Search: Articles

  1. Is Placebo the Untapped Future of Pain Relief?

    Vikki Rimmer, writer, NLP coach and hypnotherapist speaks with Dr Phil Parker PhD, Professor Irving Kirsch and Dr David Hamilton PhD about how the power of belief is integral to eff...more

  2. Keeping It Safe, When It's Time to Part

    If you are in a dangerously abusive relationship and thinking of leaving (not just reading this article out of interest!), it is essential to keep plans to leave secret. Safest is ...more

  3. Klamath Lake Blue Green Algae - the Ultimate Brain Food?

    Klamath Blue Green Algae grows wild in the mineral-rich Upper Klamath Lake, in Oregon, USA.  Because the lake, formed by a volcanic eruption, is very rich in minerals, the algae ca...more

  4. Letters to the Editor Issue 106

    Jane Jones, Campaign Director, National Pure Water Association 1938 – 2004 + Lavender Essential Oil Production in Devon + Nutrition and HIV: Losing Rights to Choose Dietary Supplem...more

  5. Letters to the Editor Issue 114

    Latest: EU Food Supplement Directive: The tide is turning… + Surprise Move Sees Controversial EU Directive Upheld + Natural Gallstone Removal + Pitfalls of a Vegetarian Diet? + Fur...more

  6. Letters to the Editor Issue 129

    Vitamins Fight Multiple Sclerosis + EU Directive Update: Nutritional Therapy at Riskmore

  7. Letters to the Editor Issue 132

    The Real Reason Flu Hits In Winter – And How To Stop It Naturally + Comments Re: Lack of Vitamin D – The Real Reason Flu Hits In Winter + Statins and Vitamin D Deficiency + Raw Mil...more

  8. Letters to the Editor Issue 133

    Seeking Herbal Remedy for Vision + Vitamin C + Sodium Benzoate = Benzene – A Proven Carcinogen! + Esperanza Peptide Research Program Introduction + Therapists to be Regulated out o...more

  9. Letters to the Editor Issue 154

    Key Mechanism behind Cancer Spread is Explained + High Doses of Vitamins Fight Alzheimer's Disease + Vitamin E Prevents Lung Cancermore

  10. Letters to the Editor Issue 171

    Letters re Vaccines Reduce Natural Immunity, Heavy Metals, Mercury and Cancermore

  11. Letters to the Editor Issue 174

    Misguided Thinking - Mental Health at a Crossroads + Fluoride Could be Contributing to Early Puberty, Studies Showmore

  12. Letters to the Editor Issue 203

    Using Vitamin C for Heart Disease, Cancer and Cell Protectionmore

  13. Letters to the Editor Issue 208

    A Tide of Evidence Washes Away Flawed Fish Oil Prostate Cancer Study[1] + Essential Benefits Of Vitamins And Mineralsmore

  14. Letters to the Editor Issue 211

    Devon Midwife’s Name Cleared; 6 Year Ordeal at Hands Of ‘Flawed’ NMC Panel Ends + NBC's Vitamin Ignorance - An Apology + Niacin Beats Statins: Supplements and Diet are Safer, More E...more

  15. Letters to the Editor Issue 213

    The End of Toxic Chemo and Radiation + Chemotherapy - High Rate of Failure + You Don’t Want Brutal Treatments That Don’t Work + Leading Independent Midwife Awarded ‘Midwife of the Y...more

  16. Letters to the Editor Issue 218

    Vaccines Cause Children More Adverse Reactions Than Any Other Drug + Alkaline Without Alkalinity + Stop Mercury Amalgam Fillings within the EU: Deadline 16th November 2014more

  17. Letters to the Editor Issue 220

    Report Highlights Rising Global Cost Of Cancer Treatment And Care + It 'CAM' and Should Be a Part + The Cancer Act of 1939 - Outdated + Essiac Tea - Cancer Truth + The Disney Measle...more

  18. Letters to the Editor Issue 229

    Pyriproxyfen, Zika and Microcephaly + Zika Virus, Microcephaly, Guillain-Barré, Genetically Modified Mosquitos and Potential Vaccine Damage + Correspondence about Lithium Dispersal ...more

