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Articles: mind matters
Below are the articles associated with this topic. Click on a title to read one.
Survival and Transformation from Terminal Cancer
by Martin Brofman
The author takes us on his remarkable journey of self-discovery that led to a total transformation of his whole Being and complete healing following a diagnosis of terminal cancer ...
Symbology: Walking the Path to a Healthier Life
by Michael Schwartz
This article focuses on Symbology, a radical new breakthrough in the field of health care that goes beyond traditional medicine and reveals the real causes of disease and ill-hea...
Taking Humour Therapy Seriously
by Wendy Lawson
Wendy Lawson introduces humour therapy as a significant aspect of integrated healthcare, as part of the three-way relationship between patient, carer and health professional.
by John Minard
John Minard, a practitioner of spiritual healing, discusses the implications of temper and outbursts, and how to overcome them. He uses the example of having his ideas interrupted ...
The Benefits of Thought Field Therapy
by Charles Stone
Discovered in 1980 by Clinical Psychologist Dr Roger Callahan, TFT is completely different from any other form of Psychotherapy; TFT operates at the deepest level of consciousness,...
The Concept of the Virtual Self
by Dr Keith Hearne
Dr Hearne has developed the concept of the Virtual Self – a psychological self-image that includes present, childhood and seeming past life information.
The Emotional Dimension in Children's Life Threatening Illnesses
by Tony Quinlan
Using the case of an eight-year-old girl, who was found to be suffering from Stevens Johnsons Syndrome - a severe allergic reaction to medication - Tony Quinlan explores the comple...
by Dave Markowitz
My first glimpse of an empath was in the original Star Trek series. Captain Kirk, Mr Spock, Dr McCoy, and a woman from another planet were captives of an alien race called Vians wh...
The Empath vs. the Highly Sensitive Person
by Dave Markowitz
Have you wondered, "What is the difference between an Empath and a Highly Sensitive Person?" As these terms get more into our everyday lexicon, their meanings sometimes overlap and/...
The Enneagram and Health: A tool for transformation
by Denise Coen and Jane Vukovic
The Enneagram is a tool to uncover our compulsive life patterns. We create our own intimate world, by the thoughts we hold, the words we speak.
The Enneagram: Basic Instincts
by Andrew Shaw
There are three fundamental instincts by which we are governed: self-preservation, social and sexual/one-to-one relationships. In my previous article about the Enneagram (Positiv...
The Fear Process - Beyond the Initials PTSD
by Ann Fillmore PhD
When you experience intermittent violence, interspersed with attacks on self-esteem, an abrogation of causality and the perception that the perpetrator has good intentions, this bri...
The Five Steps to Healing for the Highly Sensitive Person
by Dave Markowitz
If you are a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP), or empath, you are not alone. There are an estimated 40 million HSPs in America alone. HSPs often face unique challenges; mainly, healing...
by Donna Welsh
In light of today's increasing use of antidepressants, Donna Welsh describes different holistic approaches to overcoming negative moods.
The Hidden Language of Intuition
by Susan Hannibal
Susan Hannibal, who practices in Vista, California, begins her article by discussing how energy medicine and intuitive diagnosis have become a major part of alternative and complem...
The Importance of Strength of Character and Why it Shouldn’t be Underrated
by Mike James
I'm sure you know the story of Victor Frankl. His career as a psychotherapist and neurologist was interrupted by the Second World War and the Holocaust. He spent three years in four...
by David Melbourne & Dr Keith Hearne
Here, the authors explain an amazing and completely new way of getting important messages from the unconscious mind, via dreams, yet requiring no interpretation.
by Dave Markowitz
Stop. Breathe. And read with an open mind, because what I'm about to share may shatter your illusions, your beliefs, and your very way of being: both Western and even alternative m...
by Ann Fillmore PhD
Emotions are not deep, dark unfathomable mysteries. You only need some clues to unlock what has been made mysterious into something that makes clear sense.
The Mace Method for Emotional Healing
by Jane Smith
The article explains the basic tenet of this therapeutic method, which is based on the concept that the sole function of the mind is to produce an image of whatever your attentio...