Search: Articles

  1. 10 Healthy Fatty Foods

    In recent years, having an excessive physique or rather being ‘fat’ has a pretty negative connotation. It is somewhat justifiable that having a high body fat percentage is undesirab...more

  2. 12 Health Benefits of Sleeping 6-8 Hours

    Getting the right amount of shuteye not only makes you feel better, but it goes above and beyond in just improving your mood or removing those unwanted eye-circles. A good night’s s...more

  3. 15 Health Benefits of Mackerel (+8 Delicious Mackerel Recipes)

    Mackerel is a common name for the fish found in the Scombridae family, which are closely related to tuna. They come in various types, including Cero, Atlantic, King, and Spanish mac...more

  4. 15 Health Benefits Of Omega-3 Fatty Acids

    You may have heard about Omega-3 fatty acids before but you may not quite understand what it is or why we need it. Omega-3 is an essential fat the body is incapable of making natura...more

  5. 15 Must-Try Recipes Using Essential Oils

    Every person wants to look and feel good, irrespective of lifestyle or age. The burgeoning demand for beauty products has seen research into the industry skyrocket and each day ther...more

  6. 5 Healthy Reasons To Receive Massage Therapy

    Upon hearing the word massage, many people immediately think of going to a spa and spending some quality ‘me-time’. Sure, massage can help put your mind and body at ease. But its be...more

  7. 5 Tips to Prevent Cataracts and Macular Degeneration

    As we get older, our bodies start to break down due to the natural wear and tear of living an active life. Though signs of ageing first manifest in our skin, hair, knees, and joints...more

  8. 6 Surprising Benefits of Probiotics for a Healthy Heart

    The way to your heart is through your stomach. And now, even cardiologists agree! Bacteria is vital for heart health, because your gut flora works on the food you eat. The compatibi...more

  9. A Choice of Treatment for the Heart

    Over the past four years, Catherine Crawford, an Aromatherapy practitioner, has experienced arrhythmia of the heart. In July 2002, while having to wait for a doctor's appointment...more

  10. A Healthy Liver and Weight Loss

    The state of your liver will have a huge bearing upon how well you live, how long you will live and how you will look and feel. In this article Dr Cabot outlines the pathways used ...more

  11. ABED (formerly BEDA) Method™ - Empowering Clients to Optimum Health

    The author, inspired by a TV documentary on the work of Professor Konstantin Pavlovich Buteyko, travelled to Russia and had the good fortune to spend some time with Buteyko short...more

  12. Adaptogens - Stressing the Importance of Protection

    Until fairly recently, the function of vitamins was regarded with a great deal of scepticism by the orthodox medical profession, but they have been shown to play an intrinsic role ...more

  13. Adaptogens: Mother Nature’s Natural Stress-Busting Solution

    You’re probably most familiar with the reactions that happen as part of your immediate ‘fight or flight’ stress response. Your heart starts beating faster, you feel on edge, and you...more

  14. Advancements in Rectal Cancer Treatment: Enhancing and Improving Lives

    Rectal cancer is a type of colorectal cancer that affects the last part of the large intestine (colon). It is one of the most common cancers worldwide, with an estimated 43,340 new ...more

  15. Alexander Technique and Swimming

    From my lessons in the Alexander Technique I learned that the biggest obstacle to change is that habitual patterns of behaviour normally feel right to us and changing them often fe...more

  16. Aligned Thinking for Optimum Health

    High levels of stress hormones can make the immune system less effective, but most of the time our system maintains itself, despite the rigours we expose ourselves to. The best thi...more

  17. An Integrated Clinical Approach to Stress Management

    Whilst following a course of particular therapy may be highly beneficial, better and more complete results can often be obtained by a unified approach with a combination of appropr...more

  18. An Interaction between 7 Elements in Harmony

    At 55, without warning, bang… We wonder what's going on in our body. All of a sudden, I felt an unknown pain. What is that pain? Quickly I thought that it was possibly a heart attac...more

