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Clinical Experiences of Live and Dry Layered Blood Analysis
This article focuses on the importance of pure blood in our body and looks into live and dry layered blood evaluation methods, procedures of these two types of analysis and include...more
Clinical Hypnotherapy for Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Research conducted over the last few years has shown hypnotherapy to be particularly effective in treating conditions of the digestive system such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)...more
Clinical Impovements in CFS/ME: The Role of Fatty Acids
In this article the author, Consultant/Professor at Hammersmith Hospital and Imperial College, shares his views on why he believes ME has an infectious cause and is more a physical...more
Clinical Properties of Deer Velvet
Deer velvet has been known to be beneficial for health for more than 2000 years. Silk scrolls found in a Chinese tomb in 168BC clearly documented deer velvet as a part of the Chine...more
Clinical Psychoneuroimmunology - Mind-Body Integrated Health
This article looks at how psychoneuroimmunology (PNI) can offer sustainable solutions to the many significant health challenges associated with stress. Using cases studies throug...more
Clinical Relief with Use of the FlexxiCore‡ Exerciser
This article focuses on the value of a class of passive exercise machines which originated in Japan and which allow people of all ages and fitness levels to enjoy a stimulating work...more
Clinical Update on Bergamot BPF for Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD)
Bergamot 37-47% Polyphenols (BPF) is a safe, highly concentrated polyphenolic extract of the Calabrian (Italy) citrus bergamot fruit that is available to both individuals and physi...more
Beata Bishop takes a look at how people who suffer from depression are treated by doctors. She talks about the way in which few doctors attempt to uncover the cause of the problem ...more
Close Encounters with a Yoga Master
In this Regular Column, Ruth White, now a well known and acclaimed yoga teacher, recounts how having suffered from backache for many years, she decided to take up yoga. She attende...more
How many clowns do you know? Come on, don't be modest, how many clowns do you meet and greet every day of your life. I’ll give you a clue, only half of them are outside your own mi...more
Coaching to Optimize Your Life
Life Coaching provides a one-to-one relationship and combines different tools and techniques to map out a structure to assist the achievement of long-term results in terms of life ...more
Codependence - For Whom Are You Living Your Life?
Perhaps the most painful aspect of codependence is the feeling that there is something very wrong with you, and that no matter what you do, you are never good enough. This is the c...more
I was stimulated to write this article by Leon Chaitow’s reflections on the body in psychotherapy (Positive Health, Issue 16). Rather than reply to it, I’d like to offer some thoug...more
Coffee Lovers: Just How Much Coffee is Good for You?
The biggest benefit and the most known fact about coffee is that, no matter how sleepy you are, it will ensure you jerk up to alertness.more
Cognition and Fibromyalgia: Symptoms, Causes and Treatment
This article provides a definition for fibromyalgia, based on the list of symptoms provided by the American Centre of Rheumatology in 1990. Plus summaries of research work; effects...more
Most medical practitioners now accept that attitude of mind – both positive and negative – can have a significant effect on the course of many illnesses. Although chronic fatigue s...more
Cognitive Dissonance: Is 2021 A Wake-Up Call?
With the traumatic events of the past two years, it is not surprising that much of the population world-wide has suffered from cognitive dissonance and splintered into ‘sheeple’ (a ...more
Cold and Flu Busters: The Natural Approach
The author gives a very detailed account of approaches to strengthening the immune system and helping it to prevent and to cure colds and flu, concluding with a thorough discussion...more
Coleus forskohlii / Plectranthus barbatus: A Unique Healer
The author writes that although she has practised as a Medical Herbalist for some 25 years, she had only recently come across Coleus. Coleus is an Ayurvedic herb, a small perennial...more
Colloidal Silver - Antimicrobial, Antifungal and Antiviral Mechanisms with Clinical Actions
Silver has been widely and effectively used in the science and art of healing since ancient times. Dr Eric Rentz thoroughly describes the historical stepping stones of the developme...more
Colloidal Silver – Master Antimicrobial, Antifungal and Antiviral Agent
We are slowly emerging into a new era of treating disease with minerals rather than the antibiotics which have been so over-used that many bacteria have evolved strategies for rende...more
Colon Health - Are you confused?
