Search: Articles

  1. Hypnosis: Focused Healing – Thinkwellness360

    The quintessential discovery of hypnosis is attributed to Dr Franz Anton Mesmer MD, the ‘non-conformist’ 18th-century Viennese physician. Dr Mesmer, it is now evidenced, used a meth...more

  2. NLP Counter Example Allergy Cure

    This process was developed by Robert Dilts, an internationally known NLP trainer, when his guest speaker at a health seminar, an immunologist, Dr David Levi, made the remark “an al...more

  3. 'Beauty From Within'

    Irene Stein is not your average senior 80-year old. She is fit, healthy, energetic and, when not working on her business, she is out playing a game of tennis or two and enjoying lif...more

  4. 'Eat Right for your Blood Type' Diet

    The "Eat Right for Your Blood Type Diet" was developed by Dr Peter D'Adamo, inspired by his father's theories on the importance of blood types in predicting a person's biochemistry...more

  5. 'Natural' Progesterone - why this is not the answer

    Extracted from Natural Alternatives to HRT by Dr Marilyn Glenville.more

  6. 'Programming' in Therapy and Energy Work

    The article describes the author sense of being expected to teach my pupils something he did not fully believe in. He was trained in Shiatsu, and mastered all the elements of theor...more

  7. ‘Decoding the Past’ - Understand the Truth behind Negativity

    All of us have experienced negativity at some point in our lives, and most of us will experience some form of negativity on a regular basis. It’s often an unpleasant experience, bu...more

  8. ‘Me Time’ for Therapists

    To paraphrase the old proverb “Physician, heal thyself,” substitute “Therapist, heal thyself”. If we as professionals are to maintain the highest quality of service and expertise fo...more

  9. ‘Medically Unexplained Symptoms’ - Diverting 5-Year Funding from Mental Health

    Commissioning inappropriate mental health services for people with complex medical disorders would be an unethical use of funds which are desperately needed for people who have genu...more

  10. ‘Rewire’ Your Inner Strength

    All of us embody within and outside of us certain – covert, or overt – unresolved emotions. For some, such internal configurations lead to impulsive behaviour, angst, mood swings, s...more

  11. "Hooking Up" to Healing - Good Vibrations

    Dr Milton Trager believed that a vital part of the Trager Approach was to Hook Up in 'present moment awareness', to something greater that ourselves.more

  12. "I Was Too Ashamed......."

    The guilt of the victim can present a serious challenge to those trying to heal the damage done by any form of abuse. How can we understand it - how can we release it?more

  13. “Bliss Method of Transformation” – Powerful Tool for Rapid Life-Long Changes

    The subconscious programmes we form during the first seven years of our life shape the reality we go on to live. They are created from our early life experiences and the interpreta...more

  14. “But I’ve Done So Much Work...”

    If it seems like everyone else is getting results and you’re still running on the hamster wheel of healing, there has to be a reason. For some, they may not yet know what the root c...more

  15. “We are Fearfully and Wonderfully Made...”

    Cells make tissues, tissues make organs, organs make systems and systems make the whole organism or body. Even with all of the knowledge mankind has today about anatomy and physiol...more

  16. (How I Got By) With a Little Help from my (Flower) Friends: A Student's Journey with Flower Essences

    This truly inspirational article describes the personal and professional journey on a new direction in the author’s career path. The course she chose (or rather, which chose her) wa...more

  17. (Hyper)Lordosis, the Mother of all Distortions (Part Three)

    This is the third and last column about hyper-lordosis being the source of all our acquired distortions and postural defects. Here are links to Part One and Part Two. To recap: due ...more

  18. (Hyper)Lordosis, the Mother of all Distortions (Part Two)

    This is continued from my previous Expert Column Lordosis - the Mother of all Distortions published in PH Online Issue 233, Oct 2016.more

