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Letters to the Editor Issue 229

by Letters(more info)

listed in letters to the editor, originally published in issue 229 - April 2016

Tribute Obituary Mike Webster

1943 -2016

Mike Webster who passed away from cancer on January 24th 2016, had been one of the most experienced Shiatsu teachers, practitioners, and practitioner assessors in the UK, and had been involved in Complementary medicine for approximately 30 years. He was a Certificated NLP Master Practitioner and the founder of Waveform Energetics, one of the worlds most advanced energy awareness, training and research organizations, with graduates and students from all walks of life in 10 different countries. Mike was also an operational Remote Viewer and RV Teacher.

Mike Webster

Mike had a varied and interesting life, always wanting to excel at what he did; he was an accomplished musician in the Royal Marines, became a Professor of Fencing in his thirties, and coached the British and the Hong Kong fencing teams.  

In the early 1980s whilst farming on a small island in the Orkneys, Mike became apprenticed to a unique spiritual training group. The training he received completely changed the course of his life. Nine years after his return to Scotland Mike had a profound realization which became known as Waveform which he then taught. Mike was a columnist for a Complementary Health Magazine and published articles on Shiatsu, health, energy, and the path of spirituality in a number of periodicals.

He is the author of A Simple Guide to Voyaging the Energetic Universe available from, His second book The Multi-Dimensional Voyager is being published now, and his third book in the Wizard Trilogy is underway and will be concluded with help from those who have experienced and implemented the changes Mike helped to facilitate in their lives, one of whom wrote recently;  ´To me, Mike was someone who possessed this rare and invaluable ability to allow a man, or a woman, with all his/her limitations, to become a human being with unlimited power for good’.

Lao Tzu Quote

A former student of Mike’s posted this on Facebook after his death, and the words  (attributed to Lao Tzu) describe Mike’s ‘mission’. He said several times in recent months, he had a lot to thank the cancer for in his own process of self- transformation; forgiving others and himself. 

Mike and his wife Stella lived overlooking beautiful Loch Lomond in Scotland for the last 14 years. Stella and their team of experienced practitioners/teachers will continue to provide Waveform and Remote Viewing workshops and be may be contacted via or


Pyriproxyfen, Zika and Microcephaly

Reprinted from ANH International News Alerts: Week 7 2016

A new report has been published by the Argentine doctors’ organisation challenging the link between the Zika virus and microcephaly. Brazil’s Health Minister has gone as far as to say that he has, “100% certainty that there is a link between Zika and microcephaly”, despite Colombia’s President having said, “there’s no evidence Zika has caused any cases of the birth defect”. The new report suggests the chemical Pyriproxyfen is to blame. The pesticide was added to the drinking water in the areas affected by the epidemic to control mosquito numbers. Pyriproxyfen is produced by Sumitomo Chemical, one of Monsanto’sstrategic partners’, and has been designed to act as a growth inhibitor, generating malformations in developing mosquitoes, a condition very similar to microcephaly… In the words of the Argentine Physicians, “Malformations detected in thousands of children from pregnant women living in areas where the Brazilian state added Pyriproxyfen to drinking water are not a coincidence”.

Further Information

Source: Alliance for Natural Health International

Reprinted from ANH International News Alerts: Week 7 2016


Zika Virus, Microcephaly, Guillain-Barré, Genetically Modified Mosquitos and Potential Vaccine Damage

Posted by Dr Sircus on February 12, 2016. Filed under Medicine

I live only two hours from the epicentre of the Zika outbreak in Brazil where an epidemic of microcephaly is taking place. The situation is not what is being wildly reported. It has little or nothing to do with a mild virus called Zika any more than it has to do with the virus thought responsible for the common cold, though as we shall see scientists have been playing around with genetically modified mosquitoes in Brazil. Dr Wallace Ransom says, “Only about one in five victims of the Zika virus actually suffers any effects at all.”

The Zika virus is spread to people through Aedes aegypti mosquito bites. Once contracted the illness is usually mild with symptoms lasting from several days to a week. The most common symptoms of Zika virus are disease are a fever, rash, joint pain, and conjunctivitis.

