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About Sandra Goodman PhD
![Sandra Goodman PhD [Image: Sandra Goodman PhD]](/img/original/AuthorAvatar/244.62ffa94874933d984977383b930a3231.jpg)
Sandra Goodman PhD, Co-founder and Editor of Positive Health, trained as a Molecular Biology scientist in Agricultural Biotechnology in Canada and the US, focusing upon health issues since the 1980s in the UK. Author of 4 books, including Nutrition and Cancer: State-of-the-Art, Vitamin C – The Master Nutrient, Germanium: The Health and Life Enhancer and numerous articles, Dr Goodman was the lead author of the Consensus Document Nutritional and LifeStyle Guidelines for People with Cancer and compiled the Cancer and Nutrition Database for the Bristol Cancer Help Centre in 1993. Dr Goodman is passionate about making available to all people, particularly those with cancer, clinical expertise in Nutrition and Complementary Therapies. Dr Goodman was recently featured as Doctor of the Fortnight in ThinkWellness360.
Dr Goodman and long-term partner Mike Howell seek individuals with vision, resources, and organization to continue and expand the Positive Health PH Online legacy beyond the first 30 years, with facilities for training, to fund alternative cancer research, and promote holistic organizations internationally. Read about Dr Goodman and purchase Nutrition and Cancer: State-of-the-Art. She may be contacted privately for Research, Lectures and Editorial services via: sandra@drsgoodman.com www.drsgoodman.com sandra@positivehealth.com and www.positivehealth.com
Articles by Sandra Goodman PhD
Listed in cancer
Breast Cancer: The Epidemic that Will NOT Go Away
The Role of Nutrition in Cancer Prevention and Treatment
Listed in cancer
This article seeks to open the eyes of those physicians who unfairly criminalize nutrition as an effective cancer treatment methodology and presents detailed worldwide research find...
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Those of us who wish to protect our health and that of our families and patients are definitely on a collision course with the Big Brother authorities – multinational pharmac...
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I get extremely irritated, in fact infuriated, at the constant derisory carping and criticism about complementary therapies appearing in the print, electronic and broadcast media.
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The old saying plus ça change, plus cest la même chose is a time-honoured truism with both positive and negative attributes.
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When I originally started Positive Health some nine years ago, my motivation was to provide authoritative clinical and research information about complementary medicine to people wh...
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When I recently received The British Association of Flower Essences Producers newsletter advising that Flower Essences may come under the aegis of the Traditional Herbal Medicines D...
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The current healthcare system is light years from being integrated, vis àvis Orthodox and Complementary disciplines. This can be exemplified by reading comments from some of th...
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Robert Charman (see Letters) has got it absolutely right. Looking at the recent BBC1 series Living with Cancer, Monday evenings at 10.35pm, one might get the impression that all the...
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As individuals, how we choose to support causes, complementary medicine in particular, may literally save our lives.As eloquently discussed by Dorothy Rowe Ph.D., we typically take ...
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We in the UK have been forced to witness with numbing incredulity the slaughter of millions of healthy livestock and other animals, due to apparent scientific incompetence and burea...
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The origins of numerous effective therapies and treatments often arise from the desperate search for relief of sufferers of devastating illnesses. In this age of evidence-based medi...
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I place a great deal of importance upon the integrity and reliability of the source of critical information, particularly when it may impact upon my health and wellbeing.
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In a recent BBC2 documentary exploring the UKs poor cancer survival rate, members of a UK Parliamentary scientific select committee were seen visiting the USAs National Cancer Insti...
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There are few people I speak with who do not consider being afflicted and disabled by a stroke to be one of their worst nightmares. In that momentary cerebral accident, lives change...
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Like many others, I used some of the so-called holiday period as an opportunity to catch up with big projects that I had been putting off due to the manic load of everyday work task...
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-Have you seen the Breast Cancer Treatment section in this Sunday The Observer?, my partner asked. As he handed me the 32-page supplement on 29 September, I was hoping to see a holi...
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Spending as much time as I do reading research, journals and books from all areas of health, the amount of vigorous, even vicious disagreement among top experts in every field never...
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As individuals, it is difficult, yet vital, to remind ourselves of the absolute importance of doing our utmost to protect and nurture our own health. Especially so today, amidst the...
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In my review of Petrene Soames book The Essence of Self-Healing, I quipped that she has more courage than I to predict that serious illnesses such as cancer, stroke and Alzheimers w...
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Many features herein concern healing - transformation, healing with music and meditation and healing from cancer.
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How to find a qualified, competent complementary practitioner ought to be a straight forward enough process; however, as you can deduce from Sarah Noble article of that title, nothi...
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In Issues 62 and 63, I have discussed the considerable impact that individuals, clinicians and researchers can exert upon therapeutic healthcare progress and hence upon all our live...
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Recently I have been reminiscing, with deep misgivings, about how a significant body of conventional medical research is being subverted away from the good of the public and patient...
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It has been utterly frustrating for me to witness the constantly denigrating and sometimes tragic consequences of polarization from within and without complementary medicine.
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I am continuously shocked by the colossal ignorance of health professionals regarding published research across the many disciplines of Complementary Medicine.
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Call me simpleminded, but my idea of optimum healthcare has always been that, depending on the severity and nature of the medical problem, the most appropriate treatment(s) should b...
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It is a terrible situation when the penny drops and you realize that you cannot trust anyone to tell you the truth about life and death health matters. This is certainly the conclus...
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Published Research is inspirational for me. In this issue, MacPherson et al reported that of a total of 34,407 acupuncture treatments, there were no serious adverse events reported...
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That the Mind has a profound effect upon our health, via brain-immune modulation is not a new revelation. In fact, as per the recent review of the literature of psycho-neuro-immunol...
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In breach of the Maastricht Treaty
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I have been thinking of late that everyone around me and my colleagues seems to be either getting cancer or dying of cancer. In fact, this deeply distressing state of affairs is not...
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The rampant commercial attitude of many organizations, even within charities, healthcare and spiritual pursuits, has been a continuing revelation and source of distaste for me. We h...
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To badly paraphrase former US President Bill Clinton, -Its the Evidence, Stupid! Or, should I say, all the massive evidence regarding nutrition and cancer, which is in the public do...
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In the last issue I discussed how pivotal individual suffering and motivation can be in the development of important health treatments, particularly for chronic or intractable condi...
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Over ten years ago, while I was researching the literature for Vitamin C – The Master Nutrient, I came across the despairing cries of doctors who, having discovered even as f...
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Regarding scientific research and other important health information, the most difficult attributes to ferret out, but which are fundamental, underlying the information reliability ...
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The huge gulf which exists between natural-oriented therapies and people who follow more mainstream life practices never ceases to amaze me.
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As a child growing up in relatively affluent Canada during the 1950s and 60s, some of my most powerful formative influences were the frequent famines and horrors of conflict â€â€...