  19. Are There Herbs for Low Self Esteem?

    In this Expert Column, McIntyre recognizes that while low self esteem is not a disease, it can be incredibly crippling. She asks the rhetorical question as to whether herbs can hel...more

  20. Aromatherapy for Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

    According to the author, SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) affects an estimated half-a-million people every winter, especially December through February. To avoid the mood swings s...more

  21. Aromatherapy used on a Stroke Rehabilitation Unit

    In this study Paula Mullins begins by describing how aromatherapy started, how it works and perceived benefits and contra-indications. She then describes the role function of aroma...more

  22. Asthma Treatment using Salbutamol and Ma Huang

    This article focuses on asthma, a complex disorder involving biochemical, autonomic, immunologic, infectious, endocrine and psychological factors to varying degrees in individuals....more

  23. Astrological Sun Signs and their Representative Foods Part I: Aries, Taurus, Gemini and Cancer

    This article is a detailed account of the relationship between sun signs and nutrition.more

  24. Autogenic Therapy: A Short Term Therapy for Long Term Gain

    Autogenic Therapy (AT) for high levels of stress which exceed one's comfort level and eventually lead to various physical and emotional symptoms such as: high blood pressure, aller...more

  25. Ayurvedic and Herbal Perspectives for Managing the Menopause

    The menopause is part of the natural cycle of life and is a time of change experienced by all women to the next phase of life, unlike say period problems or pregnancy. Every woman’s...more

  26. Biodynamic Massage: A Truly Therapeutic Massage

    Biodynamic Massage works across a wide spectrum from deep muscular work, to connective tissue massage, to light energetic touch and work in the aura.more

  27. Biology Of Balance

    It’s the typical morning sonata. You’ve your hasty breakfast, before leaving for office, and the whole process brings about certain internal fluctuations. The first thing you know i...more

  28. Bloating

    This article is a comprehensive consideration of bloating, its effects, its causes, and a useful and non-doctrinaire set of recommendations about diagnosis and potentially helpful ...more

  29. Breakfast - The Best Way to Start the Day

    The word ‘breakfast’ originated from the 15th century to describe the first meal of the day, eaten in the morning, and which will break the fast of the previous night.[1] Whilst bre...more

  30. Breath is Life

    I would like to open up a debate about breathing with this article, which I hope will lead to a deeper understanding, and a more fruitful application of breathing techniques. I als...more

  31. Breath Testing for Development Disorders?

    Regular contributor David Taylor discusses dyspraxia, a childhood neuro-developmental disorder that is thought by some to affect around 5% of the population. The disorder is charac...more

  32. Bust Allergies Naturally: GP’s Five Plant Hack Answers Borne Out Of Nature

    If you struggle with allergies, then you’re certainly not alone. The UK actually has some of the highest allergy rates. In fact, over 20% of the UK population are affected by one or...more

  33. C1 and C2 Vertebrae Misalignment Symptoms

    The C1 and C2 vertebrae are the first two vertebrae located directly under the skull. They allow us to move our heads as we do hundreds of times a day. A misalignment of those verte...more

  34. Caffeine

    Caffeine is a naturally occurring chemical found in plant sources such as coffee, cocoa beans and tea leaves. It is also extracted and added to food, drink and some medicines. If yo...more

  35. Cardiovascular Health: New Nutrition Strategies Part I

    The article discusses research which challenges the supposed link between high cholesterol levels and the risk of heart attack. There is a new theory that cholesterol is used as ...more

  36. Cardiovascular Health: New Nutrition Strategies Part II

    Despite decades of health advice to reduce saturated fat and cholesterol, heart disease is still the number one killer in the UK and a leading cause of death worldwide. Prefacing h...more

  37. Cardiovascular Risk Assessment

    In this Expert Regular Column, Kate Neil looks at the risk of cardiovascular disease and what can be done to reduce such risk. She gives the case study of a 45 year old man with a ...more

