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VENKATESWARAN and colleagues, Division of Urology, Sunnybrook and Women's College Health Science Centre, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, describe the modulation of cell pr...more
VENNOS and COLLEAGUES, Scientific Medical Division, Padma Inc., Hinwil, Switzerland provided an overview of the clinical studies on the efficacy and safety of Padma 28, complex ...more
VERCAMBRE and COLLEAGUES, Foundation of Public Health, Mutuelle Generale de l'Education Nationale, Paris, France examined the relation between physical activity and...more
VERGEER and ROBERTS, School of Applied Social Sciences, University of Durham, Stockton-on-Tees, UK, report on the effects of using imagery for flexibility training.more
VERGEER and ROBERTS, School of Applied Social Sciences, University of Durham, Stockton-on-Tees, UK, ineke.vergeer@durham.ac.uk, have...more
VERHOEF and colleagues, Department of Community Health Sciences, The University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada. mverhoef@ucalgary.ca write that alternative therapymore
VERHOEF and PAGE, Department of Community Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, University of Calgary. investigated the knowledge, opinions and re...more
VERHOEVEN and colleagues, TNO Nutrition and Food Research Institute, Zeist The Netherlands examined the association between breast cancer risk and intake o...more
VERICEL and colleagues, Institut National de la Sante et de la Recherche Medicale U. 352, Biochimie & Pharmacologie, Bat 406, INSA-Lyon, 20 Ave A. Einstein, 69621, Villeurb...more
VERMA and BORDIA, Department of Medicine and Indigenous Drug Research Centre, R. N. T. Medical College, Udaipur-313 001,India, investigated the effects of...more
VERMA and COLLEAGUES, 1. a Department of Radiation Oncology , University of Nebraska Medical Center , Omaha , NE , USA; 2. b Department of Internal Medicine , University of Te...more
VERNON and co-workers, Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College, Toronto, ON, Canada. hvernon@cmcc.ca, have reviewed (71 references) manual...more
VESSBY, Department of Public Health and Caring Sciences/Geriatrics, University of Uppsala, Sweden. Bengt.vessby@geriatrik.uu.se re...more
VESTERGAARD-POULSEN and COLLEAGUES, Center for Functionally Integrative Neuroscience, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark. peterv@pet.auh.dk r...more
VICKERS and co-authors, Integrative Medicine Service and Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY 10021, USA, have reviewed (15 references)...more
VICKERS and co-workers, Integrative Medicine Service, Biostatistics Service, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, 1275 York Avenue, NY, NY 10021, USA, vickers...more
VICKERS and co-workers, Integrative Medicine Service, and Department of Medicine, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY 10021, USA, vickersa@mskcc...more
VICKERS and co-workers, Integrative Medicine Service and Department of Medicine, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY10021, USA, vickers.a@mskcc...more
VICKERS and co-workers, Integrative Medicine Service, Biostatistics Service, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, 1275 York Avenue, New York, NY 10021, USA, ...more
VICKERS and colleagues, Research Council for Complementary Medicine, London UK investigated potential research bias by analysing the results of cl...more
VICKERS and SMITH, Integrative Medicine, Memorial Sloane-Kettering Cancer Center, 1275 York Avenue, New York, New York 10021, USA, more
VICKERS and SMITH, Integrative Medicine, Memorial Sloane-Kettering Cancer Center, 1275 York Avenue, New York, NY 10021, USA, have reviewed (16 references) the use of homeopathic Oscillococcinum for...more
VICKERS, Integrative Medicine Service, Memorial Sloane-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, New York 10021, USA, vickersa@mskcc.org, ...more
VICKERS, Research Council for Complementary Medicine, London UK writes in this review (20 references) that while there is evidence that massage and aromatherapy ma...more
VIDAILHET and COLLEAGUES, 1. Université de Lorraine, 54000 Nancy, France; 2. Université Montpellier-1, 34000 Montpellier, France; 3. Université de Fra...more