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Given the ongoing somewhat ferocious scrutiny regarding the safety of the many diverse therapies within Complementary Medicine – Aromatherapy, Nutrition, Herbal Medicine - to...
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The Government has appointed a Cancer Supremo to try to prevent 100,000 cancer deaths over the next 10 years. On the news bulletins have been reports of more money, more Consultants...
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There are few subjects more emotive, and dare I say political, than food and diet. Just reflect upon the billions spent in advertising all manner of food and beverages, mainly of th...
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Sadly, more often than not, it is only when we ourselves, or someone close to us, become seriously ill that we realise our own fragility and lack of certain knowledge regarding natu...
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When I was growing up, there were constant remarks from my parents and other grown-ups that as you got older you also became wiser and more experienced. I never had much truck for t...
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The concept -you are responsible for creating your reality- has been around in various guises for ages. My father would say -the way you make your bed you will lie in it-, and anoth...
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If you were at high risk of getting breast cancer what would you do? Suppose that you were in your early 30s, and a DNA test showed that you had inherited a gene with an 80% probabi...
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Shakespeare may have said that music has charms to soothe the savage breast, but this savage breast is not soothed by the enormous amount of misinformation about, especially regardi...
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Nearly 40 years ago, a young child critically ill with meningitis, I lay close to death in a Montreal hospital. Memories of the attempts of the doctors to diminish the pain of spina...
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You may have seen the recent headlines claiming that vitamin C causes clogged arteries and may therefore be a risk to heart disease. You may wonder what I, as an author of a book on...
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I get really furious when so-called experts pronounce utter nonsense in an authoritative way to their captive audience on radio or television. So, imagine my reaction while listenin...
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While there is no shortage of acceptable practitioners around, when I have a health problem to sort out, I have always found it difficult to locate that really superb therapist who ...
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It has been exciting to be able to review two outstanding books in this issue (please see pages 5-8), both documenting how nutrition can radically improve our health and even allevi...
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Very recently, a lovely woman known to all of us at Positive Health arrived in tears, with the devastating news that her 46-year old daughter had just been diagnosed with breast ca...
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Penny Brohn, internationally renowned campaigner for holistic cancer treatment and co-founder of the Bristol Cancer Help Centre, died late last year following a 15-year battle with ...
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During my lifetime, and particularly during the past 15 years, I have been at the receiving end of frankly outrageous diagnoses from a variety of practitioners, some of them fairly ...
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Happiness and Depression have become two of the most common, everyday words we bandy about. Yet, whereas talking, writing and giving seminars about how to achieve happiness can be a...
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Complementary Medicine has not even achieved relegation status, because it has not yet officially joined the healthcare system league. While healthcare priorities entail high-tech, ...
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There is a clichéd and outmoded notion that as we grow older we get more rigid in our beliefs and ways of viewing the world. As a teenager I enthusiastically embraced the slogan ...
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It seems the notion that having a positive attitude toward the therapy you are currently receiving will enhance its therapeutic effect has become a perceived truism.
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I sometimes fantasise (as I know many of us do) about what it would be like to live in another era, say before electricity, the car, radio, television, or the telephone. In fact, to...
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We tend to pride ourselves with being well-informed and knowledgeable. With all the high-tech gizmos, internet and network communications available, we congratulate ourselves with o...
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Where do you go to sort out your health problems? With such an incredible array of hugely diverse therapeutic approaches – from Healing, Reiki, Homeopathy, Herbs, Nutrition, ...
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Nothing infuriates me more than hearing some expert pontificating about the lack of research or lack of proof regarding the therapeutic efficacy of complementary medicine.
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What attributes make for a good practitioner, and, perhaps, more importantly, which sort of practitioner is right for you and your particular health problem? These fundamental quest...
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Cancer survival statistics make for sober reading, especially these days when the media are always ready to announce breakthroughs or miracle cures. Most intelligent people who do n...
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It has become an accepted fact that the causes of many cancers and other diseases are determined to a significant extent by environmental and dietary factors, including smoking, dri...
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Can you remember those times in your life when you have suffered a severe disappointment – when the penny finally dropped that someone close to you, or whom you trusted, had ...
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Complementary Medicine appears to be making significant progress - growing popularity with the public, increased albeit sometimes begrudging acceptance by the medical profession, a ...
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One of the many reasons that complementary medicine seems to get the short end of the stick when it comes to money, recognition and validation, is that by espousing to care for the ...
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There are so many modalities by which people can be treated and healed. This is a central truism emerging in this issue, so elegantly put by Leon Chaitow in his column (page 19) and...
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What happens at the interface of mind and body is arguably one of the most exciting and profound areas of health and life today, as it has been through the millennia. Not by acciden...
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The international research databases, clinicians notes, health books and magazines abound with the excellent therapeutic progress being made with complementary therapies. To read ho...
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There is an incredible diversity of professional opinion and approach even amongst practitioners of the same complementary therapies. This applies across virtually all disciplines.....
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There are a staggering array of therapies under the wide umbrella of complementary medicine and it is difficult, if not impossible for any one person to know, understand, or even re...
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In my days as a research scientist, I used to think that the way to broaden medical treatment methods was to do rigorous research and prove that a certain treatment or regime has a ...
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Thinking outside of the box is probably one of the most crucial qualities required by health practitioners. Alas, the world of medicine, and, indeed, the greater world of politics, ...
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My blood is boiling, again. While in the shower this morning, I had been mentally formulating what I wished to say in the Editorial of this Issue.
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I used to think that nutritional approaches for cancer treatment were the only fields marginalized vis àvis conventional medical orthodoxy. However, it is far, far worse; all co...
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David Walkers story (see pages 35-38) is both an inspiring and hideous example of the ongoing criminal suppression, by (mainly US) governments, law enforcement agencies such as the ...
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In over nine years of publishing Positive Health, I had never before been telephoned directly by the Medicines and Health Regulatory Agency (MHRA), previously called the Medicines C...
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I am somewhat amazed, and exceedingly proud to announce that Positive Health is now 10 years old and about to enter its second decade of publication.
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Regular readers of Positive Health know that I constantly harangue the medical establishment, government regulatory bodies and the media regarding the widespread scandalous ignoranc...
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I have a serious issue around trusting health experts. Your life and heath, and mine, may depend upon not trusting the received wisdom of conventional experts. There are a number of...
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I have never been comfortable with the dichotomies and schisms semantically describing various approaches to healthcare. Why do we have to continually divide and categorize types of...
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As professional health practitioners and serious users of complementary medicine, I imagine that the majority of Positive Health readers may not respond well to massively overblown,...
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How should we practise medicine? At first glance, this might seem as daft a question as How long is a piece of string? Or How do I love thee, let me count the ways. You might imagin...