  19. Letters to the Editor Issue 233

    Release of UK QMUL PACE Data “A Gamechanging Win for People with ME / CFS” + Harvard Professor Says Prescription Drugs Are Killing Population + Supplements Are Safe: Who Is Lying to...more

  20. Letters to the Editor Issue 235

    #MEAction Denounces Use of CBT in Treatment for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome + Diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease: llama Antibodies Detect Cerebral Lesions + Study Investigates Interactio...more

  21. Letters to the Editor Issue 254

    ‘Game-Changing’ Leukaemia Treatment Test + Genetically Encoded Sensor Isolates Hidden Leukemic Stem Cells + TMJ Dysfunction Blog: Autism/Learning Difficulties/OCD Testimony + Ground...more

  22. Letters to the Editor Issue 257

    Women's Hospital Targeted by Seven Air Strikes in Syria; Newborns Evacuated + Drug Discovery Offers New Hope To Halt Spread of Malaria + Scientists Develop Novel Nano-Vaccine for Me...more

  23. Letters to the Editor Issue 260

    Vaccinations, Vitamin C, Politics, and the Law + Vitamin C Protects Against Coronavirus + New Treatment Triggers Self-Destruction of Pancreatic Cancer Cells + Magnesium Sulphate In...more

  24. Letters to the Editor Issue 263

    The Number of Asymptomatic Infections Dramatically Lowers COVID-19 Case-fatality Rate + VTCT New Qualification Enhancement for Exceptional Times + Covid-19: Treating Cause and Effec...more

  25. Letters to the Editor Issue 267

    Actionagainst5G – Be A Light to the World – Next Global Protest Day March 20, 2021 – Equinox; Candlelight Vigil December 20, 2020 – Solstice (almost) + Pioneering Research Potentia...more

  26. Letters to the Editor Issue 270

    Rutherford Health Announces Expansion of Proton Therapy Training for Oncologists + Rutherford Health Announces Expansion of Proton Therapy Training for Oncologists + New Research Qu...more

  27. Letters to the Editor Issue 275

    Using Nanofibers to Stop Brain Tumor Cells from Spreading + Diabetes Mellitus as Risk Factor for Glaucoma The Underlying Cause + Impulse Dynamics Announces First Optimizer Implant I...more

  28. Letters to the Editor Issue 276

    Oxford University Project Using Artificial Intelligence for Safer CT Imaging of Blood Vessels Receives Heart Research UK Grant + Research Reveals How Epithelial Cells in the Body Na...more

  29. Letters to the Editor Issue 291

    Over Half of Brits may have High Cholesterol. Will Ending ‘Bad’ Cholesterol Testing Add to the Problem? + Aberdeen University Cancels Vitamin C Study in Care Homes + Estimating Gast...more

  30. Letters to the Editor Issue 45

    Conflicts within Complementary Medicine + Advertising and the Law + Reflexology following surgical intervention + A Response to the Which? Report Published 5th August 1999 by The H...more

  31. Letters to the Editor Issue 54

    Fluoridation without Consent + Reflexology not appreciated + Doctors' Mistakes + Another Dorothy Rowe Fan + Alternative Therapies for Asperger Syndrome + Help for Dry Eyes + Backdo...more

  32. Letters to the Editor Issue 71

    Health in a Global Context – Reverberations of 11 September + Proposed Experiment: Potassium Supplements for Rheumatoid Arthritis + Cancer Complementary Treatment Ignored by the BB...more

  33. Light It Up: How Your Lighting Could Affect Your Mental Health

    In recent years, the way people respond to light has been something of a hot topic. From the growing numbers of people dealing with Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) to the rise of ...more

  34. Liquid Light – Cerebrospinal Fluid CSF and CranioSacral Therapy

    Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) bathes the brain and central nervous system. It is fundamental to the ideas behind Craniosacral Therapy.more

  35. Macrophage Polarization and IDO Enzymes, Immunity, Cancer and Depression

    The subject of macrophage polarization has many practical applications in treating immune dysfunction in diseases like cancer, diabetes, chronic fatigue, AIDS, sepsis and any diseas...more