VIDAKOVIC VUKIC, Sint Lucas Ziekenhuis, Department of Internal Medicine, Amsterdam, The Netherlands investigated hypnotherapy in the treatment of patients...more
VIDOVIĆ and COLLEAGUES, (1)Faculty of Pharmacy, Department of Bromatology, University of Belgrade, Vojvode Stepe 450, 11221, Belgrade, Serbia, more
VILA and others, ABS Creu de Barbera, Sabadell, Barcelona, Spain, abs.sabadell6@sabadell.scs.es, have conducted a trial of relaxation practice for...more
VILJANEN and colleagues, Tampere Regional Institute of Occupational Health, PO Box 486, FIN-33101 Tampere, Finland, matti.viljanen@ttl.fi...more
VILLA-RODRIGUEZ and COLLEAGUES, 1 School of Food Science and Nutrition, University of Leeds, Leeds, LS2 9JT, UK; 2 Szent István University, Faculty of Food Science, Depar...more
VILLANI and COLLEAGUES, 1. Neuro-Oncology Unit, Regina Elena National Cancer Institute, Via Elio Chianesi 30, 00144, Rome, Italy. ve...more
VILLAR and COLLEAGUES, Nuffield Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Oxford Maternal and Perinatal Health Institute, Green Templeton College, University of Oxford, Oxford...more
VINCENT and colleagues, Unit 476-Human Nutrition and Lipids at INSERM (National Institute of Health and Medical Research), Faculty of Medicine Timone, Mediterranee University, 27 boulevard Jean Mou...more
VINCETI and COLLEAGUES 1. Environmental, Genetic and Nutritional Epidemiology Research Center (CREAGEN), University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Modena, Italy; Boston University...more
VINCETI and COLLEAGUES, 1 Research Center in Environmental, Nutritional and Genetic Epidemiology (CREAGEN), Department of Biomedical, Metabolic and Neural Sciences, University o...more
VINCETI and colleagues, Department of Hygiene, Microbiology & Biostatistics, University of Modena and Reggio Emila, Modena, Italy reviewed (133 references) the link between the...more
VINOTHIYA and COLLEAGUES, 1. Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology, Faculty of Science, Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar 608 002 Tamil Nadu, India; 2. Department of ...more
VIRTAMO and colleagues, National Public Health Institute, Helsinki, Finland, have investigated the incidence of cancer after vitamin E and pro-vitamin A supplementation.more
VISCEGLIA and LEWIS, evisceglia@gmail.com studied therapeutic yoga as a complementary treatment for schizophrenia.
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VISIOLI and HAGEN, UMR 7079, Universite' Paris 6 Pierre et Marie Curie, 7 quai saint Bernard, Batiment A, 5eme etage, 75005 Paris, France. more
VISWESWARAIAH and TELLES, Vivekananda Yoga Research Foundation, Bangalore, India, have conducted a randomized trial of yoga as a complementary treatment for pulmonary tuberculosis.more
VITOLINS and COLLEAGUES, (1)Mara Z. Vitolins, Leah Griffin, Bart Frizzel, Glenn J. Lesser, Michelle Naughton, and Edward G. Shaw, Wake Forest School of Medicine; Dawn Moos...more
VIVEKANANTHAN and co-workers, Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, OH 44195, USA, have analyzed clinical trials on antioxidant vitamins fo...more
VIVSVEEN and COLLEAGUES, (1)School of Health and Related Research, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK, p.viksveen@sheffield.ac.uk...more
VLIEGER and co-workers, St Antonius Ziekenhuis, Nieuwegein, The Netherlands, a.vlieger@antonius.net, have investigated the use of CAM in...more
VLIEGER and COLLEAGUES, Department of Paediatrics, St. Antonius Hospital, Koekoekslaan 1, 3435 CM Nieuwegein, The Netherlands. more
VOGT and co-workers, Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics, National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, MD 20892-7246, USA, review (53 references) serum selenium and the risk of pr...more
VOĬTSEKHOVSKIS and COLLEAGUES, [Article in Russian] assessed PTSD incidence, OS parameters and their adjustment advances using organic Se in PTSD risk group patient...more
VOJDANI and ERDE propose that Regulatory T Cells modulate tumour immunity.
Abstract: Regulatory T cells are the major arbiter of immune responses, m...more -
VOJDANI and ERDE have described Regulatory T-cells,
VOJDANI and ERDE have described Regulatory T-cells, a type of white blood cells potentially important in allergy.