  38. Case Study: Infertility and Reiki Healing

    This article concerns the successful treatment of infertility due to Polycystic Ovary Syndrome with Reiki healing.more

  39. Case Study: Soul Harmony Creams can Reduce Pain and Balance the Chakras

    My client was feeling very drained and tired, had a cough, and was suffering acute abdominal pain over the gall bladder and liver area (mainly at night, often waking her). She su...more

  40. Cat's Claw: Healing Vine of Peru

    A botanical plant, a massive woody vine known in Spanish as una de gato in English as Cat's Claw, its latin name is Uncarica Tomentosa, is being called by many Miracle Herb from the...more

  41. Cataracts - When a ‘Miracle’ of Modern Surgery wasn’t Needed

    When it comes to medical treatment, we generally regard surgery as a ‘last resort’. So when it comes to cataracts, why should it be the ‘first and only resort’? Most people think ...more

  42. Chemical Fragrances: Effects on the Autonomic Nervous System

    This article focuses on the adverse effects of chemical fragrances, such as commercial detergents, fabric conditioners, air fresheners, fragrant candles, personal toiletries, house...more

  43. Chi Exercises for Health and Rejuvenation

    Peter Chin has been practicing Tai-Chi and Chi Kung for the past 25 years and is a Chi Healer at The Hale Clinic. The Chi exercises were about the practice of harmonising Nature's ...more

  44. Chi Nei Tsang

    Chi Nei Tsang, a branch of Taoist medicine, was introduced to the West by the Taoist Master Mantak Chia. It is a method for releasing the toxic winds of emotional energy, which can...more

  45. Chinese Culinary Herbs

    In the west, our choice of foods is frequently driven by taste alone. However, a look at Chinese dietary principles can lead us back to a clearer focus of how we can use foods to b...more

  46. Chinese Herbal Medicine for Common Childhood Ailments

    This article focuses on the practice of Traditional Chinese Medicine to treat illnesses suffered by children. According to the author, with regard to children's health, Chinese med...more

  47. Chinese Medicine for the Treatment of Menopausal Problems

    In this Expert Column, Maria Mercati looks at Chinese medicine, and in particular Tuina and Acupuncture. She tells us that Tuina is a powerful, energizing form of massage, manipula...more

  48. Chirokinetic Therapy

    This article focuses on Chirokinetic Therapy (CKT) which the author describes as a relatively new cutting-edge therapy that can cause a dramatic change in bodily functions and he...more

  49. Chronic Illness, Food Allergies and Low Body Temperature

    In this article, the author Alan Hunter documents his long journey of discovery as he searched for a solution to a illness labelled 'fatigue' which began in the late 1960s and whic...more

  50. Clinical Ecology: Stratagem for a Poisoned World

    Over the last twenty years, a major schism has developed between those doctors who are willing to accept only food intolerance as a classic cause of allergy, and those who have d...more

  51. Clinical Properties of Deer Velvet

    Deer velvet has been known to be beneficial for health for more than 2000 years. Silk scrolls found in a Chinese tomb in 168BC clearly documented deer velvet as a part of the Chine...more

  52. Clinical Psychoneuroimmunology - Mind-Body Integrated Health

    This article looks at how psychoneuroimmunology (PNI) can offer sustainable solutions to the many significant health challenges associated with stress. Using cases studies throug...more

  53. Colour Coding Your Diet

    This article focuses on the importance of colour coding our diet, which the author says is the healthiest way to eat as it is colour that determines food’s beneficial qualities mor...more

  54. Complementary Therapies in Pregnancy: Recognizing and Dealing with Complications

    This paper provides detailed information about the responsibilities of complementary therapists in regard to pregnant women, including the responsibility to do nothing when indicat...more

  55. Controlling High Blood Pressure Hypertension

    Often called ‘the silent killer’ Hypertension or High Blood Pressure can be incredibly dangerous because it can occur with no visible symptoms. Persistently high blood pressure dram...more