  36. Management and Treatment of ME - Part I

    Part I - People with ME have suffered over many years as a result of a lack of knowledge of the disease among many health care professionals, accompanied in many cases by lack of s...more

  37. Management and Treatment of ME - Part II

    Part 2 - People with ME have suffered over many years as a result of a lack of knowledge of the disease among many health care professionals, accompanied in many cases by lack of...more

  38. Managing Stress with Nutrition

    It’s easy to ignore stress, accept it as normal or not even be aware of it. Yet of all the factors that impact health, it’s one of the most significant. Nutritional therapist Penn...more

  39. ME/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome – Under or Misdiagnosed?

    ME is not a very useful term. It has evolved from a diagnosis used in the 1950s, Benign Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, stemming from the Ancient Greek meaning painful and ‘inflammation ...more

  40. Medical Fraud Exposed

    When the roof and the foundations of a house begin to collapse, the demolition guys get called in. Likewise, as the foundations of conventional medicine begin to collapse, the medi...more

  41. Medicinal Mushrooms - The New Addition to Western Herbal Medicine

    This article focuses on Medicinal Mushrooms, which have been used for millennia in traditional medical practices in the East. Fungus, such as Ganoderma Lucidum (resihi, ling zhi) w...more

  42. Medicinal Mushrooms: Natural Supplement for Diabetics

    Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a metabolic disease where the body has increased blood sugar levels due to two reasons, in the majority of cases: the regulatory anabolic hormone, the ins...more

  43. Mental Health Benefits of Nature

    What if there was a natural way to uplift your mood, destress, promote a sense of wellbeing, leave you calm yet energised, without side-affects, dependency or prescription? What if ...more

  44. Micro-element Therapy and Mineral Imbalances - A Practitioner's Case Studies

    As a therapist, I have used Micro-element Therapy (MET) for some 12 years and never cease to be amazed at its effect. This paper aims to give an outline of how it works in practice...more

  45. Milk - Review of its Composition, Ingestion, Dietary and Health Profile

    ‘Drink your milk, it’s good for you’ was a phrase we heard frequently as children. As CAM Providers over the last few decades, we have been finding that ingestion of milk or dairy ...more

  46. Mindfulness and the Breath

    We are usually unaware of our breathing. The authors, a holistic medical doctor and an osteopath, both find that how we breathe is of fundamental importance in maintaining health, ...more

  47. Mistletoe - A Holistic, Patient-Centred Adjunctive Therapy

    The high incidence of cancer necessitates widespread implementation of supportive therapies that may enhance patients’ otherwise reduced quality of life as they navigate their diagn...more

  48. Molecular Genetic Discoveries: Towards a Better Understanding of Homeopathy

    This article explores exciting new developments in molecular biology and the study of the effects of homeopathic remedies on specific genes.  Homeopathy has long been questioned ...more

  49. Morgellon: The 'M' Word You've Never Heard of and Lesions that Persist

    Morgellon. Never heard of it! Until I was forced to find my own cause, prevention and possible control of the terrible lesions and more that were affecting my body since 2007. They ...more

  50. Moving Through Depression: A Few Steps Further

    Maggie Baker. A follow up to her previous article Moving Through Depression (issue 34).more

  51. Mushroom Biomass: Some Clinical Implications of β-Glucans and Enzymes

    Mushrooms are widely appreciated all over the world for their nutritional value and medicinal properties. They have low fat, high protein and vitamin contents. Mushrooms contain sev...more

  52. Nanomedicine – Making Treatment Safe and Precise

    It is obvious that nanomedicine is poised to revolutionize medicine for treating a host of disorders that have no easy, or long-term, curative answersmore

  53. Natural Alternatives to Antibiotics

    In this article, Suzanne Laurie describes the result of the over use of antibiotics and suggests alternative natural remedies to be used, especially for minor complaints. Antibioti...more

  54. Natural Approaches to Depression

    This article describes research linking Depression with a wide range of health problems, including Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), Back Pain, Cardiovascular Disease, Physical De...more

  55. Natural Approaches to Leaky Gut

    …children and adults with eczema, urticaria or asthma triggered by food allergy show that they have higher gut permeability than those who don't have these conditions. This indicat...more