In treating people who have a wide range of physical and mental symptoms that don't fit in to a conventional, 'named' condition, nutritional and naturopathic practitioners have for...more
Colonic Hydrotherapy for Digestive Problems
This is a case history of a client with long-standing digestive problems including excessive gas, explosive bowel motions and lower abdominal gripes; also a sore, itchy and inflame...more
Colour Boosting for Cancer Patients
In this article, the author, an Aura-Soma and metamorphic technique practitioner who has trained in many different forms of self-healing, focuses on the energy-boosting properties ...more
The author describes how four years ago she developed a simple self-help therapy called Colour Breathing to aid relaxation and achieve inner and outer harmony and health.more
This article focuses on the importance of colour coding our diet, which the author says is the healthiest way to eat as it is colour that determines food’s beneficial qualities mor...more
Colour Integrated with Aromatherapy
Over the last twenty years, the subject of Aromatherapy has been much talked about and is fairly well understood by most people. The shop shelves are well stocked with 'aromatherap...more
Light is life. Without light, foods would not grow, flowers would not bloom and the life of animals and man would simply disappear. Sunshine raises our spirits and quite literally ...more
To the casual observer it may seem as though the process of giving ‘spiritual’ or ‘psi’ healing to another is simply the transmission of a specific type of yet unknown energy which...more
Colour Therapy for Anorexia and Depression
Alison studied colour therapy with Vicky Wall and created her own colour system – the Colour Profile Analysis System. This includes Alison's work with Harry Oldfield and electro-cr...more
Combining Interior Design and Psychology to Create Tranquil Healing Spaces
Each of us endures any number of stressors in our daily lives. Whether going to school or work every day or finding ways to balance our need for personal attachment and professional...more
Combining Vibrational Medicine Therapies
There is a growing interest in vibrational medicine due to increasing awareness that pills and surgery do not necessarily provide all the solutions. As we perceive it, the body is ...more
Come Home to Your Body: The Journey of Feeling Safe in Your Body
These techniques are for therapists and clients alike. When working with clients with complex histories, they will often arrive in a heightened sympathetic state. When clients share...more
It is not for nothing that ME, or CFS, has been called 'the disease of a thousand names'. While confusing, consideration of these many names is also illuminating about the disease ...more
Coming of Age – How Periods are Celebrated Around the World
Your first period is certainly a significant point in your life, but many women will not have a vivid recollection of this moment — it simply passed them by, and they entered womanh...more
Common Denominators Across Healing Modalities
This article discusses the elements common to the various alternative/complementary therapies. The author says between Acupuncture and Zen, one's problems may be addressed at many ...more
The present article deals with the critical review of common dietary mistakes referred in terms of food-food interactions, food processing interactions. It also enlists a variety of...more
Common Patterns of Anxiety - How to Spot and Approach Them
We know that anxiety is an interaction between thoughts, emotions, physical responses and behavior. We know that anxiety is natural and has a crucial function of keeping us safe. We...more
Common Sense – A Useless or Essential Tool in Life?
