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This article, written in the first person with the heart itself as the narrator, is a warning of the damage which can be inflicted on the heart and indeed, its owner's life, by a p...more
De-Code Your Pain: Investigate the Three Common Triggers
Have you been working hard to re-configure your posture, your work ergonomics or your sleeping position with the hope of solving nagging, persistent pain? If none of your efforts l...more
In today’s tempestuous COVID-19 milieu, stress has become far too invasive, unrelenting and menacing – primarily because it emanates first and foremost from psychological factors, j...more
It may seem unlikely that Parkinson's disease, depression or attention deficit disorder could have one common contributing factor, but poor nutrition is at the root cause of many C...more
Dealing with Anxiety and Panic Attacks
According to the Royal College of Psychiatrists, anxiety disorders affect about one in 10 people in the UK. Here, Professor of Psychiatry at Southampton University, David Baldwin, r...more
Dementia affects around 45 million people across the globe - approximately 850,000 of which are in the UK. It’s one of the biggest causes of death, along with cancer, and with it be...more
This column focuses on how practitioners in health-enhancing professions can keep well, and use their skills to the best of their ability to help their clients without drowning in ...more
Debbie Talalay Talks About Healing and Theta Healing
Theta Healing is a simple, safe, yet powerful non-invasive therapy that reprogrammes entrenched negative belief patterns. It works on our energy systems to identify, remove and rep...more
Decorate Your House With Colour Psychology
It’s a new year and a lot of people choose this time to redecorate the house and do a little bit of spring cleaning. But if you’re looking to redecorate, what colours do you choose?...more
Deep Massage: A New Step in the Evolution of Bodywork
The art and science of meeting through touch is what is represented in Deep Massage. It establishes a new clarity in bodywork. Equally as important, like much of the wisdom imbedd...more
The focus of the article is the prevalence of ‘symptomatic treatment’ instead of an attempt to identify the root causes of our problems, and do something about them. This attitude ...more
Deeper Massage – Zero Balancing The Body’s Energy and Structure
I had been practicing and then teaching Deep Massage – The Lauterstein Method - for four years when I first met Dr Fritz Smith, the founder of Zero Balancing. At the time, I had tr...more
Defeating Teenage Depression - Getting There Together
Depression during adolescence is a significant public health issue, the impact of which is felt by young people and their families for months and sometimes years. It destabilizes l...more
Delivering Success Usefully: How to Plan and Manage your Success Strategy
When the delivery of your success depends on what you feel is going to be useful you can make decisions based on the way in which you want to see it happen. What this means is that...more
Dementia - The Global Pandemic
Dementia - The Global Pandemicmore
The number of people affected by dementia is growing exponentially, it is estimated that there are 55 million people diagnosed worldwide today and 139 million predicted to be diagno...more
Demystifying ‘Detox’: What it Is and What it Isn’t
Toxicity is a major concern for everyone. Given the current state of our planet and increased coverage from mainstream media, people are rightly becoming concerned with the way in w...more
Demystifying and Tackling Stress
As millions of us around the UK are experiencing high levels of stress[1] and feel the damaging effect this has on our health overall, stress has become this ‘thing’ everyone’s hear...more
Dental Amalgam Fillings is the Number One Source of Mercury in People
Dental Amalgam Fillings is the Number One Source of Mercury in People -and- Exposure Exceeds Government Health Standards for Inorganic mercury (vapor)more
Dental Anxiety Effects on Quality of Life
Being apprehensive about paying a visit to a dental professional is an incredibly common problem. As many as one in five[1] reportedly suffer from some level of uneasiness, rangin...more
Dental Infections: Why You Should Be Concerned
The object of this article is not to alarm people but supply up to date relevant information about dental infections and their possible consequences so that informed decisions conce...more
Dental Posture Interactions for Optimal Health
Specialist paediatric dentist Malcolm Levikind presents some of the key evidence that shows that dental bite (occlusion) can influence an individual's posture, and therefore genera...more
Dentists Point out Some Bad Habits That Could Be Ruining Your Teeth
Dentists firmly believe that you must maintain healthy gums and teeth if you wish to keep dental issues at bay. You must appreciate the fact that good oral hygiene habits including ...more
Depressed? Your Dreams Can Help!