  56. Coping With Stress

    This column focuses on the benefits of Reflexology as a non-invasive way of coping with stress and why many people are opting for this therapy.more

  57. Covid-19 - Serious Mishandling Causing so Many Deaths?

    For the last 40 years, I have observed and had come to the conclusion that all viral infections rapidly lead to secondary bacterial infections. Indeed many of my patients will be aw...more

  58. Craniosacral Therapy for Chronic Headaches

    This article focuses on the Craniosacral therapy developed from the work of osteopath, William Garner Sutherland, a pupil of Andrew Taylor Still, said to be the father of Osteopath...more

  59. Daoist Tips for the 21st Century - Transforming Emotions

    Our health suffers when we avoid our emotions. Alcohol and drug abuse, screen time or over eating – there are many ways to suppress our feelings. And when we do this we may find our...more

  60. Dementia – Reduce Your Risks!

    The number of people affected by dementia is growing exponentially, it is estimated that there are 55 million people diagnosed worldwide today and 139 million predicted to be diagno...more

  61. Diet During Renal Failure and after Kidney Transplant

    In patients with chronic kidney disease or/on dialysis, the purpose of this diet is to maintain a balance of electrolytes, minerals, and fluid in patients.more

  62. Discoveries of a Chi Healer

    As a child, I was very intrigued by the Art of Healing and Martial Arts. My father, Chin Ket Leong, was a Chinese Medical Practitioner and a Martial Arts Master. At home, my brothe...more

  63. Does Inflammation Cause Coronary Atherosclerosis?

    This presentation will discuss various influences that affect inflammation, such as the pivotal role of sympathetic nervous system stimulation and humoral influences that also regu...more

  64. Does Lactic Acidosis Cause Coronary Artery Calcification?

    Coronary artery calcification is highly prevalent in patients with coronary heart disease and is associated with an increase in major adverse cardiovascular events. It may also have...more

  65. Dru Yoga for Healing

    The gap between modern medicine, quantum physics and ancient forms of health care, is closing fast. The science of Dru Yoga plays an essential part in this journey of discovery, as...more

  66. Drugs versus Nutritional Medicine for Common Health Complaints

    The author points out that although we would like to believe that drugs are developed, tested and prescribed on the basis of being the most effective for curing what is wrong with ...more

  67. Dyspepsia and Yoga Therapy

    Dyspepsia is a medical condition that an NHS survey has reported affects about 40% of the adult UK population. It is characterized by recurrent pain in the upper abdomen, heartburn,...more

  68. Eat Correctly and Live Long

    This article focuses on why, how and what we should eat correctly, to live a long and healthy life.  In order to enjoy the pleasures and profits which are possible in health, one m...more

  69. Eat Seafood for Natural Glowing Skin

    It is every person’s dream to have a health and glowing skin. Fortunately, there are several magical foods that can help you maintain a glowing and very healthy skin, giving you rel...more

  70. Editorial Issue 119

    Unbelievably, I was recently emailed a Press Release with the heading "Millions at Risk from Vitamins Overdose". I thought that someone was deliberately winding me up; however, the...more

  71. Editorial Issue 122

    Please read the inspiring story (see pages 42-43) of how David Longman's daughter Louise (now aged 21) was successfully treated and cured of a benign vascular tumour which had blig...more

  72. Editorial Issue 139

    Today it is more difficult than ever to be fully informed regarding medical, lifestyle and scientific matters unless you are permanently hooked up with the electronic equivalent of...more

  73. Editorial Issue 176


  74. Editorial Issue 182

    I recently listened to the very inspiring Inheritance Tracks of Peter Tatchell on BBC Radio 4’s Saturday Live who selected We Shall Overcome by Joan Baez and Imagine by John Lennon...more

