Search: Articles

  1. 15 Scents to Help You Sleep and Fight Insomnia

    Aromatherapy has been used by humans to enhance sleep practices and to relax the nervous system since ancient times. Aromatherapy, among many other benefits, can aid relaxation, imp...more

  2. 7 Side Effects When You Stop Taking Creatine

    For gym-goers and fitness enthusiasts, creatine is an inevitable part of their supplement regimen. It's been shown to pump up energy levels and aid with muscle recovery, but have yo...more

  3. 8 Steps to Take When Considering Antidepressants

    This article give a brief, focused list of things to do before deciding to take (or not to take) antidepressants. The author is a Harvard-trained, triple board-certified psychiatri...more

  4. A Balanced Way: Daoist Tips for the 21st Century – Surviving Self-Isolation

    I am writing this at a time when the first wave of the corona virus pandemic has abated and we all feel a sense of relief. Nevertheless we may well have to face a second wave of the...more

  5. A Barn Door Case

    In her column this month Dr Jones looks at a case that was uncannily typical of the remedy that she needed. The patient was experiencing menopausal symptoms, especially hot flush...more

  6. A Better Approach to Complementary Therapy

    I suspect that all Complementary Therapists (CT) would agree that, no matter which technique, 'map' or energy system is being used, amongst the myriad therapies on offer today, all...more

  7. A Case for Tarentula hispanica

    GP and homeopath, Dr Angela Jones, looks closely here at the case of one of her patients whose serious mental condition was finally brought under control by the medicine, Tarentula...more

  8. A Case of Candida Albicans

    June Butlin's Column this month looks at the case of a 38 year old junior school teacher who had felt physically and mentally below par for more than two years. Though she suffered...more

  9. A Case Study of Tuberculosis - Addison’s Disease And Hypoglycaemia


  10. A Fluid Core: Redefining Core Strength

    This article focuses on core strength, intended to help stabilize, coordinate and organize movement in the human body, and the author's understanding of how it evolves, following 3...more

  11. A Guide to Supplementation within Health and Complementary Medicine

    In the best of all possible worlds, supplementation is not necessary. Unfortunately, we do not live in the best of all possible worlds. We live in a far from natural world and th...more

  12. A Holistic Approach and Scenar to Treat Lameness in a Horse

    The following case study demonstrates how a lateral-thinking approach to equine lameness can often result in a successful conservative approach to treatment avoiding radical surger...more

  13. A New Vision for Psychoneuroimmunology?

    My original intention in writing this article was to explore Psychoneuroimmunology (PNI) and its recent developments. Considering the subject has lead me into other areas of thou...more

  14. A Synthesis of Healing Therapies therapies seem to be appearing almost weekly (if not daily), how is a person supposed to be able to know what particular therapy (or group of therapies) may be helpful for t...more

  15. A Toxic Cure for Fibromyalgia

    This article presents a case study of a nurse who, in addition to degenerative arthritis of the spine as a result of a back injury which was being treated with pain management tech...more

  16. Acidity Theory of Atherosclerosis: History, Pathophysiology, Therapeutics and Risk Factors - A Mini Review

    During the nineties, in a conversation with Quintiliano H de Mesquita - my father in law, a brilliant cardiologist and professor - I asked to him to express his thoughts about cho...more

  17. Age is Just a Number: How to Live Long and Healthy

    Ageing is inevitable, albeit its cadence is not. As the American writer Betty Friedan rightly said, "Aging is not lost youth, but a new stage of opportunity and strength." While we ...more

  18. An Interview with Deepak Chopra

    Deepak Chopra was trained in India and the United States as a practising endocrinologist. A former chief of staff at the New England Memorial Hospital in Stoneham, Massachusetts, a...more

  19. Annexe 3: List of ingredients

    Annexe 3: List of ingredients to Mike Abrahams articlemore

  20. Another Case of Depression

    It is interesting to ponder on the statistics regarding depressive illness. 20 to 30% of the population are thought to suffer from symptoms of depression in the course of one year....more

  21. Another Headache Solved by Homeopathy

    Darren has migraine – or at least, he had migraines for the last five years. It had the typical features of associated nausea and dislike of the light, but no visual symptoms. Some...more

  22. Another Headache Solved With Homeopathy

    Homeopath Angela Jones presents a case study of a woman suffering from long-standing migraine, illustrating that perseverance is sometimes needed in finding the perfect homeopathic...more