Dream researcher John Goldhammer has discovered, from his 25 plus years of researching dreams and techniques of dream interpretations, that the majority of our dreams have a profou...more
My dictionary defines depression as: "an emotional state of mind characterised by feelings of gloom and inadequacy, leading to withdrawal." This is the usual description of a patho...more
Depression is a growing health problem and one of the least understood diseases. It affects adults and children of all ages and can be very serious. Untreated depression may lead t...more
Depression - Promising Treatment Approaches
This article focuses on depression --- a debilitating mental illness where the affected person often develops an extremely negative outlook on life and sees no way out of the black...more
Depression - The Fast-Spreading Malady
Depression, as the word itself suggests, is a low feeling, an experience of nothingness and low spirits. Depression is a growing health problem and one of the least understood disea...more
Depression is an extremely emotive word and one that can easily be misinterpreted for words that are synonymous with it such as sadness, gloominess, misery, hopelessness or despair....more
Common dictionary definitions of “depression” relative to health are exampled below: A pessimistic sense of sadness, gloom, inadequacy and a despondent lack of activity An...more
With the advent of the detox diet, the author says we have lost sight of the true potential of cleansing as a naturopathic tool and looks at what this involves and if there is a ri...more
Detoxification - Deep Cleanse for a Radiant Smile
Detoxification is a necessary act of internal purification in today's highly polluted environment, unless one has been living a macrobiotics lifestyle in the higher plains of Tibet...more
Detoxification and Emotional Balancing for Optimum Health
The author describes ways to achieve physical detoxification, using enzyme-rich juices and raw foods and herbs. Healing may occur from either physical or emotional blockage removal...more
Detoxify Your Way to a New You!
Today toxins are in our air (Chemtrails, car exhaust etc.) we breathe, the water (acid rain) we drink, the food (especially processed food, most fruits and vegetables are sprayed gr...more
Detoxifying the Body with Naturopathy Diet, Hydrotherapy and Herbs
Naturopathy is a system of medicine that is based on the utilisation of the healing power of nature. This underpins nearly all the therapeutic techniques in alternative medicine.more
Detoxifying with the Lemon Diet
The Lemon Diet is one of the easiest fasts the author has used in her career as a naturopath. It is a liquid diet regime based on a totally natural drink made from a special organi...more
Deuterium Depletion in Cancer Treatment and Prevention - Practical Application Advice
Deuterium depletion is a new complementary modality in oncotherapy and in prevention of the disease as it was reviewed in Positive Health PH Online earlier this year in Issue 203 F...more
Developing Healthy Resilience in Young People
Children and young people today have to cope with a great deal of pressure in their lives –particularly at school and in further education. They are pressured to achieve specific ac...more
The author points out that we are very much influenced in the ways that we think and communicate by the use of computers, managing our time in chunks and conversations in sound-b...more
Developing Your Voice as Part of Your Treatment Plan
The author points out the importance and power of the voice. She describes the development of the voice mechanisms, with special emphasis on the position of the tongue. Between the...more
Development of Professional Acupuncture in the UK
The founding of the British Acupuncture Council (BAcC) 20 years ago was a significant moment for professional acupuncture. It helped create a confident, positive profession of aroun...more
Development of Test Systems for Allergy Testing: An Immunologist's Viewpoint
Why patients produce antibodies to foods is not clearly understood at this time, however, it has been shown that if the reactive foods are removed from the diet, a significant numb...more
Developments in HPV Care and Coriolus versicolor Supplementation
PSK (Krestin) is a extract of Coriolus versicolor developed by Kureha Chemical Industry Company and licensed to Sankyo Pharmaceuticals Ltd in the 1980s for use as adjunct immunoth...more
As concerns grow about the increasing and often unsustainable exploitation of medicinal plants worldwide, a project in Namibia is successfully demonstrating how environmentally sus...more
Devil's Claw - The Herbal solution to the North-South Divide?