  75. Editorial Issue 233

    Am I guilty of hyperbole? Do I catastrophize and rail against what I perceive as ineffective, harmful, even deadly treatments espoused by the orthodox medical establishment? Positiv...more

  76. Editorial Issue 237

    Now in its 23rd year, Positive Health PH Online continues to publish articles and research pointing out how certain conventional treatment (drug-led) approaches are apparently being...more

  77. Editorial Issue 241

    I was incredulous to hear on the news this week – Sept 2017 - results of a five-year study of patients which reported that cyberchondria - people researching health symptoms onlin...more

  78. Editorial Issue 243

    Positive Health PH Online Issue 243 publishes an array of authoritative clinical, nutritional and fitness and bodywork features. Several articles in this issue help to shine a light...more

  79. Editorial Issue 262

    As we publish Positive Health PH Online Issue 262 end of April 2020, the entire world, at various stages of journeying through the Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic, has been viewing w...more

  80. Editorial Issue 39

    Nothing infuriates me more than hearing some "expert" pontificating about the lack of research or lack of proof regarding the therapeutic efficacy of complementary medicine.more

  81. Editorial Issue 56

    In a recent BBC2 documentary exploring the UK's poor cancer survival rate, members of a UK Parliamentary scientific select committee were seen visiting the USA's National Cancer In...more

  82. Editorial Issue 82

    "Have you seen the Breast Cancer Treatment section in this Sunday's The Observer?", my partner asked. As he handed me the 32-page supplement on 29 September, I was hoping to see a ...more

  83. Embracing Pain for Healing

    We’ve been taught to look at pain and illness as an enemy that needs to be defeated at all costs. And that is often what we get – a costly, and sometimes lengthy task of temporarily...more

  84. Emotional Detox

    The real benefits of detoxification - feeling purified, light, free and full of energy - are only truly achievable if the bodily experience of fasting, juicing or food elimination ...more

  85. Energy Credit-Crunch?

    Good health in terms of what we take into our body depends upon dealing with dehydration, malnutrition and toxicity.  Dealing with the last first, we need to eliminate toxins suc...more

  86. Essential Oils from the Tibetan Shangri-La

    My main purpose of this year's visit to India and Nepal was to re-discover and explore in greater depth the area of essential oils, the availability and quality of natural raw mate...more

  87. Evidence-based Practice: Cardiovascular Health - A Different Perspective

    In this column, the author states that heart disease and stroke are the main cause of death in the UK, and that more than one in three deaths in 2005 was attributed to cardiovasc...more

  88. Evolving Story of Vitamin D

    This article looks into the benefits and research history of Vitamin D which, the author says, isn't really a vitamin because it has to be metabolically activated before it can be ...more

  89. Exercise and Fitness: Blood Pressure: Truths and Myths

    The author gives a full explanation of what blood pressure is, how it is measured, the range of readings and their meaning (Low, Normal, High), and explains how and why blood press...more

  90. Exercise Program for the Older Years

    At the age of 77 I’m determined not only to get moving but to keep moving for as long as I possibly can. My ‘Sod sitting, get moving’ exercise plan consists of simple exercises spe...more

  91. Exploring the Link Between Exercise and Mental Health

    We all deal with stress in our daily lives. Work can be overwhelming, you may butt heads with your family, and even our daily commute can fill us with anxiety and make life harder t...more

  92. Factors Behind Infertility; Optimum Ages for Becoming Pregnant

    The subject of fertility has remained high on the news agenda in recent years and is understandably a topic many people will think about when first deciding to start a family.more

  93. Fast Food, Obesity and Ill Health: The urgent need to shift from chemical-based to real foods

    In this article on Obesity and Chronic Disease (CHD), the author, a McTimoney Chiropractor, authority on Candida and Wholefood Cookery says weight around the middle is a sign that ...more

  94. Fat is Good for You!

    This is the time of year when we often feel motivated to get healthy. Thoughts of fitting into holiday swim wear may loom large and for many this means dieting. Unfortunately weight...more