  56. Natural Nutraceuticals Rather Than Pharmaceuticals

    The author studied pharmacy and medicine at university, and spent several years working for major pharmaceutical companies, helping clients to attain the quality standards required...more

  57. Naturopathic Hydrotherapy: The Constitutional Treatment

    This account of the principles and practice of Hydrotherapy follows a lifetime's study of Naturopathic Techniques after conventional medicine had failed to improve what David calls...more

  58. Naturopathic Osteopathy

    In 1874 Andrew Taylor Still brought osteopathy into the world. At that time the work of Pasteur and Lister was unknown, and many patients who survived the crude surgery that was ...more

  59. Naturopathic Roadmap to Achieving Your Ideal Weight

    One out of three women and one out of four men are on a diet at any given time. Two-thirds of dieters regain the lost weight within one year and virtually all regain it within five ...more

  60. Neem: An Ancient Cure for a Modern World

    The Neem tree (Azadirachta indica A. Juss.) has been known as the wonder tree for centuries in the Indian subcontinent. It has become important in the global context today because ...more

  61. Neonatal Sensitisation to Latex

    Latex is a known allergen and latex sensitisation has become a serious problem for nurses, midwives and doctors who have extensive, long-term exposure to it. It has been assumed ...more

  62. Neurotransmitters – Acetylcholine

    So far, this series [from Walnut Magazine] on neurotransmitters has covered serotonin, GABA and dopamine, and in this final instalment, we focus on acetylcholine - a neurotransmitte...more

  63. Never Well Since...

    Most doctors will admit that life events have an effect on health. It has been proven in studies that rates of illness increase after bereavement, divorce or other negative occur...more

  64. Niacin Was, Is, and Always will be Essential to Life and the Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease, Just for Starters

    Approximately 100 years ago, the niacin deficiency disease pellagra, was at its peak in the southern United States of America. Over 120,000 people would die between 1900 to 1920 due...more

  65. Nutritional and Complementary Cancer Care

    The author sets out the nutritional guidelines she uses for women with cancer preparing for surgery, going through chemotherapy or radiotherapy, using hormone therapy or dealing wi...more

  66. Nutritional Support for Children with Autism

    Regular contributor, Kate Neil, looks at the link between autism in children and nutrition. Autism rates in Britain have risen dramatically over the last 20 years, and 1 in 500 chi...more

  67. Obesity - A Modern, Mismanaged & Misunderstood Malady

    Obesity is a growing and serious health concern that has, by now, reached epidemic proportions, mostly in the Westernised world. Increased consumption of unhealthy food, coupled wit...more

  68. Organophosphate Poisoning

    Six cases of organophosphate (OP) poisoning have come my way since August. During the very hot spell many people were spraying their pets and furniture against fleas. Most of them ...more

  69. Orthodontics And Health - A Scary State of Affairs

    Regular readers of this website and thousands of former and present patients are aware of the intimate relationship of cranio dental and skeletal symmetry to health. Any asymmetry e...more

  70. Our Best Drug

    This article points up the difference between old and new methods of psychiatric drug research. Most important is the way new methods emphasize the importance of placebos, followin...more

  71. Our Innate Ability to Heal Ourselves

    To many people, illness is something that comes from 'out there', brought about by external factors – environment (pollution, pesticides, germs, etc.), lifestyle (smoking, diet, al...more

  72. Our Role in Personal Transformation and Healing

    It is important to realize that when we learn to heal ourselves, we are not limited merely to changing our own realities; the world reality is also ours to change.more

  73. Oxidative Stress and Thyroid Secretions – A Review

    This article looks into the causes and consequences of oxidative stress, which arises when highly reactive free radicals produce oxidative damage to the macromolecular structures o...more

  74. Pacific Essences - Gifts from the Sea

    The greens and golds and persimmon of the Arbutus trees and the blue of the Pacific Ocean called us to this island in 1981. This jewel in the Pacific is the home and birthplace of ...more

  75. Panchakarma - Ayurvedic Science of Rejuvenation and Detoxification

    Pancha (five) Karma (action) is an Ayurvedic therapy that aims to cleanse the body of toxins and reduce or eliminate the build up of excess doshas in the body. It is based on the b...more