Research studies with Devil's Claw (Harpagophytum procumbens) have shown it to be beneficial for arthritic conditions and a viable alternative to NSAIDS (non-steroidal anti-inflamm...more
Devil's Claw - Your Best Friend For Arthritic Pain
Arthritis is an ever-increasing public health problem, predicted to affect 20% of the US population by the year 2020; in Canada it is predicted that 85% of the population over 70, a...more
Devil's Claw: Therapeutic Uses
Devil's claw is a perennial plant, common in the southern and eastern parts of Africa, particularly the former Transvaal.more
Diabetes / Prameha in Ayurveda
Diabetes Mellitus is a lifestyle driven metabolic disorder that impacts nearly 4 million people in the UK alone. There are two forms of Diabetes - Type I and Type II. Currently aut...more
This article discusses the genetic, lifestyle and dietary causes of diabetes mellitus, which results from either a lack of insulin or the body's cells being resistant to it, and ca...more
Diagnosis in Chinese Medicine: Intention - The Art of 'Doing Nothing'
This column focuses on the importance and power of using Intention when treating patients. Intention can take us from being good technicians into the realm of healing, and result...more
This column is the last I'll write for the foreseeable future. I've written fifteen columns with topics ranging from arsenic to xeno-oestrogens. But I've kept coming back to one to...more
Let us take a short walk through different diets that traditionally sustained human populations on different parts of the globe. We will show the involvement of fat and oils in t...more
Diet During Renal Failure and after Kidney Transplant
In patients with chronic kidney disease or/on dialysis, the purpose of this diet is to maintain a balance of electrolytes, minerals, and fluid in patients.more
Dietary and Chemo-prevention Strategies for Prostate Cancer
Projects concerning the relationship of various nutritional factors to the incidence of prostate cancer, the sixth most common cause of death in men. Mortality rates, however, var...more
Dietary Recommendations to Reduce Heart Disease Risk
Dr Jeffrey Bland is a giant in the field of nutritional research. This recently published book describes fascinating research about nutritional interaction with our genes, and how ...more
Dietary Seaweed in Preventive Health
An important, 18 page scientific review was published in the international peer-reviewed journal Phycologia in November, 2015.[1] The authors, two Canadians and a Danish scientist, ...more
Dieting - A Recipe for Failure
Dieting, like conventional medicine, works on the expectation of failure. Conventional medicine is designed to deal with ill health and it factors in a high drop out or death rate....more
Dieting is Out - Health Eating is In
Over the past 10 years in particular with all the developments on why we are ‘gaining weight’ and so many ‘silver bullet’ ‘diets’ hitting the market, there has been little movement...more
Different Approach to Urinary Tract Infection
Melanie was a chronic cystitis sufferer. In previous years, she had always found Cantharis 6c very effective. She had chosen this with the help of a complementary self help guide o...more
Different ways to look at - talk about - get to grips with NLP
NLP brings together neurology, language and patterns to help people with phobias, trauma, depression, smoking and weight loss.more
Digestive Disorders: From Acid Reflux, Heartburn, and IBS, to Coeliac and Ulcerative Colitis
This article takes us on a taster journey through the digestive tract in an attempt to highlight the interconnectedness of all organs of the body, as well as the importance of a co...more
Digitalis and Strophanthin in Stable Ischemic Heart Disease and to Restrain or Reverse Heart Attacks
The first therapeutic use of digitalis with beneficial effects for heart disease was described by William Withering in 1785. Withering did not understand how this drug acted on card...more
Dignity and death in childbirth: the conflict between satisfaction and safety
October 2013 saw the inaugural conference for the newly-formed Birthrights charity, which explored why women giving birth in the UK are frequently dissatisfied with their experience...more
Discourse Narrative : The Quest For Healing
Healing is an active process of moving through stages similar to the stages of grief, which the patient engages in, and can reach both a positive, peaceful state of mind while in d...more
Discover your Inner Strength and Resilience to enjoy a Positive, Empowered and Happy State of Mind
We are now aware of the need to exercise regularly and to eat well to keep our bodies fit and healthy. Many of us can be quite open about trying to lose weight or when we have start...more
As a child, I was very intrigued by the Art of Healing and Martial Arts. My father, Chin Ket Leong, was a Chinese Medical Practitioner and a Martial Arts Master. At home, my brothe...more
A concise history of the theories of aetiology would show that among the myriad of ideas put forward to explain the cause of disease, four stand out clearly. They have in common th...more
Dispelling the Myths and Hysteria of 2012 - Channeling Archangel Michael through Susan Stothard
Today I am going to talk to you about the untruths and myths surrounding the year 2012, which keep being circulated and constantly brought to the attention of mankind by those with ...more
In 1996 I attended my 1st dissection course with Gil Hedley in San Francisco. The whole process was a revelation to me; since then I have started to run my own dissection courses al...more
Distant Healing - Advanced Form of Bio-Energy Healing
In this article the authors explain the principles of bio-energy healing, the power of distant healing, and how we can all master the healing method to benefit both ourselves and o...more
Diverse Clinical Applications of Essential Oils
The author, qualified in Aromatherapy and Massage, also teaches geography at a secondary school three days per week. She recently attended a seminar at Barbara Payne's College of A...more
Divination - Energy, Mind and Personal Development
This article focuses on divination through the process of energy, mind and personal development. It questions whether we can really see beyond the events that are happening to us ...more
DNA Activation – Etheric Surgery Using an Activated Crystal Wand
The article begins by answering the question: “What is DNA?” DNA stands for Deoxyribonucleic Acid. Our present physical DNA contains two strands which hold the genetic codes for ...more
DNA Explained: To De-Mystify your Fears
We live in a time where medical research and medical authorities are pushing out a lot of ‘information’ regarding the function and the importance of our DNA. This so called informa...more
DNA, Gene Expression and Safety of Homeopathic and New Homeopathic Remedies
In recent years, particularly since completion of the Human Genome Project (sequencing of human DNA), there have been major advances in the understanding of the structure and functi...more
Do Chaga Mushrooms Have Health Benefits? Current Studies Reviewed
The Chaga mushroom is called the “king of mushrooms,” while the better-known reishi mushroom gets the title of “queen of mushrooms.” Chaga mushrooms are marketed as having a wide ra...more
This article focuses on one woman who has recognized the importance of excellent credentials in the world of complementary therapies. Liz Jeannet, a Complementary and Alternative M...more
Do You Know if You Have Sold Your Soul?