  19. 10 Hacks To Relieve Back Pain For Office Workers / Employees

    Emрlоуеrѕ саn help сurb соѕtѕ аѕѕосіаtеd with muѕсulоѕkеlеtаl disorders through bоth chiropractor Sydney рrеvеntіоn and proper treatment. Ergоnоmісѕ, jоіnt-frіеndlу wоrkрlасе design...more

  20. 10 Health Benefits of Mindfulness

    “Developing countries have high, and increasing, issues with heart health, mental health problems, relationship breakdown and substance abuse because we live in a culture of busy-ne...more

  21. 10 Healthy Fatty Foods

    In recent years, having an excessive physique or rather being ‘fat’ has a pretty negative connotation. It is somewhat justifiable that having a high body fat percentage is undesirab...more

  22. 10 Reasons to Take Up Yoga Now

    Whether you’re looking to take up a new hobby, want to make positive changes to your health regime, or are simply looking for an excuse to get out of the house, yoga could be the so...more

  23. 11 Habits of Happy and Healthy Highly Sensitive Persons, Part I

    Highly Sensitive Persons (HSP) tend to think of happiness as doing what you love and helping others in the process. While we don’t shy away from financial, material or relational jo...more

  24. 12 Exercises for Strength and Grace

    The author tells us that a healthy body is one that is well nourished in all areas through its regular use. The author recommends exercises to keep the body healthy and happy and...more

  25. 12 Health Benefits of Sleeping 6-8 Hours

    Getting the right amount of shuteye not only makes you feel better, but it goes above and beyond in just improving your mood or removing those unwanted eye-circles. A good night’s s...more

  26. 12 Poses of Suryanamaskar and Benefits on the Body

    Isn't it beautiful to seek out one thing therefore miraculously appealing, solely attributable to the results and also the edges it emits? Yoga is that powerful force that attracts ...more

  27. 13 Vitamins Essential for the Human Body

    There are 13 essential vitamins humans need for normal cell function, development, and growth. They are crucial as they help transform food into energy, support the immune system, r...more

  28. 15 Health Benefits of Mackerel (+8 Delicious Mackerel Recipes)

    Mackerel is a common name for the fish found in the Scombridae family, which are closely related to tuna. They come in various types, including Cero, Atlantic, King, and Spanish mac...more

  29. 15 Health Benefits Of Omega-3 Fatty Acids

    You may have heard about Omega-3 fatty acids before but you may not quite understand what it is or why we need it. Omega-3 is an essential fat the body is incapable of making natura...more

  30. 15 Life Lessons from a Medical Intuitive, Part One

    You know those moments when just one sentence brings your friend, client, or an audience from their heads into their hearts? Or when you unexpectedly say something so profound you c...more

  31. 15 Life Lessons from a Medical Intuitive, Part Two

    This blog is a continuation of 15 Life Lessons From a Medical Intuitive, Part One, which reminds us of those moments when just one sentence brings your friend, client, or an audienc...more

  32. 15 Must-Try Recipes Using Essential Oils

    Every person wants to look and feel good, irrespective of lifestyle or age. The burgeoning demand for beauty products has seen research into the industry skyrocket and each day ther...more

  33. 15 Scents to Help You Sleep and Fight Insomnia

    Aromatherapy has been used by humans to enhance sleep practices and to relax the nervous system since ancient times. Aromatherapy, among many other benefits, can aid relaxation, imp...more

  34. 16 Chakra System - Part 1

    Besides our physical body, we have a body of subtle energy. This is made up of ‘nadis’ (meridians) through which flows prana, or life-force. The most important of the nadis is the s...more

  35. 16 Chakra System Part II

    In this part 2 of the Chakra articles, we will discuss the Sacral Chakra in some detail, as with the 7 chakra spectrum. This chakra is located just below the navel. The colour assoc...more

  36. 16 Chakra System Part III

    In this part 3 of the Chakra articles, we look at the Solar Plexus Chakra. This chakra is located below the heart, where your ribs join. The colour association is yellow and the sac...more