  76. Pancreatic Cancer Treatment

    Pancreatic cancer is one of the deadliest cancers. It has high mortality rates and limited treatment options. Only about 10% of people live five years or longer when diagnosed. Foll...more

  77. Parkinson's Disease

    There are about 120,000 people in the UK with Parkinson's Disease, a progressive disorder of the central nervous system affecting muscular movement. This article by June Butlin mak...more

  78. Parkinson's Disease Project

    Is Aromatherapy an effective treatment for Parkinson's Disease - Report and Summary of Results. The idea to carry out a trial on people suffering from Parkinson's Disease originate...more

  79. Partnership in Pregnancy and Childbirth - A Specific Massage Programme

    The author explains the aims and benefits of this programme on complementary therapy technique LK Massage Programme within the maternity setting,  adding that it allows the partner...more

  80. PFAS – The Unfolding Chemical Disaster

    We are being bombarded by human-made chemicals every day. There is increasing evidence that this chemical burden is overwhelming our internal biotransformation and detoxification ca...more

  81. Pharmacological Activity and Benefits Of Anonna Squamosa Linn for Human Health

    Annona Squamosa are generally known as Annona squamosa in the language of the United Kingdom. Some pharmacological activity such as anti-malaria, anti-tumour, anti-diabetic, anti-in...more

  82. Phytomedical Treatment of Eczema

    The word eczema comes from the Greek word “ekzein” which means “to boil.” Eczema is a dry skin condition and highly individual in terms that it varies from person to person and come...more

  83. Poison Pills

    We live in a perpetual healthcare hurricane, a marketing storm whipped up continuously with tidings of pharmacological breakthroughs and admonitions to submit to preventive screenin...more

  84. Positive Emotions - The Secret to Positive Health?

    Traditional stress management techniques usually deal with stress after the fact, hours after your body has been subjected to heavy tides of adrenaline and pulses of cortisol. ...<...more

  85. Potential of Mushroom Supplementation to Inhibit Progression of Alzheimer´s Disease

    The World Health Organization reports that 47.5 million people are affected by dementia worldwide. With aging populations and 7.7 million new cases each year, the burden of illness ...more

  86. Preventing Plane Pain - Looking After your Joints when Travelling

    When you’re off relaxing or enjoying yourself at the beach or in the countryside, surely you’re looking after your health by taking time out? Whilst this is certainly true for easi...more

  87. Probiotics:The missing link between health and disease

    Intestinal dysbiosis – unbalanced intestinal bacterial flora – may be the link between food and lifestyle and its impact upon health and disease.more

  88. Promising Cancer Treatments that Target Our Immune System - Part 1

    The ‘War on Cancer’ commonly includes radical surgery, radiation and chemotherapy, procedures which often lead to the death of patients. Advances in out-of-the-box medical procedure...more

  89. Psychoneuroimmunology and NLP

    The author explains the required paradigm shift that is needed to bridge the divide between science/allopathic medicine and the holistic, mind-body approach to health, highlighti...more

  90. Pure Water Aquapax Evolution

    The human body is mostly made of water and your body absolutely relies on water to function properly. Yet, how many of us are as discerning of the ‘natural’ quality of the water we ...more

  91. Quinton Marine Plasma - Medical and Nutritional Applications

    This article explains the Quinton Marine Plasma QMP), its medical and nutritional applications and why it could be considered the ideal nutritional treatment and supplement capable...more

  92. Raining Cats and Dogs - How Pets can Improve your Mental Health

    As a society we are pretty confused about mental health. For a long time it was mostly neglected because it was intangible and internal.more

  93. Rationale for Mushroom Nutrition Supplementation in Neurodegenerative Conditions*

    The effects of edible mushrooms is an area of increasing interest associated with health benefits in a number of pathologies, mostly associated with oxidative stress and free-radica...more

  94. Recovery from Fibromyalgia; CFS, Fibromyalgia & Arthritis Patient Update

    For the last 13 months, I have been a patient of Dr Amir. I have a retrognathic jaw, which he has been working to improve. I contacted him because I thought he could help me with my...more

  95. Reflexology as a Diagnostic Tool

    According to the author, who also helped found the Association of Reflexologists in 1984, many patients consult her because other methods of treatment have proved unsatisfactory....more