A question that may seem strange is; do you know if you have sold your soul? Chances are you were not aware it was for sale. In fact, many people will question if they have a soul. ...more
Do You Recognize Your Own Success?
Using the example of a hypnotherapy client who had a fear of eating in public, Vera Peiffer illustrates how often we fail to recognize the progress we are making towards our goals,...more
I was in New York recently, where I had lunch with a former colleague, Harriet, who is now a high-flying industrial psychologist, whatever that is. I think she travels around givin...more
I was at a party last week, and sometime after a long conversation with a group of people, an unknown gentleman, well-dressed in a tweed jacket, broke in and suddenly inquired of m...more
Does Changing Pictures Motivate You?
In this column, the author, an NLP Master Practitioner and Performance Enhancement Coach, presents a case to demonstrating how she motivated a client into doing something she felt ...more
Does Inflammation Cause Coronary Atherosclerosis?
This presentation will discuss various influences that affect inflammation, such as the pivotal role of sympathetic nervous system stimulation and humoral influences that also regu...more
Does Lactic Acidosis Cause Coronary Artery Calcification?
Coronary artery calcification is highly prevalent in patients with coronary heart disease and is associated with an increase in major adverse cardiovascular events. It may also have...more
Does Naturopathy have a place in Integrated Medicine?
In the Integrated Medicine column this month Dr Isbell looks at Naturopathy and what role it might have in the integration of complementary and conventional medicine. Naturopathy i...more
Does our Current Understanding of Epigenetics Now Expose Neo-Darwinism as Pseudo-Science?
When Charles Darwin died in 1882 it took less than 10 years for August Weismann from Freiburg University to publish his theory The Germ-Plasm: A Theory of Heredity in 1893. Better k...more
Does the HIV / AIDs Pandemic Affect National and Household Level Food Security
The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) pandemic, also known as acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), is a global crisis with consequences that will be felt for decades to come...more
Does Travel Cause You Back Pain? Here's How to Avoid It...
This article reminds us that “Vacations are fun, but travelling is a pain in the neck!”, and that travelling can be an even bigger pain in the back.more
Dogs, Mental Health, and the Ways They Can Help Our Minds
Mental health can be a struggle, and one that is often difficult to overcome alone. While having a strong support network is an excellent advantage to have, there is another part of...more
Between 1992 and 1995 I served as the Psychological Consultant to the Dolphin Reef in Eilat, Israel. The facility is located in a natural lagoon on the Red Sea Coast. It contained ...more
Psychology is often not the best source of wisdom concerning the passions of life. Probably better to turn to great literature and real life itself. This is especially true when di...more
Don't Pick up the Client's Negative Energy: From White Light to Neuroscience
The author has always followed ‘white light protection’ practices, intended to protect the practitioner from a client’s ‘negativity’, but has had reservations – would these practic...more
Double Chins, Triple Bellies and Demi-Thighs
One of the outcomes of misusing ourselves is that some muscles become short and tight while others become slack and flabby. This unequal and imbalanced distribution of tone does no...more
Dr Arthur Bailey Flower Essences
This column focuses on Dr Arthur Bailey and his flower essence remedies, alongside those of the well-known Dr Bach and his remedies.more
Dr Rolf, Rolfing and Structural Integration
The practitioner of Structural Integration (Rolfing) applies systematic pressure (energy) to re-shape and re-balance the body structure. Tissue which was short and hard becomes sof...more
Drawing on the Dao: A Capsizing World
This article focuses on how to maintain balance and harmony the Daoist way in the throes of upheavals surrounding us ecologically, socially, politically and economically.more
Drawing on the Dao: A more Flexible Approach
In this column the author shares her experience on how the Daoist approach helped her with her disability (she had polio as a child) and what led her down this route. She focuses o...more
Drawing on the Dao: A Rich Weave of Adventure
The author explains the Dao Way, of the ebbing and flowing of energy with its fluctuations, times of fullness and emptiness as well as highs and lows, by opening with a quote by ...more
The author explains that Daoist philosophy teaches us that happiness is to be found within; that the Heart is ‘the spiritual and emotional centre of the body’ and on the deepest le...more
Drawing On the Dao: Less Strain, More Gain