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I sense that as practitioners and/or consumers of complementary medicine, we currently find ourselves in strained circumstances, sometimes with conflicting allegiances. This, I feel...
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The media and medical establishment climate we live in defies belief! According to research widely reported in the UK, more than 10,000 people in the UK, die every year from adverse...
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A Research Update in this issue by Sherry et al (see page 42) relates the successful treatment in Sydney Australia of an intractable MRSA infection of the lower tibia of a 49-year o...
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Since reading Vaccination: A Guide for Making Personal Choices (reviewed on page 61), I have continued to be impressed by the stunning clarity of this little book. Author Dr Hans-Pe...
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This past week I was exceedingly saddened to view BBC Watchdog (Monday 4 October) which attacked the nutritional and diet therapy of the Nutritional Cancer Therapy Trust, which is b...
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As you may already have heard, Heres Health, the longest lived magazine in the UK about Complementary Medicine, ceased publication; the November 2004 issue was the last. This inform...
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The other night on Newsnight I viewed a most innovative treatment by a Chinese doctor for degenerative neurological conditions including spinal cord injury, paralysis, ALS (Lou Gehr...
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Dr Robert Atkins, who tragically died last year after falling on the pavement and hitting his head, has been the subject of innumerable, inaccurate and sometimes ignorant swipes, bo...
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It is sometimes hard to know whether matters are progressing or not with Complementary Medicine. There are times when one almost despairs. Take the case of Jennifer Worth (see page...
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John Spottiswoode thought-provoking feature Cancer Causes and Mechanisms: Hypothesis (see pages 29-34) offers many fascinating insights regarding his central hypothesis that vario...
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I have been extremely apprehensive about what the best voting options would be at the general election on 5 May regarding the EU Supplement and Herbal Medicines Directive.
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The freedom to improve our health and treat numerous conditions using nutritional and herbal medicines is constantly under threat. Positive Health has widely publicized the campaig...
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It has been awhile since I have been riveted by a genuinely exciting, inspiring scientific tale of discovery that clinically alleviates symptoms of long-sufferers of Chronic Fatigue...
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The ruling about the EU Food Supplement Directive (FSD) at the European Court of Justice (ECJ) on 12th July has, thankfully, not resulted in the Armageddon scenario previously feare...
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It is generally only through the sobering experience of personal or family illness and the ensuing medical treatments for that condition that we discover the truly pervasive and pos...
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As can be gleaned from a number of features, book reviews and letters within this issue, cancer is hardly the good news it is sometimes presented as in the Media. In the words of Be...
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The Headlines report that perhaps as many as one million mistakes occur within the NHS and that 2000 patients die every year from a variety of errors, ranging from falls, errors in ...
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Unbelievably, I was recently emailed a Press Release with the heading - Millions at Risk from Vitamins Overdose. I thought that someone was deliberately winding me up; however, the ...
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My partner suffered 7 hours of violent vomiting, following food poisoning after eating a meat pie purchased from our local Supermarket. Their response was pathetically customer serv...
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There is a huge volume of published material in all fields of Complementary Medicine. Such is the volume, that finding a place to house all the books and journals which PH receives ...
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Please read the inspiring story (see pages 42-43) of how David Longmans daughter Louise (now aged 21) was successfully treated and cured of a benign vascular tumour which had blight...
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The media disparages Complementary Medicine almost as quackery and voodoo witchcraft; snide comments in the print and broadcast media are prone to insinuation and scaremongering, po...
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In the Research Updates of this issue (see page 38 under Antioxidants), K Landmark from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo, Norway has published a review of the literature ...
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My father died at the end of 2005, just prior to the New Year. The immediate cause of his death was the inability of his diabetic leg ulcers to heal; these had become infected and g...
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A longitudinal investigation of 143,325 individuals, initiated in 1992 by the American Cancer Society and followed up in 1997, 1999 and 2001, examined whether people exposed to pes...
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I have long been discovering that much that I had once been taught about science or health is incorrect, or that the information was presented with a biased agenda.
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One of my current pet hates is the over-riding obsession in our culture with cheapness, value for money, buy-one-get-one-free mentality. This paradigm pervades our entire lifestyle,...
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Fast Food, Obesity and Ill Health (see page 26), Living with Multiple Sclerosis and Treatment Approaches (see page19), The Holistic and Environmentally Friendly Home (see page 34), ...
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There are a number of tangible threats which put at risk many vital products and practices of Complementary Medicine. These include:
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By the time this January 07 issue of Positive Health is published a few days prior to Christmas, we will all, hopefully, be having at least a bit of a rest over the holiday season. ...
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Over the past 15 years of producing Positive Health (PH), it has never ceased to amaze me how health professionals view the world and filter health evidence from such unbelievably v...
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I do not usually relish reading Editorials in specialist journals or magazines where the Editor is pontificating upon subjects outside the remit of their publication, and that is wh...
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Sylvia Baker comments about how the Editorial in the March Issue (see letters page 52) had struck a cord in her and her friends have been rolling around in my mind all month.
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I received an email from a Canadian relative who had previously contacted me two years ago, seeking information for her husband struggling with prostate cancer.
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I direct all Positive Health (PH) readers to the Regulation Concerns letter on page 46 of this June Issue. This is an important communiqué, signed by A Concerned Professional; I ...
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This July Issue of Positive Health (PH) has an overall healing theme, with lucid and inspiring features about Meditation (Chronicles of Samadhi), Reiki (Angelic Reiki – A New...
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Am I a naïve imbecile or what? Just as more detailed research is being published and accumulated regarding the importance of diet and nutrition in disease prevention and treatmen...
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Today it is more difficult than ever to be fully informed regarding medical, lifestyle and scientific matters unless you are permanently hooked up with the electronic equivalent of ...
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The extent to which all endeavours have now been reduced to an Accountant-like bottom line mentality is breathtaking and despicable.
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Continuing on from my Economics and Budget discourse from the previous month (Issue 140, Oct 07), I have been further exercising my brain about the arbitrary nature of our current e...
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The notion that the individual, i.e. you or I, can make a difference to the world, has become familiar, yet sacred within the spiritual as well as the broader mainstream world.
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I am reminded again and again that the terms which we all use frequently to delineate ourselves from orthodox medicine, are wholly inadequate. These include the alphabet soup compri...
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I have been ruminating about Karin Leonards inspiring and highly practical feature Seven Principles for Life-Balance, which is totally in accord with the way that we ought to lead o...
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I was shocked when Martin Walker met me in Bristol in 1992 to discuss the Germanium debacle with me. During the mid to late 1980s, I had been researching organic germanium’s ...
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When I look at the Research Updates in this issue of Positive Health (PH) (please see pages 30-33), I see the tremendous progress made in the quality and nature of research investi...