  23. Another Side to Medical Treatment

    When national health care was in its infancy, people could get to see their GP even if they sat in a waiting room for a couple of hours. GPs weren’t tied to 5-10 minutes per patient...more

  24. Antioxidant Carotenoids Free Radicals Neutralizer

    Plants, animals and different types of microorganisms have been constructing various types of compound bioactive and important for human health source. One of the bioactive compound...more

  25. Applied Phytomedicine Treatment for Herpes Zoster (Shingles)

    Herpes zoster is an acute neurodermic viral infection of the dorsal root ganglia of the spinal cord or the extramedullary cranial nerve ganglia.  It is caused by the reactivation o...more

  26. Are Phytochemicals the Future of Skin Protection from Ultraviolet Radiation?

    Solar UVR is divided into three types of radiations: UVA (320-400 nm), UVB (290-320 nm), and UVC (200-290 nm). Different wavelengths and energy associated with UV subdivision corre...more

  27. Are We Lighting the Fuse of an Autoimmune Time Bomb?

    There’s been increasing concern voiced by world-leading immunologists that we could soon witness a devastating super-epidemic of autoimmune diseases. Some think it’s our exposure t...more

  28. Are You Feeling Helpless?

    Most of those I’ve worked with (self included!) share something that for many of us hurts us even more than physical pain – an occasional, yet dreadful sense of helplessness. Who am...more

  29. Aromatherapy for Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

    According to the author, SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) affects an estimated half-a-million people every winter, especially December through February. To avoid the mood swings s...more

  30. Aromatherapy in the Treatment of Arthritis

    Aromatherapy is a whole system of healing, a holistic approach to health and well-being by means of aromas, scents derived from the plant kingdom. It can be described as an art and...more

  31. Aromatic Pregnancy and Childbirth in the UK - An American Nurse's Perspective

    In the middle of Indiana, an English nurse named Jane Buckle taught the multiple ways aromatherapy could enhance the care of patients. I was hooked, and began to imagine one day ...more

  32. Asthma Interferential Therapy and Chartered Physiotherapy

    A five-year-old boy developed asthma at six months old after being prescribed antibiotics for an ear infection. After a short course of Interferential Therapy [IFT] and chest physi...more

  33. Astrology as a Therapy for Well-Being

    Most people have heard of astrology, says the author, though it is often perceived as fortune telling or entertainment by reading your stars in the paper. But, says Debbie Sellwood...more

  34. Autism: Dietary Treatment Options

    The authors of this article have spent several years researching the causes and treatment of autism, which has reached epidemic proportions, and they put forward their theory that ...more

  35. Autonomic Dysfunction and Increased Lactate Production with Accumulation in the Body: The Key Factors for the Development of Rheumatoid Arthritis

    “The first inference deducible from the experiments, according to my reading of them, is, that lactic acid has the power, when existing in an animal body in excess, of producing a c...more

  36. Back Issues and Reflexology Support

    Thousands of working hours are lost each year due to backache or back trouble, but this vague generic description can cover a wide range conditions ranging from very acute to chroni...more

  37. Balancing Your Internal Climate

    This article, co-authored with Martin Grasby LAc, focuses on finding our internal balance which, the authors say, should not be confused with ridding oneself of unwanted emotions. ...more

  38. Bee Products, Properties and Applications

    Prof Avshalom Mizrahi, Dean of the Faculty of Natural Medicine in Israel gives an authoritative and comprehensive account of the health benefits of a range of bee products. He de...more

  39. Benefits of Cold Water Swimming and the Wim Hof Method

    I had wanted to be a daily cold-water swimmer for a long time before I mustered the courage to start. I talked about it, I researched it, I even started cold water showers. I knew i...more

  40. Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy: The Breath of Life, Dynamic Stillness and Trauma Recovery

    High up in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains, recently I had an experience which helped me to better understand the work I do with my craniosacral clients and how powerful it can...more

  41. Bioresonance - Fact or Fallacy? An Evidence-Based Approach

    In this article which reviews the facts and fallacy of bioresonance, the author traces evidence relating to emissions of electromagnetic radiations – the motion of electrons and it...more

  42. Biosynthesis - A Body Psychotherapy

    Biosynthesis is a body-psychotherapy developed by David Boadella in the early 1970s. His approach grew out of many years experience with Reichian therapy.more

