Research Updates: environmental

Below are short extracts from research updates about this subject - select more to read each item.

  1. Issue 301

    DRURY and COLLEAGUES,  American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Elk Grove, Illinois


  2. Issue 301

    ROSENFELD and COLLEAGUES, 1. Department of Mineral Sciences, Smithsonian Institution National Museum of Natural History, Washington, DC, USA; 2. Department of Earth Science and BioTechnology Institute, University of Minnesota - Twin Cities, Minneapo1


  3. Issue 298

    GAĆ and COLLEAGUES, 1. Department of Hygiene, Wroclaw Medical University, Mikulicza-Radeckiego 7, 50-368, Wrocław, Poland. ; 2. Institute of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health 1


  4. Issue 293

    BIJLSMA and COHEN, 1 RMIT, School of Health and Biomedical Sciences, PO Box 71, Bundoora, Victoria, 3083, Australia. ; 2 RMIT, School of Health and Biomedical Sciences, PO Box 71, Bundoora, Vict1


  5. Issue 274

    FINGER and COLLEAGUES, 1. Institute for Sustainability & Innovation, College of Engineering and Science, Victoria University, PO Box 14428, Melbourne, Victoria 8001, Australia.


  6. Issue 250

    REYES and COLLEAGUES, 1. a School of Public Health and Health Systems, University of Waterloo , Waterloo , Canada; 2. b Department of Kinesiology , University of Waterloo , Waterloo , Canada; 3. c Department of Biology , University of Waterloo, Wate1


  7. Issue 240

    IWATSUBO and COLLEAGUES,  (1)Département santé travail, Institut de veille sanitaire (InVS), Saint Maurice, France studied occupational exposure to chloracetal C5 and possible causative role in renal cell carcinoma (RCC).


  8. Issue 173

    TRUCKSESS and COLLEAGUES, US Food and Drug Administration, College Park, Maryland, USA. studied aflatoxins (AF)and ochratoxin A (OTA) in ginger supplements.


  9. Issue 171

    GINSBERG and TOAL, Connecticut Department of Public Health, Hartford, Connecticut 06134, USA.  developed a method to quantitatively analyze the net risk/benefit of indi1


  10. Issue 139

    RUBIN and co-workers, Mobile Phones Research Unit, Division of Psychological Medicine, Institute of Psychiatry and Guy’s, King’s and St Thomas’ School of Medicine, King’s College London, UK, have reviewed (20 references) treatme1


  11. Issue 130

    RUBIN and colleagues, Mobile Phones Research Unit, Division of Psychological Medicine, Institute of Psychiatry and Guy’s, King’s and St Thomas’ School of Medicine, King’s College London, UK, have reviewed (20 references) treatme1


  12. Issue 127

    RUBIN and co-workers, Mobile Phones Research Unit, Division of Psychological Medicine, Institute of Psychiatry and Guy's, King's and St Thomas' School of Medicine, King's College London, UK, have reviewed (20 references) treatments for electromagnetic hypersensitivity.


  13. Issue 125

    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have reported on lead poisoning associated with the use of litargirio, or lead monoxide, as an anti-perspirant. Abstract: Lead can damage the nervous system, the blood and the kidneys. Deteriorated lead p1


  14. Issue 125

    FORAN and colleagues, Midwest Center for Environmental Science and Public Policy, Milwaukee, WI, USA, have analyzed the benefits and risks of eating wild and farmed salmon.


  15. Issue 120

    LEE and colleagues, Dept. of Food Science and Human Nutrition, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824-1224, USA, have investigated the levels of lead in the blood of American women.


  16. Issue 109

    AMREIN and colleagues, Institute of Food Science and Nutrition, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), Zurich, Switzerland, have found acrylamide in gingerbread and described possible ways of reducing this toxicity.


  17. Issue 93

    RAMANATHAN and colleagues, Department of Medical Biochemistry, Dr AL Mudaliar Post Graduate Institute of Basic Medical Sciences, University of Madras, Taramani Campus, Chennai, India, have investigated the effects of vitamins C and E on arsenic-induced1


  18. Issue 77

    SEIDEL, Institute for Occupational, Social and Environmental Medicine, University of Ulm, Ulm, Germany,, reviewed (50 references) how environmental medicin1


  19. Issue 72

    LANDRIGAN, Departments of Community-Preventive Medicine and Pediatrics, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, NY, USA, reviewed (43 references) the growth in importance over the last half century of environmental causes and factors1


  20. Issue 72

    GITTERMAN and BEARER, Departments of Pediatrics and Public Health, George Washington University Schools of Medicine and Public Health and Health Services, General and Community Pediatrics, Children's National Medical Center, Washin1


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