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Algae: the History of Life Back for the Future
Could our future well-being be as inextricably dependent upon a primitive organism as surely as our remotest past has been? All the evidence suggests that it is.more
It has been awhile since I have been riveted by a genuinely exciting, inspiring scientific tale of discovery that clinically alleviates symptoms of long-sufferers of Chronic Fatigu...more
I have long been discovering that much that I had once been taught about science or health is incorrect, or that the information was presented with a biased agenda.more
I was shocked when Martin Walker met me in Bristol in 1992 to discuss the Germanium debacle with me. During the mid to late 1980s, I had been researching organic germanium’s immune...more
When I was a young child, I used to roll my eyes when my father told me things such as "things don't change" or "children think they are re-discovering America".more
As my partner continues to gradually get better with his shingles and my tmj chewing problem appears to be diminishing, I have been re-evaluating whether techniques for visualizatio...more
finance, politics, international, science, healthcare, cancer, vitamin cmore
This is Positive Health PH Online July 2011 Issue 184. Each issue, I endeavour to select a group of eclectic yet authoritative articles which span the entire remit across Complement...more
The link between a person’s beliefs, agenda, training has an inestimable influence upon the prism through which they view health issues, political actions, indeed probably every asp...more
My partner Mike Howell and I launched Positive Health PH Online in 1994, following my setting up of the Cancer and Nutrition database for the then Bristol Cancer Help Centre (BCNH) ...more
2014 is Positive Health PH Online’s 20th Anniversary; the growing international PH Online community continues to esteem this quality collection of articles, research and book review...more
Regarding the seeming non-progress in my view to an integrated healthcare system, I experience moments of pure despair and frustration. I have been actively engaged for over 30 yea...more
Having recently been invited by David Lorimer MA PGCE FRSA to write about what it has been like to edit Positive Health PH Online over more than 22 years virtually plunged me down a...more
Positive Health PH Online Issue 243 publishes an array of authoritative clinical, nutritional and fitness and bodywork features. Several articles in this issue help to shine a light...more
Positive Health PH Online was launched in 1994 following a series of attempts to suppress natural treatments for cancer, as recounted in Issue 235:more
Nothing infuriates me more than hearing some "expert" pontificating about the lack of research or lack of proof regarding the therapeutic efficacy of complementary medicine.more
In the last issue I discussed how pivotal individual suffering and motivation can be in the development of important health treatments, particularly for chronic or intractable cond...more
In Issues 62 and 63, I have discussed the considerable impact that individuals, clinicians and researchers can exert upon therapeutic healthcare progress and hence upon all our liv...more
As individuals, how we choose to support causes, complementary medicine in particular, may literally save our lives.As eloquently discussed by Dorothy Rowe Ph.D., we typically take...more
When I originally started Positive Health some nine years ago, my motivation was to provide authoritative clinical and research information about complementary medicine to people w...more
David Walker's story (see pages 35-38) is both an inspiring and hideous example of the ongoing criminal suppression, by (mainly US) governments, law enforcement agencies such as th...more
I am somewhat amazed, and exceedingly proud to announce that Positive Health is now 10 years old and about to enter its second decade of publication.more
Endometriosis: A Nutritional Approach
In endometriosis, the endometrial tissue is found where it should not be, outside the uterus, where it still responds to hormonal instructions, bleeding into areas where there is n...more
This extensive interview was originally broadcast live 17 June 2017 on BBS Radio Holistic Health Showmore
Letters to the Editor Issue 85
Drain Cleaner and Quicklime Poisons Approved as Safe Food Supplements while Vitamins Banned + Greek View re EU Supplement Directive + EU Violating our Freedom of Choice + HIV and G...more
Micro-element Therapy and Mineral Imbalances - A Practitioner's Case Studies
As a therapist, I have used Micro-element Therapy (MET) for some 12 years and never cease to be amazed at its effect. This paper aims to give an outline of how it works in practice...more
My Experience of Publishing Positive Health PH Online for >22 Years
David Lorimer’s invitation to describe the impact of publishing Positive Health PH Online for >22 years has provoked within me an intense period of reflection and introspection....more
Radiometric Thermal Diagnostics and Dielectric Resonance Management Techniques
We emit electromagnetic waves, which are undetectable by ourselves, conventional photography or video. It takes very sophisticated and finely calibrated radiometric apparatus to de...more
Seaweed in Colon Health and Nutrition
Seaweeds, or 'kelps' as the wild brown algae are sometimes called, are known to assist the acid-alkaline balance,[1] have a prebiotic effect on the gut flora,[2] help protect the gu...more
Seaweed in Weight Regulation and Nutrition
2012 saw the publication of some independent, ground-breaking peer-reviewed research conducted by the Centre for Food Innovation at Sheffield Hallam University. It was the first tim...more
Short Features and Brief Takes Issue 179
Breast Health: MammoVision - Dr Nicola Hembry Bristol + Complementary / Alternative Cancer Therapies Conference: March 3-5 + Bowen Technique, Neuro-Structural Integration Technique...more
Short Features and Brief Takes Issue 262
Working Together - Micronutrients and Immunity + Sacred Talismans – Bali Mandala Bracelets and Necklaces from Organic Aromatherapy + Results RNA ACZ Nano – How do I Safely and Easi...more
Short Features and Brief Takes Issue 268
ADAPTOFLEUR Flower Essence and Wild Apán Mushroom –Protection Against Illness + New Vistas Online Training – Environmental Medicine & Homoeotherapy Everything You Need to Know...more
Short Features and Brief Takes Issue 300
Time for a Global Micronutrient Food + Complementary Health Professionals CHP + Preparing and Recovering Holistically After Double Hip Replacement + The Essence of Clinical Aromath...more
The Re-Balancing Potential of Seaweed
The author, founder of Seagreens, begins by pointing out that in the modern world we are not getting the nutrients we need. He goes on to describe the qualities of wrack seaweed, t...more
The Role of Nutrition in Cancer Prevention and Treatment
This article seeks to open the eyes of those physicians who unfairly criminalize nutrition as an effective cancer treatment methodology and presents detailed worldwide research fin...more