Articles: mind matters

Below are the articles associated with this topic. Click on a title to read one.

  1. Mind-Body Medicine Explained

    by Dave Markowitz

    Pain is a message from our body that there is a problem that needs to be sorted out, and if the pain signals are just shut off, the problem can get worse because we haven’t tackled...

  2. Mind, Medicine and the Placebo Effect

    by John H. Davidson M.A. (Cantab)

    Conventional paradigms in medicine decree that a living creature is nothing more than complex of molecules and electromagnetism which have somehow self-organized themselves into ...

  3. Mindfulness… is it Enough?

    by Simon Cole

    Of course, we know about mindfulness, and of course, we believe it’s a good thing…  being in touch with what is really happening intuitively seems a benefit…

  4. Mistaken Identity - the Consciously Intuitive Heart and Reasoning Faculty of the Brain

    by Dr Toff (Christopher) Freeland

    Humans like nothing better than a neat summary of ‘what’s going on’. This has become part of our modern empirical paradigm and it consolidates nicely the materialistic standpoint. T...

  5. Natural Coping Approaches for Children with ADHD

    by Violet-Ann Remba

    In this article, the author, the mother of a young hyperactive child, discusses ADD/ADHD (Attention Deficit Disorder/Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) and how best to deal ...

  6. On the Precipice of Transformation

    by Dave Markowitz

    Everyone has their personal edge. As we approach that edge, our mind will do everything in its power to convince you to retreat. At that point there is often an internal battle betw...

  7. One Mind, Peace of Mind - Calm in the Face of Adversity

    by Simon Cole

    Peace is an Attitude of Mind. If you don’t believe me, picture the scene when you last felt totally at peace… lying in the sun on the beach; curled up by the fire with a good book; ...

  8. Perceptual Enhancement Programme by Inside-Out Learning

    by Jeffry and Pamela Sharp

    This article describes the idea behind the perceptual learning programme developed by Inside-Out Learning, the key features of the programme and the benefits achievable.

  9. Personology - Connections between Physical Structure and Personality

    by David Gavriel

    Personology is the knowledge of the personality or character of man. It is both an ancient and modern method dealing with interpersonal communication, and is based on scientific emp...

  10. Psychoneuroimmunology and NLP

    by Nancy Blake

    The author explains the required paradigm shift that is needed to bridge the divide between science/allopathic medicine and the holistic, mind-body approach to health, highlighti...

  11. Rediscovering Your Own Unique Reality

    by Regan Duggan

    In this article, Regan Duggan shows us how to put aside the worldview created for us by the experiences of our parents, teachers, partners, etc., and recreate our own unique realit...

  12. Release the Animal in Your Soul or How to Lose Your Anxiety

    by Simon Cole

    The problem with anxiety is that it’s part of us. That might sound too obvious to be worth saying, but look again… it’s part of us, not part of what is actually out there in the out...

  13. Reprogramming your Mind for the Resolution of Chronic Pain and Debilitating Conditions

    by Olivia Roberts

    Have you ever wondered if you have supernatural powers? The first time many of us considered the possibility of having supernatural powers was probably when we were children, playi...

  14. Response-Ability

    by Dave Markowitz

    Depression is what happens when we have sad experiences (genuine, or as in watching a film, in imagination) and do not let the sadness be experienced. Anti-depressants will suppres...

  15. Schizophrenia is Incurable – Myth Blighting Patients

    by Manisha Jain

    While any mental illness needs to be treated and taken seriously, schizophrenia commands extra attention as it is ridden with several myths and an utter lack of awareness among the ...

  16. Self Leadership and Vision: The Power of Future Life Progression

    by Catherine Dixon

    Great leaders lead from the heart. Very often their vision is created out of great need or extraordinary conditions that demand change. Their vision is rarely founded on rehashing t...

  17. Simple Memorizing Techniques

    by Laura Lane

    This article takes a heartening look at how our memories can be easily influenced in order to improve our capacity for remembering facts and figures, stressing that so-called poor ...

  18. So You Think You’ve Mastered Mindfulness ... Now What?

    by Simon Cole

    I meet a lot of people who have become disenchanted with mindfulness, either because they think they’ve ‘done it’ and it hasn’t made any difference, or because their life doesn’t wo...

  19. Social Media Impact on Wellbeing - Photographs' Role in Happiness

    by Corinne Sweet, the online photo lab, has partnered with celebrity psychologist Corinne Sweet (author of the best-selling Mindfulness Journal) to research the negative impact social ...

  20. Spiritual Graduation

    by Dave Markowitz

    A few years ago, I began writing a book called “The Elephant in the Crystal Shop” about New Age metaphysical teachings and communities. I wrote about what I perceived as spiritual ...

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