Articles: editorial

Below are the articles associated with this topic. Click on a title to read one.

  1. Editorial Issue 107

    by Sandra Goodman PhD

    The other night on Newsnight I viewed a most innovative treatment by a Chinese doctor for degenerative neurological conditions including spinal cord injury, paralysis, ALS (Lou Geh...

  2. Editorial Issue 106

    by Sandra Goodman PhD

    As you may already have heard, Here's Health, the longest lived magazine in the UK about Complementary Medicine, ceased publication; the November 2004 issue was the last. This info...

  3. Editorial Issue 105

    by Sandra Goodman PhD

    This past week I was exceedingly saddened to view BBC Watchdog (Monday 4 October) which attacked the nutritional and diet therapy of the Nutritional Cancer Therapy Trust, which is ...

  4. Editorial Issue 104

    by Sandra Goodman PhD

    Since reading Vaccination: A Guide for Making Personal Choices (reviewed on page 61), I have continued to be impressed by the stunning clarity of this little book. Author Dr Hans-P...

  5. Editorial Issue 103

    by Sandra Goodman PhD

    A Research Update in this issue by Sherry et al (see page 42) relates the successful treatment in Sydney Australia of an intractable MRSA infection of the lower tibia of a 49-year ...

  6. Editorial Issue 102

    by Sandra Goodman PhD

    The media and medical establishment climate we live in defies belief! According to research widely reported in the UK, more than 10,000 people in the UK, die every year from advers...

  7. Editorial Issue 101

    by Sandra Goodman PhD

    I sense that as practitioners and/or consumers of complementary medicine, we currently find ourselves in strained circumstances, sometimes with conflicting allegiances. This, I fee...

  8. Editorial Issue 100

    by Sandra Goodman PhD

    How should we practise medicine? At first glance, this might seem as daft a question as How long is a piece of string? Or How do I love thee, let me count the ways. You might imagi...

  9. Editorial Issue 99

    by Sandra Goodman PhD

    As professional health practitioners and serious users of complementary medicine, I imagine that the majority of Positive Health readers may not respond well to massively overblown...

  10. Editorial Issue 98

    by Sandra Goodman PhD

    I have never been comfortable with the dichotomies and schisms semantically describing various approaches to healthcare. Why do we have to continually divide and categorize types o...

  11. Editorial Issue 97

    by Sandra Goodman PhD

    I have a serious issue around trusting health experts. Your life and heath, and mine, may depend upon not trusting the received wisdom of conventional experts. There are a number o...

  12. Editorial Issue 96

    by Sandra Goodman PhD

    Regular readers of Positive Health know that I constantly harangue the medical establishment, government regulatory bodies and the media regarding the widespread scandalous ignoran...

  13. Editorial Issue 95

    by Sandra Goodman PhD

    I am somewhat amazed, and exceedingly proud to announce that Positive Health is now 10 years old and about to enter its second decade of publication.

  14. Editorial Issue 90

    by Sandra Goodman PhD

    In over nine years of publishing Positive Health, I had never before been telephoned directly by the Medicines and Health Regulatory Agency (MHRA), previously called the Medicines ...

  15. Editorial Issue 91

    by Sandra Goodman PhD

    David Walker's story (see pages 35-38) is both an inspiring and hideous example of the ongoing criminal suppression, by (mainly US) governments, law enforcement agencies such as th...

  16. Editorial Issue 92

    by Sandra Goodman PhD

    I used to think that nutritional approaches for cancer treatment were the only fields marginalized vis à vis conventional medical orthodoxy. However, it is far, far worse; all 'com...

  17. Editorial Issue 93

    by Sandra Goodman PhD

    My blood is boiling, again. While in the shower this morning, I had been mentally formulating what I wished to say in the Editorial of this Issue.

  18. Editorial Issue 94

    by Sandra Goodman PhD

    Thinking 'outside of the box' is probably one of the most crucial qualities required by health practitioners. Alas, the world of medicine, and, indeed, the greater world of politic...

  19. Editorial Issue 17

    by Sandra Goodman PhD

    In my days as a research scientist, I used to think that the way to broaden medical treatment methods was to do rigorous research and prove that a certain treatment or regime has a...

  20. Editorial Issue 16

    by Sandra Goodman PhD

    There are a staggering array of therapies under the wide umbrella of complementary medicine and it is difficult, if not impossible for any one person to know, understand, or even r...

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Dr S Goodman Nutrition and Cancer Book

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