  95. Fix the Vexation: To Ease the Fizzy Storm

    Annoyance, vexation or anger are natural, instinctive responses to external, or internal, triggers. They signify a strong, aggressive state of mind and behaviour – a basic human ins...more

  96. From Shiroabhyangam to the Indian Head Massage

    The author explains the meaning of ‘shiroabhyangam’ – ‘Shir’ in Sanscrit means ‘head’, and ‘Abhyangam’ means ‘oil application. more

  97. Galium Aparine - Cleavers for Spring Cleansing

    One of the first wild herbs to appear in hedgerows in spring is cleavers. Also known as goosegrass as geese enjoy eating it, this common ‘weed’ is native to Europe and recognized b...more

  98. Giving Voice: Transformational Tool

    The author reports the success of Giving Voice (GV) when used with people with addictions and survivors of childhood sexual abuse.more

  99. Glyconutrients - The Missing Link?

    The authors explain that, according to the newly emerging technology of glycobiology (the study of sugars), it could be glyconutrients (simple sugars), rather than proteins, that a...more

  100. Gout

    Gout is often associated with the high life – rich food and alcohol – but, says the author, we should also be considering the genetic link. The condition is marked by pain and infl...more

  101. Grape Seed Extract Potent Antioxidant

    Much of science started in nature. Would you be surprised if your doctor prescribed 12 grams of dried grape seed three times daily? Would it be more understandable if he said 100mg...more

  102. Green Gold, Hemp Seed Oil and the Path to Health

    This column focuses on the virtues of hemp seed oil. According to the author, an Ayurvedic practitioner, there are 45 nutrients that humans cannot live without, and which our bod...more

  103. Hawaiian Healing

    For the ancient Hawaiians, spirituality and healing were intimately connected. Healing can be physical, such as massage or herbs or psychological, but always spiritual.more

  104. Healing with Laughter

    This Column gets into laughter and its power to heal. Humans are probably the only creatures for whom laughter is the greatest and most necessary free spice of life, says the autho...more

  105. Health Benefits of Foot Massage

    The many benefits of foot massage include releasing endorphins, lowering heart rate, lowering blood pressure, improving balance, and assisting with mental health problems.more

  106. Heart Failure or Therapy Failure? Toxins Cause Cardiomyopathy

    Cardiomyopathy simply means heart muscle disease. [1] It can occur as a primary affliction of the heart muscle, from a secondary condition negatively impacting heart function, or fr...more

  107. Heart Of The Matter

    Heart disease is aptly called the silent killer. A case in point: the tragic, untimely demise of Bollywood’s talented singer, Krishnakumar Kunnath, or KKmore

  108. Heart Problems and Prevention

    Heart disease can be prevented even if there is a strong tendency for heart problems in the family. Let's examine what are the symptoms of heart disease.more

  109. Herbal Medicine, Antibiotics and the Immune System

    Since the discovery of Penicillin antibiotics have come a long way. Ironically today Penicillin is rarely used as bacteria have become resistant. As each new family of antibiotics ...more

  110. High Blood Pressure - We Have the Perfect Medicine to Kill You Off


  111. Homeopathy and High Blood Pressure

    Homeopathy can help with High Blood Pressure, also known as hypertension, is a concern to anyone in the field of medicine or complementary health, since it can be one of the risk fa...more

  112. Homeopathy and Hypertension

    Hypertension (high blood pressure) is the result of a combination of factors, such as inherited predisposition, unsuitable diet, kidney disease, pregnancy problems and stress. The ...more

  113. How I Healed my Skin through Juicing Raw Fruit, Veg and Exercise

    A study published in the Archives Of Dermatology suggests:[1] 350 Britons each year commit suicide because of psoriasis; 10,400 develop depression; 7,100 are diagnosed...more

