Articles: bodywork

Below are the articles associated with this topic. Click on a title to read one.

  1. Integrative Bodywork - Art and Science: Complexity in Bodywork

    by Leon Chaitow, ND DO

    Over the next few issues Leon Chaitow will be looking at how breathing patterns can affect health. He starts by citing that there are few cases of direct cause and effect situation...

  2. Integrative Bodywork Techniques

    by Ian Traynar DO APSMT

    In his article, the author sets out an argument for integration of bodywork 'modalities', working with the similarities, dealing with 'professional stubbornness' and the diversity ...

  3. Interdisciplinary Bodywork for Best Results

    by Leon Chaitow, ND DO

    Approximately one year ago I was teaching a group of physiotherapists the basics of osteopathic soft tissue manipulation, demonstrating a version of positional release technique (P...

  4. Know Your Bunions

    by Joel Carbonnel

    If you don't want painful and inefficient feet, don't be callous with them, give its 31 joints plenty of space by choosing sensible shoes and, whenever it's possible, do discalceat...

  5. Learning from the Masters

    by Allan Rudolf

    Allan studied with many of the originators and founders of bodywork systems. Among them was Ida Rolf, Moshe Feldenkrais and Lauren Berry. In this article he talks about some of the...

  6. Leptins and Inflammation

    by Leon Chaitow, ND DO

    In this column on bodywork, the author focuses on imbalances derived from hormones produced by white fatty tissue, particularly leptin (an area of fast evolving research).

  7. Lordosis - the Mother of all Distortions

    by Joel Carbonnel

    The title above needs to be qualified: lordosis is the mother of all acquired distortions which de facto eliminates from my assertion all congenital ones. And in ‘acquired’ I do no...

  8. Maintaining Standards in Massage and Bodywork

    by Mario-Paul Cassar

    Osteopath and bodyworker Mario-Paul Cassar begins his piece with the case of a 72-year-old woman with severe lumbar pain who had been advised to keep moving her back. This resulted...

  9. Malocclusions Linked to Abnormal Foot Motion

    by Brian A Rothbart PhD

    This article focuses on the impact abnormal foot motion can have on the cranial bones and occlusion, based on clinical data that statistically suggests a link between the two. Re...

  10. Man, The Lordotic Ape

    by Joel Carbonnel

    We all started life bent double. Cramped for space, we had to adopt a humble position to fit in our uterine home. Curled up, bowed and rounded was our foetal posture. We had food, ...

  11. Matrix Repatterning(tm) - The Structural Basis of Health

    by George B Roth

    In this authoritative feature, Dr. George Roth, the originator of Matrix Repatterning, explains how symptoms, especially in chronic conditions, are often the result of the compensa...

  12. McTimoney-Corley Spinal Therapy

    by Dr Heather Parsons PhD

    This article focuses on McTimoney-Corley Spinal Therapy, a treatment that involves gentle whole body manipulation. The therapy works at the level of adjusting the bones and realign...

  13. Metamorphic Technique - Tool for Inner Change

    by Katherine L Knight

    The Metamorphic Technique was created in the 1960s by Robert St John, a British naturopath and reflexologist, and further developed by Gaston St Pierre, founder of the Metamorphic ...

  14. Mind The Gap: From Fashion to Form and Function

    by Joel Carbonnel

    Have you ever heard of the thigh gap? I hadn’t before reading an article titled Body language (The Guardian 12.11.13). This ‘essential’ reading is all about identifying anatomical b...

  15. Muscle Energy Techniques (METs) Applied to Knee Pain

    by John Gibbons

    An additional tool for the physical therapist's 'manual therapy toolbox', muscle energy techniques (METs) can help to release and relax muscles, and also stimulate the body's own h...

  16. Muscle Tone Story

    by Joel Carbonnel

    The idea that many of us lack muscle tone is common, but in his column Carbonnel reveals that in fact most of us have more than enough of it. He explains that muscle tone is the pe...

  17. Myofascial pain trigger points nerve root pain satellite trigger points

    by John Halford

    Myofascial trigger points coincide with the acupoints of traditional Chinese medicine.

  18. Myofascial Release Techniques - How they Changed my Treatments for the Better

    by Emma Gilmore

    My journey with myofascial release started in 2009, when I discovered this amazing art, I studied intensively in the US and the UK, and immediately integrated these hands on techniq...

  19. Myofascial Trigger Points and Beyond

    by Simeon Niel-Asher

    Trigger points develop when parts of the muscles stop moving as they should and instead become set in one position, which leads to a state of contraction. Niel-Asher looks at the d...

  20. Network Spinal Analysis (NSA) - Interview with Dr Epstein

    by Dr Donald Epstein

    This is an interview with New York Chiropractor Dr Donald Epstein, on Network Spinal Analysis (NSA), which was discovered in 1982, when Dr Epstein began networking various chiropra...

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