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  1. Case Study Issue 117: How Three Miscarriages Have Affected Me

    In this article on miscarriages, the author provides some first hand insight into how her miscarriages (three in all) affected her emotionally and how she coped.more

  2. Case Study Issue 118: Benefits of Shiatsu and Positive Thinking

    In this article, the author supports the benefits of shiatsu and positive thinking with a case study of a client predisposed to being negative about himself, his health and life in...more

  3. Case Study Issue 119: Continuing Success with Stabilizing Cancer

    The author provides an update of her success with stabilizing the cancer in her, through a naturopathic and living-food therapeutic lifestyle, comprising live and virtually raw foo...more

  4. Case Study Issue 120: Natural Fertility

    In this article the author, a practising Naturopath, focuses on natural methods to fertility, which many couples are now opting for via alternative route due to the long waiting li...more

  5. Case Study Issue 121: The Case for Traditional Naturopathy

    The author puts forward a cogent and authoritative argument for using Naturopathy for healthcare. He talks about how Naturopathy can offer a solution to solve a health issue rather...more

  6. Case Study Issue 122: Successful Use of PDT for Vascular Tumour

    The author David Longman is father to Louise Longman - a girl whose first 21 years of life have been blighted by a vascular tumour. In this article he tells about the dramatic new ...more

  7. Case Study Issue 123: Colonic Hydrotherapy for Intestinal Cleansing

    Emma Lear, Founder of The Clifton Experience Colonic Hydrotherapy centre in Bristol describes how Colon hydrotherapy, colonics, or colon irrigation is an alternative health practic...more

  8. Case Study Issue 124: Chronic Fatigue - A Healing Story

    In this article the author provides a personal account of her experience with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) and how she was healed from it.more

  9. Case Study Issue 125: Reversal of Brain Tumours

    In this Case Study the author shares his sister Bernice’s remarkable survival of four rounds of cancer. About a year ago four tumours were discovered around Bernice’s brain stem wi...more

  10. Case Study Issue 126: Versatility of Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) Applications

    This column focuses on the effectiveness of EFT which falls under a group of therapies known as Meridian Energy Therapies (MET) which is sometimes also known as Energy Psychology...more

  11. Case Study Issue 127: Reflexology for HIV and Kidney Stones

    This article details two HIV-infected case studies who used the services of a north of England charity that provides a wide range of complementary therapies to people with Aids and...more

  12. Case Study Issue 128: Detoxification via Aqua Detox and Reflexology

    This column looks at a specific case study – a thirtysomething who received reflexology treatments to help her (successfully) get pregnant, despite being diagnosed with polycystic ...more

  13. Case Study Issue 137: Nutritional Preconception Care - John and Tracy

    The author presents the case of a couple (John in his late 40s and Tracy in her late 30s) who opted for nutritional remedies after several failed attempts of trying to conceive thr...more

  14. Case Study Issue 142: Learning to let Go

    In this article the author presents her personal account and experience with yoga and its effect on her pregnancy. An avid practitioner, the author says she taught herself through ...more

  15. Case Study Issue 146: 10-Day Detoxification Program Including Colon Hydrotherapy

    This case study is of a 30-year old lady who presented with a variety of symptoms. Over six months she had gained ten pounds, she was stressed, had irritable bowel syndrome, abdomi...more

  16. Case Study Issue 150: Naturopathic Approaches to IBS: Two Case Histories

    In this article which focuses on Irritable Bowel Syndrome, the author says that of all the chronic illnesses with unpleasant symptoms, IBS more often than not gets treated less e...more

  17. Case Study Issue 64: Nutritional Therapy - Inability to Conceive

    Jane’s main reason for coming to see me was failure to conceive. She and her partner had been trying for a baby for two and a half years. She became pregnant once in that period of...more

  18. Case Study Issue 65: Scenar Therapy

    As published in Issues 44 and 60 of Positive Health, a Russian Radio-Engineering Institute worked on a device during the mid 1960s which was developed over the next twenty years. ...more