We recognize common sense in our daily lives as something that makes sense to us. Common sense is generally defined as sound and prudent judgment based on a simple perception of the...more
Working as a psychotherapist brings one into contact with various styles of speech patterns. Many of these are habitual ways of disturbed communicating.more
Comparing Benefits of Vaccine Use to Vaccine Risks
When you discuss vaccines and their merits, some people absolutely lose their minds, and the discussion is no longer rational. That's unfortunate. I hope everyone can agree that us...more
This article reports on a study conducted by the University of Bristol and a team of researchers from across the UK. We were funded by National Institute for Health Research -NIHR ...more
Complementary Healing Methods: The GP's Dilemma
In this article, the author shares the dilemma she faces, as an NHS GP and homeopath, when cancer patients, for one, cling to the hope that conventional medicine will save them no ...more
Complementary Medicine - the view from a health insurer
Availability and access to complementary therapies through insurance cover will become improved and increased in future months and years.more
Complementary Medicine – Prepare for the Future
In April 2003, Hazel Blears, the Public Health Minister, announced that the government will spend £1.3 million on research into complementary medicine in a five-year programme, wit...more
Complementary Medicine and the Voluntary sector
This article looks at issues relevant to the future practice of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM). This includes the relaxation of constitutional and economic restrictio...more
Often, women perceive CS as the 'easy' option, avoiding labour pain and over-stretching of the perineum (women often referred to as being 'too posh to push'). They do not realize t...more
Complementary Therapies for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
In view of the fact that orthodox medicine is not yet able to provide any really effective therapy for CFS, many sufferers turn to alternative or complementary medicine almost as a...more
Complementary Therapies for Hormone Refractory Prostrate Cancer
In this article, the authors say there is a growing demand for complementary therapies by prostrate cancer patients even though they cannot replace potentially curative methods suc...more
Complementary Therapies for the Menopause - Research Study
The author is a fourth year medical student at Newcastle University who intends to become a GP and specialize in women's health. She believes in the relevance of complementary medi...more
Complementary Therapies in Pregnancy: Recognizing and Dealing with Complications
This paper provides detailed information about the responsibilities of complementary therapists in regard to pregnant women, including the responsibility to do nothing when indicat...more
Complementary Therapies in the Next Decade: The Challenges
Never before have complementary therapies found so much favour. Patients are choosing and using complementary therapies in greater numbers than ever before. There are examples of a...more
Complementary Therapies within an NHS Clinic
Warwick House Medical Centre is an NHS Practice consisting of 4 doctors: 2 male, 2 female. It is a non-fundholding practice of 6,000 patients and the workload is shared equally bet...more
A pictorial display of lymphatic drainagemore
Samuel Hahnemann, a German physician, began to develop the major principles of homoeopathy some 200 years ago, although there is some suggestion that the concept of "like cures lik...more
Complexity, Chaos and the Paradigm Shift
With the NHS in severe crisis it may be a time to seek for a solution hidden in plain sight. Alternative or complementary medicine is something millions of patients seek of their ow...more
Components of a Personalized Detox Programme
The author focuses on the pressures and demands on our lives today and the effect it is having on our lifestyle and in turn our health, based on the clients she sees at her wellbei...more
Concussions are always a big talking point in the world of sport and as a result, sports bodies are doing what they can to limit them through various avenues. But which sports suffe...more
Conductive Education, From Hungary with Love
The Parkinsons Disease Society surveyed its members on their use of complementary therapies and was surprised at the high positive response. Most frequently mentioned was Yoga. Con...more
Confidence in Continence, Urinary Incontinence and Posture
It has been estimated that bladder incontinence affects about 6 million people in the UK and reaches 5% of the total population in developed countries.more
In a world riddled with conflicts it appears to me as if everybody is right in some respects whilst directly opposing beliefs, ideas or statements also seem to contain truth. Eithe...more
Connection to Spirit: Is Your Spirit Showing?
In her regular column, Vivienne Silver-Leigh discusses the concept of 'transpersonal', first discussed by the psychologist, Carl Jung and later developed by psychologists and write...more
The idea of consciousness and its relationship between mind and brain have puzzled, bamboozled and flummoxed philosophers and scientists alike since the dawn of civilisation. They s...more
Constipation, Gluten and Milk Allergies in Children
The theme of this article is constipation, gluten and milk allergies in children. The author approaches it via the case history of an eight-year-old girl who came to the clinic wit...more
Constructive Programme for Repetitive Strain Injury
The author, a professional Osteopath specialising in soft tissue manipulation, found his career jeopardised by severe symptoms of repetitive strain injury. Anyone whose livelihood ...more
Continuing Professional Development (CPD) - Is It Really Necessary?
