Articles: herbal medicine

Below are the articles associated with this topic. Click on a title to read one.

  1. How Effective is Neem as Treatment Against Parasites?

    by Klaus Ferlow

    This is a topic that people don't want to talk about it! You will be disgusted looking through a magnifying glass at the variety of parasite worms in your body. Nine of out ten peop...

  2. Kigelia Africana for Skin Conditions

    by Ming Majoe

    Kigelia Africana, or sausage tree, found in Africa, may provide additional hope for sufferers of chronic skin conditions including as psoriasis and eczema.

  3. Kitchen Garden: A Clinic in Your Backyard

    by Dr Deepak Acharya and Dr Garima Sancheti

    This article focuses on ten important Indian culinary herbs and their use in traditional medicinal practices.

  4. Marshmallow the Most Soothing of Herbs

    by Anne McIntyre

    Marshmallow (Althea officinalis) is a handsome and stately perennial from the Malvaceae family, with soft velvety leaves and pink flowers. As its name suggests, it is found growing...

  5. Medicinal Application of Caribbean Herbs

    by Tricia Tikasingh

    The Caribbean region is more than just a sun and sand holiday destination. It is considered to be one of 34 biodiversity hotspots in the world and is certainly a 'hotspot' for medic...

  6. Medicinal Mushrooms - The New Addition to Western Herbal Medicine

    by Dale Pinnock

    This article focuses on Medicinal Mushrooms, which have been used for millennia in traditional medical practices in the East. Fungus, such as Ganoderma Lucidum (resihi, ling zhi) w...

  7. Medicinal Plants for Curing Common Ailments in India

    by Dr Deepak Acharya

    The Patalkot forest is so well hidden that people on the outside didn't even know it existed. It is a very special place, rich with plants and animals. The natives who live there k...

  8. Mother Nature's Best Remedies

    by Klaus Ferlow

    “Wholistic health represents an attitude toward wellbeing which recognizes that we are not just a collection of mechanical parts, but an integrated system which is physical, mental,...

  9. Natural Remedies: Increase Your Immunity with Plants and Herbs

    by Manisha Jain

    Natural remedies and alternative therapies are becoming increasingly popular. Because of modern lifestyles and high-stress living, psychosomatic disorders are becoming very common. ...

  10. Natural Treatment Options for Acne Vulgaris

    by Claudia Louch

    Mild acne affects many teenagers at some point but also adults. Acne is a condition which can be effectively treated. In order to make most of the treatments available it is necessa...

  11. Neem - The Tree Of The 21st Century

    by Klaus Ferlow

    The Neem tree, Azadirachta indica has been part of the oldest botanical medical system in the world, Ayurveda from Indian with a history of over 5000 years, but it seems that the be...

  12. Neem - True Botanical Panacea

    by Klaus Ferlow

    Neem is considered a major element in preventing and healing diseases among Ayurvedic practitioners. Every part of this fascinating tree has been used, from ancient to modern tim...

  13. Neem – The Healer

    by Klaus Ferlow

    Human ingenuity has led to wondrous feats, from fire to complex social structure. Man has taken apart and put together everything he could lay his hands on – splitting atoms, reachi...

  14. Neem: An Ancient Cure for a Modern World

    by Julia Cornborough

    The Neem tree (Azadirachta indica A. Juss.) has been known as the wonder tree for centuries in the Indian subcontinent. It has become important in the global context today because ...

  15. NEEM: The Healing Tree With Ayurveda Origins

    by Klaus Ferlow

    Human ingenuity has led to wondrous feats, from fire to complex social structures. Man has taken apart and put together everything he could lay his hands on – splitting the atoms, r...

  16. Nettle Health Benefits – the Science

    by Roy Lamb

    One of the most abundant weeds in the UK, the common stinging nettle is everywhere and most of us tend to avoid it due to its irritating sting. However, stinging nettles have also b...

  17. Olive Leaf Extract

    by Amanda Jackson-Russell, Ph.D.

    Nature's multi-functional force against infections and cardiovascular disease?

  18. Pharmacological Activity and Benefits Of Anonna Squamosa Linn for Human Health

    by Yostan Absalom Labola

    Annona Squamosa are generally known as Annona squamosa in the language of the United Kingdom. Some pharmacological activity such as anti-malaria, anti-tumour, anti-diabetic, anti-in...

  19. Physical Fitness, Energy and Vitality

    by Dr Deepak Acharya

    In this article the authors focus on a few exclusive herbal formulations for regaining vitality, physical fitness and energy. They also include brief comments by young professional...

  20. Planetary Herbal Wisdom Interview with Michael Tierra

    by Helen Morris

    Michael Tierra, a leading herbalist from the US, speaks to Helen Morris about his commitment to using the wisdom of many traditions of herbal medicine, and his concerns about “the ...

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