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At a time that we face a crisis in nutritional health and malnourishment in much of the population due to inadequate nutrition for hospital patients, junk foot diet habits and dimin...
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This issue of Positive Health carries an extended special feature regarding Nursing in Complementary Medicine, to acknowledge and honour the vanguard role that nurses are playing in...
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Nurses have been using and adapting complementary therapies to the clinical setting of hospitals, clinics and labour wards for many years, away from the limelight of headlines and t...
Food and Nutrition for Optimum Health
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The food that we eat exerts an extraordinarily potent influence upon our health and well-being at many levels – molecular, physiological, psychological and spiritual.
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As a child during the 1950s, the treatment for earache was the application of heated oil ear drops. In the days before the widespread use of antibiotics, having a cold meant staying...
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I and others of like mind have been railing against the hopelessly divided systems of orthodox and complementary medicine for more than a decade. Now, finally, the new buzzword is i...
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I suppose that I behave like most other people when hit by a particular health problem. On the one hand, I am driven to discover the nature and diagnosis of the problem to satisfy m...
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An Interview with Leslie Kenton about the menopause, progesterone and other health problems of interest to women.
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Dreams, Visions, Goals. These are the stuff which inspire and motivate us, fire our passion and spirit and, through our conscious and unconscious actions, ultimately determine and c...
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Deepak Chopra enunciates the self-evident yet profound truth (see interview page 27), that every diet works for some people, but that no diet works for everyone, since we are all un...
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In all the years since Positive Health (PH) has been established, one key area which has never ceased to astonish me has been the vastly differing areas of perception regarding dive...
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The real cause of BSE!! + Bodily wear and tear + Not so Bizarre Bazaar!!
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Recently, the negative media coverage regarding the so-called worthlessness or even fraudulence of Complementary Medicine has been growing into an almost deafening crescendo.
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It is indeed shocking these days to witness the spectacle of breathtaking spin and mendacity emanating from leaders of nations – Zimbabwe, Sudan, Burma, China, even the USA a...
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Hardly a week goes by without the print and broadcast media taking a swipe at Complementary Medicine, as if these techniques are completely bogus. PH was originally founded to refut...
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The work of Dr Stephen Mannion, profiled by Dr (Lord) Robert Winston on Super Doctors, aired Thursday 4 September on BBC1 Television is totally inspiring...
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These are exceedingly frustrating times for those of us, and that includes most PH readers, who yearn for an integrated approach to healthcare which embraces the best of all discipl...
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This Dec Issue 153 of PH Online has an appropriately seasonal theme – with the nights starting to close in and, as animals, we feel like hibernating to re-charge our batterie...
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During this transition period around the New Year 2009, the contents of the PH Online Jan Issue 154 provide us with substantive yet contemplative material upon which to reflect.
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Even were we not now living through perhaps the greatest period of financial turmoil since the Great Depression, February is typically the time of the year when the high from all th...
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Searching for and researching the best information regarding our health conditions, and not necessarily trusting and accepting what the experts pronounce, can help to save our own l...
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Most PH readers are familiar with the wide variety of expert shades of opinion which prevails within just about every health discipline. This includes fields as diverse as Healing, ...
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As we publish PH Online May Issue 158, the world community is at a knife edge, wondering whether the Swine Influenza Virus H1N1 will become a pandemic event, and if so, if this will...
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Just as we are publishing this June 2009 Issue 159 of PH Online, the death of Dr Abram Hoffer at age 92, has been reported. Dr Hoffer was one of the great pioneers of Orthomolecular...
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Many people, myself included, are a patchwork of being both mind (left brain)-oriented (live in their heads), as well as emotionally perceptive, sensitive and prone to mood swings. ...
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I should be deliriously happy, as a qualified research scientist, that research now appears to occupy media headlines.
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Perhaps a most important impetus for launching Positive Health PH back in 1994 was the dearth of authoritative information about clinical developments and research in the numerous d...
SG - Clinical Cancer Research Studies
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Clinical Cancer Research Studies, seminars
SG - Role of Ganoderma Supplementation in Cancer Management
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Role of Ganoderma Supplementation in Cancer Management
SG - Molecular Cancer Research
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Molecular Cancer Research Seminar
SG - Nutritional Cancer Research Seminar
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Seminar subjects for Nutritional Cancer Research Seminar in Sept 2009
SG - Land of Confusion: How Poor Science and Misleading Media Coverage
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Poor scientific work done by physicians and scientists - plus a lack of proper filters in journalism coverage of science - is contributing to misleading and contradictory dietary su...
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List of cance research web sites.
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Charts from a cancer seminar given by Sandra Goodman in 2009
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Recently I gave a talk about Nutrition and Cancer Research to post graduate Nutrition students at the Centre for Nutrition and Lifestyle Management (CNELM). Despite my lengthy 3-hou...
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When I was a young child, I used to roll my eyes when my father told me things such as things do not change, or, children think they are re-discovering America.
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I am the recipient of mountains of correspondence via post and emails; this will not surprise most PH readers, who are also presumably drowning in their own deluge of paperwork and ...
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Just as we are finalizing this Jan 2010 issue of PH Online, comes the incredible circulated news of the alleged kidnap of Alpha Omega Laboratory owner Greg Caton from Ecuador to th...
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As controversy swirls, not for the first time, around President Barack Obama healthcare reforms in the USA, we publish a review in this Feb 2010 Issue 167 of Death by Medicine[1] by...
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As we publish this March 2010 Issue 168 edition of Positive Health PH Online, with cover story Molecular Genetic Discoveries: Towards a Better Understanding of Homeopathy by Dr Pete...
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This PH Online April Issue 169 publishes outstanding Editorial features encompassing the disciplines of Mind / Body / Emotion / Spirit.
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With the burgeoning of internet sites which instantly publish research information, including links to social networking sites which can go viral, need I reiterate that at times th...
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The politics and political status of Complementary / Alternative / Integrated Medicine have been central features throughout the past 16 years since Positive Health PH Online has be...
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Being a Writer or Editor, at least for myself, generally means being attached to a desk, computer and telephone / email, not going out and conversing with the great and the good. I...
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There are a number of Research Updates in this PH Online Aug Issue 173 which point to potentially significant steps in our understanding of certain cancers.
Listed in colon health
The study and therapeutic use of various beneficial bacteria for health purposes for humans and animals is termed Probiotics, literally - for life.
Chelation Research Merits Priority Attention
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The statistics regarding Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) and Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) make grim reading. In the UK, CHD affects 24% of all men and 25% of all women – with 15...
Endometriosis - An Urgent Priority
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Why is endometriosis not featured in headline news articles? This blighter of womens lives is not some obscure or insignificant condition - far from it. Rather, this painful and de...
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This Sept 2010 Issue 174 of Positive Health PH Online publishes significant information regarding important health issues.