  37. 1997, Me and Body Therapy

    What kind of a year was 1997 for me? To put it succinctly, it was a year where, thank God, there were only three hundred and sixty-five days!more

  38. 25 Foods that Help you Sleep

    Food is required for sleep. We need fuel to make sure our body’s metabolism is in order and works how it should. However, with busy schedules piling up our days, it’s becoming more...more

  39. 3 Disadvantages of a Dairy Free Diet and How to Solve Them

    Many people are cutting dairy foods out of their diets. The reasons are varied; the desire not to eat any animal produce, allergies or intolerances, wanting to lose weight or simply...more

  40. 3 Types of Probiotics & Why That Matters For Your Gut Health

    In Greek, the term probiotic means, "for life" and if you visit any health store you'll find a dizzying array of probiotic supplements vying for your attention. Which one should you...more

  41. 4 Tips for Enhancing your Wellness Routine in 2021

    After the events of 2020, many of us have learnt how to take better care of ourselves, including learning what it is we need to do more of to improve our mental and physical health....more

  42. 4 Traditional Indian Home Remedies For The Skin, Hair And Nails

    In India the medicinal properties of sesame seeds have been widely recognized since ancient times. They protect the body and mind from a wide array of ailments and are associated wi...more

  43. 5 Best Places to do Your Yoga Teacher Training

    Going on a Yoga teacher training program is a decision for a life. It is the gateway to the pinnacle of Yoga. In the world of certifications, a Yoga TTC is the most facile way to be...more

  44. 5 Healthy Reasons To Receive Massage Therapy

    Upon hearing the word massage, many people immediately think of going to a spa and spending some quality ‘me-time’. Sure, massage can help put your mind and body at ease. But its be...more

  45. 5 Strategies to Stop Herniated Disc Pain (Especially at Night!)

    Back pain is a very common problem throughout the world, but when it is happening to you, it always comes as a shock.more

  46. 5 Tips To Beat Insomnia and Sleep Better

    Insomnia is one of the most insidious disorders, impacting one’s physical health, mental health, and cognitive ability. Some people who struggle with insomnia lack the ability to fa...more

  47. 5 Tips to Prevent Cataracts and Macular Degeneration

    As we get older, our bodies start to break down due to the natural wear and tear of living an active life. Though signs of ageing first manifest in our skin, hair, knees, and joints...more

  48. 5 Ways to Decrease your Risk of Catching a Cold or ‘Flu’

    It’s that time of year again when dodging flu and cold germs becomes a priority. And if you take steps to protect yourself, you are less likely to succumb to illness.more

  49. 6 Podcasts For Parents Of Autistic Children You Should Listen To

    Parenting is often a challenge, no matter what. If your child also has autism, that creates new challenges that make your role harder. You have a lot of unique issues and challenges...more

  50. 6 Reasons Why Drug Use in Teens is Increasing

    Teen drug abuse has been on the rise in the last decade. This is one of the most unfortunate and serious drug abuse problems and should be paid attention to more seriously. There ar...more

  51. 6 Surprising Benefits of Probiotics for a Healthy Heart

    The way to your heart is through your stomach. And now, even cardiologists agree! Bacteria is vital for heart health, because your gut flora works on the food you eat. The compatibi...more

  52. 6 Worst Things That Causes Sciatica to Flare Up

    Sciatica is one of the most common and painful issues that people face. The shooting or radiant pain from the low back and down the leg can make walking a difficult task. There are ...more

  53. 6 Yoga Stretch Routines for the Casual Runner

    Did you know that being flexible is a very important part of running? It may sound silly, but it’s true!more

  54. 7 Destinations Perfect for Introvert Minds

    Even though an estimated 20 to 40% of the population are thought to have introverted qualities, there are plenty of misconceptions about people with introverted personalities. Bein...more