  19. Case Study Issue 66: Patient Cancer Study

    This article is written in the form of a case history of the author's personal experiences of diagnosis and treatment of prostate cancer.more

  20. Case Study Issue 67: Reflexology for Psoriasis and Arthritis

    This case study illustrates the successful treatment of a psoriasis sufferer with reflexology.more

  21. Case Study Issue 68: Nutritional Therapy - Success With Stabilising Cancer

    Pat Reeves, a practitioner of nutritional medicine, tells her personal story of how she combated cancer, firstly in the form of a brain tumour diagnosed in 1984, then a knee tumour...more

  22. Case Study Issue 69: Reflexology for ME/Chronic Fatigue

    This article describes the successful treatment with reflexology of a seven-year-old boy suffering from ME/chronic fatigue/post-viral syndrome, a condition often difficult to treat...more

  23. Case Study Issue 70: Integrative Massage Therapy

    This article tracks the progress of a young woman suffering from stress and depression, manifesting physically in chronic backaches and a rigid, armoured body, as she was treated w...more

  24. Case Study Issue 71: Patient Case Study - Acid Reflux

    Paul McAuliffe describes how he took positive action to restore his health and turned to alternative medicine to assist his acid reflux, a condition in which stomach acid travels u...more

  25. Case Study Issue 72: Holistic Treatment of Hair Loss

    Jolanta Basnyet, well-known qualified osteopath, aromatherapist, reflexology and trained in Indian head massage, has been in practice for over 20 years, and describes how a combina...more

  26. Case Study Issue 73 - Hypnotherapy for Irritable Bowel Syndrome

    Research conducted over the last few years has shown hypnotherapy to be particularly effective in treating conditions of the digestive system such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)...more

  27. Case Study Issue 74: Homeopathy and Multiple Sclerosis

    Mike Bridger describes how a 28-year-old woman diagnosed with multiple sclerosis was treated successfully with homeopathy at a free clinic run by the Contemporary College of Homoeo...more

  28. Case Study Issue 75: Deep Lymphatic Therapy

    Angela Heath, who practises deep lymphatic therapy, remedial massage, aromatherapy and Reiki, presents a case study of a 50-year-old woman with a large tumour in her left breast, w...more

  29. Case Study Issue 76: Crystal Healing

    This case study, written by a practitioner in reflexology, spiritual and crystal healing, vortex healing, space clearing, aura protection and stress management, describes the cours...more

  30. Case Study Issue 77: Gerson Therapy

    This article gives a first-hand account of Rachel Matthew’s experiences of developing malignant melanoma, treated with surgical removal of the lymph nodes in the leg and groin, whi...more

  31. Case Study Issue 78: Howling Wolf, Crying Eagle

    The author presents a detailed case study to illustrate the effectiveness of the innovative techniques of Integrative Massage Therapy (IMT), which combines bodywork, hypnotherapy a...more

  32. Case Study Issue 79: Naji Malak - Acupuncture Maestro

    Showbusiness personality Alan Pillay gives a witty account of his experiences of acupuncture in which he sings the praises of acupuncturist and Chinese herbal medicine practitioner...more

  33. Case Study Issue 80: Bosiger Energy Alignment Method (BEAM) for Psoriasis and Back Pain

    The Bosiger Energy Alignment Method (BEAM™) is an energy healing therapy, which makes diagnoses by examining the feet to reveal which meridians and which of the five elements (per ...more

  34. Case Study Issue 81: Spiritual Healing for Severe Eczema

    This case study describes the spiritual healing performed on a 70-year-old man who had been diagnosed with eczema by his GP, having presented with a severe rash all over his body. ...more

  35. Case Study Issue 82: The Metamorphic Technique - The Life Force at Work

    Hazel Russo’s case study describes the experiences of Lynne, who became disabled after a simple insect bite, but whose condition has been improved profoundly by treatment with the ...more

  36. Case Study Issue 83: Energy Field Therapy for ME

    Vincent MacNally’s case study tells the story of the leaps and bounds recently made by ‘Gemma’, a woman suffering badly from ME, after treatment with Energy Field Therapy (EFT).more