  96. Reflexology from the Grassroots Up

    Candice Caradoc describes the career of established reflexologist Lynn Hatswell who from small beginnings became involved in developing the practice of reflexology in Australia and...more

  97. Releasing Trauma Through Bodywork The Power of Awareness

    In Polarity Therapy we recognize that the harmonious flow of energy within and around the body is the essential prerequisite for health. For Polarity Therapists, the safe release o...more

  98. Remarkable Recoveries - Individual Potential for Healing

    Dr Blasi considers the significance of double-blind randomized control trials (RCT) and the way they provide an empirical basis for testing pharmacological, surgical, psychotherape...more

  99. Requirements for Proper Absorption

    Although the gastro-intestinal tract is not the only way that materials have of entering our body, it is the most usual and direct route for our nutritional requirements to be sati...more

  100. Research Shows Modern Humans’ Brain Size has Shrunk by 20%

    Both brain size and IQ are falling in modern humans, coinciding with a big increase in mental illness. What we eat is to blame, says Professor Michael Crawford, author of his latest...more

  101. Resolving Colds to Advanced COVID with Methylene Blue

    Linus Pauling first coined the word "orthomolecular" in an article he wrote in the journal Science in 1968. Quite simply, ortho means correct or right, and molecular refers to the s...more

  102. Rheumatoid Arthritis: 4 Alternative Treatments (Evidence-Based)

    Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) is a chronic degenerative disease in which the body’s immune system attacks the joints. This creates inflammation which not only affects joints, but tendon...more

  103. Roadmap to Happiness - Ten Happy Habits

    We all have the ability to be happy; if we don't feel it then we need to get into the happy habit. It may not be possible to be happy all the time; however if we take a more positiv...more

  104. Saffron - A Natural and Effective Treatment for Depression

    New research in the field of food science (Nutriceutical), has potentially opened up a natural way to help us manage some of the most debilitating conditions of this century - anxi...more

  105. Seasonal Affective Disorder

    It has long been known that certain diseases can be linked to the changing seasons. In the fifth century B.C. Hippocrates wrote that "Such diseases as increase in the Winter ought ...more

  106. SG - Land of Confusion: How Poor Science and Misleading Media Coverage

    Poor scientific work done by physicians and scientists - plus a lack of proper filters in journalism’s coverage of science – is contributing to misleading and contradictory dieta...more

  107. SG - Nutritional Cancer Research Seminar

    Seminar subjects for Nutritional Cancer Research Seminar in Sept 2009more

  108. Short Features and Brief Takes Issue 157

    Health Matters London + Hot and Cold Stone Pregnancy and Post Labour Treatment + Raworth International College of Natural, Nutrition and Sports Therapies + Xoçai Nuggets, the Ultim...more

  109. Short Features and Brief Takes Issue 159

    Nurturing The Roots Of Wellbeing: Focus on Early Pregnancy and First Weeks after Birth + -Link Teams Up With Somerset County Cricket Club + Quality Reflexology Training – Philip Sa...more

  110. Short Features and Brief Takes Issue 160

    Cancer Care Landmark Seminar Series For all Healthcare Practitioners and Serious Students + Qigong Master Shen Chang: Harness Your Own Healing Power + New Course: Clinical Hypnosis...more

  111. Short Features and Brief Takes Issue 161

    Qigong Master Healer Rare London Visit + Cancer Care Landmark Seminar Series For all Healthcare ractitioners and Serious Students + Psychosynthesis: Psychotherapy with a Spiritual ...more

  112. Short Features and Brief Takes Issue 206

    Turning Point Training - Craniosacral Therapy and Homotoxicology + Extract - Notes On Meditation + Help APOPS Build the Tool that will Shift Pelvic Organ Prolapse into the 21st Cen...more

  113. Short Features and Brief Takes Issue 207

    Alexander Technique Treatments and Training – Stephen Cooper + Super Health with Homeovitality + Nu Vitality - Natural Powers of Healing Honey + HongXing TCM clinic + CNM - College ...more

