Issue 65 June 2001


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Articles in this issue:

Below are the articles associated with this topic. Click on a title to read one.

  1. Yoga and Breathing Exercises for Mother and Child

    Elizabeth Irvine

  2. The Psoas Within

    Liz Koch

  3. Holidays and Stress: 'Wind Up Syndrome' Affects Half of all Travellers

    Post Office Travel Services

  4. Phytoestrogens Re-Examined

    Kate Neil

  5. Health Benefits of Horticultural Therapy

    Marilyn Mountford

  6. Body Harmony

    Kit Ford-Young

  7. The Incredible Journey of Herbal Medicine

    Jill Rosemary Davies

  8. Editorial Issue 65

    Sandra Goodman PhD

  9. Letters to the Editor Issue 65


  10. Of Discs, Soaps and Camemberts

    Joel Carbonnel

  11. The Treatment of Irritable Bowel Syndrome

    Anne McIntyre

  12. Subtle Energy - Myth or Reality?

    Vera Peiffer

  13. Metabolic Typing - Part 1

    June Butlin

  14. Case Study Issue 65: Scenar Therapy

    John Halford

  15. The Treatment of Irritable Bowel Syndrome

    Anne McIntyre

Research updates in this issue:

Our research updates are ordered by topic - click on a topic to view more.

  1. alternative medicine

  2. antioxidants

  1. cancer

  2. hypnosis

  1. physical therapies

  2. research methodology

  1. women's health

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