  37. Case Study Issue 84: Reflexology for Aggravated Colitis

    Reflexologist Kath Morrell describes the case of a patient who had severe backache and inflamed left buttock muscles, which had been going on for nine years. More recently, he suff...more

  38. Case Study Issue 85: 'Good' Grief - A Session with EmoTrance™

    EmoTrance™ is a gentle therapy that deals with our present sensations without needing to dig around in our subconscious to discover how and where our feelings have come from. EmoTr...more

  39. Case Study Issue 86: Tomatis Listening Therapy

    Ella Williams, Director of the Listening (Voice, Music and Language) Centre in London, describes the results of using Tomatis Listening Therapy (previously described in detail in I...more

  40. Case Study Issue 87: Allopathic Medicine is Killing my Parents

    Catherine Crawford, is qualified in aromatherapy and nutrition, and is currently studying Australian Bush Flower Essences. She describes the case of her elderly parents who are bot...more

  41. Case Study Issue 88: Metabolic Typing for Thyroid and Infertility

    Nutrition and metabolic typing consultant gives the case of a 31-year-old woman suffering from Grave’s Disease, an autoimmune disease of the thyroid that causes overproduction of t...more

  42. Case Study Issue 89: Holistic Dentistry for Allergies, Skin Problems and Snoring

    This Case Study relates to a 14-year girl Claire suffering from rhinitis, sneezing, coughing, wheezy symptoms, lethargy, as well as acne which had scarred her skin.more

  43. Case Study Issue 91: Recovery from Motorcycle Accident Using Magnotherapy

    Nigel Iles discusses his experiences with magnotherapy, following a motorcycle accident.more

  44. Case Study Issue 94: Scenar: Treatment in Stroke Rehabilitation

    It is generally still accepted by the medical profession that beyond six months after a stroke any clinical change in the patient is extremely unlikely. When I commenced this work ...more

  45. Case Study Issue 95: Shiatsu Treatment for Insomnia

    Katherine Hall, a Shiatsu practitioner, looks at the case of Rosemary. Rosemary is 57 and suffered from low energy due to lack of sleep, getting only about two hours of sleep a nig...more

  46. Case Study Issue 96: ACMOS Quantum Medicine

    In this article Naheed Brooking describes the success of ACMOS Quantum Medicine on Susan, a young woman patient. The ACMOS method was invented by a French engineer, Dr Rene Naccach...more

  47. Case Study Issue 97: Caffeine Allergy, Masked Cerebral Allergy

    This is a case study of a young woman who developed caffeine allergy. Her symptoms, similar to Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), were memory impairment, loss of focu...more

  48. Case Study Issue 98: Ultrasound 3D for Treating Dental Cavitations

    This Case Study discusses the little-known problem of cavitations. These are chronic infections in the jawbones. They can be painful as Neuralgia Inducing Cavitational Osteonecrosi...more

  49. Case Study Issue 99: Manual Lymphatic Drainage for Congestion, Oedema and Stress

    In this study Nina Pearson cites the case of Joanna, a fifty-year-old client, who was a self-employed accountant. She was suffering from tiredness and stress and was getting very l...more

  50. Case Study re: Herbal Medicine for Liver Disorder

    The author describes her patient, his symptoms, the result of blood tests and X-rays, and the theoretical background for the treatment regime she recommended. Having suffered ‘bi...more

  51. Case Study: A Shoulder/Hand Mystery Solved with the Bowen Technique

    This column focuses on the Bowen Technique. The author demonstrates the positive effects of this treatment on a 55-year-old man suffering pain in his right hand and lacking movemen...more

  52. Case Study: Atlas Re-Alignment: Possible Simple Approach for Scoliosis and Migraines

    This article presents a detailed case study of a woman with scoliosis who also suffers migraines, and how she benefited from the simple approach of Atlas Re-Alignment. It also expl...more

  53. Case Study: Bach Flower Remedies for Pain Relief

    In this Case Study, the author discusses the findings of the possible therapeutic and psychological value of Bach Flower Remedies in pain relief as conducted at the Bach Centre in ...more