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As we publish this October 2010 Issue 175 of Positive Health PH Online, news items have been prominent across the media regarding progress with targeted genome molecular research in...
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This Positive Health PH Online Dec 2010 Issue 177 publishes, as is usual, Editorial features of outstanding originality, diversity and integrity encompassing the enormous spectrum o...
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PositiveHealthOnline Editorial Issue 178
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As my partner continues to gradually get better with his shingles and my tmj chewing problem appears to be diminishing, I have been re-evaluating whether techniques for visualizatio...
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finance, politics, international, science, healthcare, cancer, vitamin c
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ver the years, there have been countless campaigns to fight for the availability of nutritional and herbal medicines. The Alliance of Natural Health is now in the process of mountin...
Macrobiotics and Cancer and Whole Grains with High Phytonutrient Activity - Research Compilation
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Reporting a number of interesting and informative research studies about macrobiotic diet and cancer, including experience with macrobiotics for tinnitus. Following is a compilation...
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I recently listened to the very inspiring Inheritance Tracks of Peter Tatchell on BBC Radio 4’s Saturday Live who selected We Shall Overcome by Joan Baez and Imagine by John Lennon...
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Several articles in this June 2011 Issue 183 of Positive Health PH Online describe how natural functions such as our breathing and voice have far-reaching effects upon our physical,...
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This is Positive Health PH Online July 2011 Issue 184. Each issue, I endeavour to select a group of eclectic yet authoritative articles which span the entire remit across Complement...
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Editorial for Positive Health Online issue 186
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How can one compare the seemingly more prosaic Integrated Medicine magazine with testosterone-powered revolution? Of course they inhabit totally different universes; however the new...
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letters to the editor
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Strange how each issue of Positive Health PH Online seems to have its own ‘theme’, despite my non-selection, or so I think. As I commission and put together each issue of PH Online,...
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PH Online Dec Issue 189 issues publishes two seminal features documenting a historical perspective of Homeopathy and Hypnotherapy, as well as two articles illustrating Macrobiotic h...
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Here we are, on the cusp of 2012 – the start of the 18th year of Positive Health PH Online. The flow of authoritative, informative and useful natural health information never ceases...
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I don’t suppose I am unique, but for me 2011 was an annus horribilis (I have been intending to blog about why, but haven’t yet found the time); I have been quietly thrilled that 201...
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The link between a person’s beliefs, agenda, training has an inestimable influence upon the prism through which they view health issues, political actions, indeed probably every asp...
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My partner Mike Howell and I launched Positive Health PH Online in 1994, following my setting up of the Cancer and Nutrition database for the then Bristol Cancer Help Centre (BCNH) ...
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It never ceases to amaze me how stridently opposing views are voiced from health and medical professionals inhabiting the same world of healthcare, and who all supposedly must be re...
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As Editor and one of the co-founders of Positive Health PH Online, you can imagine the mountains of daily emails I receive; in fact, one of my recent resolutions I am enacting, als...
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This PH Online July Issue 196 publishes two authoritative articles dealing with weight at the extreme ends of the spectrum – Claudia Louch’s Expert Column about cancer cachexia To W...
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The longer I work in the field of publishing medical health information - both natural and conventional treatment approaches, the more I feel as though I live in a warped universe....
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I can report that as usual, there are events of Alternative / Complementary / Natural Medicine prompting dramatic, urgent actions, such as the current ban by the UK medicines regula...
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We are all groaning from the sheer weight of available information about every aspect of health, in technical and popular media. I spend just about my entire life reading, researc...
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It seems unbelievable that here we are with Issue 200 of Positive Health PH Online. The launch of PH was inspired by a suggestion from my partner and co-director Mike Howell while I...
A Transcript - Natural Approaches to the Menopause
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'Natural Approaches to the Menopause'
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Introduction to the Menopause Symposium
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Welcome to the Natural Approaches to the Menopause Symposium. It is a pleasure to see you all here today, and I hope that we will all benefit personally and achieve a cross-fertili...
List of Exhibitors and Speakers
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List of Exhibitors and Speakers
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No matter how many years I have been Editor of Positive Health PH Online - about 19 years and 201 issues - there is nothing that brings home more clearly the stark reality of illnes...
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As we are poised on the brink of moving into the new year 2013, this Issue 202 of Positive Health PH Online similarly bridges many of the gaps which certain forces believe to separa...
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Welcome to 2013 and the Feb Issue 203 of Positive Health PH Online - our 19th year of publication!!
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What a world we live in today, being inundated, even assaulted with endless scandals of sexual impropriety by politicians, priests and popular media figures. As if it is not enough ...
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My heart is always cheered when I read research investigating the mode of anti-cancer action of a natural substance so was very interested in the research update by Shitaba et al fr...
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Integrated Cancer Treatment today is a total misnomer. Physicians are prevented from proposing or administering any treatments other than surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy . ....
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Positive Health PH Online readers appreciate how, in healthcare as in all other endeavours, our treatment approaches are influenced by our worldview - our education, training, beli...
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There are several factors regarding cancer treatment regimens conspiring to create a catch-22 situation, preventing the broadening the scope of cancer treatment.
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This is PH Online Issue 209 - yes 209 issues, 19+ - approaching 20 years - of Positive Health - the publication spanning the complete spectrum of mind [including spiritual] - body s...
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Positive Health PH Online has always placed an important emphasis upon the environmental impact upon our health, publishing numerous editorial features over the decades describing m...
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2014 is Positive Health PH Online’s 20th Anniversary; the growing international PH Online community continues to esteem this quality collection of articles, research and book review...
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In this Feb 2014 Issue 212 of Positive Health PH Online, we continue along the 20th anniversary journey since the launch of PH in 1994.
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In this 20th anniversary year of Positive Health PH Online, the political climate appears to be heating up, although I don’t suppose that there was never any heat - just perhaps tha...
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Given that 2014 is the 20th anniversary year since the launch of Positive Health PH Online, there is much to contemplate regarding progress or lack thereof with respect of the integ...
Nutrition and Life-style Guidelines for People with Cancer
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The significance of nutritional and life-style guidelines for people with cancer is examined in this consensus document.
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our ability to overcome infection / diseases and maintain good health
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I have been reflecting about how often during my life I have made ‘wrong’ decisions which have resulted in me pursuing the wrong course / career path, living in the wrong country, ...
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I recently re-discovered on my hard drive the Consensus Statement document - attached - published in 1994 of which I was the lead author - Nutrition and Life-Style Guidelines for Pe...
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Prior to the launch of Positive Health PH Online in 1994 I attended a Conference at the Bristol Cancer Help Centre to discuss Nutritional and Lifestyle Guidelines for Cancer Patient...
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Chemotherapy - one of the three legally sanctioned highly toxic cancer treatments - the other two are surgery and radiotherapy - has often been depicted in graphic terms including ...