Dr Margaret Chan, director general of the World Health Organization (WHO) said, “A causal link between Zika infection in pregnancy and microcephaly has not, and I must emphasize, has not been established.” Dr Patricia Pestana Garcez, a neurodevelopment expert who studies microcephaly at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil also affirmed, “There is no direct evidence that the virus causes microcephaly.”

The Japan Times says, “Many experts and environmental activists alerted on how some agricultural chemicals - such as paraquat, which has been classified as ‘highly poisonous’ by U.S. regulators - which have been banned or phased out in leading industrialized nations, continue being extensively used in many developing countries, notable Brazil. They are particularly used in Brazil’s northeast, where almost a third of the microcephaly cases have occurred so far. In the last few years, Brazil has become one of the top exporters of orange juice, sugar, coffee, beef, poultry and soybeans. Brazil’s huge production of those items is probably due, in part, to the extensive use of pesticides, many of them highly toxic to humans.”

A report from the Argentine doctors’ organization, Physicians in the Crop-Sprayed Towns, also challenges the theory that the Zika virus epidemic in Brazil is the cause of the increase in the birth defect microcephaly among newborns. Instead of feeding into the standard virus mania this organization is pointing out that in the area where most sick people live, a chemical larvicide that produces malformations in mosquitoes was introduced into the drinking water supply in 2014. This poison, Pyriproxyfen, is used in a State-controlled program aimed at eradicating disease-carrying mosquitoes.

From the doctors at Red Universitaria de Ambiente y Salud (the Red University of Environment and) we have the statement, “A dramatic increase of congenital malformations, especially microcephaly in newborns, was detected and quickly linked to the Zika virus by the Brazilian Ministry of Health. However, they fail to recognize that in the area where most sick persons live, a chemical larvicide producing malformations in mosquitoes has been applied for 18 months, and that this poison (pyroproxyfen) is applied by the State on drinking water used by the affected population.”

A report on the Zika outbreak by the Brazilian doctors’ and public health researchers’ organization Abrasco, also names Pyriproxyfen as a likely cause of the microcephaly. It condemns the strategy of chemical control of Zika-carrying mosquitoes, which it says is contaminating the environment as well as people and is not decreasing the numbers of mosquitoes.

In order to stop the spread of the virus, the Oxford-based Intrexon Corporation, announced the ‘Friendly Aedes aegypti Project’ conducted by the company’s subsidiary Oxitec, which initiating a new mosquito production facility in the northeast of Brazil. What they are doing is introducing sterile genetically engineered mosquitoes into the highly dense mosquito-infested area to curb their populations and prevent the disease from spreading.

Oxitec has been releasing the genetically modified Aedes mosquitoes into the wild in Brazil since 2011 to battle dengue fever. The company produces up two million genetically modified mosquitoes a week in its factory in Campinas, Brazil.

"The Zika virus outbreak currently gripping the Americas could have been sparked by the release of genetically modified mosquitoes in 2012," reports The Mirror. "The insects were engineered by biotechnology experts to combat the spread of dengue fever and other diseases and released into the general population of Brazil in 2012… The Aedes aegypti mosquito sub-species that carries both the Zika virus and dengue was the type targeted with genetically modified mosquitoes."

Interestingly, pregnant women of Brazil were required to get a new vaccine - DTwP (the whole-cell pertussis vaccine). Perhaps there is a problem with this new vaccine and or its toxicity is mixing with other factors. Pregnant Brazilian women were also encouraged to receive the MMR vaccine. Are the DTwP and MMR safe to give during pregnancy? Nobody knows as there have been no randomized studies on whether these vaccines are safe or effective for pregnant women. 

To confirm the suspicion that vaccine damages might be lying at the heart of this crisis we have dire reports from mainstream media in Rio de Janeiro stating that one hospital alone in Niterói has attended 16 patients, with the syndrome associated with Zika, have Guillain-Barré, a common paralysis associated with vaccine damages.