  54. Case Study: Counselling, Psychotherapy and Spiritual Healing

    In 1993, William West formed the PsychoSpiritual Initiative (PSI) in the belief that counselling and psychotherapy methods could benefit from the inclusion of spiritual healing.more

  55. Case Study: Dental Treatment for Multiple Sclerosis

    Mary Maguire was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in 1984. After severe head pains in 1994, her GP suggested her symptoms were caused by stress and recommended rest. After no impr...more

  56. Case Study: Detoxification Relieved 25 Years of Headaches

    I am often asked by people enquiring about our retreats “if a week is long enough?” It’s a hard question to answer, because the answer is so individual to the questioner. A week lon...more

  57. Case Study: Eliminating Schizophrenic Voices by Healing Prenatal Trauma

    This article describes, in brief, the radical new psychological treatment that eliminates the most common type of ‘voices’ that many schizophrenics suffer from.  Known as Silent Mi...more

  58. Case Study: Family Experience of Living with Alzheimer's Disease

    This article describes Alzheimer's Disease and the statistics concerning this illness - there are currently 800,000 people living with dementia, and this figure is on the rise.more

  59. Case Study: Herbal Medicine for Menopausal Issues

    This Case Study is a detailed account of treatment of a patient for menopausal symptoms over a period of over a year. It concludes with a statement from the patient that after two ...more

  60. Case Study: Homotoxicology for Migraine Relief

    Homotoxicology is the study of substances which are toxic to human beings, and their treatment by homeopathic methods.  These toxins can occur internally or externally, but in mo...more

  61. Case Study: How I Came To Yoga

    The author gives an account of encountering yoga at school but, finding it more meditation than exercise, did not continue. She apparently had a continuing battle with her weight, ...more

  62. Case Study: How to Cope and Live with Psoriasis

    Dan has suffered for 17 years with psoriasis when he found Elena’s Nature Collection via a friend, and his life changed forever.more

  63. Case Study: Hypnotherapy for Psoriasis

    A case of psoriasismore

  64. Case Study: Hypnotherapy for Weight Control Problems

    The author presents her case study of a 53 year-old woman who had problems controlling her weight…. first going on liquid diets for months to try and lose weight and then overeatin...more

  65. Case Study: Hypnotherapy to Banish Blushing

    In this article the author explains how hypnotherapy helps with erythrophobia, the fear of blushing, a common condition which is said to affect one in ten people.more

  66. Case Study: Infertility - A Nutritionist's Personal View

    In this Case Study about infertility, the author shares her own journey and treatment programme to fertility which included correcting her nutrient levels;  taking several differen...more

  67. Case Study: Infertility and Reiki Healing

    This article concerns the successful treatment of infertility due to Polycystic Ovary Syndrome with Reiki healing.more

  68. Case Study: Joey Bull Recovery from Knee Injury

    Joey Bull was set to achieve her dream of becoming a professional dancer, but a ski accident resulted in a horrifying knee injury, major surgery and a complete re-appraisal of her ...more

  69. Case Study: My Journey of Self-Healing - Back from ME to Me

    In this column the author presents her journey back to her heart and the heart of nature from ME / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. She provides some insight into how this condition affec...more

  70. Case Study: Natural Skincare Approaches for Chronic Atopic Eczema

    This article focuses on atopic eczema, its causes, effect and the solutions. Said to be one of the most common skin problems today, the condition can be demoralizing because the it...more

  71. Case Study: Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)

    In the UK it is estimated that one in ten women have polycystic ovaries (PCOS) which is the number one cause of infertility in non-menopausal women.  Because so many women suffer...more

  72. Case Study: Reconnective Healing

    In this article the author shares his personal experience with Reconnective Healing and how Dr Eric Pearl, the man behind this technique, helped to change his life forever, after h...more

  73. Case Study: Recovery from Severe Illness with Zeolite and Glyconutrients

    The author describes suffering from a recurrent, severe bacterial urinary infection, initially treated by Ciprofloxacin (Cipro). Under advice from Sweet Cures of York, she treated ...more