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My heart sings when I read books and articles which totally embody comprehensive and inclusive integrative / alternative treatments which actually achieve a result. Examples of thi...
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I co-launched Positive Health PH Online some 20+years ago to help bring together - integrate - the disparate treatment approaches / world views of so-called orthodox allopathic and ...
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As we publish this Positive Health PH Online Issue 221, progress or the lack thereof toward attaining acceptance / recognition of the efficacy of non-toxic cancer treatments appears...
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It seems a very long time ago now - 1989-90 - while researching for my book Vitamin C - the Master Nutrient that I came across the now well-thumbed subversive book by Robert Housto...
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We pay tribute and say a sad farewell to Stephen Cooper, co-Founder of the Bloomsbury Alexander Centre in London, Alexander teacher and musician, warm-hearted and friendly, with a l...
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It has never been a secret that one of the principal objectives of Positive Health PH Online was to attempt to bridge the gap between orthodox/allopathic and alternative/complement...
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We are frequently assaulted with dire health warnings about swathes of apocalyptic consequences of our diet, the ingredients in food, the chemicals, antibiotics, pesticides in use. ...
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My spirits have been greatly lifted with the airing of the professional, authoritative and highly informative second series The Truth About Cancer: A Global Quest. This 2015 Series ...
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Recently there have been virtually apocalyptic warnings about how, with the development and spread of antibiotic resistance to even those drugs of last resort, the world will be th...
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Even after 22 years as Editor of Positive Health PH Online, it doesn’t get easier to tread the tightrope between the separate orbs of conventional and complementary / alternative me...
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As presumably are the majority of Positive Health PH Online readers, I have been appalled and assaulted by the depressingly escalating violence and collapse of ancient civilizations...
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Regarding the seeming non-progress in my view to an integrated healthcare system, I experience moments of pure despair and frustration. I have been actively engaged for over 30 yea...
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During the past 6-8 weeks I have experienced significant apprehension, anxiety, even emotional turmoil, all as a result of conflicts and cliff-hangers, both internal and external. I...
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Many events have transpired since publication of previous issue Positive Health PH Online Issue 231 on 16 June, including the EU Referendum in which the Vote Leave Brexit campaign w...
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Am I guilty of hyperbole? Do I catastrophize and rail against what I perceive as ineffective, harmful, even deadly treatments espoused by the orthodox medical establishment? Positiv...
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In this Positive Health PH Online Issue 234 is published The Banerji Protocols - Cases and Evidence of Cancer Remission documenting imaged evidence from X-Rays, MRIs and Stereotaci...
My Experience of Publishing Positive Health PH Online for >22 Years
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David Lorimer’s invitation to describe the impact of publishing Positive Health PH Online for >22 years has provoked within me an intense period of reflection and introspection....
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Having recently been invited by David Lorimer MA PGCE FRSA to write about what it has been like to edit Positive Health PH Online over more than 22 years virtually plunged me down a...
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In the almost 25 years since becoming Editor of Positive Health PH Online, I have never before felt as I do today such a complete polarization between the so-called orthodox / conv...
Cancer Prevention, Detection and Treatment – The Way Forward
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Even if you don’t have cancer, or are not particularly interested in reading about cancer, please read the following articles which contain important information about environmenta...
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Now in its 23rd year, Positive Health PH Online continues to publish articles and research pointing out how certain conventional treatment (drug-led) approaches are apparently being...
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Issue 238 of Positive Health PH Online features Lyme Disease as the cover story, cases of which are soaring / exploding in the UK and USA as well as articles across a wide spectrum ...
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Suppressing, ignoring and downright attacking research evidence of non-pharmaceutically derived, safe, usually natural and non-patentable herbs, nutrients, homeopathic and Ayurvedic...
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This extensive interview was originally broadcast live 17 June 2017 on BBS Radio Holistic Health Show
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As scientific and research evidence mounts across a multitude of disciplines, it is increasingly becoming clearer that certain fundamental tenets / paradigms underlying treatment ap...
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I was incredulous to hear on the news this week – Sept 2017 - results of a five-year study of patients which reported that cyberchondria - people researching health symptoms onlin...
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As production with Positive Health PH Online Issue 242 was underway, it was announced on 2 Oct 2017 by The Nobel Assembly at Karolinska Institutet that the 2017 Nobel Prize for Phys...
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Positive Health PH Online Issue 243 publishes an array of authoritative clinical, nutritional and fitness and bodywork features. Several articles in this issue help to shine a light...
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We now publish Positive Health PH Online Issue 244 in February 2018. That we have been publishing PH Online for some 24 years is mind-boggling to me, considering that we started fro...
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This current Issue of Positive Health PH Online Issue 245 published 15 March 2018 features articles across the spectrum of Mind/Body/Emotions, NLP for Addictions, Relaxation, Fertil...
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Positive Health PH Online Issue 246, made up of an apparently eclectic mix of editorial features demonstrates, on further reflection, how unified is Body / Mind / Spirit.
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As every writer / editor / publisher probably recognizes, close to time of publication I start to exhibit the tell-tale signs of procrastination, delaying tackling the task at hand...
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When Positive Health PH Online Issue 247 was published on 14 June, I got involved with all the usual editorial activities to commence production with Issue 248 published 2 August. W...
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In the Editorial for Issue 248 I reported on the shocking, premature death (age 46) of my partner’s youngest daughter Kate on 16 June, within two weeks of diagnosis, admission to UC...
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Publishing Issue 250 is veritably a landmark milestone – 25 years and 250 issues of Positive Health PH Online. However, the recent past has not been a particularly joyous period: we...
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Positive Health PH Online Issue 251 is published on the cusp of the UK Brexit vote, also the 2019 New Year – momentous yet uncertain times.
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We have been publishing Positive Health PH Online for 25 years, with content spanning the entire spectrum of health through the lens of Complementary / Alternative (CAM) / Integrate...
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In the past month of 2019 I have been both inspired and appalled by totally extreme types of medical practice.
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“Clearly, according to the united mainstream media, “anti-vaxxers” are responsible for returning this measly plague from “near extinction.” As one commentator said, parents who do ...
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As we publish Positive Health PH Online Issue 255, having just commemorated the 75th Anniversary of the D-Day Normandy Landings, UK Prime Minister Theresa May has resigned as Conser...
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As we approach publication of Positive Health PH Online Issue 256, Boris Johnson has been elected as the new leader of the Conservative Party and the new Prime Minister of the UK. I...
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As we approach live publication of Positive Health PH Online Issue 257, I have become beset with, subjected to, even plagued by an extreme sense of malaise, stasis, emotional paraly...
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Positive Health PH Online Issue 258 is published on 24 October 2019 and presents a very satisfying, well-rounded (in my view) array of editorial features ranging from mystical, psy...