  43. Body Image, Culture and Sexuality

    In today's society, body image has become an increasingly hot topic of discussion; whether it be chatter in the school playground or coverage in the tabloids, it has become very dif...more

  44. Body Rhythm Cycles Around the Clock

    All those of us who have experienced times of instability will confirm that when our routines are no longer there to support and ground us through the day we can feel off balance.more

  45. Breast Cancer - Detection or Deception?

    Sherill Sellman writes a hard-hitting article about the treatment of breast cancer in the USA, exposing the dangers of some cancer detection procedures and treatments and the hidde...more

  46. Bruxism, TMJD and Migraines - The Terrible Triad

    The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is the hinge that connects the lower jawbone (mandible) to the rest of the skull. This joint is connected to different parts of the body including ...more

  47. Buddhism for Everyday Life

    Buddhism is all about being happy and it works well. Everybody, everyday has the wish to be happy and free from suffering. However, very few people fulfil this fundamental wish. Ma...more

  48. Bulimia Nervosa

    Bulimia nervosa, a psychiatric eating disorder according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM5)[1] is a mental health condition that mani...more

  49. Can Complementary & Alternative Medicine Help Fight Covid-19?

    It goes without saying that new, stunningly virulent and resurgent illnesses have been escalating around the globe, with alarming intensity, and advancing more rapidly than ever bef...more

  50. Can Depression Be Fatal and How Can It Be Cured?

    Depression is more than just feeling sad. It's a serious health concern that can sometimes be life-threatening. The mood swings you get, or the constant feeling of sadness might tak...more

  51. Cancer-Preventing Properties of Essential Oil Monoterpenes D-Limonene and Perillyl Alcohol

    When people first hear the word monoterpene (MT), typically the 'terpene' portion conjures up images of some sort of cleaning fluid such as turpentine. Associated with this image i...more

  52. Case Study - Severe Stress

    Following on from last month's column that looked at the role nutrition has to play in dealing with stress, this month June Butlin looks at a case of severe stress that caused a ra...more

  53. Case Study Issue 106: Tribute to Mrs Ann Warren Davis

    The author suffered a massive haemorrhage three months after giving birth. She required a hysterectomy  after which she went on to HRT. Her depression grew and her GP put her on Am...more

  54. Case Study Issue 72: Holistic Treatment of Hair Loss

    Jolanta Basnyet, well-known qualified osteopath, aromatherapist, reflexology and trained in Indian head massage, has been in practice for over 20 years, and describes how a combina...more

  55. Case Study Issue 94: Scenar: Treatment in Stroke Rehabilitation

    It is generally still accepted by the medical profession that beyond six months after a stroke any clinical change in the patient is extremely unlikely. When I commenced this work ...more

  56. Case Study: How I Came To Yoga

    The author gives an account of encountering yoga at school but, finding it more meditation than exercise, did not continue. She apparently had a continuing battle with her weight, ...more

  57. Chamomilla recutita - German Chamomile: Western and Ayurvedic Perspectives

    Delicately fragrant chamomile, with its familiar daisy-like flowers, has long been popular as a bedtime tisane to induce sleep; its sedative and mood enhancing properties as well as...more

  58. Choosing Oils to Balance the Chakras and Auras

    Dr Rogerson is a practising therapist who has written a course on Chinese Medical Theory, encompassing its history, elements, diagnosis and treatments including Chinese herbs, arom...more

  59. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Immune Modulation with Coriolus Versicolor†

    The author describes the symptoms and signs of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, (within which she includes myalgic encephalomyelitis, chronic viral syndrome and post-viral fatigue syndrom...more

  60. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and NADH

    Just as Tim was initially in denial of his illness, many doctors suffer from the same problem. They refuse to recognise the condition because they can't find anything physically wr...more

  61. Clearing Emotional Baggage

    Does the glass of your life seem half-empty, or is it three-quarters full to overflowing? Do you have the sense that there is something missing in your life, or is your life perman...more

  62. Clobbering The Symptom

    Beata Bishop takes a look at how people who suffer from depression are treated by doctors. She talks about the way in which few doctors attempt to uncover the cause of the problem ...more

  63. Cognition and Fibromyalgia: Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

    This article provides a definition for fibromyalgia, based on the list of symptoms provided by the American Centre of Rheumatology in 1990. Plus summaries of research work; effects...more