  74. Case Study: Reducing Symptoms of Arthritis in the Feet Using Massage with Essential Oil Blend

    Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an auto-immune disease characterised by inflammation of the synovial tissues resulting in joint pain, swelling and stiffness. There is no cure for the c...more

  75. Case Study: Reflexology to Help Sub-Fertility

    In this article the author, who specializes in clinical and maternity reflexology, presents a case study of a client who had been for many years experiencing irregular periods and ...more

  76. Case Study: Reishi Mushroom as a Hayfever Remedy

    In this column the author presents the case of a 23 year-old suffering from hayfever since the age of eight, and how he was able to remedy her condition with Reishi Mushroom (Ganod...more

  77. Case Study: Rhythmical Massage Therapy for Crohn's Disease

    In this article on Crohn’s Disease, a condition affecting between 30,000-60,000 people in the UK, with over 3,000 new sufferers diagnosed every year, the author presents her case h...more

  78. Case Study: Silver Toxins: the Acne Connection

    This column reveals the importance of teeth in relation to the rest of the body and its connection on acne through a case study.more

  79. Case Study: Soul Harmony Creams can Reduce Pain and Balance the Chakras

    My client was feeling very drained and tired, had a cough, and was suffering acute abdominal pain over the gall bladder and liver area (mainly at night, often waking her). She su...more

  80. Case Study: Three Generations of Breast Cancer Survivors

    This is a history of three generations in a family now known to have the BRCA2 gene, with an 85 percent lifetime chance of developing breast cancer. Both Susan’s grandmother (at ag...more

  81. Case Study: Unravelling A Tight Psoas Mystery

    The author states that it is possible to unravel complex symptoms if one understands the psoas as ‘messenger of the central nervous system’. The case study involves complex difficu...more

  82. Castaways - Complications of No Therapy Following Cast Removal

    The needs of children are completely overlooked when it comes to injury rehabilitation and the ability to cope with the physical stress of daily life.more

  83. Cat's Claw: Healing Vine of Peru

    A botanical plant, a massive woody vine known in Spanish as una de gato in English as Cat's Claw, its latin name is Uncarica Tomentosa, is being called by many Miracle Herb from the...more

  84. Cataracts - When a ‘Miracle’ of Modern Surgery wasn’t Needed

    When it comes to medical treatment, we generally regard surgery as a ‘last resort’. So when it comes to cataracts, why should it be the ‘first and only resort’? Most people think ...more

  85. Causal Healing: Freedom from the Bondage of Trauma, Beliefs and Emotions

    The author begins by pointing out that we are aware that there is ‘something’ unique to us which we are here to understand and fulfil.  But our senses can create a sense of separ...more

  86. Causal Healing: The Resolution of Harmful Beliefs by Theta Healing

    The author refers to a previous article in which he explained that “any trauma will give rise to a disturbing emotion and a limiting belief.”  This article concerns the use of Thet...more

  87. Cause and Effect

    The obscenity of feeding gentle vegetarian ruminants with minced up bits of other animals has resulted, not at all surprisingly – in ecological disaster, with the worst of it bei...more

  88. Cave Men Didn't Eat Cornflakes

    We are still genetically programmed for the hunter-gatherer diet. What was good for us thousands of years ago is still good for us now. Taste buds were the only guide to the foods ...more

  89. Cells Of Good Hope

    First things first: an elderly woman in China, who became seriously ill after getting infected with the COVID-19 virus, made an uneventful recovery following stem cell therapy. Simi...more

  90. Cervical Cancer – Symptoms, Signs and Treatments

    Cervical Cancer Prevention Week initiative took place from the 23rd to the 29th of January 2023. The aim is to ‘work towards a future where cervical cancer is a thing of the past’. ...more

  91. Cervical Spondylosis/Spondylitis - Causes and Treatment

    Conventionally, the terms Cervical Spondylitis and Cervical Spondylosis (CS) are attributed to degenerative changes in the cervical spine. They are thought to be caused by natural p...more

  92. Chakra Perspectives: Chakra 101

    In this, his regular column on Chakras, the author draws from his 31 years experience of working with the body’s energy centres to offer some basics on such energy systems.more