  55. 7 Lesser Known Facts About Wisdom Teeth

    Prehistoric man had a tough life. Their meals consisted of whatever they had hunted during the day. Raw meat, along with raw fruits, vegetables, freshly plucked from the trees aroun...more

  56. 7 Reflections on Art and Touch

    Having been an artist, working first in music, then in bodywork, for now for over 50 years, I have met many wrestlers - clients wrestling with their lives, students, teachers, and t...more

  57. 7 Side Effects When You Stop Taking Creatine

    For gym-goers and fitness enthusiasts, creatine is an inevitable part of their supplement regimen. It's been shown to pump up energy levels and aid with muscle recovery, but have yo...more

  58. 7 Tips on Properly Brushing and Flossing With Braces

    There are various set of aftercare instructions you get from your orthodontist after your braces treatment, including brushing with braces. It is vital to follow all the instruction...more

  59. 7 Ways Menopause is Putting Women at Risk of Avoidable Nutrient Deficiencies

    Almost half of women are worried their diets aren’t meeting their nutritional needs around the menopause. That’s according to a new research report[1] just about to be published by...more

  60. 7 Ways to Help Beat SAD this Winter, According to a Medical Advisor

    According to research by YouGov and The Weather Group,[1] around 29% of the UK suffers from seasonal affective disorder (SAD) each year, also known as “winter depression”. With lock...more

  61. 8 Benefits of Having Straight Teeth

    Having a naturally beautiful smile has a big impact on your life as it enhances how society perceives you, your personality and attractiveness. People who tend to have straight, bri...more

  62. 8 Myths about Poo - What is and What isn't Healthy

    Talking about poo can be cringeworthy for most of us. The lack of discussion around the topic has caused myths around digestive health to leave people wondering - what is and what i...more

  63. 8 Pain Relievers You’ll Never Hear About From Your Doctor

    This vital mineral compound acts fast to reduce muscle irritability, twitching, and painful muscle spasms. It has been shown to effectively deliver comfort by reducing pain in arthr...more

  64. 8 Steps to Take When Considering Antidepressants

    This article give a brief, focused list of things to do before deciding to take (or not to take) antidepressants. The author is a Harvard-trained, triple board-certified psychiatri...more

  65. 8 Tips to Motivate Yourself and Reach your Goals

    New Year’s Eve night is when I sit down and set my goals for the coming year. Usually I set six main goals and two big fat hairy goals that push me outside of my comfort zone.more

  66. 9 Secrets to Get Sciatic Nerve to Stop Hurting

    If you are suffering from sciatica, you have one thing on your mind right now, how to get rid of sciatica pain fast! While some people might confuse sciatic pain with general low ba...more

  67. 9 Signs Your Spine is Out of Alignment; Have You Considered #8?

    How do you know if your spine is misaligned? Good question. Many people go about their everyday lives without giving it much thought. Did you know, however, that a misalignment in y...more

  68. A 21st Century Healing Technology - Laser Therapy

    This article offers a detailed and technical explanation for the effectiveness of cold, or lower-level laser treatment for a wide range of health challenges. It is based on the inf...more

  69. A Balanced Life

    Regular contributor Dorothy Rowe describes her experience of the Alexander Technique, having received her first Alexander lesson from her friend, Jeannie MacLean, an experienced te...more

  70. A Balanced Way Column; Daoist Tips for the 21st Century – Strength In The Time Of Covid

    I know from personal experience, having contracted poliovirus (as a baby), the catastrophic effects a virus can have on your body and your life. The Covid 19 virus can wreak havoc f...more

  71. A Balanced Way; Daoist Tips for 21st Century Living: The Trick Is To Keep Swimming

    In the face of the current credit crunch and contraction in the economy, the author, through the example/analogy of swimming, shares her thoughts on the Daoist way of meeting thi...more