  114. How Obesity is Impacting the Pandemic: An Evidence-Based Guide

    The pandemic continues to affect our lives – perhaps now more than ever. “Pandemic stress” is a real thing, and it can lead to a wide array of both mental and physical health issu...more

  115. How to Educate Yourself on Eye Health Risks

    Can you think about the last time you went to the eye doctor for a normal check-up? Most of us visit the eye doctor thinking we need glasses or contact lenses. But there’s more than...more

  116. How to Increase Healthy Sleep and Reduce Stress

    People with chronic sleep disorders affect people on many physiological levels including sleep issues often leaving them feeling tired, frustrated and cranky.more

  117. How to Increase Your Energy Naturally

    Shocking survey results have revealed that three-quarters of the city-dwelling population in the UK are suffering from low energy and waking up tired as a result of a high intake o...more

  118. How to Lower High Blood Pressure

    High blood pressure (hypertension) affects more than one in four adults in the UK,[1] increasing their risk of serious conditions including heart attack and stroke. One of the bigge...more

  119. How To Prevent High Blood Pressure

    The typical image of a person with high blood pressure (hypertension) is an overweight, overworked male executive with a very short fuse. The truth is, high blood pressure affects p...more

  120. How to Stay Healthy at Your Desk

    In today’s society, the pressure of sitting at a desk all day is taking its toll on our bodies and our mental health. Stress, backache, tiredness and low energy are all common issue...more

  121. How to Treat Sleep Apnoea

    Sleep apnoea is a serious disorder which stops people’s breathing every few seconds during sleep and impacts between three and six per cent of the world’s adult population. It is ...more

  122. How to Walk the Talk

    Regular contributor Joël Carbonnel takes a look at walking and the positive effects it has. It keeps the bones strong, boosts the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, controls b...more

  123. How Yoga Can Help Reduce Stress

    Stress is one of the leading causes of health problems in the United States, and it can be tough to find a way to manage it. Yoga has been shown to be an effective way to reduce str...more

  124. How Yoga Practice Aids Many Age-Related Illnesses in Older Adults

    The statistics around ageing can sound quite grim when you put them altogether. Over 25% of seniors over 65 years of age will develop diabetes according to the American Diabetes Ass...more

  125. Hydrolats for Therapeutic Use

    From time to time you may have seen a product which seems to bear a variety of names such as hydrolat, hydrosol, floral water, distillate, and aromatic water, to name but a few and...more

  126. I Ching - Timeless Wisdom For Our Modern World

    The I Ching is a traditional source of wisdom dating back 5,000 years and remaining unchanged since its origin. It embodies the Chinese beliefs in the law of Yin and Yang and the f...more

  127. Imprisoned by Lies – Only the Truth will Set You Free

    We are so disconnected from the truth that we are unable to recognize the lies that underpin our society. It is absolutely true that when you repeat a lie often enough that we belie...more

  128. Inflammation on the Brain: How to Calm Inflammation with Essential Oils

    As you may know, inflammation is an immune response that is meant to be a short-term healing, protective measure. It triggers certain chemical reactions in your body that you may e...more

  129. Integrated Energy Therapy® (IET) - Channelled Energy from the Angelic Realms

    The author describes her own experience of traumas leading to anxiety and depression as well as lower back pain and long-standing IBS.  She came across Integrated Energy Therapy  (...more

  130. Integrating Colour with Reflexology

    Reflexology and colour therapy have their roots in the distant past. As individual therapies, they have tremendous therapeutic value. When used in conjunction with each other, they...more

  131. Intentionality in Alternative Medicine

    Representatives of Western medicine consider ethnomedicine (i.e., alternative medicine) to be anecdotal and unproven which gives the words ‘anecdotal’ and ‘unproven’ a new meanin...more

  132. Introduction to Aqua Tai-Chi

    The Author developed the Aqua Tai-Chi system of exercises in 1986, which combines Tai-Chi with other Chi Kung/Taoist exercises, after recognizing the importance of the feeling of b...more

