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Articles: editorial
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by Sandra Goodman PhD
This issue of Positive Health carries an extended special feature regarding Nursing in Complementary Medicine, to acknowledge and honour the vanguard role that nurses are playing i...
by Sandra Goodman PhD
At a time that we face a crisis in nutritional health and malnourishment in much of the population due to inadequate nutrition for hospital patients, junk foot diet habits and dimi...
by Sandra Goodman PhD
When I look at the Research Updates in this issue of Positive Health (PH) (please see pages 30-33), I see the tremendous progress made in the quality and nature of research investi...
by Sandra Goodman PhD
I was shocked when Martin Walker met me in Bristol in 1992 to discuss the Germanium debacle with me. During the mid to late 1980s, I had been researching organic germanium’s immune...
by Sandra Goodman PhD
I have been ruminating about Karin Leonard’s inspiring and highly practical feature Seven Principles for Life-Balance, which is totally in accord with the way that we ought to lead...
by Sandra Goodman PhD
I am reminded again and again that the terms which we all use frequently to delineate ourselves from orthodox medicine, are wholly inadequate. These include the alphabet soup compr...
by Sandra Goodman PhD
The notion that the individual, i.e. you or I, can make a difference to the world, has become familiar, yet sacred within the spiritual as well as the broader mainstream world.
by Sandra Goodman PhD
Continuing on from my Economics and Budget discourse from the previous month (Issue 140, Oct ‘07), I have been further exercising my brain about the arbitrary nature of our current...
by Sandra Goodman PhD
The extent to which all endeavours have now been reduced to an Accountant-like bottom line mentality is breathtaking and despicable.
by Sandra Goodman PhD
Today it is more difficult than ever to be fully informed regarding medical, lifestyle and scientific matters unless you are permanently hooked up with the electronic equivalent of...
by Sandra Goodman PhD
Am I a naïve imbecile or what? Just as more detailed research is being published and accumulated regarding the importance of diet and nutrition in disease prevention and treatment,...
by Sandra Goodman PhD
This July Issue of Positive Health (PH) has an overall healing theme, with lucid and inspiring features about Meditation (Chronicles of Samadhi), Reiki (Angelic Reiki – A New Heali...
by Sandra Goodman PhD
I direct all Positive Health (PH) readers to the Regulation Concerns letter on page 46 of this June Issue. This is an important communiqué, signed by A Concerned Professional; I ca...
by Sandra Goodman PhD
I received an email from a Canadian relative who had previously contacted me two years ago, seeking information for her husband struggling with prostate cancer.
by Sandra Goodman PhD
Sylvia Baker’s comments about how the Editorial in the March Issue (see letters page 52) had struck a cord in her and her friends have been rolling around in my mind all month.
by Sandra Goodman PhD
I don’t usually relish reading Editorials in specialist journals or magazines where the Editor is pontificating upon subjects outside the remit of their publication, and that is wh...
by Sandra Goodman PhD
Over the past 15 years of producing Positive Health (PH), it has never ceased to amaze me how health professionals view the world and filter health evidence from such unbelievably ...
by Sandra Goodman PhD
By the time this January ‘07 issue of Positive Health is published a few days prior to Christmas, we will all, hopefully, be having at least a bit of a rest over the holiday season...
by Sandra Goodman PhD
There are a number of tangible threats which put at risk many vital products and practices of Complementary Medicine. These include:
by Sandra Goodman PhD
Fast Food, Obesity and Ill Health (see page 26), Living with Multiple Sclerosis and Treatment Approaches (see page19), The Holistic and Environmentally Friendly Home (see page 34),...