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Letters to the Editor Issue 246

by Letters(more info)

listed in letters to the editor, originally published in issue 246 - May 2018

Statistical Shenanigans – Academic Facts Regarding the Ineffectiveness of Chemotherapy

Dr Peter Glidden BS ND clearly describes the facts regarding cancer incidence, survival and mortality and effectiveness of conventional treatments.[1] Further references to the published literature are also found in the review of the literature by Dr S Goodman in 2014.[2]

Dr Glidden's also suggests the following 10 questions to ask your oncologist:

  1. Does the therapy you're recommending cure my cancer?
  2. What causes my cancer?
  3. If the treatment you're recommending doesn't cure my cancer, what can I expect?
  4. What side effects from the treatment can I expect?
  5. Can the treatment give me cancer?
  6. How are you going to manage the side effects of the treatment if they happen?
  7. What's going to happen to the quality of my life while I'm undergoing this treatment?
  8. How much are you going to profit from this treatment?
  9. How much is the hospital going to profit from this treatment?
  10. Can I talk to 5 different patients in my same demographic, with the same Cancer, who had the same treatment, to see how they're doing?

Inform yourself about science-based, clinically verified wholistic medical therapeutics, because what you don't know you don't know might make all of the difference in your health. Caveat Emptor!


1. Morgan G, Ward R and Barton M. The contribution of cytotoxic chemotherapy to 5-year survival in adult malignancies. Clin Oncol (R Coll Radiol). 16(8):549-60.  Dec 2004.

2. Goodman S. Research Proposal: Cancer Patients’ Survival: Comparing Integrated Alternative Therapies and Chemotherapy / Radiotherapy Treatment. Positive Health PH Online 217. Oct 2014.

Source and Further Information

Dr Peter Glidden BS ND may be contacted via ; other YouTube Videos may be viewed at



Much Needed Cancer Information Service for Patients -  which Health Practitioners can Offer

by Dr Peter H Kay

In recent years, eminent oncologists and scientists have published important clinical and scientific advances with a view to helping cancer patients understand more about the pros and cons of various treatment options. In particular, much has been learned about how genetic factors influence the effectiveness of various treatments such as chemotherapy. For example, in their article in Oncotarget, Hientz and colleagues[1] state that “Overexpression of mutated p53 with reduced or abolished function is often connected to resistance to standard medications, including cisplatin, alkylating agents (temozolomide), anthracyclines, (doxorubicin), antimetabolites (gemcitabine), antioestrogens (tamoxifen) and EGFR-inhibitors (cetuximab).” It is important to be aware that TP53, the gene that encodes p53, is mutated in at least half of all cancers and that, as stated by oncologists at the Department of Oncology-Pathology at the Karolinska Institute, mutated p53 proteins have now been shown to have significant oncogene potential.[2] There are other important well known genetic factors that determine whether chemotherapy is likely to be helpful or not for cancer patients.

To provide further support to cancer patients, I offer an information service which informs them of a range of pharmacogenetic, metabolic, genetic and immunological considerations which greatly help them to understand more about the pros and cons of various treatments.

Because cancer patients have found that an explanation of new scientific discoveries in simple terms has been of great help to them, I have developed an educational course so that others may also offer the same information service to them on a worldwide basis.

Do I need any previous knowledge to take the course?

No. Anyone can participate in my course. Anyone who completes my course is able to offer the same information service to cancer patients with confidence. The course does not include any diagnostic, prognostic or treatment recommendations.




Further Information

For more details of the course, please contact me on



Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons Threatens Homeopathy and Complementary Therapies

The Council of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (RCVS) issued a statement on the 3rd November 2017 effectively threatening legal action under the Animal Welfare Act if a vet, and potentially the owner, use homeopathy or other complementary medicines before using conventional pharmaceuticals. Even more concerning is that after Brexit, complementary therapies won’t be protected by EU law and vets may altogether lose the right to use them.

Amazingly the RCVS Council made this statement without consulting any homeopathic vets, academics or researchers but was influenced by a small group of so-called sceptics none of whom have ever qualified in or practised homeopathy. Their views are not representative of the majority of vets in the UK. There is poor evidence for much of conventional veterinary practice and procedures and some have no scientific support at all. However the basis of this RCVS Council statement is that homeopathy does not have a recognised body of evidence. This is totally incorrect.