  114. Short Features and Brief Takes Issue 209

    The Kegel Legacy - 65 Years of Denial + Meditation Space (Swindon) + The ‘Clinical Trinity’ Workshop + Big Name Healthcare Suppliers join the camexpo Exhibitor Line-up + Working wit...more

  115. Short Features and Brief Takes Issue 237

    Eternity Crystal Light - Fusion Crystal Light Therapy + Imagier Publishing + NeuroCranial Restructuring with NCR Developer Dr Dean Howell + Corporate Ties That Bind: An Examination...more

  116. Short Features and Brief Takes Issue 240

    IFPAroma 2017 International Conference & Seminar Day + Hypnotherapy - A High Energy Interaction + 5D Medicine - Transformation from a Chrysalis to a Butterfly + The Holistic Sp...more

  117. Short Features and Brief Takes Issue 241

    Intravenous Vitamin C May Not be Mainstream Medicine But Could Save Your Life + Is There Life In The Bones? - A Biography of Dr Fritz Smith and Zero Balancing + Theragem™ Fusion Li...more

  118. Short Features and Brief Takes Issue 242

    Change the Relationship with Yourself and Change Your Life! + Manual Lymphatic Drainage - Accredited Massage Courses Ltd + CPD at Complementary Health Professionals CHP + Natural Co...more

  119. Short Features and Brief Takes Issue 243

    A Beginner’s Guide to Lifting Depression + Nourishment Over the Winter Months· Hawkwood College + New: Omega-3 Total + Aquarius Flower Remedies + Courses in Craniosacral Therapy an...more

  120. Short Features and Brief Takes Issue 250

    Why Creating the Right Breathing Habits can help Cure Illnesses + New Exciting Products from Rayonex Biomedical UK + Results RNA Support Neurological Health and Cellular Regenerati...more

  121. Short Features and Brief Takes Issue 260

    Why We Need More Fruit & Veg Into Our Diet – Maximum Vibrance + Europe’s Rising Tide of Seaweed Nutrition – Seaweed Health Foundation + Rofes E01C Device Personal Organ & ...more

  122. Short Features and Brief Takes Issue 265

    Flower Essences and Zeolite Clinoptilolite’s Effect on Heavy Metal Neurotoxicity + AWA Aligned Wellness Academy - Course in Pelvic Correction & Yuan Shi Dian Medicine + Events ...more

  123. Short Features and Brief Takes Issue 274

    Neurotransmitters plus Adapotogens = ZERO IN + How to Choose a Colloidal Silver + Molecular Hydrogen -  Giving Impressive Antioxidant Support + Sheik Imam Leading Healer BestHealer;...more

  124. Short Features and Brief Takes Issue 275

    Short Features and Brief Takes Issue 275 + Whole Health Immune Complex – New Vistas Healthcare + How EMFs Affect the Body and Brain – and How their Effect can be Rebalanced + Altrie...more

  125. Short Features and Brief Takes Issue 284

    EMF Protection with Aboriginal Flower Essences and Floral Oils from Australian Outback + The International Clinical Aromatherapy Network (ICAN) Leads the Way! + The Sanctuary – htt...more

  126. Short Features and Brief Takes Issue 292

    Think Peace + Mushroom Nutrition and Neurodegenerative Conditions: Meniere´s Disease + Botanica2024 Ready to Launch Registrations for 7th International Conference Edition! + Peace ...more

  127. Short Features and Brief Takes Issue 299

    The Benefits of Altrient Glutathione for Skin Pigmentation and Redness + Sayer Complementary Health – Reiki Homeopathy and Nutrition Training + Tales of Brother Marcus – The Rose P...more

  128. Significance of the Sequence Specific Homeopathic DNA Therapy System in Modern Healthcare

    In recent years many exciting scientific discoveries have been made that have enabled great advances to be made in various complementary healthcare practices. One of the greatest di...more

  129. Simplified Musculoskeletal Assessment System

    Manual medicine needs a standardized system for the assessment of musculoskeletal injuries to help ensure consistent quality in clinical outcomes.more

  130. Skenar Healing Devices

    Much has been written in the West regarding the Russian Skenar devices, most of which is anecdotal. Not surprisingly, the scientific community has been sceptical about a device whi...more