  64. Cognitive Dissonance: Is 2021 A Wake-Up Call?

    With the traumatic events of the past two years, it is not surprising that much of the population world-wide has suffered from cognitive dissonance and splintered into ‘sheeple’ (a ...more

  65. Complementary Healing Methods: The GP's Dilemma

    In this article, the author shares the dilemma she faces, as an NHS GP and homeopath, when cancer patients, for one, cling to the hope that conventional medicine will save them no ...more

  66. Complex Homoeopathy

    Samuel Hahnemann, a German physician, began to develop the major principles of homoeopathy some 200 years ago, although there is some suggestion that the concept of "like cures lik...more

  67. Consilience – The Web of Life

    The idea of consciousness and its relationship between mind and brain have puzzled, bamboozled and flummoxed philosophers and scientists alike since the dawn of civilisation. They s...more

  68. Constructive Programme for Repetitive Strain Injury

    The author, a professional Osteopath specialising in soft tissue manipulation, found his career jeopardised by severe symptoms of repetitive strain injury. Anyone whose livelihood ...more

  69. Core Energy - Case Studies

    The following four cases illustrate when it 'is' and 'is not' appropriate to shift a patient's Assemblage Point manuallymore

  70. Core Energy Surgery for the Electromagnetic Body

    The short cut back to health, normality and freedom. The information presented below is not a theory but the result of 20 years of clinical observations. Anyone prepared to investi...more

  71. CORE ENERGY: Shifting the Assemblage Point

    In the final part of this ground-breaking series, Dr Jon Whale describes how to shift Assemblage Points. Instructions regarding how to locate Assemblage Points, pre-requisite to ac...more

  72. Could Turmeric Be The Ultimate ‘Super-Spice’

    Most of us know of turmeric as the bright yellow spice used in curry. But recent studies on turmeric’s incredible health benefits now prove it does much more than just flavour our f...more

  73. Covid-19 - Serious Mishandling Causing so Many Deaths?

    For the last 40 years, I have observed and had come to the conclusion that all viral infections rapidly lead to secondary bacterial infections. Indeed many of my patients will be aw...more

  74. CranioSacral Therapy

    Craniosacral Therapy is rapidly gaining recognition as one of the most gentle and yet powerful forms of holistic healing.more

  75. Cycles of Disease and Health

    This article is taken from a book-in-progress which describes the fundamental factors in virtually all disease as a negative cycle, and shows clearly how they can be reversed by co...more

  76. Dead Soils/ Dead Foods

    It may seem unlikely that Parkinson's disease, depression or attention deficit disorder could have one common contributing factor, but poor nutrition is at the root cause of many C...more

  77. Deep Wounds, Small Plasters

    The focus of the article is the prevalence of ‘symptomatic treatment’ instead of an attempt to identify the root causes of our problems, and do something about them. This attitude ...more

  78. Dementia – Reduce Your Risks!

    The number of people affected by dementia is growing exponentially, it is estimated that there are 55 million people diagnosed worldwide today and 139 million predicted to be diagno...more

  79. Depression

    Depression is a growing health problem and one of the least understood diseases. It affects adults and children of all ages and can be very serious. Untreated depression may lead t...more

  80. Depression - The Fast-Spreading Malady

    Depression, as the word itself suggests, is a low feeling, an experience of nothingness and low spirits. Depression is a growing health problem and one of the least understood disea...more

  81. Depression has a Message

    Common dictionary definitions of “depression” relative to health are exampled below: A pessimistic sense of sadness, gloom, inadequacy and a despondent lack of activity An...more

  82. Diabetes Mellitus

    This article discusses the genetic, lifestyle and dietary causes of diabetes mellitus, which results from either a lack of insulin or the body's cells being resistant to it, and ca...more

  83. Dietary Recommendations to Reduce Heart Disease Risk

    Dr Jeffrey Bland is a giant in the field of nutritional research. This recently published book describes fascinating research about nutritional interaction with our genes, and how ...more

  84. DNA, Gene Expression and Safety of Homeopathic and New Homeopathic Remedies

    In recent years, particularly since completion of the Human Genome Project (sequencing of human DNA), there have been major advances in the understanding of the structure and functi...more

  85. Do Chaga Mushrooms Have Health Benefits? Current Studies Reviewed

    The Chaga mushroom is called the “king of mushrooms,” while the better-known reishi mushroom gets the title of “queen of mushrooms.” Chaga mushrooms are marketed as having a wide ra...more