Abstract: Regulatory T cells maintain dominant cont...more -
VOLKOTRUB and ANDROPOVA [ no affiliation provided] reviewed (57 references) international literature, including Russian, on the biological effects...more
VOLLRATH and COLLEAGUES, Department of Psychosomatics and Health Behavior, Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Oslo, Norway. margare...more
VON GRUENIGEN and co-workers, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, SUMMA Health System, 525 E. Market Street, Akron, OH 44309, USA, more
VON SCHACKY, Preventive Cardiology, Medizinische Klinik und Poliklinik Innenstadt, Ludwig Maximilians-Universitat Munchen, Munich, Germany, more
VORS and COLLEAGUES, 1. Institut sur la nutrition et les aliments fonctionnels (INAF), Pavillon des Services, Université Laval, Québec, Canada; 2. Institut sur la ...more
VOSTALOVA and COLLEAGUES, (1)Department of Medical Chemistry and Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, Palacký University, Hnevotinska 3, Olomouc 77515, ...more
VOTOVA and WISTER, Department of Sociology, University of Victoria, Victoria, Canada, have explored the use of CAM as self-care.more
VOUTILAINEN and colleagues, Research Institute of Public Health, University of Kuopio, Kuopio, Finland conducted a study into the potential association of low serum folate and the ...more
VUTYAVANICH and colleagues, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai, Thailand, tvutyava@mai...more
WACHHOLTZ and colleagues, Department of Psychiatry, University of Mass Medical Center, Worcester, MA 01655, USA. WachholA@ummhc.org , have s...more
WADE and COLLEAGUES, 1. Richard & Hinda Rosenthal Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine Research, College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, New Yo...more
WAELDE and colleagues, Pacifica Graduate School of Psychology, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA, have carried out a pilot study of yoga and meditation for stress reduction in dementia caregiversmore
WAGNER and colleagues, Department of Family Medicine, Medical College of Georgia, Augusta 30912-3500 USA. pwagner@mail.mcg.edu. write that the number of visits to ...more
WAGNER and colleagues, Institute of Nutritional Sciences, University of Vienna, Austria, karl-heinz.wagner@univie.ac.at, ...more
WAHLSTROM and COLLEAGUES, 1. 1 Department of Clinical Sciences, Danderyd Hospital, Division of Cardiovascular Medicine, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden.3 Sophiahemmet U...more
WAHNER-ROEDLER and colleagues,
WAHNER-ROEDLER and colleagues, Department of Internal Medicine and Division of General Internal Medicine, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine, Rochester, Minn 55905, USA, more
WAHNER-ROEDLER and colleagues,
WAHNER-ROEDLER and colleagues, Department of Internal Medicine and Division of General Internal Medicine, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine, Rochester, Minn 55905, USA, more
WAINAPEL and colleagues, Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Montefiore Medical Center/Albert Einstein College of Medicine, New York, NY USA conducted a survey<...more
WAISSE and COLLEAGUES, 1 São Paulo Homeopathic Medical Association/Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil; 2 Department of Complement...more
WAISSE and JURJ,1 Center Simão Mathias of Studies in History of Science (CESIMA), Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo, Rua Caio Prado 102, São Paulo...more
WALACH and co-workers, Department of Environmental Medicine and Hospital Hygiene, University Hospital Freiburg, Hugstetterstrasse 55, D-79106 Freiburg, Germany, more
WALACH and colleagues, Department of Environmental Medicine and Hygiene, University Hospital Freiburg, Germany, walach@ukl.uni-...more
WALACH and colleagues, Universitaetsklinikum Freiburg, Institut fuer Umweltmedizin und Krankenhaushygiene, Hugstetterstrasse 55, 79106 Freiburg, Germany, more
WALACH and RIGHETTI, Abteilung Rehabilitationspsychologie, Universitat Freiburg, Bundesrepublik Deutschland Germany provide a review (91 reference...more
WALACH, Department of Psychology, School of Social Sciences, and Samueli Institute, European Office, Northampton University , Northampton, United Kingdom discusses campaig...more