  72. A Balanced Way; Daoist Tips For The 21st Century: A Balanced Way of Loving

    Worldwide, during the recent pandemic, so many of us had to deal with the trauma of loss through the death of a loved one or because we were isolating from family and friends. And i...more

  73. A Balanced Way; Daoist Tips For The 21st Century: Trust Your Disease

    Recently I came across a well-known ‘new age’ author explaining why she thinks she got cancer; according to her it was due to fear. She described how she was afraid of everything, i...more

  74. A Balanced Way: Daoist Tips for 21st Century Living: Simplify, Simplify

    In this column, the author looks at how we can live simply in today’s complex world and the attitudes we can alter within us to achieve this. more

  75. A Balanced Way: Daoist Tips for the 21st Century – Surviving Self-Isolation

    I am writing this at a time when the first wave of the corona virus pandemic has abated and we all feel a sense of relief. Nevertheless we may well have to face a second wave of the...more

  76. A Balanced Way: Daoist Tips for the 21st Century: Training the Emotions

    Daoist philosophy tells us that there are two aspects within the psyche - the mind of emotion or Fire Mind which resides in the Heart and the mind of intent or Water Mind which resi...more

  77. A Barn Door Case

    In her column this month Dr Jones looks at a case that was uncannily typical of the remedy that she needed. The patient was experiencing menopausal symptoms, especially hot flush...more

  78. A Beginner’s Guide to ME/CFS Part II: Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, by So Many Names

    So, as we who have ME know too well, just getting through the normal activities of daily living means we are functioning above our anaerobic threshold a lot of the time, which is w...more

  79. A Beginner’s Guide to ME/CFS: Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, by So Many Names - Part I

    A Beginner’s Guide to ME/CFS is the title of a little book by myself which includes essential information and recommendations from Dr. Leslie O. Simpson, which will be available on...more

  80. A Better Approach to Complementary Therapy

    I suspect that all Complementary Therapists (CT) would agree that, no matter which technique, 'map' or energy system is being used, amongst the myriad therapies on offer today, all...more

  81. A Brief History of Chair Massage

    Chair Massage is fast becoming the most popular form of skilled touch on the contemporary bodywork landscape.more

  82. A Bright future for Light Therapy

    In July of this year (1998), when the summer sun was striving bravely to overcome a dark and rainy English spring, a group of researchers and physicians, leavened by a goodly crew ...more

  83. A Case for Tarentula hispanica

    GP and homeopath, Dr Angela Jones, looks closely here at the case of one of her patients whose serious mental condition was finally brought under control by the medicine, Tarentula...more

  84. A Case of a Stubborn Anal Fissure

    This column focuses on homeopathic treatment for a 30-something woman plagued by an anal fissure for some years who, despite undergoing surgery twice for her condition, was still e...more

  85. A Case of Angelman's Syndrome

    This column presents a case summary of a baby with Angelman’s Syndrome. As the condition is not widely known, the author explains what it is and how the baby was diagnosed with it....more

  86. A Case of Apis mellifica

    I would like to share a recent case which came to me a few months ago and which has proceeded elegantly and fascinatingly so far. It concerns a charming self-employed bodywork ther...more

  87. A Case of Bloody Diarrhoea Responds to Homoeopathy

    Adam was in dire straits when he came to see me. He had been suffering from diarrhoea for nine months and was getting nowhere with conventional therapy.more

  88. A Case of Candida Albicans

    June Butlin's Column this month looks at the case of a 38 year old junior school teacher who had felt physically and mentally below par for more than two years. Though she suffered...more

  89. A Case of Chronic Psoriasis

    In his Regular Expert Column, Dr Slade looks at the homeopathic treatment of psoriasis, demonstrating that it can be extremely effective.more

  90. A Case of Complete Exhaustion

    As a general practitioner, I frequently have patients whose chief complaint is that they are tired all the time. As you can perhaps imagine, it is a symptom to strike horror into t...more