Learn how to treat yourself and your loved ones safely at home with Dr Sircus Protocol

A doctor in Recife is telling everyone that there is a connection between microcephaly and the Zika virus and this caused a stampede of panic. However, other doctors in Brazil and authorities in other countries are taking the relationship between Zika virus and microcephaly with great caution. Dr Plínio Bezerra dos Santos Filho in Brazil warns that the cause of the brain damage could be problems with vaccines. He points out the possibility that dated vaccines where used.  

The president of Colombia, Juan Manuel Santos, said on Saturday that there is no evidence that the Zika virus has caused any cases of microcephaly in the country, despite 3177 pregnant women were diagnosed with the virus. Santos also said that probably more than 25,600 Colombians were infected, with three confirmed dead so far.

Of course, no one mentions that fact that most if not all of these women are nutritionally compromised. The incredibly severe nutritional deficiencies in Brazilian population are easy to see because everyone eats white rice, white sugar, white bread, white pasta and white salt, all of which are stripped of magnesium, which is an essential mineral for pregnant women and their fetuses. White processed foods are poison for children and their mothers and are a leading cause of diabetes.

Magnesium controls calcium meaning calcium becomes toxic and accumulates in different tissues. The New England Journal of Medicine presented one case saying, “Ultrasonography performed at 29 weeks of gestation revealed microcephaly with calcifications in the foetal brain and placenta. After the mother requested termination of the pregnancy, a foetal autopsy was performed. Microcephaly (an abnormally small brain) was observed, with almost complete agyria, hydrocephalus, and multifocal dystrophic calcifications in the cortex and subcortical white matter, with associated cortical displacement and mild focal inflammation.”

There is no doubt that magnesium deficiencies cause inflammation and calcification. When multiple toxicities meet up with nutritional deficiencies, we have health disasters so all of the above might be playing a significant role in the outbreak of Microcephaly.

Further Information

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Correspondence about Lithium Dispersal over the UK


To: Ann Fillmore

Sent: 2/8/2016 9:59:20 A.M. Pacific Standard Time

Subj: Chem Bomb over UK

Hello Ann

I have just read your very interesting article in Positive Health PH Online concerning lithium dispersal over Oregon.  The first photograph you show bears an uncanny similarity to a shot I took on the evening of 20 June 2015 in Manchester, United Kingdom and I thought  it may be of some interest to you.

Correspondence about Lithium Dispersal over the UK

Photo taken in Greater Manchester UK on 20 June 2015

Whether this chem bomb  contained lithium,  in addition to  the usual toxic brew,  I do not know but nothing would surprise me these days.  Geoengineering is an almost daily occurrence in this part of the UK.

Best Wishes

Tom Faulkner <>


Clarification from Ann Fillmore

Nacreos Clouds over Hawick

Nacreos Clouds over Hawick

'Nacreous' clouds as defined by the WEATHER people:   They give a complicated explanation of how terribly destructive they are and the supposed composition of them.  Below an image of the pink-grey clouds over the Arctic and a photo from an actual ROCKET LAUNCH to test the effects of lithium on the ozone over the Arctic. They're one and the same.

lithium polar

lithium polar

Twenty years ago, the 'nacreous' cloud didn't exist, just as the 'new' names for the chemtrail 'clouds' assigned by NASA and NOAA didn't exist.  Did you know there are even children's books being published by NASA with the chemtrails all labelled as clouds?


Ann Fillmore


Ten Things you should Know BEFORE taking Statins - Alliance for Natural Health International

Rob Verkerk PhD, founder, executive and scientific director, ANH-Intl; scientific director, ANH-USA

Reproduced from

The Statin Bubble has Burst….Supposedly

If you hadn’t noticed that the statin bubble had burst, you were probably suffering a statin-induced fuzzy head and hadn’t managed to stay up with breaking news. Over the past months a flurry of long-term studies have been emerging, driving the last nails into the coffin of one of the most profitable drug classes the pharmaceutical industry has yet seen. Or so it might seem.

Statins are prescribed for the purpose of reducing cholesterol levels which have long been viewed as a major risk factor for heart disease.

How many People Know the Long-Term Risks (Or Benefits, Or Otherwise) of Statins before They Take Them?

