Articles: editorial

Below are the articles associated with this topic. Click on a title to read one.

  1. Editorial Issue 161

    by Sandra Goodman PhD

    I should be deliriously happy, as a qualified research scientist, that research now appears to occupy media headlines, shouldn't I?

  2. Editorial Issue 160

    by Sandra Goodman PhD

    Many people, myself included, are a patchwork of being both mind (left brain)-oriented (live in their heads), as well as emotionally perceptive, sensitive and prone to mood swings....

  3. Editorial Issue 159

    by Sandra Goodman PhD

    Just as we are publishing this June 2009 Issue 159 of PH Online, the death of Dr Abram Hoffer at age 92, has been reported. Dr Hoffer was one of the great pioneers of Orthomolecula...

  4. Editorial Issue 158

    by Sandra Goodman PhD

    As we publish PH Online May Issue 158, the world community is at a knife's edge, wondering whether the Swine Influenza Virus H1N1 will become a pandemic event, and if so, if this...

  5. Editorial Issue 157

    by Sandra Goodman PhD

    Most PH readers are familiar with the wide variety of expert shades of opinion which prevails within just about every health discipline. This includes fields as diverse as Healin...

  6. Editorial Issue 156

    by Sandra Goodman PhD

    Searching for and researching the best information regarding our health conditions, and not necessarily trusting and accepting what the experts pronounce, can help to save our ow...

  7. Editorial Issue 155

    by Sandra Goodman PhD

    Even were we not now living through perhaps the greatest period of financial turmoil since the Great Depression, February is typically the time of the year when the high from all t...

  8. Editorial Issue 154

    by Sandra Goodman PhD

    During this transition period around the New Year 2009, the contents of the PH Online Jan Issue 154 provide us with substantive yet contemplative material upon which to reflect.

  9. Editorial Issue 153

    by Sandra Goodman PhD

    This Dec Issue 153 of PH Online has an appropriately seasonal theme – with the nights starting to close in and, as animals, we feel like hibernating to re-charge our batteries fo...

  10. Editorial Issue 152

    by Sandra Goodman PhD

    These are exceedingly frustrating times for those of us, and that includes most PH readers, who yearn for an integrated approach to healthcare which embraces the best of all discip...

  11. Editorial Issue 151

    by Sandra Goodman PhD

    The work of Dr Stephen Mannion, profiled by Dr (Lord) Robert Winston on Super Doctors, aired Thursday 4 September on BBC1 Television is totally inspiring...

  12. Editorial Issue 150

    by Sandra Goodman PhD

    Hardly a week goes by without the print and broadcast media taking a swipe at Complementary Medicine, as if these techniques are completely bogus. PH was originally founded to refu...

  13. Editorial Issue 149

    by Sandra Goodman PhD

    It is indeed shocking these days to witness the spectacle of breathtaking spin and mendacity emanating from leaders of nations – Zimbabwe, Sudan, Burma, China, even the USA and the...

  14. Editorial Issue 148

    by Sandra Goodman PhD

    Recently, the negative media coverage regarding the so-called worthlessness or even fraudulence of Complementary Medicine has been growing into an almost deafening crescendo.

  15. Editorial Issue 147

    by Sandra Goodman PhD

    In all the years since Positive Health (PH) has been established, one key area which has never ceased to astonish me has been the vastly differing areas of perception regarding div...

  16. Editorial Issue 19

    by Sandra Goodman PhD

    Deepak Chopra enunciates the self-evident yet profound truth (see interview page 27), that every diet works for some people, but that no diet works for everyone, since we are all u...

  17. Editorial Issue 20

    by Sandra Goodman PhD

    Dreams, Visions, Goals. These are the stuff which inspire and motivate us, fire our passion and spirit and, through our conscious and unconscious actions, ultimately determine and ...

  18. Editorial Issue 21

    by Sandra Goodman PhD

    I suppose that I behave like most other people when hit by a particular health problem. On the one hand, I am driven to discover the nature and diagnosis of the problem to satisfy ...

  19. Editorial Issue 22

    by Sandra Goodman PhD

    I and others of like mind have been railing against the hopelessly divided systems of “orthodox” and “complementary” medicine for more than a decade. Now, finally, the new buzzword...

  20. Editorial Issue 23

    by Sandra Goodman PhD

    As a child during the 1950s, the treatment for earache was the application of heated oil ear drops. In the days before the widespread use of antibiotics, having a cold meant stayin...

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