The author looks into the importance of personal growth and development for alternative / complementary therapists / practitioners, and questions whether this Continuing Profession...more
Diabetes is on the increase. There are approximately 700,000 people currently being diagnosed yearly in Britain, and in America it is the seventh leading cause of death.more
Controlling High Blood Pressure Hypertension
Often called ‘the silent killer’ Hypertension or High Blood Pressure can be incredibly dangerous because it can occur with no visible symptoms. Persistently high blood pressure dram...more
Controlling your Stress Eating through the Holidays
Exposure to stress instigates the release of various hormones, including cortisol (Hormones 101), which plays a substantial role in emotional eating behavior. This stress hormone ca...more
Controversy in Optimism v. Pessimism
Pandemic phenomena are powerful detrimental influences that are cosmic in origin, and were understood as such by ‘The Powers That Be’ in ancient times.The means of transmission of P...more
Conventional vs. Herbal Antibiotics - What Is The Difference?
One of the hottest topics today is the overuse of conventional antibiotics and the loss of their effectiveness. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the United States (...more
Conversations between Mind and Body
The particular Approach I follow is that devised by medical Doctor Milton Trager MD a man that was both interested in mental health, neurological disorders and meditation.more
Convincing Sceptics of the Efficacy of Complementary Medicine
Over the years I have developed several different approaches to the sceptic. I do not use all these approaches at the same time, but try to assess which approach will work. If one ...more
Cooking with Organic Aromatherapy Essential Oils
Although the use of essential oils in massage, steam inhalations, baths and beauty products is not new, the authors have taken the concept one step further by exploring the use of ...more
Coordination of Body, Mind and Spirit
Aaron Hoopes, a long-time student of Eastern philosophy, the martial arts and alternative medicine in the USA, Australia and Japan, explains how it is possible to achieve perfect c...more
Coping with Depression: Taking the First Steps Towards Healing
There is a saying that depression is blind and unbiased. In other words, this chronic mental health condition doesn’t care who you are; it can strike at any moment, to anyone. This ...more
This column focuses on the benefits of Reflexology as a non-invasive way of coping with stress and why many people are opting for this therapy.more
Coping with Vestibular (Inner-Ear) Trauma
The author begins by giving a detailed account of the complexities of the vestibular system, one of the most complex sensory centres in the body. As well as being responsible for o...more
In his Expert Regular column, Joël Carbonnel looks at the trend of the so-called 'core area' currently circulating in fitness circles and magazine articles. Much is spoken of conce...more
Case studies from the patient files of Jon Whale and Shanti Patricia Colemore
The following four cases illustrate when it 'is' and 'is not' appropriate to shift a patient's Assemblage Point manuallymore
Core Energy Surgery for the Electromagnetic Body
The short cut back to health, normality and freedom. The information presented below is not a theory but the result of 20 years of clinical observations. Anyone prepared to investi...more
Core Energy: Locating the Assemblage Point
Every so often, a beneficial discovery or invention comes along that changes the course of fortune and history. Discovering and proving that every human has an Energy Body and Asse...more
CORE ENERGY: Shifting the Assemblage Point
In the final part of this ground-breaking series, Dr Jon Whale describes how to shift Assemblage Points. Instructions regarding how to locate Assemblage Points, pre-requisite to ac...more
Coriolus versicolor as an Effective Addition to the Treatment of HPV Infection
Six months of treatment with Coriolus-MRL, a food supplement that contains biomass of the fungus Coriolus versicolor, is associated with a reduction in viral load in low-grade squam...more
Coriolus versicolor for HPV Patients with Cervical Lesions (LSIL)1,2
Link between HPV and Cervical Cancer. Cervical cancer rates are high in women between the ages of 35 and 55. Risks increase with earlier sexual intercourse, number of sexual partne...more
Coronary Thrombosis Theory of Heart Attacks: Science or Creed?