While the scientific edifice for this assertion may largely have collapsed, major health authorities like the US National Institutes of Health (NIH) are much slower to retract their argument that high cholesterol in the bloodstream leads to clogging up of arteries and increased heart attack risk. This misinformed and greatly over-simplified view results in over-prescription of statins, with the US being the number one prescribing nation in the world and the UK the second biggest. Over a million statin prescriptions are filled each week in the UK.

Heart Disease Risk: so much more than High LDL

If they were talking about more sensitive measurements of C-Reactive Protein (CRP), sub-clinical low-grade inflammation, apolipoproteins profiles or oxidised fractions of very low-density lipoprotein (ox-VLDL), that would be an entirely different issue. But only doctors and practitioners really prepared to look at the totality of evidence, including emerging evidence, are presently using comprehensive cardiovascular risk profiles including some of these emerging markers.

Pharma won’t Give up on Statins (and their Profits)

Big Pharma, and its servants in health and regulatory authorities, don’t give up so easily. Even the US FDA, while being forced to admit and communicate more evidence of harm, still argues that purported benefits in reducing heart disease outweigh risks, be these kidney, brain, muscle or eye damage, or increased type 2 diabetes incidence. More than that, seemingly outlandish new claims for other ‘spin-off’ benefits keep emerging, helping offset the bad publicity about side effects.

Among the headlines generated recently are:

10 Things You Really Need to know BEFORE Considering taking Statins

  1. There are over 500 published scientific studies showing harmful or toxic effects of statins;
  2. Common side effects include muscle damage, liver damage, muscle and joint pain, fatigue, impaired brain function, memory and cognition, loss of libido, depression, and reduced circulating levels of key nutrients such as coenzyme Q10;
  3. British private health insurer BUPA cites common side-effects of statins as stomach problems – pain, diarrhoea, feeling sick and vomiting, jaundice, headache, sleep disturbances, dizziness, depression and extreme tiredness;
  4. Cardiovascular risk is over-predicted by risk calculators used by doctors to prescribe statins;
  5. There is no compelling evidence to show any benefits of statins for the very elderly, even though these are among the group with highest rate of statin medication;
  6. The 2011 Cochrane Review of the evidence from 14 randomised clinical trials (RCTs) showed that only high risk groups might gain some benefit in quality of life, while “Caution should be taken in prescribing statins for primary prevention among people at low cardiovascular risk”;
  7. Cochrane changed its conclusion with its review in 2014, recommending statins to all those with raised cholesterol, irrespective of risk. This revised conclusion was largely as the result of the influence of one trial headed by leading British statin advocate, Dr Rory Collins that was likely tainted by his Pharma interests. Additionally, Dr Collins has also tried his best, fortunately unsuccessfully, to bury the views of his scientific critics. The Cochrane review also discounts the importance of side effects—contrary to a gamut of evidence and clinical reporting over years, as well as the requirement to warn patients of such risks on product information leaflets;
  8. The evidence that long-term use of statins significantly increases and approximately doubles the risk of type 2 diabetes is unequivocal. Brand new evidence from long-term studies also shows clear evidence that statin use increases the risk of acute and chronic kidney disease;
  9. For those who have a low risk of suffering a heart attack, leading British cardiologist Dr Aseem Malhotra argues that a daily apple will do more to protect the heart than using statins;
  10. Find out how you can reduce your heart attack risk without using statins by leading metabolic cardiologist, Dr Mark Houston, Associate Clinical Professor of Medicine at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine; Director of the Hypertension Institute and Vascular Biology; and Medical Director of the Division of Human Nutrition at Saint Thomas Medical Group, Saint Thomas Hospital in Nashville, Tennessee.
    Buy Book: “What your Doctor may NOT Have Told You About Heart Disease” (2012)
    Watch video

Acknowledgement and Further Information

Reproduced from


How Gut Inflammation Sparks Colon Cancer

Chronic inflammation in the gut increases the risk of colon cancer by as much as 500 percent, and now Duke University researchers think they know why. Their new study points to a biomarker in the cellular machinery that could not only serve as an early warning of colon cancer, but potentially be harnessed to counteract advanced forms of the disease, the second-largest cause of cancer death in the US. In the study, published online on February 4 in the journal Cell Stem Cell, Duke biomedical engineers show how colon cancer development is intricately linked to a specific microRNA that dictates how cells divide.[1]

“A quarter of the world’s population is affected by some type of gut inflammation,” said lead author Xiling Shen, associate professor of biomedical engineering at Duke University. “These patients always have a much higher chance of developing colon cancer, but it was never clear why. Now we have found a link.”