  131. Soil Minerals and Immune System Dysfunction

    Following a discussion of the origin of minerals, the article points out that organic farming focuses on feeding the soil and the soil microflora within it, meaning that organic ...more

  132. Spiritual Evolution in our Genetic Blueprint

    The author looks closely at how more and more people are recognizing the faults and harmful habits that are hindering their personal progress in the world and how we can all free o...more

  133. Star Trek Medicine is Here!

    A pocket-sized device to defibrillate hearts, treat sports injuries, strokes, angina, back pains and irritable bowel disease (as well as pre-menstrual tension and post-surgical com...more

  134. Stress and Ageing: The Micro-Immunotherapy Approach

    Stress has considerable effects on the immune function. Recent studies have suggested that the aging of the immune system (or immunosenescence) is, in part, closely linked to psycho...more

  135. Struggling with Weight Loss: Is your Fat Trapped?

    You’ve been pummelling yourself in the gym and cutting down what you’re eating. And those spare tyres just won’t budge! Your fat feels ‘trapped’ and refuses to be lost. Is this some...more

  136. Suicide - Is It All in Your Mind?

    In this article, Harley Street therapist Christopher Paul Jones talks about Suicide and asks the questions, ‘is it all in your mind?’.more

  137. Sunflower Therapy for Children and Innate Maximum Potential (IMP) for Adults: Holistic Treatment for Learning and Performance Disorders

    This article focuses on the Sunflower Academy and the concept of its treatments: the Sunflower Therapy for children and Innate Maximum Potential (IMP) for adults, which combine the...more

  138. Support and Care for Postnatal Depression

    Although families throughout the world experience a great deal of joy surrounding the birth or adoption of a child, there are many parents who go through some degree of mental angui...more

  139. Ten Steps to Health and Wellness

    The authors explain that their work is the result of their own journey from complicated and life-threatening ill health, which was not resolved even though they had beenmore

  140. The 'G' Factor - The Benefits of a Gluten-free Diet

    Detox diets are trendy. They avoid gluten like the allergenic protein it is. Found in wheat, rye, spelt, barley, oats, even in so-called gluten-free maize, it can cause headaches, ...more

  141. The 2012 Enigma

    The purpose of this article is to underpin the mechanisms by which people manage their emotions using NLP, self-awareness and personal development as they have been led to use for t...more

  142. The Arguments for Resonance, Health and Harmony

    The author sets out several propositions critical of the germ theory of disease, among them the information that many individuals who carry germs do not become ill because of them,...more

  143. The Art of Letting Go - A Taoist Approach

    This article focuses on surrendering – letting go – a simple concept yet one of the most difficult to carry out, as it requires a lot of practice and rehearsing. Our challenge in l...more

  144. The Buteyko Method and the Importance of Carbon Dioxide

    An asthma attack is the body's way of attempting to reduce the airflow passing through the lungs in order to reduce carbon dioxide loss. According to Buteyko, 150 different chronic...more

  145. The Buteyko Method in AsthmaThe Battle for Recognition

    In this feature we learn about the Buteyko Method – a breathing therapy that can help many asthmatics control their symptoms. The author goes into some details about how it works a...more

  146. The Changing Face of Private Medical Insurance

    The traditionally cool relationship between medical insurance companies and non-conventional medical practitioners is changing. Why is this, and what are the implications for pract...more

  147. The Craniosacral Approach to Essential Health

    Exploring the principles behind craniosacral therapy, which was developed by Dr William Sutherland and is rooted in osteopathy.more

  148. The Damaging Effects Of Electropollution

    The author opines that “the detrimental health effects of cell phones, WiFi, electromagnetic fields (EMFs), and the microwave-based technology we use daily makes worrying about our ...more

  149. The Dangers of High Blood Pressure Medication

    "European doctors may have caused as many as 800,000 deaths in five years by following a guideline to use beta-blockers in non-cardiac surgery patients—a guideline based largely on ...more

  150. The Fundamental Role of Autonomic Dysfunction and Lactic Acidosis in Alzheimer’s Disease

    This article discusses recent findings that amyloid-beta peptide is a consequence of acidosis, rather than the initial cause of Alzheimer’s Disease (AD).more

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