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In light of today's increasing use of antidepressants, Donna Welsh describes different holistic approaches to overcoming negative moods.more
There are no points for guessing that the healing art of Qi Gong originated in China and, like so many things Chinese, it is now becoming increasingly popular in the West. This is ...more
The Healing Process: A Polarity Therapy Case History
This article takes the form of a comprehensive case history undertaken by a student who had just completed a ten-day foundation course in polarity therapy, and illustrates how effe...more
The Holistic Treatment of an Ageing Population with Traditional Chinese Medicine
Bernadette Ward, Director of The Acupuncture Foundation in Ireland, describes the basic tenets of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and how TCM can be used effectively to combat t...more
The Human Design System: The Mechanics of the Tao
The Human Design System is a new approach to understanding the unique nature of an individual. The author describes the system as penetrating and as ruthless. It can help you und...more
Breathing is one of the most important and most "instant" of all the vital functions of the body and yet the understanding of it, let alone the correction and therapeutic use of it...more
The Importance of Minerals to Health
At a time when we have just begun to get our minds around the 43 or so "essential nutrients", we are now informed there may be some 40 more: many of which, unless we were familiar ...more
The Importance of Nutrition in Improving Mental Health and Rehabilitation Outcomes
Improving nutrition can transform a person’s mental state when suffering from conditions such as depression. Studies are increasingly showing that a poor diet can be detrimental to...more
The Limbic System, Disease and Homeopathy – How Emotional Stress Affects our Health
Science has now established that it is a crucial player in neuroendocrinology.[2,3] As somebody who is interested in complementary therapies, you no doubt will understand and subscr...more
The Massage Practitioner and the Medical Profession - Then and Now
This article focuses on the changes over the years on massage techniques and requirements. The author says massage is no longer just a therapy of indulgence and pampering but one t...more
The Medical Power of Precious Gems
With death, our vital 'Life Force' departs and the organic body becomes overrun with bacteria whilst it decays. It is the 'Life Force' or 'Chi' energy that protects living cells fr...more
On arriving at a conference on ‘Happiness’, we were greeted by a number of smiling people, each carrying a placard announcing “Get Free Hugs Here!”. Over two days we were repeatedly...more
The child’s symptoms were persistent fits that hospital staff attributed to mitochondrial disease.[3] The mainstream and private orthodox medical sources agreed that there was no p...more
The Myth of Chemical Imbalance
Dorothy Rowe discusses the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency’s (MHRA) report on the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor antidepressant drugs (SSRIs such as Ser...more
The New Approach to Cancer Treatment
Cancer kills an estimated 1,600 Americans each day. In China, 8,100 people a day succumb to the disease. It’s so common, it’s a rare individual who does not know someone who has bee...more
The Promise and Ethics of Genetic Engineering
Genetic engineering promises particular benefits concerning previously untreatable hereditary illnesses – Downs Syndrome and Huntingdon’s, to name just two. This might also offer t...more
The Promise of a Better World Part II
We need to go green. Sustainability is one thing, but a green economy, even if the cost is more than we can bear, is a must. Massive amounts of money are being pumped into the idea ...more
The Role of the Methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase (MTHFR) Gene
To understand the significance of any form of supplementation in a health care setting, practitioners should be aware of or investigate the biochemistry of any particular pathway t...more
The Secret Of Oestrogen Dominance (And What’s In It For Men?)
What is it about the middle age spread, with the emphasis on middle? The spreading of our middle begins around the age of 35, research shows. It’s as if a fat switch flicks on and ...more
The Sequence Specific Homeopathic DNA Remedy System Responds to Discovery of New Form of Asthma
It has long been recognized that asthma is caused by an inflammatory response to allergens in the airways. This form of asthma can be treated by suppression of the inflammatory resp...more
The author gives a detailed account of the chemical nature of the two types of sugar, simple sugars, and complex carbohydrates. The focus of nutritionists is on the dangers of sugar...more
This article covers the history, philosophy and practice of T'ai Chi. It describes the author's pilgrimage which led him from transcendental meditation into an ancient Chinese art ...more
The author reports the thoughts and advice given us from the perspective of Dzogchen Buddhism, in thinking about and dealing with the personal effects of the current economic situa...more
To What Extent is Weight Loss in Cancer Patients Attributable to Decreased Food Intake?