  93. Challenges Facing CAM Education Providers in the New Decade

    Education in Complementary and Alternatives Medicine faces challenges as Further and Higher Education Colleges, and universities face funding cuts. Private educational institutio...more

  94. Chamomilla recutita - German Chamomile: Western and Ayurvedic Perspectives

    Delicately fragrant chamomile, with its familiar daisy-like flowers, has long been popular as a bedtime tisane to induce sleep; its sedative and mood enhancing properties as well as...more

  95. Changes in Self-Reported Pain Scores Following a Single EMMETT Technique Treatment

    The EMMETT Technique is a unique complementary therapy that works to relax the body and mind, to ease discomfort and increase ranges of movement. It was created by Ross Emmett who i...more

  96. Changing Minds about Medical Cannabis

    Despite the legaliaation of medical cannabis in November 2018, only a small proportion of the people who could benefit from the drug have been able to receive it. Here Ramya Sriram,...more

  97. Characteristics of Wisdom

    Science has yet to define the meaning of wisdom in scientific terminology. I guess they require some type of clever or mathematical proof wisdom exists? Perhaps clever humans may no...more

  98. Charles - A Case of IBS

    Judith Price, a nutritional therapist, describes how nutritional therapy was able to help a man with long-term, painful digestive problems diagnosed as irritable bowel syndrome (IB...more

  99. Chelation Research Merits Priority Attention

    The statistics regarding Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) and Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) make grim reading. In the UK, CHD affects 24% of all men and 25% of all women – with 150,000 ...more

  100. Chemical Fragrances: Effects on the Autonomic Nervous System

    This article focuses on the adverse effects of chemical fragrances, such as commercial detergents, fabric conditioners, air fresheners, fragrant candles, personal toiletries, house...more

  101. Chemo or Cannabis to Treat Cancer? Interview with Len Richmond

    Len Richmondmore

  102. Chi Exercises for Health and Rejuvenation

    Peter Chin has been practicing Tai-Chi and Chi Kung for the past 25 years and is a Chi Healer at The Hale Clinic. The Chi exercises were about the practice of harmonising Nature's ...more

  103. Chi Kung and New Meridian Energies Synergy

    Meridian Energy Therapies provide Chi Kung with a new context and practical relevance. This article focuses on the association between Chi Kung and Meridian Energy Therapies (whi...more

  104. Chi Nei Tsang

    Chi Nei Tsang, a branch of Taoist medicine, was introduced to the West by the Taoist Master Mantak Chia. It is a method for releasing the toxic winds of emotional energy, which can...more

  105. Chi-Neng Qigong - 21st Century Health Practice

    Jeremy Leach relates his experience of the profound practice of Chi-Neng Qigong – the mind/body practice that can improve health, promote mental and emotional well-being and promis...more

  106. Childhood Imaginary Friends

    This article looks into the world of make believe. According to the author imagination can be a child's best friend or worst enemy. From imaginary playmates to scary night-time mon...more

  107. Childhood Obesity and Food Advertisements†

    Worldwide, over 22 million children under five are severely overweight. In the UK there are around 1 million obese children under 16 years of age. These soaring rates in obesity ha...more

  108. Chinese Culinary Herbs

    In the west, our choice of foods is frequently driven by taste alone. However, a look at Chinese dietary principles can lead us back to a clearer focus of how we can use foods to b...more

  109. Chinese Face Reading for Health

    The ancient art of face reading has been used since the time of Confucius by Chinese doctors as an aid to diagnosis and a way of helping their patients. Close observation of the fa...more

  110. Chinese Healthcare

    This column touches on the current state of Chinese healthcare…Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), such as Herbal Medicine and Diet, Qi gong and Tai Chi, including Acupuncture and ...more

  111. Chinese Herbal Medicine for Common Childhood Ailments

    This article focuses on the practice of Traditional Chinese Medicine to treat illnesses suffered by children. According to the author, with regard to children's health, Chinese med...more