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It is with great pleasure, indeed some amazement that we publish Positive Health PH Online January Issue 259 – published on the very same day as the UK Election.
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As we publish February Issue 260 of Positive Health PH Online I have been overwhelmed by the vast torrents of emotional, psychological, political enmity / conflict permeating throug...
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Positive Health PH Online Issue 261 publishes a diverse array of Editorial features spanning the vast health global disciplines ranging from Mind-Body & Spiritual, Mental Healt...
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As we publish Positive Health PH Online Issue 262 end of April 2020, the entire world, at various stages of journeying through the Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic, has been viewing w...
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Positive Health PH Online Issue 263 publishes a stellar array, in my view, of high quality, editorial features spanning the entire spectrum of health issues – spiritual / psychospir...
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We publish Positive Health PH Online Issue 264, now in its 27th year, with a wide array of editorial features spanning the spectrum of Mind-Body-Spirit.
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Positive Health PH Online Issue 265 publishes a wide-ranging spectrum of editorial features spanning a complete gamut of Mind-Body-Spirit topics.
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As we publish Positive Health PH Online Issue 266 with stellar features spanning the huge array of health conditions – encompassing Mental-Emotional-Spiritual, Nutritional and Herba...
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The editorial features in Issue 267 embody the core, almost sacred Positive Health PH Online values of integrated medicine and explore the true concepts of mind-body-spirit, embraci...
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Positive Health PH Online Issue 268, published live 28 Jan 2021 embodies a holistic integration of treatment and clinical approaches to build individual optimum immunity and health....
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As someone who has always strived for consensus rather than adversarial conflict, it has been my paramount goal regarding healthcare to bring together allopathic treatment with com...
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Positive Health PH Online was launched in 1994 following a series of attempts to suppress natural treatments for cancer, as recounted in Issue 235:
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Positive Health PH Online Issue 271 is scheduled to be published live on 10 June 2021, merely 11 days before Stage 4 of the Road Map Recovery Plan – opening up and easing restricti...
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Positive Health PH Online Issue 272 is published live 29 July 2021, ten days following Stage 4 of the UK Road Map – 19 July when mandatory COVID restrictions were lifted. As everyon...
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Positive Health PH Online Issue 273 is published live 9 September 2021. Amid international events including withdrawal of American and UK forces from Afghanistan, ferocious wild fir...
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Positive Health PH Online Issue 274 published live on 21 Oct, sees the world at a pivotal moment, not only in the present tense, but also in long-term prospects of how Planet Earth ...
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Positive Health PH Online January 2022 Issue 275 is published live on 9 Dec 2021 at a critical yet enigmatic juncture in the coronavirus pandemic – just weeks after the Omicron vari...
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Positive Health PH Online Issue 276, is published live 27 Jan 2022 at yet another pivotal and unfathomable point, both with regard to the coronavirus pandemic – perhaps becoming end...
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Positive Health PH Online Issue 277 is published live Thursday 10 March 2022, two weeks into what can only be described as the most brutal, utterly destructive, unprovoked, almost i...
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The cover story Obesity – A Survey of Factors and Practical Responses, written by Edwin Alan Salter MA MSc PhD is recommended in my view as a highly mature and wide-ranging treatise...
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Positive Health PH Online June Issue 279 is published live 9 June 2022. The destructive, apocalyptic war in Ukraine drags on, Covid-19 appears to be receding while Monkey Pox has ap...
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Positive Health PH Online August Issue 280 is published live 28 July, in the midst of a Tory Leadership Contest to select a new UK Prime Minister to replace Boris Johnson. The war ...
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Positive Health PH Online September Issue 281 is published live 8 Sept. Climate change catastrophes – floods of biblical apocalyptic proportions have afflicted Pakistan, while drou...
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Positive Health PH Online November Issue 282 is published live on 20 October. Memorable events have occurred since the publication of Issue 281. These include the death of the Sover...
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Positive Health PH Online January Issue 283 is published live 8 December. Unfortunately the war in Ukraine rages on, Iranian women continue to protest against strict rules dictatin...
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Positive Health PH Online February Issue 284 is published live 26 January 2023. Many countries continue their descent into authoritarian rule; feeling powerless, we witness the brut...
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Positive Health PH Online March Issue 285 is published live 9 March 2023. A myriad of political and topical issues are swirling around, including the Inquiry on the Manchester Arena...
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Positive Health PH Online May Issue 286 is published 27 April 2023. The increasing spiral of tension and conflict across the world, perhaps greater than in any time since the 1950s ...
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Positive Health PH Online June Issue 287 is published 8 June 2023. The worldview appears bleak, with serious conflicts raging in Europe – Russia’s war in Ukraine, Africa – warring S...
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Positive Health PH Online August Issue 288 is published 27 July 2023. The big picture is not a happy one with the continuation of the war in Ukraine, escalating with Russia’s termin...
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Positive Health PH Online September Issue 289 is published 7 September 2023. The international picture remains gloomy with the continuing war in Ukraine, as well as the death of the...
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Positive Health PH Online November Issue 290 is published live 19 October. The unanticipated shock invasion and murder of >1300 Israelis – including babies, men and women of al...
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Positive Health PH Online January 2024 Issue 291 is published live 7 December. The shock invasion and murder of 1200 Israelis on 7 October by Hamas and deaths of perhaps 15000 Pale...
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Positive Health PH Online February 2024 Issue 292 is published live 25 January. I would genuinely prefer to welcome in the New Year 2024 with a joyful note; however, to be honest, I...
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Positive Health PH Online March 2024 Issue 293 is published live 7 March. I have been inspired and transfixed viewing Channel 4’s Lost Temples of Cambodia. Archaeologist Pauline Car...
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Positive Health PH Online May 2024 Issue 294 is published 25 April. The world outlook remains bleak, particularly following the recent explosive attack by Iran on Israel with hundre...
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Positive Health PH Online June 2024 Issue 295 is published 6 June. The world outlook is definitely not positive – an understatement – with major continuing conflicts afflicting key ...
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Positive Health PH Online August 2024 Issue 296 is published 25 July 2024. It is fiendishly difficult to predict the future when it comes to world events.
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The successful emergence of Kamala Harris – as the first black and Asian-American woman to lead a major party's presidential ticket – as the Democratic Presidential Nominee in the U...
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Positive Health PH Online November 2024 Issue 298 is published 17 October 2024. The world situation appears desperately bleak; how can we continue to live being hopeless?
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Positive Health PH Online December 2024 Issue 299 is published 5 December 2024. Noteworthy events have transpired since the publication of PH Online Issue 298: in the 5 November USA...
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Positive Health PH Online February 2025 Issue 300 is published 23 January 2025. President-elect Donald Trump has been sworn in at his inauguration as 47th President of the USA. Isr...
