflict of Interest

Both Silicawaters and I are necessarily being impeccable in our behaviour with regards to any accusations of conflict of interest. Given that they are a Certified Not-For-Profit entity, it would be ethically wrong for Silicawaters to pay me to advertise their water.

Equally, it would be ethically wrong for me to accept any such payments.

Having been unwittingly exposed to the poisoned water myself during my pro bono work in the immediate aftermath of the poisoning in 1988/9 (South West Water Plc told us that they had drained the system; it emerged that they had – in a piecemeal fashion … but not systematically! - I therefore DO have an ‘interest’ in detoxing myself using Acilis water, too.

Ethically, it would have been improper for me to have been given supplies of the water.

Because I am spending more and more time working to see these projects being brought into being and for the last 3 months - and I am clearly not a charity! – I agreed to accept a transparent paid consultancy:

  • I am working as an hourly-paid CAM consultant to highlight the existence of this accredited Not For Profit Social Enterprise to my colleagues in the CAM /Integrated medicine arena;
  • I receive no financial benefit whatsoever from my involvement nor anything that could otherwise be construed as a benefit in kind (for HMRC purposes);
  • Any ‘billable hours’ that I spend on the project are invoiced to Silicawaters, for which I receive a corresponding supply of Acilis water for my personal family use (£80 per month) and the invoiced amounts are recorded in my accounts as if it were actual income;
  • Any additional amounts of water accruing as a result of any hours I spend on the project over the current £80pcm will be credited automatically to the specially formed LMOOR-MS fund, awaiting my instructions to Silicawaters to provide to clients needing the water but without the funds to be able to buy it for themselves. I do not benefit from this;
  • The opinions and statements made in this article are my own personal views and conjectures as a private citizen, irrespective of my 37-year career as a homeopath and have nothing whatsoever to do with my registering body, the Society of Homeopaths, that does not endorse or ever will recommend any products whatsoever, including Acilis water;
  • I am acting as an independent, unpaid pro bono researcher with a passion to see justice and benefit to my friends, clients and fellow citizens alike.
















[13] Rapid Response to: Wise J. Campaigners criticise report into Camelford water poisoning Cross D BMJ 2013; 346

[14] Imagine You Are An Aluminium Atom: Discussions with Mr Aluminium  Christopher Exley Ph.D FRSB Skyhorse publishing, ISBN: 9781510762534.

Further Information

For individuals with SPMS [Secondary progressive MS] who might be interested to take part in either the Longitudinal Study or know people exposed in the 1988 Lowermoor Poisoning, please contact the author directly:

Practitioners interested in obtaining free samples and discounts for their clients should email or click:  or call Freephone 0800 043 1707. Prof Exley’s book “Imagine You Are An Aluminium Atom” was released in the UK on 20th January 2021.[14] Reviewed in Positive Health PH Online.


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About Peter Smith

Peter Smith RSHom FSHom has been a Registered Homeopath in practice in Cornwall, England since 1984. Since first becoming involved in the Lowermoor Water Poisoning Incident of 1988, which took place in N Cornwall in and around Camelford, he has been searching constantly for ways in which to help not only those affected by the aluminium sulphate but also the patients in his practice, to cope more effectively with the increasingly serious environmental toxic load which we all face. Drawn towards an eclectic approach, he has integrated Complex Homeopathy into his regular Classical/Practical homeopathic approach. Peter has been a bodyworker since 1982, starting with Spinal Touch, then briefly Orthobionomy and Hyperton-X, now referred to as Gentle Muscle Release (GMR) as well as developing tools or techniques for panic attacks, anxiety, stress ‘grounding’, ‘centre-ing’ and assertiveness. Peter may be contacted via

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