This account of the principles and practice of Hydrotherapy follows a lifetime's study of Naturopathic Techniques after conventional medicine had failed to improve what David calls...more
Drawing On The Dao: Responding To Shock
In this article the author draws on the Dao philosophy to treat those in shock. According to the Daoist classics during shock there is no home for the Shen, the Chinese name given ...more
Drawing on the Dao: Taking Action, Moving Forward
Towards the end of a busy day, the author began to feel stressed, fuzzy-headed and anxious. As a practitioner of the art of Daoist acupuncture, she says she knew it was a message f...more
Drawing on the Dao: Tied up in Knots
The author draws on the philosophy of Daoism to explain and treat Liver Chi stagnation - a blockage of life energy with symptoms ranging from a sense of oppression in the chest wit...more
This article looks into the odd nightmare of a child that becomes more frequent and develops into a full-blown fear of sleep.more
Dream Journal Templates to Reconnect and Spark Creativity
Many of us know the feeling of settling into bed only to have our minds wander while trying to go to sleep. After a long day, it’s difficult to let go of the things that occurred an...more
Dream Sonata: It More than Meets the Mind
There isn't anyone who hasn't delved into the essence of dreams since the dawn of civilisation. Our ancients believed that dreams were not only a conduit between our material world ...more
Dreams (II); Nightmares, Daydreams
A number of readers contacted me to ask about recurrent dreams and especially nightmares. In any discussion of dreams and related topics, I am often asked about daydreaming. These ...more
Man has speculated about the meaning of dreams since the beginning of time. Perhaps, back in the prehistoric caves, images appearing to people in dreams were the origin of the conc...more
The gap between modern medicine, quantum physics and ancient forms of health care, is closing fast. The science of Dru Yoga plays an essential part in this journey of discovery, as...more
Dru Yoga for Wellbeing and Resilience to Stress
This article reports on a randomized controlled study of the effect of a six-week programme of Dru Yoga, involving at least one 60-minute session a week, on the stress levels of em...more
Drugs versus Nutritional Medicine for Common Health Complaints
The author points out that although we would like to believe that drugs are developed, tested and prescribed on the basis of being the most effective for curing what is wrong with ...more
Dub Leigh was interviewed at his hotel during his recent visit to the UK by Dione Hills, a researcher/bodyworkermore
Massage is about movement, both within the client but also on the part of the practitioner. Effective movement and bodyuse by the massage therapist can be a key to good treatment, ...more
Dynamic Healing - Working at the Interface of Subtle Energy Healing and Psychotherapy
In this article the author focuses on hands-on energy healing and psychotherapy, specifically Dynamic Healing, a method she developed for working with individual clients as well as...more
Hormones are minute chemical messengers that circulate in the bloodstream. A tiny alteration can affect us physically and emotionally. Environmental chemicals can cause hormonal di...more
Dyspepsia is a medical condition that an NHS survey has reported affects about 40% of the adult UK population. It is characterized by recurrent pain in the upper abdomen, heartburn,...more
This article looks at ear candling, an ancient treatment that was re-discovered by the Western culture from the Hopi Indian practices in North America. Traditionally ear candling w...more
Early Spring - Give Yourself The 'Gift' Of An Hour
Barbara Payne, a PH Expert Regular Columnist, encourages us to take just an hour of our time and use it in the garden. At this time of the year, she tells us, you can catch a glimp...more
While the menopause is a natural stage of life, typically taking place between the ages of 45 and 55 and occurs due to a decline in the hormones oestrogen and progesterone, it doesn...more
Eastern Approaches to Clinical Therapy
This article illustrates the value of Eastern approaches to treatment in cases where individuals have acted as 'gatekeepers' to restoring their own health through making informed c...more
This article focuses on why, how and what we should eat correctly, to live a long and healthy life. In order to enjoy the pleasures and profits which are possible in health, one m...more
Fat has been a major issue for Richard Klein and his family for most of his life. This has been a negative as well as a positive factor. The fat we ponder serves to embody our hu...more
What strange times we are living in. 2020 has certainly been eventful and lifechanging for many people the world over. Self-isolation is a new word in my vocabulary, as is social di...more