  86. Drugs versus Nutritional Medicine for Common Health Complaints

    The author points out that although we would like to believe that drugs are developed, tested and prescribed on the basis of being the most effective for curing what is wrong with ...more

  87. Editorial Issue 106

    As you may already have heard, Here's Health, the longest lived magazine in the UK about Complementary Medicine, ceased publication; the November 2004 issue was the last. This info...more

  88. Editorial Issue 139

    Today it is more difficult than ever to be fully informed regarding medical, lifestyle and scientific matters unless you are permanently hooked up with the electronic equivalent of...more

  89. Editorial Issue 166

    Just as we are finalizing this Jan 2010 issue of PH Online, comes the incredible circulated news of the alleged kidnap of Alpha Omega Laboratory owner Greg Caton from Ecuador to ...more

  90. Editorial Issue 173

    There are a number of Research Updates in this PH Online Aug Issue 173 which point to potentially significant steps in our understanding of certain cancers.more

  91. Editorial Issue 183

    Several articles in this June 2011 Issue 183 of Positive Health PH Online describe how natural functions such as our breathing and voice have far-reaching effects upon our physical,...more

  92. Editorial Issue 232

    Many events have transpired since publication of previous issue Positive Health PH Online Issue 231 on 16 June, including the EU Referendum in which the Vote Leave Brexit campaign w...more

  93. Editorial Issue 242

    As production with Positive Health PH Online Issue 242 was underway, it was announced on 2 Oct 2017 by The Nobel Assembly at Karolinska Institutet that the 2017 Nobel Prize for Phys...more

  94. Editorial Issue 50

    Given the ongoing somewhat ferocious scrutiny regarding the safety of the many diverse therapies within Complementary Medicine – Aromatherapy, Nutrition, Herbal Medicine – to name ...more

  95. Editorial Issue 83

    The old saying 'plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose' is a time-honoured truism with both positive and negative attributes.more

  96. Effective Lymphatic Function Part I

    All body tissues are nourished by tissue fluid. Most of this fluid returns to the blood via the lymphatic system. The lymph starts in tiny lymph capillaries and passes through larg...more

  97. Electromagnetic Therapy

    Everyone who is involved in any of the many branches of Complementary Medicine whether as a practitioner or as a patient, is likely to be involved with some aspect of electromagnet...more

  98. Eliminating and IgG Food Allergy Testing

    Dr Baker is a practising physician in Weston, Connecticut, with a special interest in the environmental and biochemical aspects of chronic health problems, both in children and in ...more

  99. Empowering The Placebo

    This article looks at the power of the placebo effect, which a House of Lords Science and Technology report in 2000 states "is not just an imagined experience but can positively im...more

  100. Empowerment Fitness: Revolutionary Mind-Body Programme

    This article focuses on the positive effects of body movement.  For centuries, high achieving individuals, including runners, walkers, cyclists and rowers, have understood that if ...more

  101. Epigenetics - Current and Past Progress

    To understand current progress in epigenetics we need briefly to visit 5th century BCE Greek thought onwards to our own 19th century CE. Empedocles, Heraclitus, Democritus, Hippocra...more

  102. Fibromyalgia - Where Should Bodywork Fit Into An Integrated Treatment Picture?

    This column looks into Fibromyalgia Syndrome (FMS), and its disabling levels of pain and stiffness, largely associated with the head, neck, spine and pelvis, commonly associated wi...more

  103. Fibromyalgia = Hypothyroidism

    Fibromyalgia is a Made-Up Diagnosis. There is no official test nor code for fibromyalgia diagnosis and is often made based on a cluster of symptoms, including:more

  104. Five Drugs in Your Medicine Cabinet that May be Making You Sicker

    We've grown accustomed to taking pills when we feel bad - for headaches, insomnia, mild depression, indigestion, and the aches and pains of ageing, to name a few common complaints. ...more

  105. Flower Power

    We are in the middle of the flower season, as I am sure you will have noticed. In the old herbal traditions, as in many other healing arts, flowers are linked to the element of air ...more

  106. Food toxins, molecular mimicry, leaky gut and the MS connection.

    It has been accepted for a long time that several factors play a major role in MS. In fact, the multi-factorial involvement has contributed to the puzzle of determining the etiolog...more