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Positive Health PH Online March 2025 Issue 301 is published 6 March 2025. The “tectonic plates” of the US, UK and Europe have been and are moving following critical announcements b...
Book reviews by Sandra Goodman PhD
Rapid Virus Recovery – No Need to Live in Fear
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How to End the Autism Epidemic
Listed in vaccination
Jacqueline's Diary - When Cancer Came to Visit
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On Smaller Dogs and Larger Life Questions
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Listed in heart
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KETO FOR CANCER - Ketogenic Metabolic Therapy as a Targeted Nutritional Strategy
Listed in cancer
The Truth About Cancer: What You Need to Know About Cancer’s History, Treatment and Prevention
Listed in cancer
Every Body Tells a Story: A Craniosacral Journey
Listed in bodywork
Neem - Nature's Healing Gift to Humanity
Listed in herbal medicine
Listed in cancer
Under Cover of Darkness - How I Blogged My Way Through Mantle Cell Lymphoma
Listed in cancer
You Can Beat Lung Cancer Using Alternative / Integrative Interventions
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Chemotherapy Heals Cancer and the Earth is Flat
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Shattering the Cancer Myth - A Positive Guide to Beating Cancer - 4th Edition
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The Unborn Child: Beginning a Whole Life and Overcoming Problems of Early Origin
Listed in women's health
Indigenous Herbal Medicines: Tribal Formulations and Traditional Herbal Practices
Listed in herbal medicine
Toxic Dentistry Exposed: The Link between Dentistry and Chronic Disease
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Listed in drugs
Side Effects: A Prosecutor, a Whistleblower, and a Bestselling Antidepressant on Trial
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It's Not Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: RSI Theory and Therapy for Computer Professionals
Listed in sports injuries
Cancer Recovery Guide and Cancer the Complete Recovery Guide
Listed in cancer
Listed in bodywork
My Dearest Enemy, My Dangerous Friend: Making and Breaking Sibling Bonds
Listed in psychospiritual
Listed in nutrition
Food is Better Medicine Than Drugs: Your Prescription for Drug-Free Health
Listed in nutraceuticals
The Churkendoose Anthology - True Stories of Triumph over Neurological Dysfunction
Listed in learning and development
5 Secrets of Health and Happiness: Chinese Wisdom to Nourish Your Life
Listed in chinese oriental medicine
Listed in light and colour
The Alternative - Book and Video Series for Discovery Health Channel
Listed in complementary medicine
The Desktop Guide to Complementary and Alternative Medicine - an evidence-based approach
Listed in complementary medicine
Listed in complementary medicine
Listed in complementary medicine
Numb Toes and Aching Soles: Coping with Peripheral Neuropathy
Listed in complementary medicine
Listed in energy medicine
The Essence of Self-Healing - How to bring health and happiness into your life
Listed in healing
The Healing Sun - Sunlight and Health in the 21st Century
Listed in healing
Your Heart and You: A Holistic Guide to a Healthier Heart
Listed in heart
The Homeopathic Conversation - The Art of Taking the Case
Listed in homeopathy
Listed in immune function
Integrating Complementary Therapies in Primary Care
Listed in integrated medicine
The Good Web Guide - Mind, Body & Spirit
Listed in internet and AI
Destructive Emotions and How We Can Overcome Them
Listed in meditation
An Open Heart - Practising Compassion in Everyday Life
Listed in meditation
The Dalai Lama's Book of Daily Meditations - The Path To Tranquillity
Listed in meditation
The Wooden Bowl - Simple Meditation for Everyday Life
Listed in meditation
Conversations with the Body - The True Sixth Sense Story of a Medical Intuitive
Listed in mind body
Metaphors in Mind - Transformation through Symbolic Modelling
Listed in mind body
Listed in mind body
Reinventing Medicine: Beyond Mind-Body to a New Era of Healing
Listed in mind body
Who Are You? 101 Ways of Seeing Yourself: An Identikit of Self-Discovery
Listed in mind body
Vitamin C, Infectious Diseases, & Toxins - Curing the Incurable
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The X Factor Diet - For lasting weight loss and vital health
Listed in nutrition
Dr Atkins Vita-Nutrient Solution: Nature's answer to drugs
Listed in nutraceuticals
The Complete Illustrated Guide to Nutritional Healing
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Feel-Good Food - A Guide to Intuitive Eating
Listed in nutrition
The Food Revolution: How your diet can help save your life and the world
Listed in nutrition
Listed in nutraceuticals
Listed in nutrition
Listed in nutrition
Living Food for Health - 12 Natural Superfoods to Transform Your Health
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Listed in organic food
Listed in psychotherapy
Embracing Uncertainty - Achieving peace of mind as we face the unknown
Listed in psychotherapy
Momma and the Meaning of Life - Tales of Psychotherapy
Listed in psychotherapy
Breaking the Bonds - Understanding Depression, Finding Freedom
Listed in psychotherapy
Dancing with the Devil - Survival for Healers and Therapists
Listed in reiki
Empower your Life with Reiki - Focus your body's energy for deep relaxation and inner peace
Listed in reiki
Places to Be - A compendium of transformational holidays and places to 'just be'
Listed in retreats and travel
Listed in skincare
Your Body's Many Cries for Water
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Listed in weight loss
Listed in weight loss
Listed in weight loss
Overcoming Overeating Conquer your Obsession with Food
Listed in weight loss
The Farmer and the Obstetrician
Listed in women's health
Endometriosis - A Key to Fertility and Healing Through Nutrition
Listed in women's health
The Alternative Pregnancy Handbook
Listed in women's health
Natural Solutions to Infertility
Listed in women's health
The Wisdom of Menopause - The complete guide to creating physical and emotional health and healing
Listed in women's health
Listed in yoga
Your Life in Your Hands - Understanding, Preventing and Overcoming Breast Cancer
Listed in cancer
Natural Compounds in Cancer Therapy
Listed in cancer
Listed in cancer
Medicine Hands: Massage Therapy for People with Cancer
Listed in cancer
Listed in cancer
Integrated Cancer Care: Holistic Complementary and Creative Approaches
Listed in cancer
The Breast Cancer Prevention and Recovery Diet
Listed in cancer
To Kaisa - Life, Love & Complementary Health Care
Listed in cancer
Living Proof - A Medical Mutiny
Listed in cancer
Listed in cancer
Healing Back Pain Naturally - The Mind-Body Programme Proven to Work
Listed in back pain
Backache - The Complete Guide to Relief
Listed in back pain
Listed in asthma
Essential Aromatherapy CDROM - The Revision Package
Listed in aromatherapy
Listed in aromatherapy
Listed in allergies
Listed in allergies
Age Power - The Revolutionary Path to Natural High-Tech Rejuvenation
Listed in ageing
I'm Fine! Learning to Unblock Your Emotions
Listed in psychotherapy