The author discusses how eating has served both the function of keeping us alive and healthy, and as a cultural way to share time together, including cultural rituals around food a...more
Eat Seafood for Natural Glowing Skin
It is every person’s dream to have a health and glowing skin. Fortunately, there are several magical foods that can help you maintain a glowing and very healthy skin, giving you rel...more
Eating as an Opportunity For Personal Growth
Each time she gets caught or snagged on a new nutritional topic, Deanna Minich has a cathartic experience of personal growth. Each discovery serves as an anchor for her, a deepening...more
This column looks into the Diet Therapy offered by Chinese Medicine practitioners. The author also provides a brief description of the climatic conditions suffered by people living...more
What is it about food that makes us want to realize its nutritional benefits? Why are we so enthralled in finding out what it can do for our health and why is it used as a medium to...more
Ebola - Saving Lives with Natural Allopathic Medicine
WHO chief Margaret Chan said the Ebola epidemic is out of control. “The virus attacks the body’s soft tissues - a process some doctors describe, bluntly, as like watching a patient ...more
This month's case is a success story where conventional treatment had failed to help the patient in any long term way.more
Jane, aged 54, came to see me with a few minor health problems, and one major one of severe eczema, a chronic skin condition, which she had suffered from for most of her life.more
Retired nurse and midwife Jennifer Worth highlights the trauma that eczema sufferers can go through, relating her own painful experiences, and offers hope to other sufferers having...more
Complementary Medicine appears to be making significant progress - growing popularity with the public, increased albeit sometimes begrudging acceptance by the medical profession,...more
How should we practise medicine? At first glance, this might seem as daft a question as How long is a piece of string? Or How do I love thee, let me count the ways. You might imagi...more
I sense that as practitioners and/or consumers of complementary medicine, we currently find ourselves in strained circumstances, sometimes with conflicting allegiances. This, I fee...more
The media and medical establishment climate we live in defies belief! According to research widely reported in the UK, more than 10,000 people in the UK, die every year from advers...more
A Research Update in this issue by Sherry et al (see page 42) relates the successful treatment in Sydney Australia of an intractable MRSA infection of the lower tibia of a 49-year ...more
Since reading Vaccination: A Guide for Making Personal Choices (reviewed on page 61), I have continued to be impressed by the stunning clarity of this little book. Author Dr Hans-P...more
This past week I was exceedingly saddened to view BBC Watchdog (Monday 4 October) which attacked the nutritional and diet therapy of the Nutritional Cancer Therapy Trust, which is ...more
As you may already have heard, Here's Health, the longest lived magazine in the UK about Complementary Medicine, ceased publication; the November 2004 issue was the last. This info...more
The other night on Newsnight I viewed a most innovative treatment by a Chinese doctor for degenerative neurological conditions including spinal cord injury, paralysis, ALS (Lou Geh...more
Dr Robert Atkins, who tragically died last year after falling on the pavement and hitting his head, has been the subject of innumerable, inaccurate and sometimes ignorant swipes, b...more
It is sometimes hard to know whether matters are progressing or not with Complementary Medicine. There are times when one almost despairs. Take the case of Jennifer Worth (see page...more
One of the many reasons that complementary medicine seems to get the short end of the stick when it comes to money, recognition and validation, is that by espousing to care for the...more
John Spottiswoode's thought-provoking feature Cancer Causes and Mechanisms: Hypothesis (see pages 29-34) offers many fascinating insights regarding his central hypothesis that vari...more
I have been extremely apprehensive about what the best voting options would be at the general election on 5 May regarding the EU Supplement and Herbal Medicines Directive.more
The freedom to improve our health and treat numerous conditions using nutritional and herbal medicines is constantly under threat. Positive Health has widely publicized the campaig...more
It has been awhile since I have been riveted by a genuinely exciting, inspiring scientific tale of discovery that clinically alleviates symptoms of long-sufferers of Chronic Fatigu...more
The ruling about the EU Food Supplement Directive (FSD) at the European Court of Justice (ECJ) on 12th July has, thankfully, not resulted in the Armageddon scenario previously fear...more