WALI and COLLEAGUES, College of Pharmacy, University of Louisiana at Monroe, 700 University Avenue, Monroe, LA 71209-0470, USA studied the mechanism whereby combined dose of gamma-tocotrie...more
WALKER and COLLEAGUES, (1)Elsie Widdowson Laboratory, MRC Human Nutrition Research, Fulbourn Road, Cambridge CB1 9NL, UK; (2)MRC Biostatistics Unit, Hub for Trials Methodology R...more
WALLACE, Department of Veterans Affairs, VA Western New York Health Care System USA writes that a review of the literature regarding relaxation and imagery...more
WALLMAN and co-workers, School of Human Movement and Exercise Science, University of Western Australia, Stirling Highway, Nedlands, WA 6009, Australia, ...more
WALMSLEY and colleagues, MRC Human Nutrition Research, Cambridge UK studied the relationship between cigarette smoking and a range of nutrient int...more
WALSH, Homerton School of Health Studies, Cambridge writes that psoriasis is an uncomfortable, inflammatory skin disease for which there is presently no cu...more
WALSTON and co-authors, School of Medicine, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 21224, USA, have researched antioxidant vitamins, inflammation, and deaths in older women.more
WALTON and colleagues, Center for Natural Medicine and Prevention, Maharishi University of Management, Fairfield, Iowa, USA, kwalton@mum.edu, have written about...more
WALTON and SULLIVAN, Carroll College, USA, have studied the spirituality of men with prostate cancer.more
WALTON-HADLOCK, Parkinsons Recovery Project, Santa Cruz, California 95060 USA discusses the hypothesis based upon an acupuncture channel theory rega...more
WANG and co-workers, Department of Acup-Moxibustion, Orthopedics and Traumatology, Wuhan 430061, China, have studied the effects of acupuncture on nerve stem cells in rats with Par...more
WANG and co-workers, Affiliated Hospital of Nantong Medical College, Nantong 226001, China, found an alteration of vitamin E levels in patients with...more
WANG and co-workers, Department of Anesthesiology, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT 06520, USA, shu-ming.wang@yale.edumore
WANG and COLLEAGUES investigated via a diabetes self-management intervention trial with Latinos of sugar-sweetened beverage (SSB) consumption and its association with metabolic ...more
WANG and COLLEAGUES, 1. Department of Moxibustion and Massage, Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tianjin, 300193, China; 2. Department of Acupuncture, The First Te...more
WANG and COLLEAGUES, 1 a State Key Laboratory of Quality Research in Chinese Medicine , Institute of Chinese Medical Sciences, University of Macau , Macao , China; 2 b Center fo...more
WANG and COLLEAGUES 1 Department of Epidemiology, College of Preventive Medicine, Third Military Medical University, Gaotanyan Road 30, Shapingba District, Chongqing, 4000...more
WANG and COLLEAGUES, Center for Sensory-Motor Interaction, Orofacial Pain Laboratory, Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark. kelun@smi.auc.dk conducted a study to examine the effect...more
WANG and COLLEAGUES, Department of Pharmacology and Biostatistics, Institute of Medical Sciences, Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine, China conducted a&nbs...more
WANG and COLLEAGUES, Department of Medicine, Oregon Health and Science University, Portland, OR 97239, USA. wangwe@ohsu.edu studied assoc...more
WANG and COLLEAGUES, Department of Epidemiology and Population Health, School of Public Health and Information Sciences, University of Louisville, 555 South Floyd Street, L...more
WANG and COLLEAGUES, College of Medicine at Rockford, University of Illinois Chicago, Rockford, Illinois 61107, USA. mianwang@uic.edu...more
WANG and COLLEAGUES, Department of Cardiology, Qian'an TCM Hospital, Qian'an 064400, Hebei Province, China. wangyumei4389@163.com &nbs...more
WANG and COLLEAGUES, Department of Nutrition, Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, Massachusetts 02115, USA investigated whether vitamin E intake was associated with amyotro...more
WANG and COLLEAGUES, School of Public Health, The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam, Hong Kong investigated the association between fish consumption and mortality in 36,003 Chin...more
WANG and COLLEAGUES, Department of Nursing, Kaohsiung Medical University Chung-Ho Memorial Hospital, Taiwan, ROC. chang369@gmail.com in t...more