In the study, Shen’s group focused on a microRNA called miR-34a that gives cancer stem cells the odd ability to divide asymmetrically. This process controls the cancerous stem cell population and generates a diverse set of cells. While researchers knew that miR-34a was responsible for this ability, nobody knew where it came from, because normal, healthy colon stem cells don’t asymmetrically divide and don’t need this microRNA. They wondered if there was a mutation unique to cancer stem cells, or a hidden role for the microRNA in normal physiology.

To find out, Shen and his colleagues deleted miR-34a from the genetic code of some mice. But nothing happened. “It really puzzled the scientific community,” said Shen. “Usually if something is important and you delete it, it causes a problem.” In the latest study, however, the problem showed up when the mice’s tissues became inflamed. Without any microRNA miR-34a, their stem cells quickly grew out of control and formed many tumour-like structures.

Based on the study, Shen’s group concluded that even though miR-34a is active in cancer, it’s actually a good guy. Triggered to act when the gut becomes inflamed, miR-34a forces the process of asymmetrical division, helping to control normal stem cell populations.

Even in the early stages of tumour growth, the microRNA remains active to keep the cancer stem cell population down. As the cancer progresses however, its cells develop mutations that enable shutting off miR-34a, causing cells to divide into flexible hybrids that can revert back into stem cells if needed. It’s this flexibility that makes late-stage cancers so difficult to eradicate.  “Typically when you look at tumours and see something that isn’t in normal tissue, you think it’s a bad thing,” said Shen. “But it turns out that, under normal circumstances, these microRNAs are the good guys who only show up when things go wrong. And when you silence them in late-stage cancer, it’s like the super villain carried off the superhero and the cancer becomes much worse.”

But Shen is hoping that understanding the role of miR-34a might lead to this super villain’s vulnerability. With a test to look for elevated levels of miR-34a, researchers could create an early warning system to catch cancers in their youthful stages when they are much easier to cure. And as a possible treatment for late-stage cancer, researchers are trying to get the cancer cells to express miR-34a again. This would stop the tumor cells from gaining the flexibility to revert back to stem cells and allow doctors to wipe them out once and for all.

Clinical trials are currently trying to do just this in multiple cancer types, but this is the first study that has shown that it might also work for colon cancer. The discovery will also help researchers design clinical trials and pick the patients who have the best chance to respond to the therapy.


This research was supported by the National Institutes of Health (R01GM95990, R01GM114254), the National Science Foundation (1350659, 1137269), New York State Stem Cell Science (C029543) and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (19-1091726).


1. Pengcheng Bu, Lihua Wang, Kai-Yuan Chen, Tara Srinivasan, Preetish Kadur Lakshminarasimha Murthy, Kuei-Ling Tung, Anastasia Kristine Varanko, Huanhuan Joyce Chen, Yiwei Ai, Sarah King, Steven M. Lipkin, Xiling Shen. A miR-34a-Numb feed-forward loop triggered by inflammation regulates asymmetric stem cell division in intestine and colon cancer. Cell Stem Cell.  DOI: 10.1016/j.stem.2016.01.006. 2016.

Further Information and Contact

Contact: Ken Kingery <>
Tel: +1 (919) 660-8414

New RNA Letter Regulates Gene Expression              


TAU, Sheba Medical Center, University of Chicago discovery brings RNA to the fore of epigenetics

DNA, RNA, protein - the end. Or is it? Until recently, the pattern used to encode genetic information into our cells was considered to be relatively straightforward: four letters (A,G,C,T) for DNA and four (A,G,C,U) for RNA. This equation, however, turned out to be oversimplified - RNA was holding out.