  107. Gem Therapy Healing - Back in The Saddle

    This article focuses on gem therapy and the healing properties of gem stone powder. Medicines prepared from gem stones are believed to date back to the 12th century.more

  108. Gene Targeting Using Sequence Specific Homeopathic DNA Remedies for Health Promotion and Disease Protection

    Homeopathic remedies alter an individual’s health status in different ways. For example, they can resolve many symptoms of ill-health. They also promote many different symptom patte...more

  109. Genetics and Obesity

    Obesity is one of the world’s most important health issues because it leads to development of insulin resistance and increased susceptibility to many serious medical conditions, suc...more

  110. Glutathione - Super Hero of the Cell

    American physician and chairman of the Institute for Functional Medicine, Dr Mark Hyman says “If you haven’t heard of glutathione yet, you will. In terms of staying healthy, it’s on...more

  111. Glyconutrients - The Missing Link?

    The authors explain that, according to the newly emerging technology of glycobiology (the study of sugars), it could be glyconutrients (simple sugars), rather than proteins, that a...more

  112. Grape Seed Extract Potent Antioxidant

    Much of science started in nature. Would you be surprised if your doctor prescribed 12 grams of dried grape seed three times daily? Would it be more understandable if he said 100mg...more

  113. Gut Health, the Immune System and Mental Health

    The Microbiome - What it is and Why it is Important. The human microbiome is the microorganisms that live on our skin, inside our gut and other body cavities like our nostrils. Fo...more

  114. Headaches

    In this issue, June Butlin discusses the causes and characteristics of both tension and migraine headaches, as well as the use of pain killers.more

  115. Healing Energy and Water

    The author discusses how the unique properties of energy and water are so important to maintaining equilibrium and physical health.more

  116. Health Benefits of Foot Massage

    The many benefits of foot massage include releasing endorphins, lowering heart rate, lowering blood pressure, improving balance, and assisting with mental health problems.more

  117. Heart Failure or Therapy Failure? Toxins Cause Cardiomyopathy

    Cardiomyopathy simply means heart muscle disease. [1] It can occur as a primary affliction of the heart muscle, from a secondary condition negatively impacting heart function, or fr...more

  118. Hellerwork - Excellence with Ease

    Hellerwork is a Structural Integration school founded in 1978. Overall there are about 250 active and certified practitioners worldwide using the Hellerwork service mark.more

  119. Herbal Support for Stress

    The dynamics of the mind-body relationship are explored here in terms of the ability of negative thoughts and feelings to result in physical illness, and vice versa with physical s...more

  120. Herbal Support for Stress

    The dynamics of the mind-body relationship are explored here in terms of the ability of negative thoughts and feelings to result in physical illness, and vice versa with physical s...more

  121. Herbs - at the Forefront of Modern Medicine

    The world of herbal medicine offers a wide range of applications and treatments on several different levels, ranging from everyday over-the-counter remedies for more symptomatic ...more

  122. Herbs and General Inflammation (Co-infestation)

    It is now known that idiopathic inflammatory conditions that are chronic and long-term are primarily caused by mycoplasma bacteria. ... But treatments can be successful with persist...more

  123. Hidden Treasures in Apples Past Their Prime Part I

    Those who find this article relevant might be subject to the hopelessness and resignations of old age, likened to the aging wrinkled apple.  Many, aware that they cannot put the clo...more

  124. Histamine Intolerance

    Put simply, histamine intolerance is when someone experiences various symptoms after consuming foods or drinks high in histamine or has exposure to environmental factors that cause ...more

  125. Holistic Approaches to Common Gastrointestinal Problems

    We are a nation suffering from chronic health problems - sleep disorders, tiredness and mood swings to name but a few. On the surface, these may not appear to be gastrointestinal is...more

  126. Holistic Approaches to Insomnia

    There is only so much insomnia that one person can take. The moment that I decided to get the better of it a major insight occurred. I realised that for most of us it is a self est...more

  127. Holistic Integrated Cancer Support Therapy

    Nicola Bradbury is a medical herbalist, counsellor and healer, qualified in bio-acoustic sound therapy, reflexology and touch for health kinesiology. She shares the considerable ac...more

  128. Homeopathic Approaches to Irritable Bowel Syndrome Patients

    The author of this piece first gives us some information relating to a research project from Ireland. The experts there have had great success when treating patients with IBS by us...more