WANG and COLLEAGUES, Department of Cardiology, Guang'anmen Hospital, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, Beijing 100053, China reviewed the published literature to ...more
WANG and COLLEAGUES, (1)School of Public Health, Capital Medical University, Beijing, China ; Municipal Key Laboratory of Clinical Epidemiology, Beijing, China; School of Medica...more
WANG and COLLEAGUES, (1)Department of Acupuncture and Moxibustion, Guang An Men Hospital, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, Beijing,China more
WANG and COLLEAGUES, (1)The Center of Neurology and Rehabilitation, Second Affiliated Hospital of Wenzhou Medical College, 109 Xueyuan West Road, Wenzhou, Zhejiang 325027,...more
WANG and COLLEAGUES, (1)Department of Cardiology, Anzhen Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing, China; (2)Department of Cardiology, Anzhen Hospital, Capital Medica...more
WANG and COLLEAGUES, (1)Centre for Vision Research, Department of Ophthalmology and the Westmead Millennium Institute, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia; Centre fo...more
WANG and COLLEAGUES, (1)Key Laboratory of Ministry of Education, Department of Pharmacology, Heilongjiang University of Chinese Medicine, Harbin, China reviewed the lite...more
WANG and COLLEAGUES, (1)Department of Cardiology, Second Affiliated Hospital, Xi'an Jiaotong University, 157 Road Xiwu, Xi'an, Shaanxi, 710004, People's Republic of China ...more
WANG and COLLEAGUES, (1)Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 11 A Datun Road, Beijing, 100101, People's Repu...more
WANG and COLLEAGUES, (1)Institute of Endemic Diseases, Xi'an Jiaotong University College of Medicine, Key Laboratory of Environment and Genes Related to Diseases (X...more
WANG and COLLEAGUES, 1. Center of Acupuncture and Moxibustion, Beijing Chinese Medicine Hospital Affiliated to Capital Medical University, Beijing 100010, China; 2. Department o...more
WANG and COLLEAGUES, 1. Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery ICU, Xiangya Hospital, Central South University, Changsha 410008, China set out to evaluate the condition of can...more
WANG and COLLEAGUES, 1. School of Nursing, the Medical College of Qingdao University, Qingdao, People's Republic of China. wangaiminqy@126.c...more
WANG and COLLEAGUES, 1. College of TCM, Ningxia Medical University, Yinchuan 750004, China; 2. Department of Acupuncture-Moxibustion, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region Hosp...more
WANG and COLLEAGUES, 1 Department of Urology, The First Affiliated Hospital with Nanjing Medical University, Nanjing, 210029, China; 2 Department of Geriatric Medicine, Jiangsu ...more
WANG and JIAO, Fruit Laboratory, Beltsville Agriculture Research Center, Agricultural Research Service, US Department of Agriculture, Beltsville, MD 20705-2350...more
WANG and KAIN, Department of Anaesthesiology, Pediatrics and Child Adolescent Psychiatry, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, Connecticut 06520-8051,...more
WANG and LI, 1. Inheritance Studio of ZHENG's Acupuncture School in Gansu, Lanzhou 730000, China; 2. Department of Acupuncture and Moxibustion, HUANGFU Mi TCM Hospital of Lingtai County, Pinglia...more
WANG and RUSSELL, Jean Mayer USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging, Boston, MA, USA write that a large body of observational epidemiologic...more
WANG, Department of Acupuncture and Moxibustion, Shenzhen Municipal Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Guangdong Province 518000, China, has recorded clinical observations on acupuncture tre...more
WANG, Shandan County Hospital of TCM, Gansu Province, China describes the combined treatment of gonococcal arthritis using acupuncture, garlic mox...more
WARD and co-authors, School of Medicine and Pharmacology, University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia, nward@cyllene.uwa.edu.a...more
WARD and COLLEAGUES, (1)Centre for Physiotherapy Research, School of Physiotherapy, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand conducted a review to investigate the effecti...more
WARD and COLLEAGUES, 1 School of Physiotherapy, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand; 2 Department of Medicine, Dunedin School of Medicine, University of Otago, Dunedin, Ne...more