Debilitating weight-loss in cancer patients is part a syndrome known as cancer cachexia (CC), characterized by disease-induced starvation and wasting.more
Tooth Decay - Surely More Than Drill and Fill or Teeth Extraction
The author believes that the traditional surgical approach to dentistry should be, and is, becoming more of a medical approach.more
Top Solutions for Treatment Resistant Depression
Depression is one of the most common mental conditions in the United States, affecting and challenging the lives of over 40 million adults. As is generally accepted in the psychiatr...more
Toxic Psychiatry: Psychiatric Drugs Linked to Chronic Disease and Medical Malpractice
About 20% of the North American population is now on psychiatric drugs for either depression, ADHD, anxiety, schizophrenia, phobias, impulse-control disorder, or bi-polar disorder.<...more
Transformational Breathing A new process for health & wellbeing
A new process for health and wellbeing by David Thorpe Transformational Breathing is a powerful self-healing process. It opens up restricted breathing patterns, clears the subconsc...more
Treatment of Whiplash with Cranio-Sacral Reflexology
This article describes whiplash injuries – their origins, symptoms and treatments – and how these can affect the Mental, Emotional and Physical aspects of the body. There is also a...more
Treatment Options for Cancer Patients
The author, a Cancer Nurse Specialist with 15 years' experience, provides an overview of cancer treatment choices, both orthodox and alternative, so that cancer sufferers are more ...more
Tuning Up Your Body With Sound Vibrational MOT
There is a beautiful un-evasive therapy guided by universal, angelic energy and frequencies that help you achieve the balance in your daily life that we are all living as part of li...more
Turmeric - Potent Antioxidant, Anti-inflammatory, Anti-microbial and Anticancer Spice
Turmeric - Curcuma longa is a perennial plant of the ginger family, Zingiberaceae, native to the Indian Subcontinent. It grows wild in South and Southeast Asia. The plant is cultiva...more
Understanding Dry Mouth at Night: Causes, Symptoms, and Prevention!
Imagine waking up in the morning feeling parched and unable to swallow without difficulty. You are not alone if you feel the uncomfortable sensation of dry mouth at night, often kno...more
Understanding Gluten Enteropathies
Wheat and other gluten containing grains including rye and barley have become a major part of the human diet ever since they were first cultivated by our ancestors about 10,000 year...more
Understanding Pancreatic Cancer Causes and Treatments
“The pancreas is the first organ to develop inhibited function from varied stresses,”[1] writes Dr William Philpott and Dr Dwight K Kalita in their book Brain Allergies. Recent stu...more
Vitamin C - Essential for Year-Round, Whole Body Protection
In this article, Dr Phillips Brown discusses the multiple benefits of vitamin C including its ability to strengthen the immune system, maintain healthy joints, improve vision, and ...more
Water Fluoridation - Therapy or Fallacy?
Water fluoridation – is this really a way to improve dental health, or is it another nail in our coffins, causing hip fractures, dental fluorosis, immune system problems and, possi...more
Watercress - The ‘Forgotten Super Food’
If you haven’t ever tried it, you need to try it. If you aren’t regularly including it in your weekly menu, you should, so get yourself off to the supermarket or local store and rea...more
Wave Genetics as Developed by the Late Professor Peter Gariaev
Few scientists have contributed so much to a single field as Professor Peter Gariaev PhD has done to revolutionize our understanding of DNA. He is maybe best known for his discovery...more
Ways to Protect ourselves and the animals in our care from BSE-like diseases
Dr Fullerton discusses and puts forward her views and ways to protect ourselves and the animals in our care from BSE-like diseases.more
Weight Loss Winners and Dieting Downfalls: Hormonally Speaking
Weight loss and dieting can be a battle of will; an exercise in restraint; and, even a losing wicket. Did you know that you can trigger a hormone hijack with your weight loss regi...more
What is Laminine - History, Development and Health Benefits
As far back as 1929, a medical doctor in Canada discovered a way to extract the ‘life-essence’ of a nine day old fertilized avian egg. He found that on exactly the ninth day, all th...more
What Is Social Anxiety, Anyway?
The question of what is social anxiety is a simple one to answer, yet the answer raises a great many new questions. At its core, social anxiety is a type of anxiety related to socia...more
The author describes the research and findings of the dentist Dr Weston Price, who identified a correlation between dental health and physical health, noting that chronic and deg...more
In this column, the author touches on his experiences in the US as a psychiatric psychotherapist, and his discovery of the WHEE (Wholistic Hybrid) method of treatment, combining EM...more
Wired Grandeur – Fixing the Faulty Gene
Our memories in the future may emerge in the form of a pill — a pill that expands our ‘normal’ memory. Such a pill, ‘in the works,’ has already been used in patients with memory los...more
Women’s Health: a Case for Letting Nature take its Course
Women are everywhere. They comprise approximately 50% of the planet’s population. You may be one yourself or you may be married to one; you will certainly have one as a mother and ...more