  129. Homeopathy and Asthma

    Children are a joy to treat with homeopathy. Not only are their characteristics clearly and openly displayed in the consulting room; they also respond wonderfully well to the corre...more

  130. Homeopathy and New Homeopathy in the 21st Century

    This article gives an account of the ways in which homeopathy is thought to work, including memory imprints in water, hormesis – a biological effect stimulated at lower than toxic ...more

  131. Homeovitality - the Revolutionary Healthcare System

    The author has had a long career in medical research, having founded the first Molecular Pathology Laboratory at the University of Western Australia, after completing his PhD in Im...more

  132. How can this be used as evidence?

    Simon did not feel well. He found it difficult to describe, to explain or quantify; he just did not feel well. He had felt like this on and off for almost as long as he could remem...more

  133. How Hypnosis Helps With Stress in our Personal and Business Lives

    Let’s look at how we usually experience stress. We have information, in various forms. These include our memories of what has happened to us in the past, our knowledge of what has h...more

  134. How to Increase Healthy Sleep and Reduce Stress

    People with chronic sleep disorders affect people on many physiological levels including sleep issues often leaving them feeling tired, frustrated and cranky.more

  135. How to Increase Your Energy Naturally

    Shocking survey results have revealed that three-quarters of the city-dwelling population in the UK are suffering from low energy and waking up tired as a result of a high intake o...more

  136. How to Unlearn Your Pain

    Dr. Schubiner explains that much chronic pain is a result, not of structural disease processes in the body, but by ‘learned nerve pathways.’ (He makes it clear that he does not wor...more

  137. HypnoBirthing(r) - Preparing The Mind-Body For Birth

    In this article the author provides some insight into the Morgan method of HypnoBirthing®, which has been growing in popularity across the globe since its inception in 1989. She ...more

  138. Hypnosis, Healing and Intuition

    Your mind can help you recover from illness and bring about a state of wellbeing. Clinical Hypnosis will enable you to get in touch with the resources within the deeper part of you...more

  139. Iliopsoas - The Flee/Fight Muscle for Survival

    Liz Koch continues her lifelong study of the voluntary Iliopsoas muscle. Understanding the muscle to be part of our survival response provides both therapists and clients a fresh p...more

  140. Impact of Bach Flower Remedies on Stress Among Emergency and Health Service Workers


  141. Independent Physiotherapy

    Physiotherapists utilise a growing number of complementary forms of medicine and treatment methods such as massage, manipulation, acupuncture, reflex therapy, cranio-sacral therapy...more

  142. Inflammatory Process in Alzheimer's Disease

    The author a Naturopath, describes Alzheimer's disease (AD) as a progressive degenerative disorder characterized by memory loss, intellectual decline and definitive cognitive impair...more

  143. Integrative Medicine for Colon Cancer - Part II

    In 1902, John Beard (an embryologist at a Scottish medical school) wrote several texts and published many papers. His premise was that cancer cells are much like the trophoblasts o...more

  144. Intense Stress Leading to Accumulation of Lactate in Brain Ischemia

    The present paper introduces a new hypothesis postulating that acute stress, chronic stress overload and other risk factors with intense sympathetic nervous system activity may indu...more

  145. Intestinal Permeability

    Intestinal permeability, or leaky gut syndrome is receiving increasing attention as the hard-to-deal factor in patients being treated for food intolerances. Hyperpermeability is al...more

  146. Introduction to Aqua Tai-Chi

    The Author developed the Aqua Tai-Chi system of exercises in 1986, which combines Tai-Chi with other Chi Kung/Taoist exercises, after recognizing the importance of the feeling of b...more

  147. Introduction to Micro-immunotherapy

    Micro-immunotherapy is an innovative unique healthcare approach which uses molecules specific to the immune system to regulate immune responses, in order to optimize its function an...more

  148. Irritable Bowel Syndrome

    It is difficult to be sure whether irritable bowel syndrome is becoming more common or whether it is simply becoming more readily recognised by both the medical fraternity and pa...more

  149. Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Hypnosis

    IBS, also known as spastic colon, colitis, spastic colitis or nervous stomach, are a baffling and complex set of gastro-intestinal symptoms that affect 15% to 20% of the population...more

  150. Is Laughter Really the Best Medicine?

    Laughter yoga was invented by Dr Madan Kataria. As he was writing his article Laughter the best medicine for a health magazine he decided to try out the techniques inspired by Norma...more

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