WARD and COLLEAGUES, 1 School of Physiotherapy, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand.; 2 Department of Medicine, Dunedin School of Medicine, University of Otago, Dunedin, N...more
WARDELL and ENGEBRETSON, School of Nursing, University of Texas Houston Health Science Center, Houston, Texas, USA, more
WARDELL and ENGEBRETSON, School of Nursing, University of Texas Houston Health Science Center, USA write that technological advances and economic, social and cultu...more
WARRICK and colleagues, Wharton Head and Neck Centre, The Toronto Hospital/Princess Margaret Hospital, Ontario, Canada studied the prevalence of alternative medici...more
WARTENBERG and colleagues, Department of Neurophysiology, University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany, have shown that in cultured cells tumour-induced angiogenesis is inhibited by pla...more
WASHIO and colleagues, Department of Preventive Medicine, Graduate School of Medical Sciences, Kyushu University, Japan evaluated the effects of acupuncturemore
WATANABE and colleagues, Tokyo Women's Medical College, Department of Medicine, Daini Hospital, Japan write that autogenic training, a method of self-hypnosis,
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WATANABE and others, Department Health Promotion and Human Behavior, Kyoto University Graduate School of Public Health, Japan, have explored differences in relaxation response in p...more
WATERS and COLLEAGUES, Department of Medical and Clinical Psychology, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, 4301 Jones Bridge Road, Bethesda, MD 20814, USA. more
WATKINS, University of Montana, USA reviews the author's experience with hypnosis dating from 1934.
ABSTRACT: This paper has reviewed the author's experienc...more -
WATSON and WATSON, University of Bradford, review the therapeutic benefits of massage and its relationship and relevant to orthodox therapies.more
WATTERS and COLLEAGUES, Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics, Nutritional Epidemiology Branch and Biostatistics Branch, Nation...more
WEATHERLEY-JONES and colleagues, Medical Care Research Unit, School of Health and Related Research, University of Sheffield, Regent Court, 30 Regent Street, Sheffield S1 4DA, UK, more
WEBB and COLLEAGUES, Department of Nutrition, Harvard School of Public Health, Boston, MA 2115, USA studied the impact of vitamin supplementation during pregnancy and breast ...more
WEBER and colleagues, Clinic for Internal Medicine-Psychosomatics, Charite Campus Virchow Clinic, Medical School of the Humboldt University, Augustenburger Platz 1, 13353, Berl...more
WEBER and colleagues, Clinic for Internal Medicine-Psychosomatics, Charite Campus Virchow Clinic, Medical School of the Humboldt University, Augustenburger Platz 1, 13353, Berl...more
WEBER and COLLEAGUES, 1. Department of Molecular Toxicology, German Institute of Human Nutrition Potsdam-Rehbruecke (DIfE), 14558 Nuthetal, Germany; 2. NutriAct-Competence Cluster Nutritio...more
WEBER and colleagues, Human Nutrition Research Division, Hoffmann-La Roche, Paramus, New Jersey USA review (104 references) the literature which provides strong ev...more
WEBER, F Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd, Vitamins and Fine Chemicals Division, Human Nutrition and Health, Basel, Switzerland reviews (41 references) the main role...more
WECHSLER and COLLEAGUES, Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA 02115, USA. more
WEDENBURG, MOEN and NORLING, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Vrinnevi Hospital, Norrkoping, Sweden conducted a clinical trial comparing the use of acupunc...more
WEI and co-workers, School of Life Sciences, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei City, Anhui 230027, People's Republic of China, have shown that the traditional Chinese medicine As...more
WEI and COLLEAGUES, Chinese Cochrane Centre, Chinese Evidence-Based Medicine Centre, West China Hospital, Sichuan University, No. 37, Guo Xue Xiang, Chengdu, Sichuan, China, 6...more
WEIGER and co-workers, Harvard Medical School and Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, wendy_weiger@hms.h...more
WEIKEL and COLLEAGUES, (1)Laboratory for Nutrition and Vision Research, JM-USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging, Tufts University, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.