The thrombogenic theory, that advocates the myocardial infarction as consequence of coronary thrombosis, was introduced by the American Dr. James Bryan Herrick in 1912,[1] being ent...more
Coronavirus: A Daoist Approach
So here we all are – in lock down and under the threat of infection from a virus. It’s not an easy time for any of us. Hard for most of us emotionally as we are separated from our f...more
Could a Phobia of Fat and Cholesterol Harm Your Heart?
The vilification of fat began around 50 years ago on the back of an epidemiological study by Ancel Keys[1], which showed a relationship between fat consumption and incidence of coro...more
Could Turmeric Be The Ultimate ‘Super-Spice’
Most of us know of turmeric as the bright yellow spice used in curry. But recent studies on turmeric’s incredible health benefits now prove it does much more than just flavour our f...more
Love provides us with the opportunity to unite with ourselves; to learn, grow and know ourselves more fully through another person. To become masters of love, we have to practise l...more
Fertility clients are to my mind unique compared to general counselling clients - if they were not experiencing fertility problems they would not need counselling.more
Covid Long-Haulers; Why Fish Oil, EPO, or B12 Might Help
There are thousands, potentially millions of people who have Long Covid. Effective treatments are still being sought by researchers. The main cause of death in Covid is microclots...more
Covid-19 - Serious Mishandling Causing so Many Deaths?
For the last 40 years, I have observed and had come to the conclusion that all viral infections rapidly lead to secondary bacterial infections. Indeed many of my patients will be aw...more
COVID-19 Anxiety Syndrome Scale
In September, I had the pleasure of doing a podcast with Professor Marcantonio Spada. He and a fellow researcher, Ana Nikčević, have been researching people’s reaction to COVID-19 s...more
Cranial Influence - becoming a 'heavy pendulum'?
While cranial osteopathy remains the bedrock of cranial manipulation, this originally 'orthopaedic' model has been overtaken (not completely but to a large extent) by far less eas...more
Cranial Laser Reflex Technique for Muscle Release and Pain
This article describes the innovative new development called Cranial Laser Reflex Technique (CLRT), which involves brief laser stimulation of specific cranial reflex points. The au...more
To understand cranial osteopathy it is necessary to understand osteopathy itself. As with visceral osteopathy, the term refers to an aspect of osteopathy, not to a separate modalit...more
The author writes about the development of Cranio Sacral Therapy, and being qualified in Reflexology as well, has herself developed the application of reflexology principles to Cra...more
The term Craniosacral Therapy was originally coined in the 1970s by American Osteopathic physician Dr John Upledger.more
Craniosacral Therapy is rapidly gaining recognition as one of the most gentle and yet powerful forms of holistic healing.more
CranioSacral Therapy 21 years on
Why are such a variety of healthcare practitioners excited about the tadpole-shaped bag that lines our skulls and spinal columns?more
Craniosacral Therapy and the Face
Craniosacral therapy developed from the work of osteopath, William Garner Sutherland, a pupil of Andrew Taylor Still, the father of osteopathy.more
Craniosacral Therapy for Chronic Headaches
This article focuses on the Craniosacral therapy developed from the work of osteopath, William Garner Sutherland, a pupil of Andrew Taylor Still, said to be the father of Osteopath...more
Craniosacral Therapy For Mother and Baby after Birth
In the modern world having a baby is as safe as it ever has been. Mother and baby survival is now an expectation rather than a hope. However modern interventions may make the proce...more
Craniosacral Therapy in Health and Disease
The significance of the craniosacral system in health has become clearer in the last hundred years with William Garner Sutherland in Osteopathy and De Jarnette in Chiropractic devel...more
Craniosacral Therapy in the Time of Fear
Fear in the right context can be very useful. It motivates us to take action to keep us and our loved ones safe. Fear can also be disabling and in a chronic state can impinge on our...more
Craniosacral Therapy, Cranial Moulding and Baby Helmets
Craniosacral therapy is well known for its effective treatment of babies and children. Whilst babies are brought for treatment with a wide range of conditions, one of the more dist...more