  133. Iodine - The Forgotten Mineral

    The article lists symptoms of thyroid deficiency, which range from depression to chronic sinus infections. Iodine deficiency is now recognised by the World Health Organisation as ...more

  134. Is it a Man’s World? Can Homeopathy help with Erectile Dysfunction?

    Due to the anatomy of a woman’s body and the fact that throughout her life (barring any unforeseen or unusual circumstances) her female hormones will come into play as she passes th...more

  135. Is Laughter Really the Best Medicine?

    Laughter yoga was invented by Dr Madan Kataria. As he was writing his article Laughter the best medicine for a health magazine he decided to try out the techniques inspired by Norma...more

  136. Is Resistance Futile? - Conventional vs. Integrative, CAM, and Cancer Protocols

    In December 2012 I helped the Daily Express with an article, Do Cancer Alternatives Really Work? It was a topic of interest to the media at that time because the young mother ran ...more

  137. Keep Moving, Live Longer and Stay Healthy

    Dr Goes writes that after a whole day in front of a PC, many of us rush to the gym or go for a run, believing that a bout of vigorous exercise will compensate for a sedentary lifest...more

  138. Ketchup - Healthy Heart

    This article focuses on the benefits of tomatoes and tomato ketchup. Tomato ketchup is a natural source of the powerful antioxidant lycopene which the human body is unable to manuf...more

  139. Kombucha Tea Therapy

    Kombucha has proved itself to be a quite remarkable therapeutic drink, made from sweetened tea into which a Kombucha culture (a symbiosis of bacteria and yeasts) is placed.more

  140. Let Music Be Your Chill Pill

    “Music,” as philosopher Plato said, “gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and life to everything.” It not only fills us with the purpose of th...more

  141. Letters to the Editor Issue 101

    Yorkshire Man Ready to Take on European Union + Codex Alimentarius – Optimizing Nutrient Intakesmore

  142. Letters to the Editor Issue 115

    Obituary: Michael Gearin-Tosh: 16 January 1940-29 July 2005 + Have You Recovered From CFS?  + European Food Supplement Ban Avoided By Mutual Cooperation  + Study: Beta Blockers Don...more

  143. Letters to the Editor Issue 126

    Gerda Boyesen: 18 May 1922 – 29 December 2005 + Student Nutritionist Seeks Work Experience + PH and the Tremendous Amount of Work Ahead of Us + Modern Medicine? What a great idea! ...more

  144. Letters to the Editor Issue 128

    Biodynamic Psychotherapy and Massage + Food, Cooking and Nutrition in Schools + Attacks on Homeopathy + The Growth of a Lie and the End of ‘Conventional’ Medicine + Patrick Holford...more

  145. Letters to the Editor Issue 135

    BCNH response to Roger Highfield’s article in The Telegraph – Alternative Medicine Degrees 'Anti-Scientific’? + BCMA Replies to FIH + Poor Methodology in Meta-Analysis of Vitamins ...more

  146. Letters to the Editor Issue 177

    ...if you are an honest scientist, it does not matter if it's moondust if it's working, you have got to follow through. I also believe that truth always comes to the top...  - Dr N...more

  147. Letters to the Editor Issue 189

    Two Vitamin C Tablets Every Day Could Save 200,000 Lives Every Yearmore

  148. Letters to the Editor Issue 191

    The War Against Nutritional Medicine: Why We Love Our Criticsmore

  149. Letters to the Editor Issue 241

    Anti-Inflammatory, Anti-Stress Drugs Taken Prior to Surgery May Reduce Metastatic Recurrence + Articles on ME/CFS by Margaret Williams and Professor Malcolm Hooper + Unilever acquir...more

  150. Letters to the Editor Issue 250

    Tribute Obituary Leon Chaitow ND DO 7 December 1937 – 20 September 2018 + A moral governance crisis: the growing lack of democratic collaboration and scientific pluralism in Cochran...more

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