  112. Chinese Herbal Medicine in the West

    Chinese Herbal Medicine (CHM) is a relative newcomer in the West compared to acupuncture, which has had a significant profile since Nixon's trip to China in the seventies.more

  113. Chinese Herbal Remedies for Depression, Anxiety, Insomnia, and Psychosis

    The author believes that TCM can not just help alleviate mental health problems, but actually cure them.  In any case, they can be used as an adjunct to other treatments, and are ‘...more

  114. Chinese Herbal Sports Medicine

    This article focuses on Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and why and how Chinese herbal medicine, in particular, is one of the best treatments for sports injuries.more

  115. Chinese Medicine - An Art of Balance

    Chinese medicine is about the balance, including the balance of Yin and Yang inside human body, the balance of energy and substances, and the balance of internal and external enviro...more

  116. Chinese Medicine for the Treatment of Menopausal Problems

    In this Expert Column, Maria Mercati looks at Chinese medicine, and in particular Tuina and Acupuncture. She tells us that Tuina is a powerful, energizing form of massage, manipula...more

  117. Chinese Nutrition - The Energetics Of Food

    Our western view of food and nutrition seems to focus upon chemical constituents and calories. However, according to the principles of Chinese medicine all foods can be categorized...more

  118. Chinese Tuina for Acute Lumbar Strain

    This article looks at the Oriental bodywork therapy of Tuina. This therapy is used to promote healing and relieve pain by increasing the circulation of Qi and blood. It can be like...more

  119. Chirokinetic Therapy

    This article focuses on Chirokinetic Therapy (CKT) which the author describes as a relatively new cutting-edge therapy that can cause a dramatic change in bodily functions and he...more

  120. Chironic Healing - The Cranio-Spinal-Sacral Mechanism and Physical Etheric Interface

    The basis of Chironic Healing is that each of us has an etheric energy pattern, or 'blueprint', that underlies the physical body that we can see and touch. It is a conductor of vit...more

  121. Chiropractic

    Chiropractic arose as a separate profession to that of medicine in the United States in the 1890s. In this era of heroic medicine many alternative disciplines emerged, chiropractic...more

  122. Chiropractic From the Feet Up – How Your Feet Impact Your Whole Body

    Your feet are the cornerstone of your entire body. They support you all day, every day, and take quite a beating while doing so! Our feet are a part of our body that rarely gets the...more

  123. Chiropractic Treatment Offers More Benefits than what Catches the Eyes

    Bonus and incentives are common marketing techniques to attract customers, and chiropractors offer the same to their patients. No, they do not offer any monetary benefits to patient...more

  124. Chlorella - Single-Celled Green Algae

    Chlorella is a single-celled species of green algae that grows in fresh-water. It is one of the earliest forms of life, with scientists believing it to be approximately 2 billion ye...more

  125. Chocoholism: To Binge,  Or Not To?

    A brace of squares at lunch time, or dinner. Or, a steaming cup before bedtime. Just think of a simile – “Wouldn’t it be ‘loverly?’” as Eliza Doolittle (Audrey Hepburn) crooned, wit...more

  126. Chocolate - Food Of The Gods

    He looks into the history of both the chocolate and cocoa bean, tracing it back to ancient central American civilizations, and discusses the benefits of this confection. Neurologi...more

  127. Choi Kwang-Do - Complete Martial Art and Fitness Program

    ...named after its founder, Grandmaster Kwang Jo Choi, is one of the youngest martial arts in the world. Started just over 16 years ago, it is a testimony to how modern science can...more

  128. Cholesterol a Symptom, not the Disease

    The author firstly sets out to refute the popular assumption that cholesterol is the major factor causing cardiovascular disease, and that lowering cholesterol, through the use of ...more

  129. Choosing a Good Hypnotherapy Training Course – No Walk in the Park

    I was lucky. I believe I could not have had a better training at that time, certainly in Scotland and probably most of the rest of the country. Indeed the course I undertook was dee...more

  130. Choosing Authentic Spirituality as Your Healer

    I think it’s fair to say that most of us have either turned toward or dove deeper into some form(s) of spirituality with the intention of attaining greater peace of mind, more joy, ...more