Craniosacral Therapy; Bridging the Science and Art of Healing
I was original going to title this piece as Craniosacral Therapy Saves the World on the basis that the principles that underlie CST are the ones that we need to face the challenges ...more
Craniosacral Therapy; Towards a Holistic World View
When treating patients it is not uncommon when I’m holding the cranium, for the patient to say that they can feel something happening say in the foot or the hip. It is also not unus...more
CranioSacral Treatment of the Temporomandibular Joint
In my early years of practice I was fortunate enough to work in the same building as an holistic dentist. He specialized in correcting malocclusion. He is the only dental practitio...more
After my toddler grandchildren have paid a visit, my living room looks as if I have been burgled. Toys are strewn about, a mess of paper and paints – interrupted works of art lie ab...more
There is a beautiful poem by the Spanish poet Antonio Machado and translated by Robert Bly, in which the jasmine-scented wind calls to the poet soul, offering its perfume of jasmin...more
Creating Creativity in Body Therapy
I've been involved in body therapy for about twenty-five years and although I have studied many systems and styles of body therapy my main practice has always been Rolfing. Being a...more
Creating the Circumstances for Success
In this article the author suggests ways in which we can create success in our lives and achieve our goals. She stresses the importance of being finely-tuned to our feelings, and d...more
“An unpleasant or difficult life situation would be made a lot easier to bear if someone could tell us reliably when it would end.” Vera Peiffer looks at this statement in the ligh...more
This article is an exploration of the author’s ideas about spirit, creativity and inspiration (which she points out also means breathing in).more
Graham Greene once said, "writing is a form of therapy". Today, this idea is being put into practice by a growing number of health professionals. Creative writing is successfully...more
Creativity and Lateral Thinking - Use It or Lose It
The author’s concern is that in this age of instant knowledge, familiar procedures and so much reliance on computers and the internet, we are replacing absorption of information an...more
Critical Bodywork Advice for Massage Practitioners
This is a follow-up to the article Gerry Pyves wrote for Positive Health four years ago in which he launched NO HANDS massage. Since then, the technique has become the fastest grow...more
In 1932 the American doctor Burrill B Crohn and his associates first offered the description of a disease characterized by an inflammatory reaction of the bowel, usually affecting ...more
Crystal - Energetic Qualities for Healing
Nat and Tony Bondar began an extraordinary research project into the subject of crystal healing in July 2002. They began to look into the reasons why crystals and stones were suppo...more
Crystal Healing for the Emotions and the Mind
In the article the authors provide an update on their more advanced research on crystal healing, following on from their first research, on polished and unpolished stones, publishe...more
Crystal Skulls - Focus for Light, Healing and Consciousness
This article describes the author’s experiences in working with crystal skulls. The author has visited and spoken with individuals from Brazil, Mexico and North America; Hunbatz M...more
Crystal Therapy: Black Tourmaline - King Of Crystals
The author, Principal of Vantol College of Crystal Therapy, discusses the case of IT Technician Adrian, (not his real name) who had been suffering for over 5 years from chronic he...more
Crystal Therapy: From Myth to Medicine
The revival of Crystal Therapy in recent years demonstrates a new frontier in complementary healing, but the use of crystals and minerals is not new.more
Cuba's Green Revolution - Natural Medicine Advances
The author writes with the authority of a tourist who has been a licensed acupuncturist and herbalist for more than 20 years and who recently visited, among other places, a state m...more
Cultivating the Mind for Positive Health
We are encouraged to exercise our physical body in order to maintain good health: To "use it or lose it". The current focus of this good sense is on our "body" and the heart. The s...more
Turmeric extract, curcumin, has been classified as a potent anti-inflammatory agent in the treatment of arthritis, heart disease, diabetes, and cancer, and a natural anti-inflammat...more
Curing a Symptom or Healing a Life?