  91. A Case of Copious, Foul, Spluttering Diarrhoea

    This article is a detailed explanation of homeopathic remedies chosen for the treatment first of diarrhoea in an eighteen-month-old boy, and subsequently for the same in his mother...more

  92. A Case of Double Infertility

    June Butlin describes the nutritional therapy undertaken by a couple trying to conceive who were devastated by the news that they were both infertile, the male partner having a low...more

  93. A Case of Homeopathy and Terrifying Dreams

    This describes the case of ‘Andrew’, a practical person with a satisfying personal life and rewarding job which he enjoyed. He came for a consultation about terrifying nightmares...more

  94. A Case of Infertility

    In her regular column for this issue, June Butlin discusses the case of a couple who had been unable to conceive for some eighteen months.more

  95. A Case of Multiple Sclerosis

    In her column this month June Butlin discusses a person who has been diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis.more

  96. A Case of Osteoarthritis

    This article defines osteoarthritis, a degenerative, inflammatory disease of the weight-bearing joints, which affects over 5 million people in the UK and for which many different c...more

  97. A Case of Otitis Media

    Otitis media, inflammation and infection of the middle ear, is common in young children. Its many possible causes, including food allergies and lack of breast-feeding as babies, ar...more

  98. A Case of Remedy Relationships

    Leon was a five year old boy brought into clinic by his mother. For just over a year he had been suffering from recurrent bacterial conjunctivitis.more

  99. A Case of Soy too Much

    The author presents a case study of a client suffering with constant bleeding and several months of perimenopausal symptoms, such as hot flushes, who wanted to avoid HRT, a progest...more

  100. A Case of Treating a Foetus

    The author presents the case of a pregnant client diagnosed to be carrying a foetus with lung problems – specifically Congenital Cystic Adenomatoid Malformation.more

  101. A Case Study of Tuberculosis - Addison’s Disease And Hypoglycaemia


  102. A Case Study on Anxious Depression

    Helen is a single parent of three children who works extremely hard to provide for her family. She was employed part time as a teacher, and although the money was limited, she mana...more

  103. A Case Study on Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

    This column by June Butlin looks at the auto-immune disorder Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE), which is characterised by severe rashes on the cheeks and nose, as well as tirednes...more

  104. A Choice of Treatment for the Heart

    Over the past four years, Catherine Crawford, an Aromatherapy practitioner, has experienced arrhythmia of the heart. In July 2002, while having to wait for a doctor's appointment...more

  105. A Common Dietary Problem: Inadequate Protein and Fats

    Judith Price, a nutritionist also trained in hypnotherapy, describes the nutritional and dietary treatment given to a lady suffering from depression, fatigue, hormonal imbalance an...more

  106. A Compassionate Witness – Trauma Resolution, through Hands on Bodywork

    This sample chapter of a book is intended for bodywork therapists of any discipline to give insights into the manifestation of physical and emotional trauma. The aim of this book is...more

  107. A Complete Guide TO HIPAA Compliant Medical Answering Services

    The Health Insurance Accountability and Portability Act of 1960 has had a huge impact on medical answering services. Compliance with HIPAA regulations is one of the most important ...more

  108. A Curious Thought - ME

    The author’s column is usually headed ‘Practical NLP’. She is also nearly fully recovered from ME, and is passionate about the often cruel treatment of people with ME and other chr...more

  109. A Decade of Complementary Therapies Provision

    This article focuses of the development and growth of complementary therapies provision, which began to accelerate from 1995 in universities. However, the first mainstream provider...more

  110. A Diagnosis

    The most important thing in medicine is making a diagnosis. Everything else follows on from that. A diagnosis basically means ‘naming’ the disease. As long as a disease has not bee...more

  111. A Disorderly Diaphragm

    Following on from his previous column on the diaphragm as the king of muscles, Joel Carbonnel now looks at the consequences of an 'unhappy' diaphragm.more

