Articles: bodywork

Below are the articles associated with this topic. Click on a title to read one.

  1. Of Blue Jeans and Back Genes

    by Joel Carbonnel

    Jeans are out, genes are in. Culture and commercial pressures have decided on the fate of these two homophones. It was in the papers a few months ago – wearing jeans, once so popul...

  2. Of Snakes and Men

    by Joel Carbonnel

    Have you ever wondered how snakes move? The ease with which they achieve their limbless locomotion has puzzled many observers since the beginning of man (in this column the word em...

  3. On One's Head

    by Joel Carbonnel

    Head carrying has been studied by some scientists, such as Norman Heglund, a physiologist at the University of Louvain. He wanted to understand how Luo women could carry on their h...

  4. Out on an Upper Limb

    by Joel Carbonnel

    Two arms. Two hands. An armful of pathologies: tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis), the so-called repetitive strain injury, writer's cramp (should be called typist's cramp, really...

  5. Pains but no Gains

    by Joel Carbonnel

    The author explains that unless something is shaped properly for performing its function, problems are definitely going to arise, giving the example of trying to ride a bicycle with...

  6. Paresh Rink Bodyworker

    by Paresh Rink

    Paresh Rink, a bodywork details the training in the UK and USA to become a fully fledged bodyworker.

  7. Pelvic Integrity - Centering the Core

    by Liz Koch

    Liz Koch has made a lifelong study of the psoas muscle and sees the pelvis as the keystone of our structural system. It is not only the base of support for the upper body, but tran...

  8. Physical and Emotional Holding as a Result of Injury, Stress and Trauma

    by Emma Gilmore

    By addressing the physiology we can begin to change habitual physical and emotional holding patterns, and with skilful application of fascial techniques, bound down tissues soften a...

  9. Plantar Fasciitis

    by Brian A Rothbart PhD

    Plantar fasciitis is an inflammation of the plantar fascia, the ligament that attaches the heel bone to muscle.  When the ligament is overused through excessive running, jumping et...

  10. Podiatry - Importance of the Foot

    by Paul Harradine

    This features look in depth at the way your feet can affect other areas of your body. Podiatry is the profession which specializes in the treatment, diagnosis and prevention of foo...

  11. Prenatal and Birth Therapy - Healing our Earliest Wounds from Conception to Birth

    by Graham Kennedy RCST

    Prenatal and birth therapy was developed by Dr Raymond Castellino as a powerful method of working with babies and their families in order to resolve traumatic imprinting that origi...

  12. Pressure Plate Analysis of Rothbarts Foot and the PreClinical Clubfoot Deformity

    by Brian A Rothbart PhD

    Standing barefooted, surface area (X) and media pressure (Y) readings were recorded on 11 PreClinical Clubfoot Patients and 6 Rothbarts Foot subjects using the Podolab 2000 pressure...

  13. Professional Acronyms Alphabet Soup

    by Marjorie Brook

    ...he came in for a session and while discussing the course material he thanked me for taking the time during the class to continually explain the multitude of acronyms...A few thou...

  14. Prolapse, Ptosis And Posture

    by Joel Carbonnel

    Francoise Mezieres was fond of saying "what is beautiful functions well". Good shape is not only a beauty asset; it is also an important factor of health.

  15. Protecting the Integrity of the Metamorphic Technique®

    by Eddie O’Brien

    When the caterpillar form dies as the caterpillar, energy is released, this energy, this power is also consciousness; there is then communication between what has been released and...

  16. Psychotherapy and Bodywork

    by Allan Rudolf

    This month's column will be a special one, written by me and a friend and colleague who works in the related field of psychotherapy – Dr Sheldon Litt. Dr Litt trained with the foun...

  17. Re-integrate Patterns of Overwhelm, Trauma and Emotional Holding

    by Emma Gilmore

    Following on from my last article Trauma, Emotion and Energy, I want to explore how to assist a client to feel resourced in order to facilitate the emergence and re-integration of p...

  18. Reading and Misreading the Body

    by Allan Rudolf

    Therapists, whether they focus on the physical mental or spiritual can only be readily certain about the physical aspects of their clients; the body never lies.

  19. Reading and Misreading the Body (part 2)

    by Allan Rudolf

    In my previous column I suggested there are too many pitfalls (at least for me) to make informed judgements about a client's psychological condition or spiritual state from their p...

  20. Remembering Dr Rolf

    by Allan Rudolf

    May 1996 marks the 100th anniversary of the birth of Dr Ida P Rolf, one of the leading contributors to body therapy in the 20th century, who was born in May 1896. Although Dr Rolf ...

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