There is an important distinction to be made between curing and healing. To cure is to fix a particular part. Allopathy – Western medicine – is particularly good at doing this, off...more
"All drugs are poisons, and chemotherapy is a particularly nasty set of poisons," says Richard Sullivan, head of clinical programmes at the charity Cancer Research UK.[1]more
Curing Polio with Magnesium: The Tip of the Iceberg?
While magnesium remains greatly underutilized in the treatment of a wide range of medical conditions, it is gradually becoming a more common nonspecific positive ‘health tonic’ adde...more
This article is taken from a book-in-progress which describes the fundamental factors in virtually all disease as a negative cycle, and shows clearly how they can be reversed by co...more
Of all the ways the environment affects health, the one that matters most to me is transport. Not only is our health at risk from air pollution, traffic accidents and noise but the...more
Cystic Fibrosis – The Story of Michael Morrison
Ed and Breda Morrison share the story of their son Michael & how he used CAM Therapies to improve his quality of life.more
Damaged Soils, Human Health and how to Improve the Quality of Food
Documentary evidence shows that mineral content of UK-grown food crops has declined by an average of 60% since 1940. This decline has been matched by a commensurate fall in soil hum...more
In her Daoist Diary for late summer, Vicki McKenna looks at how we face change in our lives. At these times we often feel vulnerable and deeply uneasy. We create strategies to allo...more
To followers of the Dao the seasons can be powerful teachers and through them we learn to flow better with the circumstances of our lives. This is a time of letting go, of withdraw...more
Outer seasonal changes seem to affect us on an inner level. In Spring, this manifests as a surge of energy and enthusiasm for new projects. This is a very appropriate response, acc...more
Vicki McKenna continues her Daoist diary from Issue 87 (April '03). According to the Daoist view, summer is the season of the fire element. The changing of seasons gives us the opp...more
Regular Contributor Vicki McKenna presents the winter entry to her Daoist Diary. She looks at the importance of creating a restful time for ourselves in winter to build healthy imm...more
Daoist Tips for 21st Century Living
This column looks at the Daoist way of life, which is one of balance – somewhere between strain and over-indulgence. A life where we can be ourselves, in harmony with nature… basic...more
Daoist Tips for the 21st Century - Harmonizing the Spirits
It’s easy to lose touch in our hurly-burly world with a sense of inner calm and stillness – the centre of your being. As I write, the UK seems to be at war with itself over Brexit –...more
Daoist Tips For The 21st Century - Let A Tree Be Your Teacher
A couple of years ago I visited the giant Redwood forests in Oregon and spent several hours experiencing the quiet serenity of these massive trees. No wonder these forests are consi...more
Daoist Tips for the 21st Century - Living Abundantly
We live in times of austerity with job losses, short term contracts, government cuts to welfare benefits and many of us wonder how we can keep our heads above water and continue to ...more
Daoist Tips For The 21st Century - The Mother of Us All
The woman who tucks in your label on the bus; the woman who packs up the leftovers for your lunch the next day; the woman who knits you a hat for winter; the woman who shows you whe...more
Daoist Tips for the 21st Century - Transforming Emotions
Our health suffers when we avoid our emotions. Alcohol and drug abuse, screen time or over eating – there are many ways to suppress our feelings. And when we do this we may find our...more
Daoist Tips for the 21stCentury – Back to Nature - Learning from Long Covid
Some recover from Covid -19 in a couple of weeks whereas others experience on going issues with extreme fatigue, problems with their respiratory system, brain, cardiovascular system...more