  112. A Fishy Tale and a Drop of Oil

    As more and more people are becoming aware of the importance of diet and are sampling the plethora of supplements available in order to improve their health, David Taylor stresses ...more

  113. A Fluid Core: Redefining Core Strength

    This article focuses on core strength, intended to help stabilize, coordinate and organize movement in the human body, and the author's understanding of how it evolves, following 3...more

  114. A Gentle Introduction to Trance Theory

    Most of you have an idea as to what a trance is. But, that idea is probably different than the idea you will learn here.more

  115. A Good Beginning

    Michael is a lively, sensitive, impulsive, verbally adept thirteen-year-old of high intelligence with a wide general knowledge that would put many adults to shame. However, he is s...more

  116. A GP Homoeopath's View Regarding Research

    This short article argues the case for research in homeopathy to ensure its survival as a therapy. The author, herself a GP homeopath, realises that colleagues, as well as the pati...more

  117. A Guide to Injury Prevention for Olympic Weightlifters

    As a dedicated Olympic athlete, nothing is more disruptive than a threatening injury. An injury, more often than not, can set your progress back substantially and evaporate all of y...more

  118. A Guide to Insurance - Managing Risk and Identifying Health Professionals Insurance Needs

    In today’s claims culture, aided by the rise of ‘no win, no fee’ solicitors and the effects of our recessionary times, the ability to sue is no longer restricted to the rich or famo...more

  119. A Guide to Meditation

    In the West, the word meditation, means a concentrated state of mind in serious reflection. The Latin root of the word meditation mederi means to heal. It is an effort to heal affl...more

  120. A Guide to Supplementation within Health and Complementary Medicine

    In the best of all possible worlds, supplementation is not necessary. Unfortunately, we do not live in the best of all possible worlds. We live in a far from natural world and th...more

  121. A Healing Story

    Leo is an intuitive storyteller. Each story he tells begins with a question spoken out loud, alone or in front of an audience.more

  122. A Healthy Dose Of Compassion

    As I write this article the world has recently witnessed terrorist atrocities in France and in Germany along with horrendous bombing of Syria and most of us will have reacted to ...more

  123. A Healthy Liver and Weight Loss

    The state of your liver will have a huge bearing upon how well you live, how long you will live and how you will look and feel. In this article Dr Cabot outlines the pathways used ...more

  124. A Holistic Approach and Scenar to Treat Lameness in a Horse

    The following case study demonstrates how a lateral-thinking approach to equine lameness can often result in a successful conservative approach to treatment avoiding radical surger...more

  125. A Holistic Approach To Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

    Polycystic ovaries are ovaries that are actually covered with very small follicles in which the egg develops. In each menstrual cycle, follicles grow on the ovaries. Within those f...more

  126. A Learning Experience

    We speak of integration and this is usually, in my experience, focused around the issues of how GPs (and sometimes hospitals) can find ways of working with CPs (complementary pract...more

  127. A Long Life

    The article begins with the Jewish blessingmore

  128. A Mercurial Cure for Colitis

    Joan had suffered from ulcerative colitis for sixteen years when she came to see me. This particularly nasty bowel disease causes heavily blood-laden diarrhoea and can necessitate ...more

  129. A Nation of Sleepless Nights: One In Four Adults Want a Better Night’s Sleep

    Sleep is a basic human necessity, but in the frenetic world that we live in, this may seem hard to come by. Indeed, there are many reasons why somebody may not get a good night’s sh...more

  130. A Natural Approach to Healing Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

    All illness, both major and minor, is from an holistic point of view a combination of physical, emotional and spiritual imbalance. Each has a knock-on effect on the other. Therefor...more

  131. A New Approach to Food and Farming

    I have written several articles for Positive Health PH Online over the last two years. Their common theme has been the steady deterioration in the nutritional quality of food since...more

