Articles: healing

Below are the articles associated with this topic. Click on a title to read one.

  1. Discourse Narrative : The Quest For Healing

    by Joan Croome

    Healing is an active process of moving through stages similar to the stages of grief, which the patient engages in, and can reach both a positive, peaceful state of mind while in d...

  2. Distant Healing - Advanced Form of Bio-Energy Healing

    by Michael Nudel and Eva Nudel PhD

    In this article the authors explain the principles of bio-energy healing, the power of distant healing, and how we can all master the healing method to benefit both ourselves and o...

  3. DNA Activation – Etheric Surgery Using an Activated Crystal Wand

    by Carole Easton

    The article begins by answering the question: “What is DNA?” DNA stands for Deoxyribonucleic Acid. Our present physical DNA contains two strands which hold the genetic codes for ...

  4. Embracing Pain for Healing

    by Dave Markowitz

    We’ve been taught to look at pain and illness as an enemy that needs to be defeated at all costs. And that is often what we get – a costly, and sometimes lengthy task of temporarily...

  5. Emotional Transformation and Cellular Healing

    by Kevin Billett

    Psycho-neuro-Immunology research has produced compelling evidence that our thought patterns directly and instantaneously affect our whole body chemistry, and can suppress our immun...

  6. Energizing your Life with your Values

    by Michelle Maxwell

    Those special moments you remember and enjoy are the first clues to discovering what is important to you in your life – what your true values are. In this sense, values are not abo...

  7. Fiona's Healing Journey

    by June Butlin

    Last month I discussed Fiona's case study on Lupus from a nutritional point of view, which is one of the most important aspects of any healing process. Other major areas involved...

  8. Foundations for Healing

    by Andrew Pallas

    Andrew Pallas outlines a model of illness and healing that combines the biomechanical or structural, the biochemical or nutritional, and the psycho-emotional aspects of health an...

  9. Four Dimensional Wellness

    by Dr Keith Scott-Mumby

    My quest for some years has been for a model which will bind us all together in a friendly, cohesive schema. Not only that, but most important of all (to me), one which will pers...

  10. Golden Re - Healing, Development and Awareness Programme

    by Steve Gamble MGCP

    Steve Gamblin is a practitioner and teacher of Golden Re Healing, a system of healing developed by Ray Abraham through his observation and understanding of nature and its working i...

  11. Hawaiian Healing

    by Jane Lewis

    For the ancient Hawaiians, spirituality and healing were intimately connected. Healing can be physical, such as massage or herbs or psychological, but always spiritual.

  12. Healing Energy to Enhance Your Life

    by sHEALy (Sherry Healy)

    Sherry Healy looks at the renewal of the old healing modality that means people are learning to utilize energy therapy as a means of enhancing their lives. This requires an opennes...

  13. Healing for Empaths

    by Dave Markowitz

    Well, next time, try out this reply, Thank you for noticing one of my superpowers! Let’s be real, it’s easy for others to judge you. It’s easy for them to say, “It’s all in your he...

  14. Healing for the Highly Sensitive Person – Abandonment

    by Dave Markowitz

    Underneath it all - under the fears of losing your family members or intimate partner, the fear of losing your home, your health, or financial assets - is the dreadful grief each of...

  15. Healing in a Hospital; Scientific Evidence that Spiritual Healing Improves Health

    by Sandy Edwards

    Despite no sign of a natural healing ability, I trained to be a spiritual healer with a non-religious UK charity. Ten years later, I instigated probably the largest medical research...

  16. Healing On a Multidimensional Level

    by David Malin

    Body Math is a Multidimensional Approach To Healing (MATH) for the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies, and is truly a universal language of healing.

  17. Healing Research

    by Dr David Peters

    At a recent colloquium organised by the National Federation of Spiritual Healers regarding research into spiritual healing, I was asked to summarise the themes emerging through the...

  18. Healing the Spirit Body to Create Vitality

    by Christine Fadhley

    Most people experience illness at some time during their lives. Our physicians do a wonderful job, but even they are often challenged by stubborn conditions that don’t respond to ...

  19. How I Turned the Worst Year of My Life Around

    by Karen Whybrow

    The sun is shining brightly in through the open patio doors warming me as I breastfeed our youngest daughter. The paramedic talking to me is the third to arrive at our house in 30 ...

  20. How to Become a Miracle-Maker with your Life - Steps to Use the Almighty Ho’oponopono

    by Dr Bruno Roque Cignacco

    Ho’oponopono is a very old tool, which in its modern version, is based on some valuable principles such as: repentance, forgiveness, love and gratefulness. The term "Ho'oponopono" i...

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