  131. Choosing Health - Preventing and Reversing Cellular Malfunction

    The author states that the next major advance in health will be determined by what people are willing to do for themselves. The rest of the article spells out what he believes we...more

  132. Choosing Oils to Balance the Chakras and Auras

    Dr Rogerson is a practising therapist who has written a course on Chinese Medical Theory, encompassing its history, elements, diagnosis and treatments including Chinese herbs, arom...more

  133. Choosing to Listen

    This article focuses on the importance of the present moment and listening – how or when do we listen, and to what we are listening. It also looks at why, when we are in a state of...more

  134. Choosing Your Own Direction

    When I was in my mid-twenties, in the nineteen seventies, like many others I followed a guru and was a member of a cult. My teacher gave me a sense of direction and brought a sense ...more

  135. Chronic Fatigue Immune Deficiency Syndrome

    Mark came to me in sheer despair. He was suffering from severe tiredness, a racing heartbeat and continuous noises in his head. The doctors and specialists had treated him for t...more

  136. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome aka Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME)

    There are approximately 250,000 people diagnosed with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) in the UK. It is a disease that crosses the boundaries of all age groups, racial / ethnic groups...more

  137. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Immune Modulation with Coriolus Versicolor†

    The author describes the symptoms and signs of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, (within which she includes myalgic encephalomyelitis, chronic viral syndrome and post-viral fatigue syndrom...more

  138. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and NADH

    Just as Tim was initially in denial of his illness, many doctors suffer from the same problem. They refuse to recognise the condition because they can't find anything physically wr...more

  139. Chronic Illness, Food Allergies and Low Body Temperature

    In this article, the author Alan Hunter documents his long journey of discovery as he searched for a solution to a illness labelled 'fatigue' which began in the late 1960s and whic...more

  140. Chronic Inflammation

    There are many names for diseases of chronic inflammation. Regular columnist and Nutritional Therapist Linda Lazarides lists 18 including allergies, hepatitis and rheumatoid arthri...more

  141. Church Farm Rose Essences

    The therapeutic qualities of the rose are esoteric, in the same way its esoteric qualities are therapeutic. Any explanation contains an undeniable mystery, as much as the mystery o...more

  142. Cinema Couch Therapy for Emotional Blockages

    …in Cinema Couch, patients are asked to name the film or films that they love and never tire of watching. These films will reveal a paralyzing paradigm that creates an emotional bl...more

  143. Cinema Therapy - Unique Psychotherapy Technique

    Franklin Seal discusses the use of film in psychotherapy treatments. He takes the case of a woman, Terry, who, coached by a therapist, used film to change her behavioural pattern o...more

  144. Classical Homeopathy - the Re-Emergence of Holism within Homeopathy

    Brian Kaplan is a qualified medical practitioner who has been practising homeopathy for 20 years. He also lectures to doctors and co-founded the Homeopathic Physicians Teaching Gro...more

  145. Classical Homeopathy in a Child with Primary Immunodeficiency

    The author has been a Registered Homeopath for 15 years. She supervises homeopathic students, is doing research at Exeter University in child development and learning difficulties....more

  146. Clear Mind - Healthy Body

    This column looks into positive and negative thoughts and the need to empty the mind of all thoughts for clearer thinking.more

  147. Clearing Emotional Baggage

    Does the glass of your life seem half-empty, or is it three-quarters full to overflowing? Do you have the sense that there is something missing in your life, or is your life perman...more

  148. Clinical Benefits of Peak States Therapy

    In this article the author shows us how we can fully accept and reconcile alternative therapies with what we know to be true, based on what he and his colleagues stumbled upon by a...more

  149. Clinical Ecology: Stratagem for a Poisoned World

    Over the last twenty years, a major schism has developed between those doctors who are willing to accept only food intolerance as a classic cause of allergy, and those who have d...more

  150. Clinical Experiences of a Bowen Therapist

    It was the mid-fifties in Victoria, Australia and a research pharmacist had an idea. Given the right resources, the human body had the innate capacity to repair itself – without in...more

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