  132. A New Look at Daisy (Bellis Perennis)

    The perennial daisy is such a common ‘weed’ that its value as a medicinal plant has largely been overlooked. Its fresh green leaves can be eaten in salads, along with other wild fo...more

  133. A New Paradigm for Long-term Healthy Lifestyle Management

    The author emphasises the fact that ‘the experts’ fail to point out is that our answers come from within, not from external advice.  When we try to make a change, we may think ‘I’l...more

  134. A New Star(t) - Journey to Mental Health with the Help of Rainbow Tai Chi

    My name is Sterre Overvest, 27 years old and I am born and raised in Utrecht, Holland. Currently I am studying to become a Rainbow Tai Chi teacher. The Rainbow Tai Chi School is bas...more

  135. A New Vision for Psychoneuroimmunology?

    My original intention in writing this article was to explore Psychoneuroimmunology (PNI) and its recent developments. Considering the subject has lead me into other areas of thou...more

  136. A Psychologist's Diary of Breast Cancer

    I was 34 years old when breast cancer was diagnosed and since then my life has been radically transformed. I knew early on that it was up to me to overcome this disease by being ...more

  137. A Question Of Balance

    Whatever one’s understanding of high-tech publishing, it goes without saying that all of it originated from the humblest of beginnings – a pioneer called Johannes Gutenberg, and hi...more

  138. A Quick Guide To Training This Winter

    Winter is the time of year when we naturally want to slow down and take it easy. It is also the time where we are much more likely to overindulge in excessive eating and drinking, s...more

  139. A Quiet Place

    Penelope Moon, a professional hypno-psychotherapist and teacher and founder member of Cheiron – A Quiet Place, presents a brief but informative overview of the principles behind th...more

  140. A Radical Care Pathway for ME/CFS

    Much maligned and misunderstood, ME gets a radical makeover in this exclusive editorial for nhsManagers.Network. But is this pathway really so radical? Perhaps only if you are a he...more

  141. A Real Pain in the Neck

    This article presents a case study of a woman with painful arthritis in her neck, which had led to exhaustion and depression, and who was particularly stressed due to looking after...more

  142. A Review of the 20th Global Inspiration Conference

    The opening event of the Global Inspiration Conference (GIC) lets everyone know that this is not the usual sit quietly and listen to the latest research papers type of conference.<...more

  143. A Scientific Approach to Sound and Music Therapy

    Music Therapists have long used music in an interactive way with clients. There are many CDs on the market for healing purposes; both with sounds and music, and some practitioners ...more

  144. A Shield Around the Heart

    The author tells us that before the age of six or seven, traumatic experiences can cause us to ‘put a shield around the heart’. She states that a shield is an energetic barrier and...more

  145. A Shoulder Problem in Context

    In this column the author explores further the complexity theme of identical symptoms emerging from quite different backgrounds (discussed in a previous column which touched on b...more

  146. A Simple Guide to Voyaging the Energetic Universe

    An amazing and very tangible world lies beyond what is considered to be the ‘normal’ range of the five senses. The reason we do not perceive this ‘other’ world that we are totally i...more

  147. A Sound Night’s Sleep: Ultimate Lullabies, Love Drug or ‘Coloured’ Noise?

    Tired of tossing and turning each night trying to get to sleep? You’re not alone. And the effects the next day might go beyond simply yawning and feeling sluggish – it is estimated ...more

  148. A Spotlight on Reiki Healing

    This review of the published research literature and organizations regarding Reiki is Richard’s last article written for Positive Health PH Online prior to his untimely and far too ...more

  149. A Strong and Sexual Being

    Many cultures and religions have made, and continue to make, the argument that as men and women are born with clearly different sexual characteristics so these differences determine...more

  150. A Subtle Cuttlefish Case

    The name Eira means "snow" in Welsh. The brunette in front of me in my consulting room explained that she had had white hair as a baby, hence the appellation, which had subsequentl...more

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