A new study published in Nature[1] by a team of Tel Aviv University, Sheba Medical Center, and University of Chicago scientists finds that RNA, considered the DNA template for protein translation, often appears with an extra letter - and this letter is the regulatory key for control of gene expression. The discovery of a novel letter marking thousands of mRNA transcripts will offer insight into different RNA functions in cellular processes and contributions to the development of disease.

"Epigenetics, the regulation of gene expression beyond the primary information encoded by DNA, was thought until recently to be mediated by modifications of proteins and DNA," said Prof. Gidi Rechavi, Djerassi Chair in Oncology at TAU's Sackler Faculty of Medicine and head of the Cancer Research Center at Sheba Medical Center. "The new findings bring RNA to a central position in epigenetics."

The research, led jointly by Prof Rechavi and Prof Chuan He, John T. Wilson Distinguished Service Professor in Chemistry and Investigator of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute at the University of Chicago, and conducted by a team of researchers at TAU, Sheba, and Chicago, represents a breakthrough in understanding how RNAs are regulated.

"This discovery further opens the window on a whole new world of biology for us to explore," said Prof. He. "These modifications have a major impact on almost every biological process."

The number of modified nucleotides (letters) in RNA is 10 times larger than that of the letters found in DNA. But what accounts for the evolutionary drive for a large RNA alphabet? RNA molecules have a wide variety of functions, including storage of genetic information as well as catalytic, structural, and regulatory activities. This is in contrast to the important but one-dimensional function of DNA in encoding genetic information.

"The 140 or so different modifications that decorate RNA increase significantly the vocabulary of RNA and enable the various types of RNA, including mRNA, rRNA, tRNA, siRNA, miRNA and, lncRNA, to implement their versatile activities," said Prof. Rechavi.

Prof. Rechavi's group, led by Dan Dominissini and Sharon Moshkovitz, began exploring the landscape of chemical modifications of messenger RNA (mRNA) four years ago through a specific modification: the addition of a methyl group in position 6 of Adenosine (m6A) in mRNA. The research team then showed that this modification is specific to unique regions of the mRNA molecules and that the modification can be "read" by specific proteins. They also showed that this modification is dynamic and responds to environmental stimuli.

These findings complemented the identification by Prof. He's University of Chicago group at the time of an enzyme (FTO) that removes the m6A marks from mRNA. The demonstration of a reversible process that decorates mRNA and affects its stability, translatability, splicing, and localization established a new field of RNA "epigenetics" known as "epitranscriptomics."

In their new study, the researchers unravelled a new dynamic modification of mRNA - the methylation of position 1 of Adenosine (m1A). Importantly, this modification was shown to be localized in a tell-tale position near the start of protein translation and linked to increased protein synthesis. Thousands of genes are decorated by this modification, allowing cells to regulate the expression of proteins needed for key biological processes.

"We expect disruption of this new regulatory mechanism to be associated with disease states such as cancer and neurodegenerative disorders," said Prof Rechavi.

The research groups are currently studying the cellular processes involved in "writing" and "erasing" m1A, as well as the biochemical pathways regulated by this new RNA modification. In the future, they plan to explore the role of m1A methylation in embryonic development and its involvement in cancer and neurodegenerative disorders.

The study was supported by the Kahn Family Foundation, the Sagol Neuroscience Network, the National Institutes of Health, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Flight Attendant Medical Research Institute, Israel Science Foundation, Israeli Centers of Excellence Program, Ernest and Bonnie Beutler Research Program, Chicago Biomedical Consortium, and the Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation.


  1. Dan Dominissini, Sigrid Nachtergaele, Sharon Moshitch-Moshkovitz, Eyal Peer, Nitzan Kol, Moshe Shay Ben-Haim, Qing Dai, Ayelet Di Segni, Mali Salmon-Divon, Wesley C. Clark, Guanqun Zheng, Tao Pan, Oz Solomon, Eran Eyal, Vera Hershkovitz, Dali Han, Louis C. Doré, Ninette Amariglio, Gideon Rechavi, Chuan He. The dynamic N1-methyladenosine methylome in eukaryotic messenger RNA. Nature . 2016.

Further Information

Please contact Daniella Alkobi, The Marino Organization on Tel: 415.497.6188;; further online information is available at


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