There is growing interest in homeopathy and other complementary therapies from animal owners as they seek other options where conventional medicines have failed or produced adverse side effects or when they just want to have their animals treated in a more holistic way. If you believe in your right to decide what is best for the welfare of your animal and your right of access to complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) and if you believe in freedom of choice, please join thousands of others and go to

On the website there is more information about the campaign to get the RCVS to retract their statement including:

  1. A link to a petition which has already obtained over 16,000 signatures. Please sign the petition and share it on Facebook and other social media;
  2. Information on how to write to your MP including a template letter;
  3. Information on how to complain to the RCVS or e-mail directly
  4. expressing your concerns;
  5. If you have any expertise or resources and want to help the campaign please get in touch with the British Association of Homeopathic Veterinary Surgeons (BAHVS)
  6. If you want to help financially with this campaign, donate here;


"Ilse Pedler

Help Protect UK Children from Mercury Fillings

Dear Friends,

In a major step forward, we now have an EU-wide regulation protecting children from the risks of mercury-containing dental amalgam fillings:

“From 1 July 2018, dental amalgam shall not be used for dental treatment of deciduous teeth, of children under 15 years and of pregnant or breastfeeding women, except when deemed strictly necessary by the dental practitioner based on the specific medical needs of the patient.”

The good news is the UK government is developing a guidance document to help dentists implement this new EU regulation.

The bad news is not all dentists want to protect children from mercury-containing amalgam. In fact, the British Dental Association (BDA) is already attempting to widen the regulation’s very narrow medical exemption: “Where there are medical or dental reasons to justify the choice, the practitioner will retain the option to use amalgam” – even in children, whose developing brains are most susceptible to the neurotoxic effects of mercury.

So we need to make sure the UK guidance document is clear: Amalgam has no place in children!

Will you please add your name to the sign-on letter below to our government officials?  Just reply to this email with your name and city, like this if you are in the UK:

John Doe, London

Then, I will add your name to the final letter and send it to our government officials at DEFRA, who are charged with overseeing the mercury regulation.

Please forward this email to anyone else in the UK who would like to help us protect the next generation from this unnecessary exposure to mercury.  We will keep you informed of our progress. If you do not want to be involved with this issue just do not reply to this email and we will not contact you again.

Thank you for speaking out for our nation’s children!

Graeme Munro-Hall  BDS FIAOMT

Sign-On Letter to DEFRA

Subject: UK-Wide Guidance on Dental Amalgam Ban for Children

Dear DEFRA Officials:

As UK citizens and dental patients, we strongly support the new EU mercury regulation banning amalgam use in children under age 15, pregnant women, and breastfeeding mothers. But we are concerned that some UK dentists will ignore this law. Therefore, in the UK-wide guidance for dentists, we urge you to

  1. Require dentists – who have not done the needed medical training or examinations –  to document consulting with the patient’s physician as to whether amalgam use is “strictly necessary” based on the “specific medical needs of the patient”;
  2. Require dentists to obtain written informed consent from patients or parents, to include making them aware of the mercury regulation prohibiting amalgam use in deciduous teeth, children under 15 years, pregnant women, and breastfeeding mothers – and explaining why they are singled out for an exemption;
  3. Require dentists to report any amalgam use in deciduous teeth, children under 15 years, pregnant women, and breastfeeding mothers to the relevant government agency in order to prevent abuse, expose gaps in training, and ensure enforcement.

We know that mercury-containing amalgam is never ‘strictly necessary’ for patients – only for dentists who need to learn to use modern, mercury-free fillings.


Dr. G. Munro-Hall BDS FIAOMT

Chief Dental Officer

316 F St., N.E., Suite 210, Washington, DC 20002 USA

UK Contact Email:



Time to Redefine ‘Good Medicine’

by Rob Verkerk PhD

Republished from Alliance for Natural Health 28 March 2013

We’re going to have to radically change the way we talk and think about medicine.  Most people alive today still think of pills or drugs as the primary tool of medicine. When there are no drugs, there’s surgery, and occasionally there’s radiation.

But more and more evidence is showing that this view is plain wrong. It seems we’ve been misled by the prevailing biomedical model.  In reality, what we do with our lives, how we eat, or how we move, relax or sleep, are much stronger determinants of health. What’s more, the amount of money people have as well as where they live also appear to be important. That’s why there are consistent and often strong associations between high rates of chronic degenerative disease among those who are socio-economically deprived, and vice versa.  So it’s not just ‘drugs as medicine’, or ‘food as medicine’. It’s also ‘movement as medicine’, ‘money as medicine’ and ‘geography as medicine’.

Our two stories this week come in the wake of two positive happenings that have this broader frame of reference. One’s a major US study using OECD data that shows prescription drugs hinder rather than help deliver good health outcomes. The other’s the ‘Nutritank’ revolution among British third year med students who believe they need to learn more about nutrition if they’re going to engage in good medicine.

In health, naturally

Rob Verkerk PhD

Founder, Executive & Scientific Director          

Republished from Alliance for Natural Health 28 March 2013


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